NEWS Monday, October 3, 2016
By Miranda Moses @mirandasrad
Old Town parking may have seemed even more ridiculously full Saturday morning as the second annual Tour De Corgi commenced in full swing with hundreds of Corgis taking over College Avenue and hundreds of humans eager to witness the ankle-high fun. Tour de Corgi is exactly what it sounds like. Imagine Fort Collins’ Tour de Fat only minus the drinking, the bikes and the traffic cops. Keep the costumes, but instead of people wearing them, add hundreds of silly looking dogs that are very low the ground and don’t seem to have knees instead. The event itself began at 10 a.m. Saturday at Civic Center Park. Corgis and their owners met up before the parade to peruse the dog vendors and booths and participate in the costume contest. Costumes were judged in different categories including funniest, most creative, purdiest and most badass. After the contests, win or lose, the Corgis took off to
parade down Old Town in their extravagant attire. Attendee April Higginson accompanied her Corgi, Mozzy, who was dressed up as Waldo from the “Where’s Waldo?” activity books. “It’s awesome seeing all the dogs in costumes,” Higginson said. “The costume contest was pretty cool.” Higginson said that although she and Mozzy missed registration for the costume contest, everyone loves Mozzy’s costume. The entry fee for the contests and the parade was five dollars, which went to 4 Paws Pet Pantry and the Wyoming Dachshund and Corgi Rescue. The judges included Senator John Kefalas, Mayor Wade Troxell and local publisher Lydia Dody. Some of the Corgi costumes included spooky Halloween witches, bumblebees, Supermans, peacocks and many land-sharks. Some dog owners dressed up with their pets, with one family dressing up as the prisoners of their doggy policemen, and another family dressing up as Corgis themselves in
fuzzy onesies to match their Corgi dressed as a lobster. Although the event is Corgi-specific, other dogs made appearances to support their brothers and sisters. One dog had a sign taped to it that said “Corgi For A Day.” Corgi mixes were also extremely common; they tend to look like other dog breeds, but shorter. Many dog lovers chose to wear Corgi-loving shirts that read things like “I heart my Corgi,” “I kissed a Corgi and I liked it” and “Dogs not dudes.” Corgi owners Amanda and Danny Pond brought their enthusiastic Corgi, Boomer, for his second year at the parade. Boomer wore his ribbons from dog diving competitions. “He can jump 14 feet,” Amanda said. “He’s a ham in general. He loves to walk the lines and get love from everybody.” Corgis certainly got love throughout their full parade route that traveled all throughout Old Town. The event started at the park and their little corgi legs took them past the Bean see DOGDAYS on page 4 >>
Lessons from the Border War PAGE 8
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Tour de Corgi proves that the dog days are never over in Fort Collins
There’s a new Natural Resources major
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Volume 126, No. 33
Corgis in costumes paraded around Old Town at the 2nd annual Tour de Corgi this weekend. PHOTO BY JULIA TROWBRIDGE COLLEGIAN
Top ten cutest puppy costumes from Tour de Corgi By Maegan Garcia @CSUCollegian
Tour de Corgi took over Old Town on Saturday, and one of the best parts of the event, unarguably, were the adorable pups who sported equally adorable outfits. Owners everywhere were proud of the outfits that they
had come up with for their beloved friends, and the corgis loved every bit of the attention. Here are some of the cutest outfits seen at Tour de Corgi:
around Old Town in a boat on wheels that his owner made for him. Scupper is from Florida and is 16 years old, which inspired his owner to design this costume.
1. Scupper dressed as “The Old Man and the Sea” (left): see the rest of these adorScupper made his way able pups at CORGI on page 14 >>