Vol 127, no. 107, March 7, 2018

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Vol. 127, No. 107 Wednesday, March 7, 2018










LAS VEGAS — Lena Svanholm (11), Annie Brady (32) and Lore Devos (35) cheer on their teammates after a 3-pointer against Fresno State in Las Vegas on March. 6. The Rams defeated the Bulldogs 71-55 in the Mountain West Tournament. PHOTO BY TONY VILLALOBOS MAY COLLEGIAN

Rams avenge losses, beat Fresno State in MW Championships By Austin White @ajwrules44

LAS VEGAS – Finding the holes on defense has never been an easy task for offensive players, hence why the saying goes, “defense wins championships.” For Colorado State, the defensive formula all year has worked in their favor as they led

the Mountain West in shooting percentage against at 34.2 percent. But breaking zones and putting up points did not come easy throughout the season. That is until they met up with Fresno State Tuesday afternoon in their first game of the MW Championships. The Rams held the Bulldogs to shooting 32.7 percent while also knocking down nine 3-pointers to

help break the zone put up by FSU in the 71-55 win. “We got it inside, passed it outside, hit big shots from the 3,” senior guard Stine Austgulen said. “Our post players were just swinging the ball really, really well today and it was a lot of fun to play.” In order to break that zone, the Rams came out firing from the 3-point line by attempting

13 shots from deep in the first half. Sofie Tryggedsson hit two of them for the Rams’ first points, but missed her next five. Hannah Tvrdy pitched in the other made 3-pointer, but missed three herself. On the other end, the Bulldogs went low and kept even with the hot start from CSU. Maddi Utti of FSU benefitted from the looks by

scoring nine points in the first half, more points than she had in either of the two previous matchups this season. CSU did not let Utti’s success continue as the defense clamped down in the paint and also took away the Mountain West’s leading scorer in Candice White. She see BASKETBALL on page 10 >>


COLLEGIAN.COM Wednesday, March 7, 2018

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overheard on the plaza “He looks like a marijuana.” “You forgot a fork.” “Yeah sorry I was just so excited about my new salad bowl.” “He gets aroused by well formatted excel charts.” “Everyday I worry I’m going to pick the wrong water bottle and drink vodka and vomit right there.” Larry Conlon sells coffee in Old Town on Feb. 27, the day of the Poudre School District Walk Out protest. “I like seeing people stand up for what they believe in,” Conlon said. His menu sign reads “buy coffee not guns.” Colon’s business, Cranked Up Coffee, is located at 215 N. College Ave. PHOTO BY ABBY FLITTON COLLEGIAN Lory Student Center Box 13 Fort Collins, CO 80523 This publication is not an official publication of Colorado State University, but is published by an independent corporation using the name ‘The Rocky Mountain Collegian’ pursuant to a license granted by CSU. The Rocky Mountain Collegian is a 6,500-circulation student-run newspaper intended as a public forum. It publishes four days a week during the regular fall and spring semesters. During the last eight weeks of summer Collegian distribution drops to 3,500 and is published weekly. During the first four weeks of summer the Collegian does not publish. Corrections may be submitted to the editor in chief and will be printed as necessary on page two. The Collegian is a complimentary publication for the Fort Collins community. The first copy is free. Additional copies are 25 cents each. Letters to the editor should be sent to letters@collegian.com.

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NEWS Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Republican, Democrat voters elect delegates at party caucuses By Danny Sonnenberg & Gabriel Go @CSUCollegian

Editor’s note: At the time of publication, the results of the Democratic Caucus and the Republican Caucus had not been released. Seventeen Larimer County Democrat precincts gathered inside Bennett Elementary School’s halls to caucus for the 2018 Colorado gubernatorial race, while Republican voters met at the Immanuel Community Church to elect delegates for future county elections Tuesday night. While Democrat attendees had the opportunity to choose which candidates would appear on the ballot for governor and determined how many delegates to send to the county assembly, the Republican attendees voted on candidates for county elections. Mike Sieg, one of several candidates for the Larimer County Commissioner of District 1 started the Republican Caucus by advocating for less taxes and an accountable government made possible by a reduced public budget. Sieg worked in public and private capacities and brings with him more than 33 years of experience in the U.S. Forest Service. “I’ve fought and managed wildfires, overseen the construction of roads, trails

and pipelines, managed large organizations and budgets of tens of millions of dollars,” Sieg said The current Larimer County Clerk and Recorder Angela Myers is up for re-election and talked about her achievements in office, which included the implementation of paper-only ballots and improved secrecy of ballots. Myers also mentioned the efficient management of her office. “In vehicle licensing, there was a time when we had lines measured in hours,” Myers said. “Folks came up to me and said, ‘Don’t you need more workers?’ I didn’t want to throw people at it, and we made it more efficient.” There are currently six Democrat candidates running for governor: Jared Polis, U.S. Representative for Colorado’s second Congressional District; Donna Lynne, Colorado’s current lieutenant governor; Noel Ginsburg, a businessman and founder of Denver-based company Intertech Plastics; Mike Johnston, a former state senator; Erik Underwood, a former U.S. Senate staffer; and Cary Kennedy, a former Colorado treasurer and former deputy mayor for Denver. All candidates were part of the caucus process except for Lynne, who opted to petition her way into the ballot. Many attendees compared Tuesday night’s caucus to the 2016 presidential caucus. Attendees, Larimer County

Democratic Party staffers and residents alike said that Tuesday’s caucus had a milder, more communal atmosphere than in 2016. “The 2016 caucus was really crazy,” said Elyssa Hamilton, a precinct committee person with the Larimer County Democratic Party. Hamilton recalled that Bernie Sanders had just visited Fort Collins 10 days before that year’s caucus, resulting in chaotically high turnout rates. “We were over maximum capacity, we had to hold (the caucus) outside,” Hamilton said. “(There were) some schools we couldn’t go back to because it was such a mess.” But, Hamilton said that past midterm elections were also exciting. There was a common feeling among attendees that the governor’s race is in part a reaction to national politics. Caucus Site Manager Martha Coleman said that midterm party mobilizations are a historical trend. “When you have a person from one party elected for the first term as president, generally the opposite party is very active in pushing back,” Coleman said. “For example, in 2008 when Obama was elected, there was a red wave (in 2010). This is the same thing that you see.” Danny Sonnenberg and Gabriel Go can be reached at news@collegian.com.

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NEWS Wednesday, March 7, 2018


ASCSU’s approved legislation funds student organizations, campus events By Carson Lipe @carsonlipe

The Associated Students of Colorado State University focuses on passing bills and resolutions that will improve the quality of education and services for students on CSU’s campus. During the 2017-2018 academic year, bills from the Board for Student Organization Funding and the ASCSU Senate passed, which allocated over $100,000 to student organizations, ASCSU marketing campaigns and campus events and projects, such as funding a bill to host the former head of the Environmental Protection Agency and funding a bill to install more water bottle stations on campus. “It is our job as representatives of the student body, to speak on behalf of the students regardless of our jurisdiction,” said Yuval Rosenthal, a junior studying political science and the Speaker Pro tempore of the Senate. One bill, passed in November 2017, allocated $2,500 to the ASCSU Marketing Department in order to promote awareness about YOU @ CSU to students across campus. YOU @ CSU offers resources to promote academic achievement, general health

and community engagement. “It’s a pretty incredible resource in terms of mental wellness, familiarity with different resources at CSU and practically anything that you would need at CSU,” Rosenthal said. After the bill passed, the marketing campaign started and various tools, such as tables, flyers and even a small alert on RamWeb, were implemented to promote awareness. The senate also passed a bill in October 2017 to provide $10,000 from the Senate General Discretionary Fund towards a City of Fort Collins occupancy study. The goal of the study is to determine the impact of the “U + 2” ordinance, which prevents more than three unrelated people from living together, on housing affordability and neighborhood quality. “I think that (study) will be coming out within the next year,” Williams said. “That will help determine the City’s stance on ‘U + 2’ and give us a little more information.” Since this particular bill has a long period of development and because ASCSU contributed money to the study, there are four members of ASCSU’s Senate who are attached to a City working group in order to voice student concerns. Members of the group work

with the City to ensure that all considerations are accounted for during the study. “The working group was created by the City to include all the stakeholders involved in the Occupancy Study throughout the process,” said Hanna Johnson, the director of community affairs for ASCSU and a senior majoring in political science. “Members of this working group include City staff, (the) CSU administration, the Board of Realtors and ASCSU. We are kept in the loop about the status of the study through occasional meetings and email.” Another piece of legislation that ACSCU passed this semester works to address the opioid crisis. The opioid epidemic, although not as pronounced at CSU, may still have a lasting effect on some students and their family, so ASCSU passed a resolution that will work to reduce the reach of opioids on campus. “While the numbers aren’t as bad at CSU, it’s a serious issue nationwide,” said Josh Williams, an ASCSU senator and a senior studying political science. “(Many members of ASCSU got together) to talk about a vision going forward. We are all in agreement that there are several tangible steps we can take.” For the opioid resolution,

The ASCSU Senate votes on the ratification of new members to the Student Fee Review Board on January 24. PHOTO BY COLIN SHEPHERD COLLEGIAN

the efforts are mainly being focused on proactive prevention methods. “ASCSU has been working with faculty, staff and administration to create an educational program about how to prevent an overdose,” Williams said. For students or their friends whose addiction is past the point of benefit from proactive prevention, Williams said there are other ideas on the table. “(For overdose situations, we are) potentially working with the (CSU health network) pharmacy to purchase units of Narcan that ACSCU can subsidize, so that we can give it to students at a lower cost, or for free,” Williams said. “If (the student) has a friend in need or know that they themselves


City Council discusses I-25 interchange, marijuana licensing By Matt Bailey @matnes1999

Fort Collins City Council gathered Tuesday to discuss 14 issues ranging from road and intersection improvements to city-owned land leasing. Funding for improvements to the I-25/Prospect Interchange and marijuana licensing were the two topics councilmembers and citizens elaborated on the most during the meeting. According to councilmembers, the Prospect Interchange serves as a critical gateway to both Fort Collins and Timnath. “This is a continuation of the conversation we’ve been having for almost two years now,” said Mark Jackson, deputy director of planning, development and transportation for the city of Fort Collins. “Starting in 2016, we’ve been working very closely with council, the Colorado Department of Transportation, the town of Timnath and the private property interests.”

The improvements to the Prospect Interchange will cost $31 million, Jackson said during a presentation to councilmembers and residents. The CDOT cost of these improvements is $12 million. The City cost, which factors in $8.5 million each to property owners and the city of Fort Collins as well as a pending $2.5 million to the town of Timnath, will amount to $19 million. If these improvements are constructed along with the current expansion of the I-25, the estimated savings would be $7 million. “The requests set in front of you tonight are a resolution of proving a binding agreement with the interchange property owners and a resolution to proving service plans for the I-25/ Prospect Interchange Metro District and then resolutions of proving service plans for three of the four corners in the interchange,” Jackson said. Jackson explained that

this project offers a chance to correct the aging infrastructure of the interchange and the traffic congestion that accumulates at peak travel times. Marijuana licensing was another huge issue presented at the meeting, especially amongst residents who voiced their concerns to councilmembers. One resident explained his frustration regarding past decisions on marijuana licensing, and said voters should not be allowed to enable councilmembers to make decisions that are prohibited by the city charter, opposing any new proposed advancements to marijuana licensing. In response to this, Councilmember Ross Cunniff explained that there were never any decisions regarding marijuana licensing that changed city code. “I personally don’t believe that this action would violate the charter,” Cunniff said. “I deny categorically any attempt or

intent to violate the charter with these actions or other actions.” Mayor Wade Troxell further explained that the purpose of discussing marijuana licensing. “This isn’t really to update old laws, it’s really to come into alignment with some of the state statutes that have changed over the years,” Troxell said. Councilmembers ultimately passed the motion of regulating medical marijuana businesses to align medical marijuana provisions to state law rules and regulations. Not only did city councilmembers and citizens discuss several topics during Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, but they said goodbye to Emily Allen, the senior city planner for neighborhoods, who will be moving to Flagstaff, Arizona. Marcy Yoder will be taking her place as the new neighborhood services manager. Matt Bailey can be reached at news@collegian.com.

might need it, then they can use it.” Narcan is a nasal-spray that can be used to treat known or suspected opioid overdose victims, according to the manufacturer’s website. Williams thinks that providing Narcan to CSU students has the potential to impact people across the nation. “What we’re trying to do is harness CSU’s spirit as an innovator and create a standard that can be emulated nationwide,” Williams said. All information on the bills and resolutions are available on ASCSU’s website, or in the ASCSU office. Carson Lipe can be reached at news@collegian.com.

NEWS Wednessday, March 7, 2018




RDS works through CDSA CSU student describes living in to enhance accessibility constant state of fear as a DACA student By Audrey Weiss @Audkward

Colorado State University’s Committee for Disabled Student Accessibility wants to hear more proposals from disabled students. According to Joe Tiner, a member of CDSA, any student can submit a proposal with the intent to create a more accessible environment for disabled students on campus. “I would say the majority of the proposals come internally,” Tiner said. “Some of that comes from a lack of awareness about that committee.” CDSA helps to promote the goals set forth by RDS by distributing funds to different projects on campus that enhance access for disabled students, according to Tiner. Tiner said that if RDS is seeking financial support, they have to get approval and confirmation from the students in CDSA. The CDSA receives $0.50 a semester per CSU student, which is allocated to them through student fees, according to the RDS website. “It was actually an ASCSU referendum to establish 50 cents per student per semester to go towards enhancing the accessibility on campus,” said Rose Kreston, the director of RDS and CDSA advisor. Tiner said funds are dispersed based on proposals submitted to the committee, but because of their lack of proposals, there have not been many recent updates. The last proposal that CDSA approved was spring 2017, which supported the Leadership, Experience and Development, or LEAD, conference, offered as a professional development opportunity for second year students. Kreston said because students with disabilities were targeted, LEAD organizers thought to ask CDSA for financial support, so CDSA contributed a small grant to assist in funding the conference. “The CDSA grant created opportunity for students but also resulted in a more accessible conference for future years,” Kreston said.

In addition to these sorts of proposals, Tiner said CDSA also funds opportunities for awareness on campus. “We’ve funded some awareness campaigns—things to change attitudes about disability by creating awareness on campus,” Tiner said. We’re here to make sure students are accommodated in their classes and have access to anything on campus that any other student has,” Rose Kreston, director of Resources for Disabled Students Established in 1977, RDS has worked on the CSU campus to provide an inclusive experience for students with disabilities, which translates to their main goals of accommodation, advocacy and awareness as stated on their website. According to Kreston, in regards to advocacy, RDS represents CSU students with disabilities in order to make sure policies and practices are not detrimental to them. For instance, RDS works with faculty to determine what works best for disabled students on campus if their needs are not being met. “We’re here to make sure students are accommodated in their classes and have access to anything on campus that any other student has,” Kreston said. As of now, Kreston said there are 12 students on CDSA, comprised of undergraduates and graduates. However, any student that identifies as disabled and has contact with the office can join the committee. “We’re here to support each other,” Kreston said. “We’re the advocates to make sure discrimination doesn’t happen.” This summer, the office is to be renamed the Student Disability Center and will move from the General Services Building on campus to The Institute for Learning and Teaching building. The department will also update their website to accommodate these changes, according to Kreston. Audrey Weiss can be reached at news@collegian.com.

By Jorge Espinoza @jorgespinoza14

On any given day, Ashly Berumen, a freshman studying human development and family studies, said she lives in a constant state of fear. While the Supreme Court of the United States delayed the March 5 deadline to renew her application for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival, or DACA, program, Berumen, a recipient of DACA, said all she can do is hope for the best. “You feel like you’re being diminished. You feel like you’re not worth as much as the next person, (so) in other words, you feel like an alien, or an outsider,” Berumen said. “I always live on edge because I’m always worried about what my next move is, or if what I’m doing is right. You’re always wondering if your actions are going to get you in trouble with the law.” DACA, a program enacted under the Obama Administration, allows minors who were brought to the U.S. as children the opportunity to get a work permit and study

in the U.S. Those who receive DACA are eligible to renew their status in the program every two years, but the program does not offer a path to citizenship, according to the New York Times. For Berumen, her DACA application expires in September, and if she doesn’t have the opportunity to renew it, it can result in the loss of her work permit and scholarships. “If I don’t go through the renewal process that means that I will get my work permit taken away which would mean that I would lose my job, I would lose scholarships and tuition money,” Berumen said. Berumen says that part of the reason she lives in a constant state of fear is because there is always a possibility that she could lose everything she has worked for. “That thought never leaves your head. You don’t have the privileges that everyone else has,” Berumen said. ”I’m always living to this standard that kids my age shouldn’t have to live up to. I shouldn’t have to be Miss Perfect, not because

that’s what my parents want but because that’s what I have to do to even stay where I am.” With that, Berumen also says that even though undocumented students are always living in a constant state of fear, they have also overcome a multitude of obstacles to get to where they are today. “Emotionally we are very strong students, especially those of us who’ve worked their a**es off to get to college. It’s not easy,” Berumen said. “These students aren’t looking for pity. They’re not sitting on their a**es waiting for an opportunity. These students are fighting for what they want.” Overall, Berumen says that even though she lives in a constant state of fear, she is proud to be where she is today. “I feel very proud of who I am, where I am, and what I’ve gone through,” Berumen said. “Not every student can say they’ve gone through what I’ve gone through.” Jorge Espinoza can be reached at news@collegian.com.


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NEWS Wednesday, March 7, 2018


House to take up school safety bill after Florida shooting By Matthew Daly The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Republican-controlled House will vote on a school safety bill next week as Congress struggles to respond to the deadly assault on a Florida high school. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Tuesday the House will take up a bill creating a federal grant program to train students, teachers and school officials how to identify signs of potential violence and intervene early. If approved, the STOP School Violence Act of 2018 would be the first gun-related action in Congress since the Feb. 14 attack on the Florida high school that left 17 dead. The bill’s sponsor, Rep. John Rutherford, R-Fla., said the bill could help officials prevent school shootings. “The best way to keep our students and teachers safe is to prevent violence from ever entering school grounds,” said Rutherford, a former Jacksonville sheriff. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, has sponsored a similar bill in the Senate, although senators are expected to turn first to a bill strengthening the federal background checks system for gun purchases. No votes on gun bills are scheduled in the Senate. Texas Sen. John Cornyn, the No. 2 Republican in the Senate and the lead sponsor of the background checks bill, said Tuesday he is frustrated that lawmakers keep attempting to add gun-related proposals to his bill, a relatively modest measure that would bolster the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. The “Fix NICS” bill would penalize federal agencies that don’t properly report required records and reward states that comply by providing them with federal grant preferences. The bill is a response to a shooting last November in which a gunman killed more than two dozen people at a Texas church. The Air Force has acknowledged it failed to report the gunman’s domestic violence conviction to the National Criminal Information Center database. “People want to make this bill a Christmas tree, trying to decorate it with other legislative ornaments that look nice to their political base but

Students protest against gun violence outside of the White House just days after 17 people were killed in a shooting at a south Florida high school on Monday, February 19, 2018 in Washington, D.C.


stand no chance of passing this body or the House,” Cornyn said on the Senate floor. “I think we have to call that what it is. It’s political posturing. It’s not about getting a result. It’s not about passing a bill which will actually improve the background check system.” Meanwhile, the FBI gave a closed-door briefing Tuesday to members of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees. McCarthy said the session was intended to address law enforcement failures that potentially could have prevented the shooting and “make sure they can make corrections so it can never repeat itself again.” Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., said afterward that the briefing “raised more questions than it answered.” DeSantis, a member of both the Judiciary and Oversight panels, tweeted that “We should have more answers 20 days after the shooting. This was clearly a major failure and Americans deserve swift accountability and reform.” Fix NICS has passed the House, and President Donald Trump has indicated he would sign it, Cornyn said, citing a phone conversation with Trump last Thursday. The call came a day after Trump put Cornyn and other Republicans in the hot seat as he called for speedy and substantial changes to the nation’s gun laws in a televised meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers at the White House. Trump later appeared to back away from some of the proposals to tighten gun laws, saying in a tweet that “Many

ideas, some good & some not so good” were discussed. Trump also tweeted that he’d had a “Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office” the next night with the National Rifle Association, which opposes many of the proposals discussed at the Feb. 28 White House meeting with lawmakers. Trump and Congress are under pressure to act in the wake of the Valentine’s Day attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Surviving students and gun-control supporters have scheduled a march and rally in Washington and other cities March 24 to urge new gun laws. Trump has urged support for improved background checks and has promised to issue an executive order barring the use of bump stock devices that enable guns to fire like automatic weapons. Trump also has backed more controversial ideas, including increasing the minimum age for the purchase of assault weapons from 18 to 21, which is opposed by the NRA, and arming certain teachers, which the gun lobby supports. The NRA called the bulk of the proposals discussed at the Feb. 28 meeting “bad policy” that would not keep people safe. The NRA’s executive director, Chris Cox, tweeted after the group’s White House meeting that Trump and Vice President Mike Pence “support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control.” Article courtesy of The Associated Press.

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OPINION Wednesday, March 7, 2018



Bring the conversation about human trafficking to classrooms Michelle Fredrickson @mfredrickson42

dangerous manifestations of interpersonal violence,” said Kristy Kumar, assistant director of educational programs at the Women and Gender Advocacy Center at CSU. Kumar has a career of experience working against human trafficking, both as an educator and a case manager. She currently serves as a board member with the Denver-based Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking. She has a deep understanding of the issue.

Editor’s Note: All opinion section content reflects the views of the individual author only and does not represent a stance taken by the Collegian or editorial board. When thinking of the phrase ‘human trafficking,’ many people think of the movie “Taken,” or something distant and terrible happening very far away. However, human “In order to better trafficking happens right here in Colorado, and it doesn’t understand human always look the way people trafficking, we need expect. to have deeper The conversation about human trafficking should be conversations around brought to Colorado State consent and coercion.” University classrooms in KRISTY KUMAR every subject, because of how ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF broadly it intersects forms of vulnerability. Professors EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS, WGAC and students should make a concerted effort to address this There exists a common issue in the classroom setting, because as a society we will misconception that human never end human trafficking if trafficking happens far away, Kumar said, and only in we can’t understand what it is. communities. “When we myopically dysfunctional equate human trafficking as The reality is that human something that happens only to trafficking takes many forms young girls in the commercial of forced labor and human sex industry, we’re missing slavery, and it happens right the ways human trafficking here. “The public narrative can also look like the sheep herding industry in Colorado, around human trafficking or the specific vulnerabilities focuses on sex trafficking. ASSET, DACA, trans and non- Labor is a huge part of this binary students face on college crime,” Kumar said. Almost 200 calls related campuses like our own, or the

to human trafficking came from Colorado to the National Human Trafficking Hotline last year. Sex and labor trafficking were the most commonly reported. Colorado ranks 17th in the nation for trafficking reports. Just a few months ago, an FBI sting in the Denver area caught a man trafficking children. The media portrays human trafficking in a common way – the rich, white girl is abducted for forced sex work, like in “Taken.” This is not an accurate depiction of the issue, which usually revolves around traffickers taking advantage of people in extreme situations. As Kumar said, people who are specifically vulnerable face a different world of challenges and are more likely to be victims of this sort of crime than the film industry would have people believe. “Human trafficking is the outcome of exploiting vulnerabilities through false promises, fraudulent work opportunities, and coercive tactics,” Kumar explained. “When folks are struggling to meet their basic needs, traffickers are ready to take advantage through force, fraud or coercion.” In the recent case in Colorado, the trafficker was a family friend of the children’s parents and was planning to traffic the children without the parents’ knowledge. Trafficking happens in intersections with other forms of marginalization, and a strategy to address trafficking

would require a multi-faceted approach that targets all forms of systemic oppression and marginalization of communities. The discussion around human trafficking can also become confused regarding sex workers, people who typically do sex work by their own choice. Kumar emphasized the importance of drawing this distinction, as some antihuman trafficking campaigns have harmed voluntary sex workers. Kumar also cautioned against the ‘savior narrative’ in regards to trafficking, calling it “a harmful colonial approach.” “In order to better understand human trafficking, we need to have deeper conversations around consent and coercion,” Kumar said. This is a point that could be well taken in the CSU classroom environment. The issue is deep and complex and interplays with many other forms of oppression, and simply attending workshops or one-off events isn’t enough to get a true understanding of the issue. Denver is considered to be a human trafficking hub, and reports of human trafficking instances are on the rise. According to the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking, in Colorado trafficking has been reported to occur in forced marriages, debt bondage, migrant labor, and various forms of industry work. In Larimer County alone in 2016, there were 204 charges

levied of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of a Child. It happens all around and becomes difficult to see. But human trafficking is not just the white girl kidnapped who needs to be saved. Human trafficking is a systemic form of oppression, and it needs to be treated as such. CSU hosted the Human Trafficking Symposium two weeks ago, and that was a step in the right direction, but students should not attend the symposium and think they can stop there. Trafficking is an issue that cannot be understood, or solved, in one day. It needs to become part of the college discussion experience to address the full complexity of these issues, because at the root of it all is the same systemic inequality that causes a great many other injustices. ■ Report human trafficking.

Call the Colorado Network to End Human Trafficking 24/7 at 1-866-455-5075

CSU students need to wake up and demand that this issue be talked about, and professors need to use the unique classroom environment to discuss the full breadth of the issue, because until we understand the true nature of human trafficking, we will never get closer to stopping it. Michelle Fredrickson can be reached at letters@collegian.com

NOPE DOPE People that say absolutely stupid things in class.

Professors who support you.

Chronic pain.


Not having time to watch all the cool movies that everyone is talking about after the Oscars.

Free lunch at job interviews because they’re wining and dining you.

The constant stress of watching the days countdown until graduation.

Actually getting things together enough to finish all your class reading.

Feeling cranky with the people you care about.

Project partners who actually









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SPORTS Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Basketball >> from page 1

averages just over 18 points a game and looked strong with six first-half points, including four coming in the final minutes of the first half. But White only found the bottom of the net one more time as she finished with eight points, going 4-for-13 from the field, including a 0-for-4 performance from deep. “Obviously they knew about her and I thought Tvrdy came out and played solid defense on her,” Fresno State head coach Jaime White said. “You get a couple layups that she missed and that

starts to wear on you a little bit. Just trying to defend and score and I think she ran out of gas a little bit toward the end” “Candice White is as good a guard as there is in our league and maybe we’ve faced all year,” CSU head coach Ryun Williams said. “(Stopping Candice White) was a huge key for us going into this game ... to just make her work for everything.” Despite the offensive woes from FSU, they kept the game tight by going into the break tied at 26 with CSU. The third quarter and second half as a whole would produce a different outcome. The surge from the Rams started with Grace Covaivalu, who had been relatively quiet in the first half with two points. Instead of scoring, the 5-foot-7

guard picked up two blocks on one Bulldog possession and four assists to spark the Rams. Those blocks helped the Rams force FSU to miss seven straight shots as they went without a made basket in the final 6:07 of the quarter. “Grace, when she comes in, she’s such a spark player,” Hannah Tvrdy said. “I think when she gets going and has that spark and energy that kind of gets us going and the ball just keeps rolling with that.” “We knew about Grace, her best games have been against us so no surprise,” Jaime White said. “She’s hurt us before just driving and being physical … I think she did (have great focus) which created some openings.” With a 10-point lead in the


fourth, CSU continued to lay on the gas and ballooned their lead up to 17 within two minutes of the final quarter. Stine Austgulen rang home two 3-pointers to help put the game away for good. She finished with a team high four made 3-pointers and 14 points. Getting down low also helped Tvrdy get in the paint and make a few layups or free throws. She scored 10 points in the second half to finish as the game’s leading scorer with 15. Overall though, the Rams did their damage from beyond the arc by attempting 23 3-pointers, four more than their season average. The nine that they made helped push their lead further as the Bulldogs could not get much more than made free throws as they edged the Rams with 14-10 in

made attempts. Getting the win over a team who previously won the two regular season matchups is never an easy task. CSU will hope to build from that momentum as they will have to do the same when they take on the regular season co-champion Boise State Broncos on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. MT. “We knew coming in that (Fresno State) beat us twice in the regular season so we had a little bit of revenge,” Tvrdy said. “Obviously we want to come out and do everything we can (against Boise State) because no one wants to lose to a team three times. We know what we have to do.” Austin White can be reached at sports@collegian.com.


Title for CSU women’s hoops will CSU wrestling team come through leadership of seniors prepared for nationals By Tyler Johnson @TylerGjohnson20

Luke Zahlmann @lukezahlmann

LAS VEGAS - A pair of talks, both midseason and leading up to postseason, lit a fire for the trio of Colorado State women’s players that are facing the end of their careers and staring down an elusive postseason title. From the beginning of their 71-55 victory over Fresno State in the first round of the Mountain West Championships, the energy around the Rams was one that failed to present itself for much of the season. A maximum-effort style on both ends of the floor with constant cutting on offense and a healthy dose of defensive dominance led the way. Best evidenced in the turning point of the matchup, back-to-back blocks by redshirt freshman Grace Colaivalu, the Rams were hungry to correct the wrongs of their final weeks of the regular season. Coming into the tournament with a lone win in their final four games, the Rams utilized a week of practice to rejuvenate themselves and get back to previous years’ offensive ways. “We had a good week of preparation,” coach Ryun Williams said. “The kids were really locked in to what we needed to get done … It’s the tournament, right, so you don’t want it to be your last game, so there’s always a little more purpose, energy.” Experience among the seniors allowed a level of intrasquad leadership ever present during Williams’ tenure with CSU.

Stine Austgulen fights for an opening during the Mountain West Conference game against Fresno St. in Las Vegas on March. 6.


A one-and-done format places more emphasis on execution each game, as it could be the last for the team that falls. It was a game full of anomalies for the Rams; four separate players found their way over the decade mark in scoring, including two-thirds of the senior class in Hannah Tvrdy and Stine Austgulen. The week leading up to the first game of the conference tournament featured a constant open dialogue by the seniors and a trust in each other to give every ounce of effort. The results of the sentiments shared was a senior group leading the way for a pair of star first-year players in Colaivalu and Lore Devos. The mixture of experience and youth among the club brought an aspect not faced by many teams under Williams and created a new challenge, one that CSU exceeded in the first postseason game of the year. “We didn’t want to end the way we did in conference,” Austgulen said. “We felt we were

a better team than that so being able to come here and have another opportunity is good.” A monumental aspect for the Rams in past years, the team has long relied on leadership from within. Following the lead of their fellow players, along with the lessons taught by Williams, has long been the reason for the Rams’ success. “This whole past week, Stine and I have talked a lot together about what we want to do in this tournament,” Tvrdy said. “And what we want to do just to end our senior year. We kind of talked to the team about that too and like coach said, practice this whole week was focus, a lot of effort … We’re not ready to be done.” After a disappointing season compared to past years under Williams, the Rams found their voices in their three seniors at the end of the season. Following their tutelage is a catalyst for a run to place them in the NCAA Tournament. Luke Zahlmann can be reached at sports@collegian.com.

The Colorado State club wrestling team is in the midst of one of the most successful seasons in program history, one that includes wins in its home tournament and their first Great Plains Conference championship. Now, the Rams turn their attention to Texas for the National Collegiate Wrestling Association Division II Nationals this weekend. Last week, the Rams made a statement by qualifying 11 wrestlers for Nationals including four champions at the conference championship. Those wrestlers will join the two women wrestlers who automatically qualified totaling 13 wrestlers, more than doubling the number the Rams took to Texas last year. This is the largest team of wrestlers the Rams have ever sent to nationals. CSU has an extremely young team with no seniors and a small number of juniors; but this hasn’t held back the team as a group of freshmen, including Louie Romero and Santana Salas, have come in and made an instant impact. For many of the wrestlers, this will be their first time wrestling at Nationals, something they are not deterred by. “My goal is to get as many Ws as possible,” junior Ben Peterson said. “Getting as deep into the tournament as I can.” With most of the roster competing at Nationals, it is hard to not feel like the Rams could be in the mix for their first national title, something that seemed very unlikely just a few years ago. Even so, head

coach Kendall DeJonge has kept his team grounded. “Our goal is to wrestle tough,” DeJonge said. “We want to try and get as many wrestlers as we can on the podium.” DeJonge stressed rest and fundamentals as the team’s focus with just a couple practices remaining before Nationals. With such a long season, DeJonge has tried to keep things fresh by shaking up the structure of practice. This includes running sprints while doing the ‘Macarena’ and keg relays. Keeping wrestling fun has been a focus all year and with such an important tournament looming, DeJonge does his best to keep everyone smiling. “We want to stay as healthy as possible,” DeJonge said. “The more we wrestle, the more likely someone is going to be hurt. So we are trying to keep it fun and make sure everyone makes weight.” It is easy to see that this team has the camaraderie that it takes to be a championship team as they proved last weekend. The team has become a family and even created CSU wrestling wristbands to show that they are all part of something special. Even though this season is still going, it is hard to not look ahead at what the Rams could do next year. With no graduating seniors, many of the wrestlers will be returning with experience on the national stage. For now, all eyes are on representing Colorado State in Allen, Texas this weekend. Tyler Johnson can be reached at sports@collegian.com.

The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Wednesday, March 7, 2018

99% of brackets bust after the first round of the NCAA tournament, but that’s okay because you get a...


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ARTS & CULTURE Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Surreal plays written by CSU alumnus to open Friday By Maddie Wright @maddierwright

Surreal is the theme Colorado State University alumnus Liam Kelley aims to achieve in his recent plays “Puñeta” and “Música Sibilina: A Sequel,” which open this weekend. The plays will be performed at The Art Lab March 8-10. It’s actually two plays under one title, Kelly said. Both follow similar themes and have a collective run-time of about an hour. The plays are about letting go and getting out. “Both plays are admittedly absurd and there are moments of bizarre surrealism,” Kelley wrote in an email to the Collegian. “But while the scenarios might be strange, the emotions of the characters are rooted in reality.” “We talk about mothers and family relationships, we talk about friend relationships and we talk about romantic relationships,” said Heather Salyer, director and a senior performance major at CSU. “And

in the end ... they have to learn how to let go of all of it.”


Art Lab

■ When

March 8-10, 7:30 p.m.

The surreal element should not make audiences hesitate to attend, Kelly said. It is supposed to be relatable. “I can’t wait for people to experience something that is at once absurd and intimate,” Kelley said. “Sometimes with surreal or absurd theatre, the audience can become detached because the situations and images and words are too outlandish. I’m convinced that these plays are relatable despite their absurdity.” The show will be performed in a small theater, which will provide a more personal

and intimate feel for the audience, said Annabel Wall, the makeup designer for the show and a junior studying communication studies, in an email to the Collegian. “The small space creates an intimacy with the audience, and the dialogue explores the inner pain of letting go I think anyone who’s been in love can relate to,” Wall said. While writing these plays, Kelley said he took images, tied them together and made them prominent in the show, including an ominous key, a uncooperative bike rack, killing birds, sentient bugs, nests, temples and bedrooms. “So take all that, add in a heavy dose of my friendships and relationships with my family and friends, and you have the shows,” Kelley said. “They are two stories that I wanted to tell, for one reason or another. I’m not sure. I’m still figuring that out. And I think the characters are too.” Being a mostly student driven performance, these plays give the director, designers and actors

Rehearsal of “Puñeta” and “Música Sibilina: A Sequel.” PHOTO COURTEESY OF HEATHER SALYER COLLEGIAN

creative freedom. “This show has been really great to work on creatively,” Wall said. “There is a section in the play that requires gore makeup, which was really fun to play with. We use scar wax, rice, red lentils and lots of fake blood to create a creepy and shocking effect for the story.” The plays are notable for

their use of real emotions, Salyer said. “It (is) just so moving; it’s hard to explain because it is disorienting and disjointed,” Salyer said. “It’s very beautiful and sad.” Maddie Wright can be reached at entertainment@ collegian.com.


‘Lebowski’ screening bowls audience with subversive ethos By Nick Botkin @dudesosad

A stoner’s rug is peed on. Severed toes, bowling ball licking pederasts and German nihilists abound. These are just some of the darkly comic elements of the Coen Brothers’ “The Big Lebowski.” On March 6, a large audience of Big Lebowski fans, or ‘achievers,’ to use the parlance of our times, congregated at the Lyric Cinema. The Lyric was screening the movie in honor of its 20th anniversary. The movie’s protagonist is Jeffrey Lebowski, played by Jeff Bridges. Lebowski insists upon being referred to as “the Dude.” An unemployed stoner, bowler and ex-activist, the Dude is mistaken for a millionaire of the same name. Intruders pee on his beloved rug, which “really tied the room together.” The Dude and his bowling friends, Walter and Donny, are drawn into an investigation involving the other Lebowski’s wife. The movie played to a full audience of approximately 200 attendees, according to Lainey Smith, who works at the concession stand in The Lyric.

Crowds laughed raucously and yelled quotes sporadically, clapping during some of the movie’s best-known moments. Such moments included the appearance of Jesus Quintana, a rival bowler and pederast, licking a bowling ball. White Russians were also sold and drew long lines prior to the movie’s screening. The movie screening was Michael Putlack’s brainchild. Putlack is head projectionist and social media expert for the Lyric and a Lebowski achiever. “We love the Big Lebowski,” Putlack said. “What is not to love? It just makes sense to celebrate.” Moviegoers had their own reasons for attending. “I have seen it four times and I have never seen the ending,” Kim Stenson said. Stenson likes the overall message. “It has interpretations if you dive into it. It is a metaphor for life,” Stenson said. Some think the movie is the epitome of perfection, including Erik Wunder, who noted that every now and then something hits all the right notes, including “the dialogue, casting, the irreverence for everything social,” Wunder said.

“It just goes off the wall,” Wunder said, likening the zaniness to “a good ping-pong ball.” Wunder also noted the movie’s broad appeal, saying that “you cannot not like it, even if you got shit for brains.” For attendee Nathan Harper, there are a multitude of reasons to like Lebowski, including “infinite quotability,” and, “The Dude’s sort of subversive take on proper culture and willingness to be himself regardless of audience.” Harper said this is the sixth or seventh time he has seen the movie. He even rented out the Lyric’s old location on his 30th birthday specifically to screen the movie. For some, the movie’s message is even simpler. “I mean, The Dude abides,” said attendee Drew Smith, referring to one of the movie’s most oft-quoted lines and the protagonist’s easy-going ethos. “That is the only answer.” Putlack thinks that The Dude’s appeal fuels the movie’s popularity. “I think it is because everyone sees a little of The Dude in themselves,” Putlack said. “Everyone has a little bit of that slacker attitude and

“The Dude” sips a white Russian in a scene in “The Big Levowski.” PHOTO COURTESY OF GRANERCY PICTURES

slacker mystique. The Dude, he is an everyday hero. He is a hero that does not wear a cape. At times, he can seem really selfish and stuff, but he has a really good heart. He has a sense of morality.” Putlack has his own

favorite quote, he said: “‘I do not bowl on Shomer Shabbos’ is a good one.” Nick Botkin can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com.

ARTS & CULTURE Wednesday, March 7, 2018



12 songs to get you through the rest of midterms week By Nate Day @NateMDay

It’s the eighth week of the semester. We all need some motivation, so here are 12 songs to help you get through the rest of the week: “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child: A fairly conventional choice, but can you think of a better way to celebrate life than jamming out to Beyonce, Kelly Rowland and the third one who barely counts? Probably not. Plus, it’s a great break up anthem so it’s got that going for it. “Unstoppable” by Sia: On this track, Sia belts it out, singing about armor, cars, not needing batteries and Porches, so it definitely qualifies for this list. Use it to get hyped before a test, an interview, a presentation or just to get through a Monday. “We Will Rock You” by Queen: You get it. “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys: Whether you identify as a girl or not, this jam is going

to get you pumped. The lyrics even talk about how attractive you are. Feel it, sing it, be it. “Stand” by Lenny Kravitz: A true rock idol, good ol’ Lenny’s given us hits for a few decades now, and this is one of his most fun songs. Ideally, it’d be on every playlist ever made, but it’ll do on this one for now. “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and The Waves: Some days, you feel up, others, you feel down. This song immediately makes it an “up” day if it isn’t already. Not to mention, who wouldn’t want to try walking on sunshine? “River Deep, Mountain High” by Ike & Tina Turner: A pounding jam about how much love one can possibly feel is sure to give you warm fuzzies. Plus it’s got that signature Tina Turner quality that makes her catalog so irresistible. “Jump” by Van Halen: Nobody exactly knows what this song is about besides jumping, but we all know it’s good. David Lee Roth & co. really knew how to produce a

foot-tapper, if not an all-out booty shaker. “Fighter” by Christina Aguilera: Talk about girl power. This power-jam is all about making it through times because of said tough times, and we can all relate to that. Also, it’s probably a law that you have to listen to this song at least once a year—or it should be.

■ Check out the playlist by

scanning this QR code.

“Don’t Stop” by Fleetwood Mac: You probably thought

you were about to read about how Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” is the perfect song for the billionth time, but this one’s even better. A song about not giving up and looking forward to tomorrow is exactly what we could all use right now. “Tightrope” by Janelle Monae: This has to be one of the most infectious songs of the last decade. Crooning about how you’ve got to be careful not to fall off your path is not only motivational but also relatable. 10 points to Janelle. “Get on Your Feet” by Gloria Estefan: Throwing it back to the ‘80s one last time to bring it home. Estefan is known for her dance-inspiring songs throughout her whole career, and if you’re a fan of “Parks & Recreation,” you’ll recognize this one. You can’t not feel great when Estefan literally tells you to get up and get your stuff done. Nate Day can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com

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ARTS & CULTURE Wednesday, March 7, 2018


8 ways to enjoy spring break in Fort Collins By Nick Botkin @dudesosad

It is almost spring break. You might want to go on some wonderful odyssey to the beach or a metropolis. However, you might have some project due right after the break, or maybe you have job obligations. Fear not. There are a multitude of ways to have your own vacation here in Fort Collins. Everyone needs a respite and these suggestions will hopefully help you. Fun at Horsetooth Reservoir Thoreau wrote, “I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.” If Thoreau were alive today, he might recommend going to Horsetooth Reservoir. Go boating, swimming or water-skiing. Do some rock climbing and catch a majestic view. Give your mind a rest from upcoming projects and professors who make the teacher in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” look charismatic. Have a beer If you are over 21, Fort Collins might look like something dreamed up by Willy Wonka, if he specialized

in beer. Hit up a brewery or just have a cold one at one of the local bars that abound. You might even make new friends.


Jo Koy: Break The Mold Tour

■ When

Sunday, March 11, 6 p.m.

■ Where

Lincoln Center Performance Hall, 417 W. Mangnolia Street, Fort Collins

Lounge in the Oval Hanging around campus might seem as appealing as a root canal. However, the Oval offers a sense of beauty with stately buildings and behemoth trees. It also offers a nice place to reflect and recharge your mind. Hole up against a tree with your favorite books. Listen to the sounds of Fort Collins around you, from the squirrels chattering to the ever-so-ubiquitous freight trains. Visit Old Town With an array of shops

and dining options, there is no shortage of entertainment here. You can also just enjoy the vibrancy of Old Town and walk around. You might also take one of the guided tours offered, some of which include Old Town’s most notoriously haunted spots. Watch for ghosts. And call Ghostbusters if needed. Go to the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery If you are a fan of things scientific or historical, go to the museum. According to the website, “the museum creates opportunities to learn, reflect, and have fun through hands-on and collectionsbased explorations in science and culture.” Exhibits range from “People on the Move,” exploring the history of Fort Collins, to the “Music and Sound Lab.” Watch a movie at The Lyric Spring break is about release from stress. The Lyric might be your answer. Located at 1209 N. College Ave, The Lyric offers a selection of smaller independent movies. It also features a plethora of themed events. Upcoming events at the Lyric include a


United Men of Color announce largest rap battle in Colorado By Matt Smith @latvatalo

At the end of March, eight rappers will descend on the Lory Student Center Theatre in one of CSU’s biggest hip-hop events of the year. With the return of Clash of the Titans, Fort Collins is set to host the biggest rap battle in the state of Colorado. For six years running, Clash has brought together unprecedented talent and huge stars for the hip-hop fans of CSU. J.I.D., the Atlanta rapper recently signed onto J. Cole’s Dreamville label, is this year’s special guest. His show will split

up a tournament of eight local rap artists in a contest judged by lyric ability and crowd reaction.

CLASH OF THE TITANS ■ Check out event pages on

Facebook and RamLink for more information. ■ Get tickets at the LSC box office. Clash, sponsored by ASCSU and the Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity, is one of the United Men of Color’s biggest annual events. President and organizer Kent Washington will

coordinate the tournament. Last year’s Clash saw California-based headliners Audio Push and Price, with ten-year rap veteran TypeOne taking the win. The full roster for Clash of the Titans VII has yet to be announced but will be published on the United Men of Color’s Facebook page. Check out event pages on Facebook and RamLink for more information. Get tickets at the LSC box office. Matthew Smith can be reached at entertainment@ collegian.com.

Catching a musical performance or show at the Lincoln Center is one of many ways for students to enjoy spring break Fort Collins-style. PHOTO


vegan dinner on March 12, paired with a screening of “Dr. Strangelove.” Catch a performance at the Lincoln Center The Lincoln Center’s mission statement is to “be a leader in cultural experience and make it an essential value to the community.” There is no shortage of concerts and plays to attend here, among its assorted offerings. Ride a bike

Fort Collins is a truly bikefriendly city. If you just need a release from stress, take to the trails. Go at sunset and experience the true majesty of a Rocky Mountain dusk. Can your friends say they have this option in the big city? I think not. Nick Botkin can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com.

Daily Horoscope Nancy Black


(03/07/18). Fly to new heights this year. Pursue an educational dream with help from your team. Money comes from unexpected sources. Slip into a fine summer romance. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21-April 19) —8

— The next two days favor travel, exploration and investigation. Remember what you want to accomplish. Take time for longrange planning. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — 8 — Review your reserves over the next two days. Figure out the budget to put away provisions for the future. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — 7 — Negotiate and compromise with your partner. Keep shared commitments in mind. You may not always understand each other. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — 8 — The work is in the details. An error can actually lead to something better. Keep practicing. Get support when needed. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — 7 — Plan some fun for today and tomorrow. Savor games, sports and shared enthusiasms with family and


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — 5 —

Get sucked into domestic projects. Clear the clutter. You can find what you need. Less is more. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — 7 — Your creative muses harmonize. Get quiet and listen. Capture inspiration in written words, visually or as audio. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — 8 — The next few days could get especially lucrative. Have faith in your own imagination. You can do more than you thought. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — 9 — You’re especially strong, confident and creative today and tomorrow. Invest in work you love. Obsess on the details. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — 5 — Rest and recuperate for a few days. Observe and wait for developments. Research a potentially profitable hunch. Enjoy your favorite soothing rituals. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — 8 — Your friends are there for you. Collaborate on a shared goal. Bounce interesting ideas around. Tap into new funding. New opportunities arise in conversation. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — 8 — A professional test or challenge has your focus over the next few days. Schedule carefully. Focus on a new career target.

COLLEGIAN.COM Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle 23 Took a load off 25 Purplish hue 27 Ante, e.g. 28 Small egg 29 Takes full advantage of 31 Gravy thickener 33 From far away (perhaps very far) 34 See 51-Down 35 “The March King” 37 Unexpected 38 Susan of “L.A. Law” 47 Ottawa-to-NYC dir. Rocky Mt. Collegian 3/6/18 Sudoku49 Prefix with ware 51 With 34-Down, really retro eating programs 53 Vague discomfort, with “the” To solve Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and 54 the Makes a choice box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 55 Romance writer Roberts 56 Grad 57 Longtime “Live!” host 7 59 Author Wiesel 8 60 Omar of “Shooter” 7 are aptly 2 61 Body part whose parts found at the bottom 1 9 4 of this puzzle’s 7 four longest answers 64 Plant 3 sci. 8 Across 1 Drone sound 5 Spicy dip 10 French flag couleur 14 Parade celebrity 15 Cotton swabs 16 Pair on a Disneyland hat 17 Verdi highlight 18 It’s prohibited on many highways 19 Vast landmass 20 Musical Christmas staple 22 Culinary student’s assent 24 Native American symbol 26 Bit of cheer? 27 22% of the U.S. Senate 30 WWII female 32 Program breaks 36 Enthusiastic 37 “Good Lord!” 39 Miscellany 40 [Uh-oh!] 41 Big name in threshers 42 In __ of: replacing 43 City ENE of Reno 44 One of pop music’s Papas 45 Permits 46 Takes a load off 48 Mil. officers 49 High-IQ group 50 Perilous hisser


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52 In check 3 5 54 Succeeding like nobody’s business 58 Like most kosher frankfurters Rocky Mt. Collegian 3/7/18 9 4 1 Yesterday’s solution 62 Water sport 63 Only inanimate zodiac sign 5 2 1 4 65 Iams alternative 66 “Quite so” 4 2 67 Historical period Copyright ©2018 PuzzleJunction.com 68 Slimming procedure, briefly 69 Shopping club 70 Swearing-in rituals 71 For fear that Down 1 “Careless Whisper” pop group 2 “__ comes trouble!” 3 Eye part 4 Sunday dinner side dish 5 Weightlifting maneuver 6 Driving 7 “Elementary” co-star Lucy 8 Nimble 9 Ed with seven Emmys 10 Summer Olympics event since 1996 11 Word with back or whip 12 Historic canal 13 “Aim High ... Fly-Fight-Win” military org. 21 Non-neutral atom




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2 3 9 4 7 6 8 5 1



Yesterday’s solution

7 4 1 5 8 2 3 9 6


7 5 6 4 1 4

3 9 8 4 3 6 1

5 5


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8 5 1 7 9 2 3 6 4 9 2 6 4 1 3 7 8 5

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