The Rocky Mountain Collegian (Monday, December 10, 2012)

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Getting Real Jack Graham on the state of CSU athletics


Fort Collins, Colorado

Monday, December 10, 2012


Volume 121 | No. 84




This is it. One week until the entire world comes crashing down around our ears. Given that there is little time as it is, here are a few miscellaneous topics we would’ve run, if we only had more time...

Miscellaneous Apocalypse Topics

Places that Should Go First


Fences come up for Lory Student Center renovation project Byy SEAN MEEDS The Rocky Mountain Collegian In January, students will return from winter break to a student center in transition. The renovation project on the Lory Student Center will get into full swing spring semester, with earliest signs of the remodeling occurring on the west side of Lory. Over break, construction workers will put up a fence around the sidewalk coming from the Vietnam Bridge to the student center. The fence will close off the southwest side of

the LSC to student traffic. “We’re starting with the west ballroom, that’s our first priority,” said Mike Ellis, executive director of the LSC. None of the actual demolition will take place until the end of the spring semester, when construction will tear down the solarium and the west end of the south ballroom. “Everything will be normal,” said Doni Luckutt, director of LSC marketing. “The biggest thing is the fence going up. We’re making sure everything is in place and working

… we’re trying to keep renovations as compact as possible time-wise.” Yet some of the departments within Lory are moving out at the beginning of next semester. The Senate Chambers, Curfman Gallery and Sutherland Sculpture Garden will all be off-line at the beginning of the Spring 2013 semester. “We’re trying to do as much prep work as possible before people leave for the summer,” Luckutt said. The main renovation project will begin Summer 2013 and will continue for the next

TILT serves 6,000 students By AMANDA ZETAH The Rocky Mountain Collegian

Sitting in a lecture hall of 100 students and listening to a professor drone on about introductory chemistry is scary enough. Not passing that class is even scarier. The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) helps students that find themselves in such a situation. This semester alone, TILT tutors have participated in over 6,000 tutoring sessions with students. This is an increase from years previous. “Every semester since the Arts and Sciences Tutoring Program has existed, we have seen an increase in numbers,” said Christie Yeadon, associate director of learning programs, “My guess would be that every semester more students are becoming aware of TILT.”

WHAT IS CLOSING AND WHAT IS STAYING OPEN Offices that are closing beginning of next semester: Senate Chambers Curfman Gallery Sutherland Sculpture Garden Staying open: Adult Learner Veteran Services Student Legal Services

For more information visit: http://www.

academic year and following summer. Both Ellis and Luckutt want to emphasize to students where the concentrated renovation project is going to occur.


Not only are students aware of TILT and its resources, but they have found that it is an effective way to study for their tougher courses. “I think there certainly has been a feeling of success, it feels like we are expanding and are having to hire

more tutors to keep up with demand,” said Jeremy Redmond, senior physics education major. He has been a tutor at TILT for three semesters now and sees that the more See TILT on Page 3

“LSC central is the actual part that will be closed next year,” Luckutt said. “LSC south and north will still be open.” See LORY on Page 2


Accomplish your Colorado State University bucket list By CARRIE MOBLEY The Rocky Mountain Collegian

Statistics Instructor Ben Prytherch, right, helps Hussain Alherz with his STAT 201 homework in the TILT building Thursday afternoon.

Cam’s Lobby Shop Bagel Place II Aspen Grill CSU Bookstore University Club Transit Center

Students who had trouble completing the “70 things to do before you graduate” list will receive help from student government beginning next semester. Next semester, the Associated Students of CSU will start a program to help students complete the ASCSU-sponsored list, according to Taylor Jackson, director of Student Services. “We are really big on school spirit here,” said Jackson. “We have been working with the athletics department in order to make lasting traditions and also to make them something students know about and can easily accomplish.” The first step in completing this project is to cross the small

HIGHLIGHTS ASCSU’s “70 things to do before you graduate” list will be more easily accomplished thanks to new programming from ASCSU New program will include a new points system to encourage participation More events will be turned into annual school spirit traditions

things off the list, Jackson said. This means things that are already sponsored by ASCSU, such as meeting the student body president, volunteering for RamRide or going to the Grill the Buffs event before the Rocky Mountain Showdown. “First we will tackle the PR See BUCKET LIST on Page 3

Let’s be honest, nobody really needs Atlanta, Ga. On Dec. 21, we need to see the fourth season of AMC’s “The Walking Dead”, reenacted FOR REAL! Also, Boulder; because... F*** Boulder, dirty hippies, that’s why!

Plus Sides to the Apocalypse

Everyone focuses on the negatives of the end of the world. Nobody really points out the benefits of it. Like: No more commercials! Or, the necessity for hooking up to repopulate the Earth! And a spectacular fireworks/meteor show!

Appropriate Celebrations

How does one celebrate the end of the world? With excessive drinking, of course! The end of the world literally means no hangover in the morning, so go nuts! The Earth’s had a good run, so let’s all send her out in style. The Strip Club is written by the Collegian staff.

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