Vol. 128, No. 125 Wednesday, April 24, 2019
sexual assault awareness should include men
Softball defeats UNC in run rule finish
Lizzo explodes on ‘Cuz I Love You’
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Students petition ASCSU to aid food insecurity By Charlotte Lang @ChartrickWrites
agement system, and our experience is that this is the rarest use of the analytics tool by faculty.” Faculty use the data in the dashboard to see how the entire class is performing, Burns said. Data from that can be used to adjust the content the instructor provides, the pace of delivery and the style of delivery.
After the Associated Students of Colorado State University discovered $800,000 in their budget, a group of social work students saw their chance to help with food insecurity. Alexis Kilgore, Arianna Pike, Amy Sumerfield, Taylor Lofgren and Joshua Segura are five social work majors currently working to petition ASCSU to fund the University’s meal swipe program for students facing food insecurity. Pike said the conversation began as a social action project in one of their classes, where the group started discussing food insecure students and the community in the University, as well as what food insecurity looks like on campus. “We began talking about certain aspects of how we can combat it,” Pike said. “When we were thinking about petition and education of the problem on campus, we found the newspaper that said ASCSU has rollover of $800,000. We were like, ‘Boom, that’s it. We’re gonna work on that.’” Pike said the goal is to reallocate some of that money to help the programs on campus. Of the Rams Against Hunger programs, meal swipes are the primary priority. Currently, there are 279 students on the waitlist for the University’s meal swipe program. Since it costs $600 per student, it would cost $180,000 to help all the students on the waitlist, Pike said.
see CANVAS on page 4 >>
see PETITION on page 4 >>
Canvas, the program used by Colorado State University as an academic portal for grades and assignments, has some features that allow professors or page administrators to view student activity on the program. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY FORREST CZARNECKI COLLEGIAN
Canvas analytics of students used for class, research By Charlotte Lang @ChartrickWrites
Canvas does more than let students view assignments and announcements. According to the site’s analytics page, it also lets professors view what students do. Canvas, Colorado State University’s primary learning management system, claims to “provide course and student analytics
for instructors.” According to the analytics page, “student interactions in Canvas can show how they are performing in comparison to their peers and offers a high-level look at how course tools and materials are being used by students.” Patrick Burns, dean of libraries and vice president for IT, said that 80-85% of instructors currently use Canvas. In regard to the site’s
analytics, the Canvas instructor’s dashboard shows class activity level, assignment submissions by due date and overall grade performance. “Faculty are able to drill down to see what an individual student has done in these areas and to see if the student requires assistance,” Burns said. “But, this capability is not new. Faculty have always been able to do this in a learning man-
Abortion Rights: Bold & Without Shame
Here at The Brazen Project, we’re wroking to create a Colorado where everyone has access to safe, affordable abortion care in a timely manner: without shame or stigma. We’re here on the CSU campus (as well as CU Boulder and Denver) because we know members of our generation will be the leaders on issues like this.
Insta @boldandwithoutshame