Housing Guide 2017

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FOR T COLLINS LIVING Housing Guide 2017 Roommates Finding compatible people to live with, breaking down U + 2 rules, and roommate conflict resolution

Transportation Alternate transportation options, limiting commuting expenses, parking on and around campus

Safety Protecting your property, securing your deposit, and avoiding noise citations through party registration




Don’t Panic ...................................................4 Why Live On? ...............................................8 City Codes/Roommate Conflict ................10 Advice for International Students..............12 U + 2 ............................................................14 Party Smart ..................................................18 Safety First ...................................................19 Protect Your Deposit ..................................20

Cover Photo: Chase Baker, CSU Social Media Team Cover Design: Shannon Sullivan Publication Design: Lilly Luke Brianna Nash

Contributions include Off-Campus Life, Student Resolution Center, Housing and Dining Services, Student Legal Services and the City of Fort Collins. The CSU Housing Guide is produced by the advertising and creative services staffs of The Rocky Mountain Collegian in partnership with Off-Campus Life.

Budgeting For Off Campus .......................23 Moving Off Campus ...................................24 What’s Normal Wear & Tear? .....................26 Apartment Guide........................................27 Housing Locator Map.................................30



Did you know there is an office on campus to help you find off-campus rental housing?! It is Off-Campus Life, and we have a host of ways to help you find the perfect place to live next year!

Here’s how we can help:

1. 2.

CSU RentalSearch – RentalSearch is an exclusive site for CSU students to find housing in Fort Collins. Visit rentalsearch.colostate.edu and log in using your EID to search for vacant rentals, rooms for rent, and potential roommates. You can also list your own


vacant place, room for rent, or yourself as a potential roommate.

CSU Housing Fair February 7th, 2017, 9am-4pm, LSC Grand Ballroom. Brought to you by OffCampus Life, this free event is open to the public and takes place in the Lory Student Center every spring. On this day, you can visit with landlords, apartment complex personnel, property managers, and community resources. See what is available for rent, shop around and compare, ask questions, gather freebies, and enter a drawing for grand prizes!

Be sure to shop around and explore your housing options before signing a lease. Decide what you’re looking for and broaden your search! The following resources will help you do just that: • Newspapers: Collegian, Coloradoan, and other prints • Local realtors


Off-Campus Life Apartment Complex and Property Management Lists - On the Off-Campus Life website (ocl.colostate.edu), you will find two easy-to-use resources: •

Apartment Complex List is an extensive list with pricing, lease options, amenities, proximity to campus, etc.—all the details you need to know about apartments catering to students.

Property Management Company List is a compilation of property managers in town with contact information and direct links to their websites. It’s a great place to search for houses, condos, and duplexes!


Roommate Round-ups – Like “speed dating” but for roommates! This program is designed to connect people who have a vacant room or rental and others who need a place to live. Offered

• Bulletin boards in public locations • NorthernColoradoRentals.com and other rental websites • Signs in lawns/windows • Word of mouth: ask other students and community members. Find out what management company or apartment complex they have used, who their landlord was, and what it was like to live there.

multiple times throughout fall and spring semesters, this is a great opportunity to meet people face-to face and do on-the-spot roommate interviews! Visit Off-Campus Life’s website calendar for future dates coming soon.


Visit Off-Campus Life to get all the help you need in finding the best place that’s right for you! We are located in Room 274 of the LSC, (970) 491-2248, ocl@colostate.edu.




WHY LIVE ON? SEVEN REASONS TO LIVE ON CAMPUS It is often assumed that after one

Location, location, location: If you

Hall, 4th floor lofts in Parmelee, single

year in the halls all students move off

want easy access to The Rec, Morgan

rooms, and open housing. There are

campus. In reality, one out of every

Library, Moby, and events on campus,

designated wings and floors in these

six students in the halls are returning,

living on campus offers the best

locations set aside for returning and

transfer, and upperclass students. There

location in FoCo.

upperclass students only.

are 900 premium spaces set aside for

Easy living: Forget leases, splitting

Flexible, convenient dining: The U

returning students next year so don’t

utilities with roommates, shoveling

Plan, offered only to returning students,

forget to consider the benefits of

sidewalks, and grocery shopping, the

provides maximum flexibility with just

staying on campus.

halls offer one bill that goes directly

5 meals per week. Returning students

to your student account with no

also have the option to select the Any

on campus have higher GPAs than

negotiation required. Room and board

10, Any 14, Any 21, or Any Meal, Any

students who live off campus, and the

rates for next year are frozen so you

Time dining plans.

gap is more significant for second-year

know up front what your costs will be.

Higher GPAs: Students who live


$0 due at signing: If you return to

Skip the commute: When it’s cold and snowy outside enjoy the luxury of

the halls, your deposit

sleeping in and still arriving to class on

from this year carries over

time without the hassle of scraping car

to next fall and there are

windows, finding parking, biking on icy

no hidden or surprise

roads, or waiting at the bus stop.

application fees, security deposits, or first and last month rent due. Designated spaces

for returning, transfer,

and upperclass students: You get first choice of available rooms on campus, including premium spaces in Laurel Village, Aspen

Apply by the deadline of February 28 to be entered to win free room and board for next year as well as one of five $500 prizes. Visit housing.colostate.edu/liveon for more details.

WHY DO YOU LIVE ON? “Living on campus your second year is more independent than your first. I was a part of a close-knit community of students, but my RA was more hands-off and we all spent more time off campus. If you aren’t ready to commit to paying rent, finding roommates, or living far away, residence halls are a FUN way to continue to grow as an upperclassman and also stay plugged in.” Michelle - Braiden Hall “When living on campus everything seems more convenient. I don’t have to worry about paying bills, or keeping a strict budget for food. If I want to go to the library to study I can easily walk there in less than five minutes and not worry if I will make the last bus in time.” Moira - Newsom Hall “I love being so interconnected with my community, close to my classes, and having access to great meals every day. Life in the halls is a must for those seeking a deep focus on their academic career and comfort throughout their collegiate experience.” Avery - Braiden Hall “Living on campus for a second year is so much fun. It allows you to get to know more people, as well as build relationships - I feel like I have a family in the residence halls.” Adriana - Pinon Hall




UNDERSTANDING IMPORTANT CITY CODES & ORDINANCES While there are many codes and ordinances within the city, there are a few that get discussed a little more frequently among students. Here is your chance to get a glimpse of how some of these ordinances may have an impact on you. Unreasonable Noise: A violation of this ordinance can come with a $1,000+ price tag (per resident!) and a criminal misdemeanor. In the City of Fort Collins unreasonable noise is determined, typically, when noise is heard beyond property lines. When a noise complaint is called into Fort Collins Police Services, an officer is sent to determine if the level of noise is unreasonable by considering the time of day, type of noise and other factors. While you may think you are doing a good job at keeping the noise down, it is always wise to go outside and walk around your property line to determine if noise can be heard from your residence. Nuisance Gathering Ordinance: This ordinance holds party hosts accountable for any damage to neighboring properties as a result of their gathering. A conviction carries a $1,000+ fine, in ADDITION to the cost of any repairs needed, with the possibility of jail time or community service hours. Examples of these damages include trash and litter, public urination and vandalism. Remember, as a party host you are responsible for what happens at, and as a result of, your party, including the actions of others. For information on how to avoid receiving these citations, check out the Party Smart article. Those are some heavy hitters, but how about other codes and ordinances that could have a smaller impact on you? Whether you rent or own, there are several important nuisance ordinances to be aware of. If violations are not corrected in the allotted time, the City will bill the property owner for the expense, which may be passed down to tenants. The City may also issue citations for chronic problem

properties or for violations that can’t be corrected by a contractor. Trash: Residents are not allowed to accumulate trash and discarded items. Trash containers must be stored out of view from the street. Snow: You are responsible for clearing snow and ice off the public sidewalks adjacent to your property within 24 hours of accumulation. Remember it’s easier to shovel fresh snow! Sofas: Furniture manufactured for indoor use is prohibited from outdoor areas. This includes unenclosed porches. Weeds: Weeds and grass on your property can only be up to 6 inches tall. As a renter, it is important to know that a violation of any of the above may cost you additional fees assessed by your property manager. So what happens if I have received any citations related to the issues above? Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO): The PNO is a tool for dealing with chronic problem properties. Properties are considered problematic when citations occur on a regular basis. Property owners are accountable for the use of their properties and the behaviors of tenants. If a residence receives two citations (of the same kind) within six months, three citations (of any kind) in a year, or five citations in two years, the tenants and property owner can be held responsible under the PNO which may require eviction. It is important to note that citations follow the property, so be aware of prior citations to avoid costly fines or possible eviction. You can check on property violation history by calling (970) 224-6046.

OFF-CAMPUS ROOMMATE CONFLICTS CREATING A COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT Student Resolution Center and Residence Life Roommate conflicts can happen at any time, but when students move into off-campus residences and increase the number of roommates they are living with, they often face more complex issues. People who start out as the best of friends may find themselves feuding over bills, food, overnight guests, cleanliness, noise, parking, pets, house temperature, parties, or alcohol/drug use. Conflict can be scary and uncomfortable, yet it can also be a great opportunity to develop and practice communication and conflict resolution skills. By maintaining open lines of communication with your roommates, you can avoid escalation by addressing issues when they arise. Here are a few tips to help with conflict: 1. Encourage communication and collaboration. Most roommate conflicts occur due to lack of communication. Use “I” statements to communicate any behavior bothering you, rather than judging or accusing the individual. Try to work toward a solution 10 STUDENT HOUSING GUIDE 2017

that is mutually acceptable for everyone involved, and be willing to recognize where you may have room for improvement. 2. Remember that conflicts are normal. It’s not essential for roommates to be best friends with one another, or for best friends to be roommates. In fact, sometimes it’s better not to live together in order to get a little break from each other. Be proactive in your roommate relationship so you can feel ready to talk about it when conflict begins. 3. Being direct is the key. Sometimes we are afraid to hurt our roommate’s feelings, but this can also end up hurting them more in the end. Remember to stand up for your rights while respecting others. It’s not what you say but how you say it! When you are direct (and respectful), everyone involved usually benefits. 4. Avoid the following behaviors. Communication through text message or social media, getting friends and others involved who do not need to be involved, and/or confronting a roommate when there has been no time allowed for “cooling-off” are not effective

methods of communication. Avoid confronting your roommate when you are angry. Face-to-face communication is far more effective than a white board or post-it note. The Student Resolution Center (SRC) is a great resource on campus for roommate (or other) conflicts. Oftentimes students have a concern but don’t know how to navigate the situation. SRC can help you through Conflict Coaching, in which we meet with you one-on-one to talk through things, brainstorm solutions, and prepare for the conversation with your roommate. For students who feel the lines of communication with their roommate have broken down, SRC can offer a neutral third-party mediation to help facilitate a difficult conversation. To set up an appointment with SRC you can call 970-491-7165, request an appointment at resolutioncenter.colostate.edu, or come visit the office (501 W. Lake St, Suite A, Aggie Village, Walnut Hall). Whatever the conflict, SRC is here to help!



You got off the plane and took the bus to your new Private bathrooms – not so fast. While you may

many rental options that do include utilities. Just

you received your admissions letter to CSU. According

prefer to have your own private bathroom, when it

pay close attention to the lease and what is and isn’t

to some stereotypical college American movies, like

comes to rentals in the United States, your choices


National Lampoon’s Animal House or Accepted and

may be limited. If you want the “classic American

maybe even Monster’s University, you think you have a

roommate experience,” be prepared to share a

good idea of what your new roommates might be like.

bathroom with your roommates and their guests.

want to own a dog or smoke hookah, your housing

You have pictured yourself drinking beer and going to

If you can’t live without a private bathroom, you

options may be limited. Most landlords don’t want

parties every weekend. You envision having a cranky

should look to rent a room with a master bathroom

these in their rentals, and if you violate the policies

landlord who will get mad about the dartboard in the

which means the bathroom is “en suite” and

you could be facing thousands of dollars in fees and

bathroom or the sofa on the roof.

attached to your room. Additionally, you may want

possibly getting evicted from your apartment.

apartment, the one you reserved months ago once



to look at apartment complexes that offer individual

You go for it and sign the lease, unlock the door

leases and individual bathrooms.

and find a neat, clean living room with one roommate


cooking dinner and another roommate studying on the couch. Where’s the party you were promised in the

Parties, pets & smoking – If you like to party or


Floors are NOT waterproof. Most houses in the

Don’t sign a lease until you have read through the entire contract! It might seem very long

and boring, but make sure you understand the

movies? Well, that was the movies. You will hear a lot of

United States are made of wood and don’t have

terms and conditions because a contract is a

myths and some truths about living in the United States.

drains in the floors like houses in other countries.

legally-binding agreement that you must follow.

Here are a few things we believe you should know, no

You must keep water off the floors. This means

CSU’s Student Legal Services office can help you

movie fantasies, about being an international student

you must keep the shower head and curtain in the

understand the lease. Call (970) 491-1482 or visit

seeking housing in Fort Collins:

shower and only put toilet paper in the toilet. If you

their website, sls.colostate.edu/ before signing a

don’t, you’ll have a flood in your house along with



U + 2 – this LAW means you can only live with two

an expensive repair bill and a very angry landlord.

roommates who are not related to you -- not two roommates and their two boyfriends, not you and


Utilities included – it depends. The rent looks like a


Take pictures and document problems with your rental BEFORE moving in. Most rental

your cousin and her three best friends. Even if your

fair price but now you have to pay for a deposit, first

places have an inventory form for you to document

house has five bedrooms, unless the place is zoned

and last month rent, internet, TV, electricity, water,

any damages that currently exist in your apartment.

for more than three people, that’s all you get. For

heat, gas, sewer, trash, Home Owner’s Association

If an inventory form isn’t provided, there is a sample

more detailed information check out: fcgov.com/

fees, snow removal, pet deposit, carpet cleaning,

one in the Off-Campus Life Student Handbook, ocl.


yard maintenance…and the list goes on. Don’t





DO’S AND DON’T OF LIVING WITH OTHERS Did you know that in the City of Fort Collins no more

list. Some apartment complexes are also exempt to

regularly inspects the Avery Park area, no formal

than three unrelated individuals may live together?

this rule, and you can find those on Off-Campus Life’s

complaint needed, and identifies potential violations.

Prior to signing a lease, it is important to know the

apartment complex list.

The Avery Park pilot area has been defined as the

facts behind the occupancy ordinance and how it may

A little history…

section of the City bordered by Shields Street on the

have an impact on you.

Since the 1960’s, Fort Collins has enforced occupancy

east, Prospect Road on the south, Taft Hill Road on

restrictions. The City addresses occupancy to help

the west, and Elizabeth Street on the north.

Some facts…

ensure health and safety of residents, and to help


protect the quality and character of neighborhoods.

Occupancy in a residential dwelling unit (single-

If you are looking for a little more detail to this law,

family, duplex, and apartments) is restricted to:


One family and not more than one additional

A new development….

please visit fcgov.com (just type “occupancy” into the

person, or

Since January 2016, the City started a pilot program

search tab) or contact Neighborhood Services at (970)

Two adults (and their dependents) and not more

in the Avery Park neighborhood, enforcing the


than one additional person.

ordinance on a proactive basis. This means the City

“Family” means any number of persons who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, guardianship or other duly authorized custodial relationship, who live together as a single housekeeping unit and share common living, sleeping, cooking and eating facilities.

Helpful examples… 1.

Allowed: three unrelated friends


Allowed: three unrelated friends and guests


Allowed: two siblings and one friend

who stay 30 nights or less in a 12-month period 4.

Not allowed: four unrelated friends


Not allowed: three unrelated friends and


Need more information…

Not allowed: two siblings and their 2 friends guests who stay more than 30 nights in a 12-month period (anyone who spends more than 30 nights in a dwelling unit in a 12-month period is an occupant)

There are exceptions… A frequently asked question that students have is whether there are any places that allow for more than three unrelated people to live. The answer is yes! There are options in the City that allow for extra occupancy. If you are interested in finding a place where you can live with additional friends, visit the Off-Campus Life website and under the Off-Campus Housing tab/Helpful Resources, you will find the “Extra Occupancy” 14 STUDENT HOUSING GUIDE 2017



1721 Choice Center Dr www.StateOnCampus.com




ADVICE TO AVOID POTENTIAL POLICE CONFLICTS The Off-Campus Life staff Hosting a party has its risks, but there are steps you can take to lessen the chances of interacting with police and receiving a ticket if officers do show up. Always remember that when hosting a gathering you are assuming responsibility for any and all issues that may take place. Here are some of the many tips to help you host a safe party. • Discuss party expectations with your roommates before you host a gathering. Things to consider include: date, timeframe, house rules, how many people to have over, what you will provide guests, etc. • Notify your neighbors in advance and provide them with a phone number of the sober host. Neighbors are way more likely to contact you than police if they know you. • Designate a sober host to control music volume, access to the party, outside disturbances, and to address any interactions with the neighbors or police. Neighbors typically report that it’s the behaviors of people coming and going (including parking issues) to the party that they find most disruptive, not the party itself. Make sure the sober host is monitoring the foot traffic to and from the party, and don’t forget to check the backyard. Encourage your guests to be quiet and respectful before they come and when they leave. • Think before you post! We strongly advise against posting your party using social media outlets. Simply put, what you put out on social media cannot be taken back. Posting your gettogether using social media can lead to out-of-control parties, unwanted guests (are you really comfortable with complete strangers in your home?) and their unwanted behaviors, and more guests than your gathering can accommodate without unwanted consequences. Remember, as a party host you are responsible for what happens at and as a result of your party, including the actions of others. • Engaging in a riot can have long term consequences. Engaging in a riot – or even just being a bystander and watching it – can get you into trouble. Having a role in a riot can mean automatic suspension from all state supported universities – including CSU – for 12 months if convicted – and your tuition is NOT refunded. • Social Host Ordinance holds host(s) responsible for providing a space in which underage possession/consumption of alcohol or marijuana is occurring. The host(s) do(es) not have to provide the alcohol or marijuana to be held responsible. A Social Host Ordinance violation is a civil (non-criminal) infraction that has a $100+ fine. The Social Host Ordinance does not replace current city ordinances (such as Unreasonable Noise and Nuisance Gathering) and it is possible for a party host to be issued multiple citations. • Keep the size reasonable so your party stays in line with the capacity of your residence and to avoid disturbing your

neighbors. Have a guest list! Remember that unwanted guests do not know you or care if you receive a ticket. Do not provide alcohol to minors. If the minor is over 18 but under 21, the crime is a misdemeanor with penalties of up to 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine. If the guest is under age 18, it’s worse: the crime is a felony punishable by up to six years in prison and a $500,000 fine. If you’re in doubt of someone’s age, protect yourself and don’t serve. Do not provide marijuana to minors. If you are 21, Colorado law permits you to use recreational marijuana within a private residence.

Year-round, every night of the week 20 minute warning for noise complaints Avoid a costly $1,000+ noise citation Register in person by 5:00pm Thursdays with Off-Campus Life (LSC Rm. 274)

It is NOT legal to: • Consume marijuana in public • Sell or transfer marijuana to persons under the age of 21 • drive under the influence of marijuana

Visit ocl.colostate.edu for more info

The use and possession of marijuana is prohibited on all CSU property, regardless of your age.



• •

Be proactive by asking for help. If you’re uncomfortable with the size of your party or people will not leave despite your requests, call Fort Collins Police Services’ dispatch nonemergency number (970) 221-6540 ext. 2 and ask for assistance in breaking up your party prior to things getting out of control. Be cooperative towards neighbors, police, and others who come to discuss issues. Don’t make the situation or citation worse. When police arrive, all guests need to leave. Clean up all trash resulting from your party and follow up with your neighbors the next day. Your neighbors may be more tolerant of your next party if they see that you care about how things went for them and that you are respecting the neighborhood. …and Don’t Forget Your Free Party Pack at Off-Campus Life, which includes a ton of free items: neighbor notices, trash bags, a pretty sweet water bottle and more party smart tips!



3. #PARTIES #POLICE #CRIMINALRECORD #JOBTURNDOWNS Your goal should be to graduate without a criminal record. Students do get charged for party, alcohol, and marijuana violations that seem small. We hear over and over that students don’t get considered for jobs due to a criminal record, no matter how petty or small the convictions. If you do get charged, make an appointment with Student Legal Services. You should never go to court before being advised. There might be a way to structure a plea agreement that will allow you to seal a conviction later. Prosecutors you meet at court will not tell you about this. Student Legal Services is located in Room 284 of the Lory Student Center. Information on many legal topics can be found at sls.colostate.edu.


“The List” is given to all police on duty for the night. FALSE – The list is never provided to the officers on the street Dispatch calls every party at midnight to give a warning. FALSE – Dispatch only calls when an address receives a noise complaint from a neighbor. Or, if a neighbor can’t determine a specific address when there is a cluster of parties, dispatch calls all surrounding registered parties. Being on “The List” means police target those addresses. FALSE – Police on duty do not have the list, nor do they have the time to target parties as there are higher priority calls coming in.


WAYS TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR PROPERTY You’ve just moved into a neighborhood and it reminds

call, offer to dial for them instead of allowing them to

you so much of the one you had growing up that you soon find yourself leaving your bike unlocked on the front porch or

enter your home. •

your doors unlocked after dark. It seems like it wouldn’t be a big deal, but all it takes is a few seconds and your precious

or stolen, you’ve basically given them the key to enter. •

belongings can vanish without a trace. As a new resident in the neighborhood, it’s important to remember some tips

Do not put your address on your key ring. If it gets lost Get to know your neighbors! When you move in, introduce yourself and exchange information.

Do not leave keys in hiding places because thieves will

that can help keep you and your belongings safe:

find them. Those fake rocks in the garden aren’t fooling



Lock that door! Even if you intend to return shortly, or

batteries twice a year.

seconds or less to enter an open home and steal your


Lock or secure doors and windows when you are alone

horror movies? Put emergency numbers in your cell phone’s address book for quick access. •

Do not leave messages on your door or answering

for any suspicious strangers lurking around. •

come in and grab what they please. •

If someone asks to use your phone for an emergency

Keep your windows and doors secured. You don’t want

Store all electronic equipment and small valuables in a safe place, like at a friend’s house or even take them with you!

Have a timer for lights so your house looks busy even when you are not home. They’re a cheap way to keep your home safe even when you’re not there.

Avoid walking alone at night unless absolutely necessary.

Keep to well-lit and commonly used routes.

Avoid using shortcuts and isolated areas.

Walk purposefully, know where you are going, and project a no-nonsense image.

Avoid dangerous situations.

If you feel threatened, cross the street, locate an emergency phone, or enter a store or a place of

to grant them free access!

machine indicating that you are away and when you will return. That is basically an open invitation for thieves to

Thieves know the college schedule, so make your place look busy and ask your neighbors to keep an eye out

or asleep. Do we need to remind you about all those •

Check if smoke detectors are working and change the

even if you are going down the block. It takes a thief 10 property. •


business (even if you have just left it). •

Have your door keys ready; carry them in your pocket or hand, not buried in a purse or backpack.

When walking to your car, don’t hit the unlock button until you are in close proximity to the vehicle and lock the doors behind you once you are inside.



Give a detailed, clear narration

Room 274, Lory Student Center, ocl.

of the condition of the residence.


Go from room to room, blemish to

With help from Kathleen Harward,


Director, Student Legal Services

Send a Copy to Your Landlord:

Room 284, Lory Student Center, sls.

Even if your landlord refuses to sign it,


send him a copy with a request for a reply. Keep a copy of your cover letter,

Your security deposit is the amount

check-in sheet, and video.

of money collected at the beginning of the lease and held by the landlord


to cover damages beyond ordinary

With the best camera you have

wear and tear -- the deposit usually

access to, photograph your entire

represents a substantial sum of money.

unit, paying close attention to

Accordingly, you should take care to

damaged areas. When the photos are

ensure you get it back. Some landlords

developed, note the date they were

are fair and reasonable in returning

taken and the area pictured on the

deposits, others are not. Rather

back of each photo.

than waiting to find out what type of landlord you have, take a few simple precautions in advance to protect your substantial investment.

WITNESS Have someone other than a roommate inspect your unit when

#SPRING #MUSTHURRY #FINDRENTAL #SLOWDOWN #SMELLTHEFLOWERS Student Legal Services attorneys say to you: Choose smelling the flowers over rushing into a rental!

you move in. Have the same person WHEN YOU MOVE IN

inspect it when you move out.

Resist the frenzy! Don’t be lured by landlord giveaways and discounts to sign early.

document the condition of your rental


Fort Collins will not run out of rentals by August. Too often your plans (or your intended roommates’ plans) will change. Most leases require that you pay a re-let fee (in the hundreds of dollars) and find your own replacements to terminate a lease, even if you’ve never moved in.

Check-In Sheets: Check-in sheets

unit when you move in. Usually both

Be responsible. Take care of your

the tenant and the landlord sign the

rental unit. Report problems to your

list to acknowledge its accuracy. You

landlord promptly.

can find examples of check-in sheets on Off-Campus Life’s website, under the “helpful resources” tab. Make a Video: Imagine that a

WHEN YOU MOVE OUT The conditions you documented at move in should have been sent

judge is viewing your videos, deciding

to your landlord at the beginning of

what you should be charged for, what

your lease. Additionally, you should

was pre-existing to your tenancy, what

have kept copies of those documents,

was ordinary wear and tear, and what

especially if there was evidence of pre-

was damage caused by your misuse.

existing damage prior to your tenancy.

You should make a detailed

You should only be charged if there

narrated video before you move in,

is evidence you caused new damage

and before the unit is cluttered with

beyond ordinary wear and tear.

boxes and your items.


Never sign until you confirm the landlord has a decent reputation. Search the internet for reviews! Come to Student Legal Services BEFORE you sign any lease. We will explain lease jargon and steer students away from problems. Check out our tips for seeking a rental: sls.colostate.edu




Consider paying the full semester’s rent at the beginning of each semester.

Living on campus has its perks. Being close to

Consider buying renter’s insurance. It will

everything on campus, having someone else

cover theft or fire damage to your personal

do all the cooking, shopping and cleaning and

property and only costs $10-20 per month.

never having to shovel or mow. On the other hand, living off campus provides the flexibility

Cooking and Shopping Tips:

to do your own cooking and shopping which

Learn to cook simple and quick meals.

means you can be more cost effective. Below

Pack a lunch every day instead of eating out and you could save $1,000 each year.

are a few financial tips to avoid some pitfalls that can destroy your money management plan when

Never shop when you are hungry or you may spend more than you have budgeted.

living off campus: •

Try to take cash instead of debit or credit

Money Management Tips:

cards when shopping so you don’t spend

Determine all your costs ahead of time.

more than you have.

Determine all your resources ahead of time.

Develop and stick to a plan that makes sure your required expenses fit with your

of groceries that you have budgeted. • •

when funds in your bank account are not

Find roommates that have similar values

sufficient. •

Avoid parking tickets by riding your bike or taking the bus.

and share living space with someone who has a very different idea about how things

Create your own scholarship.

should be done and how much can be

Latte scholarship- make your own coffee instead of buying lattes

spent on rent, food, Internet, heating, air conditioning, etc.

A $4 latte every day, Monday through Friday for the academic year, is a cost of $640.

You can often use financial aid to pay toward rent, food, and utilities. Financial

Bottled water scholarship

aid applies toward your semester University

A $1.50 bottle of water every day, Monday

expenses first and the excess may be sent

through Friday for the academic year, is a

to you in a refund to help pay rent, food,

cost of $240

etc. It is important that this refund cover

Soda scholarship

expenses until mid-January, including

A $1.50 bottle of soda every day, Monday

January rent, when spring financial aid

through Friday for the academic year, is a

refunds are sent.

cost of $240.

Renting Tips: •

Opt-in to have your debit card not authorize

tools on our site financialaid.colostate.edu. and resources. It is really difficult to find

Pay all bills on time to avoid late fees and ruining your credit.

management tools including the Schwab MoneyWise on Campus portal as well as

Consider opening a separate bank account for rent and food expenditures.

available resources. Find a tool that works for you; we have several college money

Purchase monthly food cards for the amount

Rent a furnished apartment.

Best wishes on managing your college finances well!


CONSIDERING MOVING OFF CAMPUS? KEEP ALL YOUR TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS OPEN Aaron Fodge, Alternative Transportation Manager, Parking & Transportation Services

The First Move Off-Campus is a Significant Life Decision

There is nothing more exciting than selecting your first apartment or house after your first year of college. It is fun to get wrapped up in the decisions about how many bedrooms to secure for your apartment, or who you might live with. Unfortunately, these decisions often outweigh the more impactful opportunity: How can a student limit the amount of time and money spent on the commute to CSU? Consider this first decision to move off-campus a test-run for the major financial decision to come after a student graduates.

Consider Commuting Expenses

Where a student decides to live, whether a student rents or owns the property -- is a significant life decision. The distance between where a student lives and where a student travels daily influences a monthly budget for living expenses, but also dictates how much time a student will need to spend commuting when time could be spent on other tasks. Too often, a young professional will consider only the cost of their rent when making a decision on where to live. The chance to save, let’s say, $100 per month on rent


by living farther away from campus is quickly lost to a CSU parking permit, fuel, auto insurance and maintenance. Many find the cheaper rent decision actually led to an increase in monthly expenses.

The CLOSER you live to campus…

The FEWER transportation options (walk, bike, transit routes, longboard) are available to you

How Can A Student Limit Commuting Expenses When Selecting a Rental?

The MORE time you will spend driving when you could be doing something else like studying

The LESS money you will save on car-related expenses (fuel, insurance, maintenance)

The increased likelihood you will need to PAY for an on-campus parking pass

The more DIFFICULT it becomes to walk, bicycle, or longboard because of the longer commute time

The more transportation OPTIONS (walk, bike, transit routes, longboard) are available to you

The less TIME you will spend commuting when you could be doing something else, like studying

The more MONEY you will save on car-related expenses (fuel, insurance, maintenance)

The less likely you will need to pay for an on-campus PARKING PASS

The greater the opportunity to EXERCISE while you commute by bicycle, longboard, and walking

The FARTHER away you live to campus…

Generally, a decision to live closer to campus will provide you a greater opportunity to reduce your transportation expenses and commuting time while attending Colorado State University. The table above compares the decision to live closer or farther away from campus.

Transportation Considerations When Living Off-Campus Ultimately, your decision about where to live is about work-life balance. Where you live will dictate how much time you spend at work, with your family, at play, and… commuting. Just above are great ways to promote balance and save money by using alternative transportation. Also, Walkscore is a great resource that can be used

for obtaining information about proximity to common and popular locations (grocery store, coffee shop, parks, etc.) based on the location of the property. Transit or Bus –Your RamCard allows you to ride all local buses for FREE. Look to see how close your rental is to the local bus line to campus. The largest frequency of routes is west of campus. The MAX bus system creates easier commuting opportunities from the north and south. Some apartment complexes now offer their own shuttles to campus. For more information, visit ridetransfort.com to confirm where the routes are located. Download the RideTransfort app to quickly find out when the next bus comes to your rental Bike – CSU and Fort Collins are recognized nationally as a bike friendly university and community. Select a rental close to a bike trail or bike lane for a safer commute to campus while providing access to recreation. On campus, we have over 10 miles of bike trails and over 15,000 bike rack spaces to lock your bike during your classes. Use the city’s bike map to confirm your rental is near a bike trail or lane: fcgov.com/bicycling/bike-maps.php Bikeshare – Look for a rental near a Zagster Bike Share Station. We have stations on campus where you can drop at bike share bike. To sign up, visit bike.zagster.com/ fortcollins/ (students use promo code: RAMBIKESHARE for 50% off

annual membership). Zipcar Carsharing – The biggest commuter cost savings comes when you leave your car home. CSU and many off-campus properties now host Zipcars (vehicles you can rent hourly for quick trips to the grocery store or a trip to the mountains with your roommates). Pay for a Zipcar only when you need one. Register for a Zipcar Membership before you move in so you are ready to drive when you need one: zipcar.com/ universities/colorado-state-university Carpool – Why drive alone? Split the cost of driving (parking pass, fuel, insurance) by carpooling with someone that lives close to you. Register for a carpool parking permit here: pts.colostate.edu/students/ carpool/ Longboard – Longboards can travel almost as fast as a bicycle. CSU has lockers placed across campus for you to securely lock your longboard. Read more about the laws for proper Longboarding in Colorado: courts.state.co.us/Courts/ Education/Youth/Laws.cfm For more information about transportation-related questions at Colorado State University, please contact Parking and Transportation Services at 970491-7600 or visit: pts.colostate. edu/



by Mike Levy, NorthernColoradoRentals.com Have you ever wondered


deposits when you move in? One of the main purposes of a security deposit is to help cover the cost of any damages to a

Worn out or broken electrical switches

Windows & Window Coverings Frayed or broken pull strings on blinds

why landlords require security


Broken drapery rods

Faded drapes, blinds, or curtains

Torn or missing blinds, curtains, or drapes

Heat blistered blinds

Blinds with bent slats

Sticky windows

Torn or missing screens Broken windows


unit outside of normal “wear and tear” that may occur within your

Plaster cracked from settling

Large holes in the walls from shelving or

Faded, cracked, or chipped paint

hanging pictures

Peeling or loose wallpaper

Repainted walls to a significantly different color Holes in walls

rental period. So, what is normal

Unapproved paint job

“wear and tear”?

Ripped or marked-up wallpaper Ceilings

Stain on ceiling from rain or plumbing

Stains on ceiling from overflowed bath tub


Worn out keys

Lost keys

damage for which a tenant is

Loose or stubborn door locks

Broken or missing locks

responsible. It cannot be used

Loose door hinges or door handles

Damage to doors from forced entry

for normal wear and tear.

Closet doors off track

Damaged or missing doors

Worn carpets

Torn, stained, or burnt carpeting

Carpet seam unglued

Badly scratched or gouged wood floors

Scuffed up wood floors

Linoleum/vinyl tile with tears or holes

REMEMBER: A security deposit can only be used to repair


Linoleum/vinyl tile worn thin Kitchen

Worn countertops

Burns or cuts in countertops


Toilets run or wobble

Broken toilet sets or tank tops

Loose or inoperable faucet handles

Broken or missing faucet handles


Clogged drains from misuse Intentional alterations to the premises



8. STATE ON CAMPUS 1721 Choice Center Drive 970-484-7267 stateoncampus.com Find our ad on page 16 9. RAM’S VILLAGE 900 Constitution Avenue 970-498-0206 ramsvillage.com Find our ad on page 31

5. CAMPUS CROSSINGS AT RAM’S POINTE 2250 West Elizabeth 970-672-0980 ramspointe.com Find our ad on page 13 6. PROSPECT STATION 221 & 303 West Prospect Road 970-237-6838 prospectstation.com Find our ad on page 5


W. Mountain City Park Mulberry





W. Elizabeth

11. RAMS PARK 2226 West Elizabeth 970-980-4643 ramspark@comcast.net Find our ad on page 15 12. CARRIAGE HOUSE APARTMENTS 1171 Springfield Drive 970-407-7267 carriagehouseftcollins.com Find our ad on page 11


La Porte Ave


Taft Hill

4. BRANDT COMPANY 1504 West Prospect 970-482-4000 thebrandtcompany.com Find our ad on page 13

10. PURA VIDA PLACE 518 West Laurel 970-407-7267 puravidaplace.com Find our ad on page 11

Overland Trail

3. ASPEN HEIGHTS 530 Lupine Drive 970-493-1467 myaspenheights.com Find our ad on page 2

W. Vine





Plum Campus West



10 CSU Campus

E. Elizabeth

6 8 CSU Veterinary Hospital


2. UNCOMMON 310 South College 970-672-2717 uncommonfortcollins.com Find our ad on page 25



7. THE DISTRICT 1308 West Plum 970-658-5540 districtcsu.com Find our ad on page 32

e id rs ve Ri

1.LOKAL 1201 West Plum 970-407-7267 lokalcsu.com Find our ad on page 11



HOUSING DIRECTORY WHERE TO FIND YOUR NEXT HOME Complex 1409 (970) 237-5978 1409 Elizabeth St. Aggie Village (970) 491-6511 501, 511, 521 W Lake St.


Studio, 1, 2, &3

Studio, 1, 2, 3, & 4

Arbors at Sweetgrass (970) 221-0945 1720 Kirkwood Dr.

Aspen Heights (970) 493-1467 1103 W Elizabeth St.

Campus Crossing at Ram’s Pointe (970) 672-0908 2250 W Elizabeth St. Campus Flats @ Rams Crossing (970) 482-3898 914 W Lake St.

Carriage House (970) 472-4250 1171 Springfield Dr. Eleven 13 Apartments (970) 419-1113 1113 W Plum St.

Governor’s Park (970) 493-3030 700 E Drake Rd.

Landmark Apartments (970) 482-5740 1050 Hobbit St.

Monthly Rent Per Person* Studio: $995 1: $1195 2: $695 3: $625

Studio: $940 1: $1,025 2: $745 3: $690 4: $660




Lease Terms


Utilities Included in Monthly Rent

Average Monthly Utility Cost

Cable, Inter- Gas: $30 total net, Recycling, Electric: Sewage, Trash, Depends on & Water Usage

All leases Cable, Electric, end June Gas, Internet, 1st, move Recycling, in date is Sewage, Trash, flexible & Water


Trash: $5 flat rate Water & Sewage: $25-$65 Electricty: Depends on Usage

Distance Transport From Campus Services

0.5 miles

1: $1,028 2: $543


3M - 13M

2, 3, 4, & 5

2: $720 3: $680 4: $665 5: $659

YES/NO *$25 a month per person for furnished unit*


Cable, Internet, Recycling, Depends on Sewage, & Usage Trash

1.9 miles

2, 3, & 4

2: $665 3: $575, $675 for master bedroom 4: $565


10M 12M

Cable, Internet, Recycling, $15 - $30 per Sewage, Water person & Trash

1.5 miles


Cable, Internet, Recycling, Sewage, $20-$40 total Water, Trash, & Gas

10M 12M

Cable, Internet, Recycling, $15-$20 per Sewage, Water person & Trash

Classic 1B: $1,015 Upgraded 1B: $1,140 1B Loft: Flats, Lofts, $1,565 &2 Classic 2B: $619 Upgraded 2B: $758 2B Loft: $1,000


1, 2, & 3

1: $1,075 2: $700 3: $650


2 person flat: $565 2 person townhome: $750 3 person townhome: $600

Studio, 1, &2

Studio: $975$1,294 1: $1110 2: $563



1, 2, & 3

1: $1105 2: $650 3: $545



Bold: Housing Guide Advertiser



12 M

All Utilities Included In Monthly Rent



$70-80 total

Cable, Internet, Recycling, Depends on Sewage, Water Usage & Trash

Yes - Parking Lot Cost: Included In Rent



Appliances Included Fridge, Dishwasher, Microwave, Oven, Stove, Garbage Disposal, Washer & Dryer

Community Kitchen, Ping Pong Table, Game Room, Fridge, Dishwasher, Yes - Parking Lot 19 Study Lounges, Microwave, Oven, On Campus On Campus Cost: $300 per and 4 Meeting Stove, Garbage semester Rooms, 800 Bicycle Disposal, Washer, Parking Spaces, & Dryer & On Sit Parking Options



Near Bus Stop


2.6 miles

Pets YES Cost: $250 per animal


YES Cost: $300.00 Pet Fridge, Dishwasher, Fee Non–refundPool, Gym, Fire- Microwave, Oven, able, No Deposit Near Bus Yes - Parking Lot Stove, Garbage place, Garage, & $30.00 Monthly Stop Cost: N/A Disposal, Washer, Clubhouse Pet Rent (one pet) & Dryer $50.00 Monthly Pet Rent (two pets) Pool, Gym, Clubhouse, Game Fridge, Dishwasher, YES Room, Movie Microwave, Oven, Cost: One time fee Free Shuttle Yes - Parking Lot Room, Volleyball Stove, Garbage Service Cost: Free of $300 per animal, Court, Yoga Room, Disposal, Washer non refundable Study Lounge, & & Dryer Tanning Bed Pool, Gym, Hot Fridge, Dishwasher, Tub, Game Room, Yes - Parking Lot Microwave, Oven, Near Bus Computer Lab, Air Cost: $25 one Stove, Garbage NO Stop Conditioned Units, time charge Disposal, Washer Clubhouse, & Ten& Dryer nis Courts

0.1 miles

2 Gyms, Tanning Walking Dis- Yes - Parking Lot Bed, Business Centance Cost: Free ter, Pool, & Coutyard w/ Barbeque

Classic: Fridge, Stove, Oven, Dishwasher, & Garbage Disposal Upgraded: Everything included in classic model plus microwave

0.1 miles

Yes - Parking Lot Walking Dis- Cost: $50 a month tance for an assigned space

Fridge, Dishwasher, Microwave, Oven, YES Stove, Garbage Cost: Included in Disposal, Washer Guarantor Form & Dryer

0.7 miles

Near Bus Stop

2 miles

Near Bus Stop

0.5 miles

Near Bus Stop

Bike Parking & Outdoor Grills


YES Yes - Parking Lot Bike Storage, Club Cost: $250 one Fridge, Microwave, Cost: $30 a month House, Gym, Hot time pet fee, $25 Oven, Stove, Dishfor an assigned Tub, Pool Table, & per month for one washer space Laundry Center pet & $35 per month for two pets Fridge, Dishwasher, Gym, Pool, Tan- Microwave, Oven, YES Yes - Parking Lot ning Bed, Tennins Stove, Fireplace, Cost: $40 per pet, Cost: Free Court, & Dog Park Garbage Disposal, per month Washer & Dryer Pool, Volleyball YES Fridge, Dishwasher, Court, Bike ParkCost: $300 one Microwave, Oven, Yes - Parking Lot ing, Horseshoe time pet fee, $30 Stove, Fireplace, Cost: Free Pit, Gym, Business per month for one Garbage Disposal, Center, & Tanning pet & $50 per Washer & Dryer Bed month for two pets

Complex Lokal (970) 407-7267 1201 W Plum St.

Max Flats (970) 484-3454 505 S Mason St.

Miramont (970) 223-4940 4900 Boardwalk Dr.

Pavillions at Silver Sage (866) 932-6382 1212 Raintree Dr.

Prospect Plaza (970) 482-9513 304 W Prospect Rd.


Monthly Rent Per Person*


Studio: $1390 Studio, 1, 2, 1: $1430 &3 2: $805 3: $769


10M 12M

Studio: $1230-1300 Studio, 1, 2, 1: $1230&3 1300 2: $775-825 3: $700


3-12 M

Ramblewood (970) 484-5559 155 Briarwood Rd.

Rams Crossing (970) 482-1054 1117 City Park Ave.

The Retreat at Orchard Place (970) 224-3008 2155 Orchard Pl. Rams Park (970) 980-4643 2226 W Elizabeth St. Rams Village (970) 498-0206 900 Constitution Ave.

Average Monthly Utility Cost

Distance Transport From Campus Services

Cable, Internet, Recycling, $15 - $20 per Sewage, Water person & Trash

0.1 miles

Near Bus Stop

Water, Sewage

Cable & Internet: $75 Gas: $30 Trash: $25

0.5 miles

Near Bus Stop

1 mile

Near Bus Stop


1: $11531248 2: $590-646




Water, Sewage, & Trash: $40-$90 Gas & Electric: $50-$150

1, 2, & 3

1: $12331328 2: $681-944 3: $549-657




$150 total

1 mile

Near Bus Stop

Studio, 1, &2

Studio: $695 1: $850 2: $470-502



All Utilities Included In Monthly Rent


0.2 miles

Walking Distance



Cable, Inter- Gas: $30 total net, Recycling, Electric: Sewage, Trash, Depends on & Water Usage

0.5 miles

Near Bus Stop

Water, Sew$15 - $20 per age, Trash, person Cable, & Trash

0.1 miles

Walking Distance

2 miles

Shuttle Service

Prospect Station Studio: $995 (970) 237-5978 Studio, 1, 2, 1: $1195 221 W Prospect Rd. &3 2: $675-745 3: $625 Pura Vida (970) 472-4250 518 W Laurel St.

Lease Terms

Utilities Included in Monthly Rent

Studio, 1, 2, &3

Studio: $1150 1: $1215 2: $675 3: $625


10M 12M

1, 2, & 3

1: $940 2: $572 3: $622



Studio, 1, &2

Studio: $8941,078 1: $994-1139 2: $600-700



Cable, Gas, Internet, Recy$25-45 total cling, Sewage, Trash, & Water

0.2 miles

Walking Distance


2: $631-708



Cable, Gas, Internet, Recy$25-40 total cling, Sewage, Trash, & Water

1 mile

Near Bus Stop


2: $690-715 3: $640-690


5M 10M 12M

All Utilities Included In Monthly Rent

1 mile

Near Bus Stop

1, 2, 3, & 4

1: $925-975 2: $615-655 3: $550-595 4: $560-605

0.2 miles

Near Bus Stop

Bold: Housing Guide Advertiser



All Utilities Included In Monthly Rent



Cable, Internet, Recycling, $60-$80 per Sewage, Trash, person & Water



Appliances Included


Yes - Parking GaFridge, Dishwasher, rage Altitude Lounge/ Microwave, Oven, YES Uncovered: $85 Deck, Study Room, Stove, Garbage Cost: Included in per month 3 Hottubs, & GrillDisposal, Washer Guarantor Fee Covered: $90 per ing Station & Dryer month YES Yes - Parking Cost: $100 depost & $300 pet fee Garage Fridge, Microwave, for one pet, $200 Uncovered: $50 Gym Dishwasher, Oven, per month deposit & $400 pet Washer & Dryer Covered: $75 per fee for two pets , month $30 per month for one or two pets YES Pool, Spa, Gym, Fridge, Dishwasher, Cost: $200 depost Yes - Parking Lot & Community KitchMicrowave, Oven, & $200 pet fee, Covered Parking en, Dog Park, Lot: Free Stove, Garbage $30 per month for BBQ/Picnic Area, one pet& $100 Disposal, Washer Covered: $85 a Business Center, & month & Dryer per month for the Sundeck second YES Pool, Hot Tub, Cost for one pet: Gym, Dog Park, Fridge, Dishwasher, $200 depost & Yes - Parking Lot Business Center, Microwave, Oven, $200 pet fee, $30 Cost: Free Volleyball Court, Stove, Garbage per month Covered: $70 per Basketball Court, Disposal, Washer Cost for two pets: month Sauna, & Movie & Dryer $300 depost & Room $300 pet fee, $60 per month Fridge, Dishwasher, Microwave, Oven, NO Yes - Parking Lot Laundry Room Stove, Garbage *Exceptions for Cost: Free Disposal, Intercom therapy animals* System Yes - Parking Lot & Fridge, Dishwasher, Covered Microwave, Oven, YES Lot: Free N/A Stove, Garbage Cost: $250 per Covered: $50 a Disposal, Washer animal month & Dryer Study Rooms w/ Fridge, Dishwasher, Yes - Parking Lot TVs, Indoor Bike Microwave, Oven, Cost: $60 per Parking, Lunch Stove, Garbage NO month for an asRoom, & Commu- Disposal, Washer signed space nity Lounge & Dryer Tanning Bed, Pool, Gym, On Site Fridge, Dishwasher, YES Yes - Parking Lot Laundry, Dog Park, Oven, Stove, & Cost: $300 deposCost: Free Outdoor Grill, Garbage Disposal it, $35 monthly fee Garden, & Game Room Fridge, Dishwasher, Business Center, YES Microwave, Oven, Yes - Parking Lot Tanning Bed, Gym, Cost: $350 one Stove, Garbage Cost: Free Clubhouse, Pool, & time fee, $25 Disposal, Washer Laundry Facilities monthly fee & Dryer YES Business Center, Fridge, Dishwasher, Cost: $350 one Outdoor Grill, Microwave, Oven, Yes - Parking Lot time fee, monthly Outdoor Firepit, Stove, Garbage Cost: Free fee of $30 for one Hot Tub, Fitness Disposal, Washer pet & $50 monthly Center, & Pool & Dryer fee for two Fridge, Dishwasher, Microwave, Oven, Yes - Parking Lot N/A Stove, Garbage NO Cost: Free Disposal, Washer & Dryer 2 Pools, 2 Hot Tubs, 2 Outdoor Gas Grills, Basketball Courts, Fridge, Dishwasher, Yes - Parking Lot Volleyball Court, Oven, Stove, & NO Cost: Free Horseshoe Pit, 9 Garbage Disposal Laundry Facilites, Study Room, Cardio Room, & Gym



River Glenn (970) 226-4980 2738 Raintree Dr.

Stone Creek (970) 221-5328 1225 W Prospect Rd.


Lease Terms

The Grove (970) 493-1058 2101 Perennial Lane

1.2 miles

Near Bus Stop

0.2 miles

Near Bus Stop


6M 12M


Studio: $1,025-1,035 Studio, 2, 3, 2: $735-745 &4 3: $649-665 4: $589-639



Cable, Internet, Recycling, Sewage, Trash, & Water

$20-25 per person


1: $956-1006 2: $616


3 - 14 M

4&5 *5 bedroom not avaliable until 201819*

4: $690 5: $669



2, 3, & 4

2: $825 3: $780-795 4: $700-725



2, 3, & 4

2: $735 3: $695 4: $735



1, 2, & 3

1: $10911392 2: $618-747 3: $537



1, 2, & 3

1: $11401175 2: $632-652 3: $510-521



The Preserve (970) 266-1894 350 Riva Ridge Dr.

The Seasons at Horsetooth (970) 377-2077 1020 Wabash St.

Uncommon (970) 672-2717 208 S College Ave

Average Monthly Utility Cost

1: $965-1165 2: $535-683

The Cottages (970) 495-6705 1335 W Elizabeth St.

The District at Campus West (970) 658-5540 1308 W Plum St.

Utilities Included in Monthly Rent

Water, Sewage, Trash: $50-$55 Electric: Depends on Usage


State On Campus (970) 484-7267 1721 Choice Center Dr.

Monthly Rent Per Person*

Studio, 1, 2, &3

Studio: $1339 1: $1489 YES/NO 2: $859 3: $829




Trash: $5 at rate Electric, Water, Sewage: Depends on Usage

Distance Transport From Campus Services

0.4 miles

Near Bus Stops



Appliances Included


YES Fridge, Dishwasher, Cost: $100 refundPool, Hot Tub, Dog Oven, Stove, & able deposit & Yes - Parking Lot Park, Grill Area, Garbage Disposal $200 one time fee, Cost: Free & Sand Volleyball (Washer & Dryer $25 per month for Court avaliable upon one pet and $40 request) per month for two pets Gym, Sauna, Sand Yes - Parking Lot Fridge, Dishwasher, Volleyball Court, Covered: $80 per Microwave, Oven, Pool, Hot tub, month Stove, Garbage NO Firepit, Media Lot: $50 per Disposal, Washer, Room, Computer month & Dryer Lab & Gaming Rm

Yes - Parking Lot Cost: Free

Pool, Gym

Classic Model: Fridge, Dishwasher, Oven, Stove, & YES Garbage Disposal Cost: $300 one Deluxe Model: time fee, $30 per Same as classic month for one pet but stainless steel and $50 per month appliances with a for two pets microwave (washer/ dryer connection avaliable in deluxe)

Pool, Tanning Deck, 2 Hot tubs, Hammock Lounge, Shuttle SerFire Pit, Sand vice Yes - Parking Lot & Volleyball, Club Fridge, Dishwasher, YES Cable, Inter*Including Covered House, Sauna Microwave, Oven, Cost: $100 one net, Recycling, $35-40 per additional Lot: Free Room, Game Stove, Garbage 1.5 miles free shuttle time fee, $30 per Sewage, Trash, person Room, Study Covered: $35 per Disposal, Washer, month & Water service to Rooms, Gym, Cymonth & Dryer downtown on cling Studio, Pet weekends* Washing Station, Outdoor Kitchen, & Yoga Room Pool, 3 Hot Tubs, Yes - Street & CovDry Saunas, Fridge, Dishwasher, Cable, Interered Parking Outdoor Grills, Microwave, Oven, NO net, Recycling, Depends on Near Bus Covered Parking: Firepits, Gym, 0.1 miles Stove, Garbage *Exceptions for Sewage, Trash, Usage Stop $55-85 per month Computer Lab, Disposal, Washer, therapy animals* & Water Street Parking: Study Rooms, & Dryer Free & Covered Bike Storage Clubhouse, LiCable, Gas, No additional brary, Bistro, Game Fridge, Dishwasher, Electric, Inter- fee unless Room, Pool, Hot Microwave, Oven, NO Near Bus Yes - Parking Lot net, Recycling, electric use 1 mile Tub, Sand Volley- Stove, Garbage *Exceptions for Stop Cost: Free Sewage, Trash, exceeds $25 a ball Court, FIrepit, Disposal, Washer, therapy animals* & Water month Gym, & Tanning & Dryer Bed YES Cost: $400 deposit Entertainment for dog 2+ years Yes - Parking Lot & Center, Pool, Hot Fridge, Dishwasher, old Garages Tub, Gym, Movie Microwave, Oven, Near Bus $500 deposit if NONE $100-150 total 3.5 miles Lot: Free Room, Business Stove, Garbage Stop under 2 years old, Garages: $80-100 Center, & Guest Disposal, Washer, $35 monthly fee per month Suites Avaliable & Dryer for one pet & $50 To Rent monthly fee for two pets YES Cost: $100 deposit for one pet & $200 Fridge, Dishwasher, Yes - Parking Lot Hot Tuub, Pool, deposit for 2, Microwave, Oven, Near Bus Cost: Garage Firepit, Outdoor $200 fee for 1 pet NONE $125-200 total 6 miles Stove, Garbage Stop 65-85 grill, gym, business & $350 fee for 2, Disposal, Washer, Street: Free center $30 monthly fee & Dryer for one pet & $60 monthly fee for two pets Lounge, Gym, Rock Climbing Yes - Parking Lot Fridge, Dishwasher, Cable, Gas, Wall, Business Covered: $85 per Microwave, Oven, NO Internet, Recy- Electric: $20 a Near Bus Center with Print1.5 miles month for an asStove, Garbage *Exceptions for cling, Sewage, month Stop ing, Ski and Snowsigned spot Disposal, Washer therapy animals* Trash, & Water board Storage, & Dryer Outdoor Entertainment Deck

Bold: Housing Guide Advertiser



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