COLLEGIAN.COM Thursday, June 14, 2018
Brent Winston halters a horse inside a trailer prior to leading it to its pen at the CSU Equine Sciences facility on June 5. The horse was one of 12 horses that recently arrived at the CSU Equine Science facility to be part of the Right Horse Initiative partnership with CSU. As part of the partnership, CSU works with the Denver Dumb Friends League Harmony Equine Center to provide training to equines that were rescued by law enforcement agencies across the Midwest and western U.S. PHOTO BY FORREST CZARNECKI COLLEGIAN
overheard on the plaza
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“You’re the rough draft and I’m the final copy.”
CORRECTIONS “Please explain ‘Canvas Stadium.’” ”It represents a blank canvas on which the football team expresses its inner art.”
Everybody makes mistakes, including us. If you encounter something in the paper you believe to be an error, email errors@collegian.com.
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“Your nickname is dream-killer.”
THURSDAY “I hate to break it to you, but I saw that joke on Twitter long before we started making it.” Have you recently overheard something funny on campus? Put your eavesdropping to good use. Tweet us @CSUCollegian and your submissions could be featured in our next paper!
Lory Student Center Box 13 Fort Collins, CO 80523 This publication is not an official publication of Colorado State University, but is published by an independent corporation using the name ‘The Rocky Mountain Collegian’ pursuant to a license granted by CSU. The Rocky Mountain Collegian is a 6,500-circulation student-run newspaper intended as a public forum. It publishes four days a week during the regular fall and spring semesters. During the last eight weeks of summer Collegian distribution drops to 3,500 and is published weekly. During the first four weeks of summer the Collegian does not publish. Corrections may be submitted to the editor in chief and will be printed as necessary on page two. The Collegian is a complimentary publication for the Fort Collins community. The first copy is free. Additional copies are 25 cents each. Letters to the editor should be sent to letters@collegian.com.
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