Vol. 128, No. 133 Wednesday, May 8, 2019

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Vol. 128, No. 133 Wednesday, May 8, 2019




As students, we should not encourage the ‘Undie Run’

Softball has best season in recent history

4 fun things to do instead of the Undie Run

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Associated Students of Colorado State University President-elect Ben Amundson reacts to a statement made by the complainants during the ASCSU hearing May 7. PHOTO BY FORREST CZARNECKI COLLEGIAN

‘We have not broken the law’ Amundson-Farias election challenged in ASCSU Supreme Court By Samantha Ye & Laura Studley @CSUCollegian

Editor’s Note: Jayla Hodge is the opinion editor of The Rocky Mountain Collegian. The results of the Associated Students of Colorado State University presidential election were challenged Tuesday night. Two students, Chris Jewell and Hannah Taylor, filed an appeal against the Ben Amundson and

Alex Farias campaign which won the ASCSU presidential election. The complainants claim the campaign should have been disqualified due to their actions of throwing away Collegian newspapers en masse and harassing other campaigns. Additionally, short of disqualification, the actions would have violated the ASCSU Code of Ethics four times, resulting in fines which would have pushed the campaign over the donations and expenditures limit and disqualified

them. The only reason it did not happen during the election season, the appeal states, is because these accusations did not come to light in time. In the Tuesday hearing, the ASCSU Supreme Court heard arguments from the complainants, Jewell and Taylor, the defendants, Amundson and Farias, and multiple witnesses to the claims. The five members of the Supreme Court will deliver a written

decision likely by the end of the week. Background A report was filed by Nick Bohn, ASCSU’s controller, regarding suspicion of Ben + Alex’s misrepresenting their campaign finances. Following the submission, The Collegian decided to investigate Amundson and Farias’ finances. Findings discovered that their spending did not align with the donations and expenditures report received by The Collegian. An exact

donation amount was not able to be confirmed with the Food Bank. On April 9, members of Ben + Alex campaign and members outside of the campaign were seen by multiple witnesses throwing away Collegian copies. Approximately 1,500 papers were taken from Collegian news racks. This is a violation of the First Amendment according to the Denver Post and theft according to the Student Press Law Center.

see ASCSU on page 4 >>

Abortion Rights: Bold & Without Shame

Here at The Brazen Project, we’re wroking to create a Colorado where everyone has access to safe, affordable abortion care in a timely manner: without shame or stigma. We’re here on the CSU campus (as well as CU Boulder and Denver) because we know members of our generation will be the leaders on issues like this.


Insta @boldandwithoutshame

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