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125 Celebrating
Volume 126, No. 35
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Become a rock star for free:
Music District signals beginning of an improved music community in Fort Collins
City Council Discusses race and more PAGE 3
CampusView Campus Concealed Carry Debate PAGE 5
Soccer Players Seniors discuss their experiences PAGE 7
The outside of the Music District’s campus located on College Avenue between Laurel and Mulberry streets. PHOTO BY RANDI MATTOX COLLEGIAN
By Randi Mattox @tatianasophiapt
Music-lovers from all around the nation gathered in Fort Collins over the weekend to celebrate the opening of the highly anticipated Music District. The Music District, funded by The Bohemian Foundation, will make becoming a musician accessible to anyone willing to walk onto their campus and sign up. The Music District will pro-
vide mostly free resources to its users that will allow them to succeed as artists and be financially stable while doing it, and it will connect musicians together to promote a collaborative environment where making great music and succeeding in the industry is the main goal. Music District Business Manager, Gregg Adams, said The Bohemian Foundation had a vision for years about creating a facility that will foster the success of local musicians and put Fort
Collins on the map as a competitive music city. “We have professionals throughout Fort Collins that do recording, and band management, and venues, and sound technique and all that kind of stuff,” Adams said. “We said, ‘How do we connect all of these people together?’ and The Bohemian Foundation decided that we should have a music ecosystem hub and call it the Music District.” In addition to creating this
connective tissue between musicians and non-musicians who work in the industry, Adams said the Music District strives to increase the footprint of music throughout the world, starting in Fort Collins. “We are bringing everyone together and saying, ‘We have anything that you want relative to your growth, your education, your business,’” Adams said. “And (we are) providing that one stop shop for the entire thing.” Elliot said there are three
levels to the Music District: craft, business and community. “If you think about craft, the first one, it’s about creativity and what the artists do to really make music the root of it all,” Elliott said. “Business is how you get the thing that you’ve made out into the world. Community is how do you connect around that thing in a way that is not necessarily music business related but more about the social, or the civic or the public good.” see ROCKSTAR on page 12 >>