Vol. 128, No. 113 Wednesday, April 3, 2019

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Vol. 128, No. 113 Wednesday, April 3, 2019




LFTE: We haven’t reported yet, but we are listening

Baseball knocks CSM out of the park

Hinge relaunches to promote unique conversation

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Alumni Association releases Best Teacher Awards By Lauryn Bolz & Graham Shapley @CSUCollegian

A male student plays a round of the popular soccer video game, FIFA, at home. The Colorado State University Intramural FIFA Tournament came under scrutiny when two female-identifying players were digitally barred from registering. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY CLARA SCHOLTZ COLLEGIAN

Intramural esports FIFA team accidentally bans female players By Delaney Allen @DelaneyAllen0

Several female students were reportedly barred from signing up for an esports FIFA tournament hosted by the Colorado State University Intramural Sports team last week.

Addy Morris, second-year marketing and management major, and Callie Marshall, second-year human development and family studies major, reportedly tried to sign up for a FIFA tournament, a popular soccer video game, hosted by CSU’s IM recreation team.

When they attempted to sign up, an error message appeared, reading “This League is restricted to a different gender, please change the league.” Morris reported she had to reach out by email and phone call, and even then, she didn’t hear an immediate response back.

“They called me back, but by then, there was only one spot left,” Morris said. “They tried to tell us only one of us could play, but I told them that wasn’t fair, because we would’ve had spots if we weren’t restricted by gender.”

see FIFA on page 4 >>

Each year, the Alumni Association collects nominations from current students and alumni for who they believe was a teacher or professor that truly made an impact on their lives. This year, the winners of the Best Teacher Award come from everywhere, ranging from liberal arts to natural sciences. Mike Humphrey - College of Liberal Arts, Department of Journalism and Media Communication For Mike Humphrey, teaching provides the opportunity to never stop learning. Humphrey, who teaches online storytelling and digital engagement classes, draws off of his decades in the field to teach future journalists about the constantly-shifting industry of news writing. “I still think a lot about how I can help you learn what will get you ready for an ever-changing media landscape,” Humphrey said. “A lot of it is about tools, like learning how to write and doing video and audio, but I’ve realized that there’s something about the brain that has to happen too. That is the key tool when it comes to things that are constantly changing on you.” Humphrey’s colleague-to-colleague teaching style, which he developed from years of working in a community newsroom, helps him relate to, as well as learn from, his students.

see TEACHERS on page 13 >>

Abortion Rights: Bold & Without Shame

Here at The Brazen Project, we’re wroking to create a Colorado where everyone has access to safe, affordable abortion care in a timely manner: without shame or stigma. We’re here on the CSU campus (as well as CU Boulder and Denver) because we know members of our generation will be the leaders on issues like this.


Insta @boldandwithoutshame

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