Vol. 128, No. 131 Monday, May 6, 2019
Caps and gowns should be free to students
Softball clinches Mountain West Championship in Boise
Art students reflect through capstone art show
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Colorado State University police officers watch over the 2018 Undie Run at the volleyball courts. The University has announced this year’s Undie Run is canceled, citing safety concerns. PHOTO BY MATT BEGEMAN COLLEGIAN
University against Undie Run participation, citing safety concerns By Lauryn Bolz @laurynbolz
With the end of the semester approaching, students may be looking to shed their clothes for the annual Undie Run, but the Colorado State University Administration is doing what it can to prevent students from participating. The CSU Undie Run has traditionally been seen as a way for
students to let loose and relax before finals begin, but the damage caused by the event annually and increased reports of sexual assault have prompted the University Administration to take a stronger approach to stop the event. Despite the common myth that the Undie Run is a University tradition, the event is anonymously organized and is independent of the University Administration and
its support, according to an email sent out to students by the Public Saftey Team April 29. “I think there’s a lot of misinformation out there about this thing,” said Jody Donovan, CSU dean of students. “It is not a tradition because CSU does not own this. It is not a student-run kind of thing because we don’t know who runs this. The Facebook administrator is unknown. At one point,
a person who was writing (on the Facebook page) said they were not a student and were not even in Fort Collins.” Though the CSU Administration has never endorsed the event, faculty and staff have volunteered to ensure a level of safety for students and participants, Donovan said. “There are no University departments that have ever felt like
this was okay or supported it,” said Dell Rae Ciaravola, CSU Police Department’s public information officer. “There might be volunteers that show up to make sure that people are safe. It’s not because we want to be there, it’s not because we support it. We are begrudgingly there because student and participant safety is important.”
see UNDIE RUN on page 4 >>