The Rocky Mountain Collegian, Wednesday, September 12, 2012

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Business students invest donor funds for course credit | Page 6


Future Unknown PERC produce stand might move if stadium is built


Fort Collins, Colorado

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Volume 121 | No. 26


Colo. on the edge of business innovation leadership

Construction by Petition

See INNOVATION on Page 3

90’s Nokia


Senior biochemistry major Kelsey Thompson works in a lab located in the anatomy/zoology building Tuesday afternoon. Due to current space limitations, the anatomy department led by student grassroots initiatives are petitioning for a new state of the art anatomy facility.

Students fight to renovate anatomy building By KATE SIMMONS The Rocky Mountain Collegian A building with poor ventilation, an elevator that breaks down a few times a week and a freezer filled with twodozen cadavers may sound like a set location for a horror film, but it actually describes CSU’s Anatomy Building. Some students and faculty argue that the building’s conditions are enough to warrant a renovation but the Anatomy Department also needs additional space. Because of these issues, biomedical sciences Assistant Professor Tod Clapp and biomedical science master’s graduate Justice Richerdsen and a group of students posted a petition on Change. org to gain support for renovations to the building. Within the first 24 hours the petition had more than 200 signatures and two weeks later the number of signatures has reached more than 800. According to Clapp, if the building

presents a risk to student safety, the entire anatomical program is at risk. The State Anatomical Board can pull support for the program if they fear for student safety. The main problems students and faculty claim with the building is a room size that can’t accommodate all the students, as well as a single, onefoot vent and an unreliable elevator. “We are so limited with the facilities we have,” biomedical sciences major Lindsay Leech said. “We don’t have accessibility to the resources we need and we should be able to access the cadavers more often.” In a photo Clapp took of his summer class, clusters of anatomy students sat and waited in the hallway outside the lab’s door when the veterinary students used their lab space. The Anatomy lab is too small to fit all the students in the room at the same time, according to Clapp. Anatomy classes provide groups of four to five students their own cadaver, and students seeking future medical professions are provided an opportu-

THE PETITION Anatomy petition can be found at: http://www.

nity to explore and dissect the human body; a privilege few undergraduate programs offer. “We are lucky to have 22 cadavers so each student can get great hands-on learning experience,” Clapp said. “CU’s program has two to four cadavers and 110 students share one body.” Interest in Anatomy classes is so high that juniors and seniors are waitlisted and, in some cases, their graduation dates are postponed when they cannot register. “The waitlist is as large as the class,” Clapp said. “Our hands are tied because of the restrictions of the building.” “We have this great resource but we can’t always access it,” Richerdsen said. See PETITION on Page 3

cited to donate for the event.” The goal of Cans Around the Oval, one of the biggest food drives in northern Colorado, is to not only collect 65,000 pounds of food, $40,000 in monetary donations and to get 150 organizations registered to compete. It is also to raise awareness of hunger in Larimer County, Martens said . The event is organized each year by the office of Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement (SLiCE). The five-week food drive will culminate Oct. 17 when all the collected food cans will be weighed, donations collected and points tallied at CSU’s iconic Oval. The cans will be placed around the Oval, creating a visually stunning image of the size and scope of the food drive.



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Tony Frank’s Beard Can anyone prove that he DOESN’T have a phone hidden in it?

It’s Red. It’s a Phone. And it connects you with Commies. We have a winner here, comrade!

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Register: Groups can register at Distribution Day in the LSC Sept. 13. There is no deadline for registration. Donate: Collection bins will be place around the LSC throughout the next five weeks. For more information: Visit http:// or call Brett Rundle at (970)980-1871

Thursday, Sept. 13 will be Distribution Day in the Lory Student Center, where participating groups will receive boxes, posters, fliers and canvassing information from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Collection bins will be set up in LSC throughout the month for individuals wishing to donate during the next five weeks. According the Food Bank for Larimer County, almost one in six Americans struggle

Try throwing one of these at a wall, we dare you. These things are indestructible. The iPhone may as well be made of paper mache.

Cold War Panic Phone

Yearly event raises awareness for hunger in Larimer County Monday morning’s arrival of “Can-osaurus Rex” on the sun-drenched Lory Student Center Plaza could only mean one thing — the official start of CSU’s 26th annual Cans Around the Oval food drive. As students took turns having their picture taken with the prehistoric mascot made out of recycled cans, senior liberal arts major Emma Martens worked at an information booth getting clubs, groups and organizations registered to participate. “This is really the first day to the start of the campaign,” Martens said, who is a senior events coordinator for Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement (SLiCE). “We’re trying to get individuals registered and ex-


Phones better than the iPhone

SLiCE kicks-off annual ‘Cans Around the Oval’ food drive By AUSTIN BRIGGS The Rocky Mountain Collegian

STRIP The iPhone 5 is going to be announced today. Apparently, a lot of people are excited about it. But with all the other phones on the market, we decided to take a look at the other phones out there.

By KATE WINKLE The Rocky Mountain Collegian The Rocky Mountains are on their way to becoming the next Silicon Valley. While California and New York have led the country in technological and financial innovation, Colorado has built up a reputation as the quiet business innovation leader between the coasts, according to economics professor Stephan Weiler. The Colorado Innovation Index, an inaugural report compiled early this year by Weiler and a team of graduate and undergraduate CSU students, provides hope that Colorado’s economy and business climate will continue to grow. “We care because innovation determines how Colorado’s economy is going to do,” Weiler said. “We are on the edge –– there’s real promise there and we get a sense that the next few years will really matter.” Innovation is a product, profit or service that adds new value to the marketplace, according to Weiler. For innovation to occur, four pieces explored in the Index must fall in place: Talent, Ideas, Capital and Entrepreneurship. “From a big picture view, innovation is critical to both economic growth, job creation and our overall quality of life. While the specific role of this index was to benchmark innovation, it fits into the larger goal of trying to promote innovation in [Colorado],” economics graduate student Gregory Totten, who worked on the Index, wrote in an email to the Collegian. Weiler and his team analyzed publicly available data to determine Colorado’s innovation status compared to other


iPhones are outrageously overpriced, and in combination with the plan it’s almost unreasonable. DYLAN LANGILLE | COLLEGIAN

Freshman horiticulture major Charlotte Donatelli loads cans into a crate during Cans around the Oval event last year. The fundraiser is Larimer County’s largest single day food drive.

with hunger. One in five children don’t get enough to eat every day. “The Food Bank for Larimer County serves almost 14,000 people per-month through our food share pro-

gram. The need for our services is increasing every single month,” said Food Bank volunteer and development coordinator Susan Kelly. “We get See CANS on Page 6


The Windows Phone

HAHAHAHA.... no.

The Strip Club is written by the Collegian staff and designed by Design Editor Kris Lawan.

2 Wednesday, September 12, 2012 | The Rocky Mountain Collegian

Community Briefs


Sustainable construction expert to speak on campus


Derek Blake entertains the streets of Old Town on Tuesday afternoon. Blake was playing a medley of country songs.

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Chrisna du Plessis, an expert on sustainable construction and a former associate professor for the University of Pretoria in South Africa, will speak Wednesday in the Lory Student Center Theatre. Du Plessis is internationally known for her work on policy and research strategy for sustainable building in developing countries, according to the CSU events calendar. She was formerly a principal researcher at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa. “Chrisna is an inspirational leader in the sustainability movement – her compelling messages help all of us to envision healthy, thriving environments and cities and to understand our potential roles in places and economies that regenerate just as nature does,” said Brian Dunbar, director of the Institute for the Built Environment. Du Plessis’ presentation, “Your Role in the Regenerative World,” will take place at 4:30 p.m.

University increases endowment gains

CSU’s endowment fund increased by 18.6 percent in 2011, according to the National Association of College and University Business Officials. By contrast, CU–Boulder’s fund jumped by 1.3 percent, the School of Mines’ endowment grew by 12 percent and the University of Denver’s savings moved up by 14.9 percent. Reported in “USA Today,” the numbers mirror a national trend in which colleges have increased their endowment funds –– often through fundraising drives –– to offset decreases in financial support from their respective states. Nearly 70 percent of schools surveyed had recouped their losses or were within 5 percent of their previous maximum amount, according to the report. From June 2011 to June 2012, CSU broke fundraising records by raising $111.6 million.

-- Collegian Staff Report

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COLLEGIAN Lory Student Center Box 13 Fort Collins, CO 80523

This publication is not an official publication of Colorado State University, but is published by an independent corporation using the name ‘The Rocky Mountain Collegian’ pursuant to a license granted by CSU. The Rocky Mountain Collegian is a 10,000-circulation student-run newspaper intended as a public forum. It publishes five days a week during the regular fall and spring semesters. During the last eight weeks of summer Collegian distribution drops to 4,500 and is published weekly on Wednesdays. During the first four weeks of summer the Collegian does not publish. Corrections may be submitted to the editor in chief and will be printed as necessary on page 2. The Collegian is a complimentary publication for the Fort Collins community. The first copy is free. Additional copies are 25 cents each. Letters to the editor should be sent to

EDITORIAL STAFF | 491-7513 Allison Sylte | Editor in Chief Matt Miller | Content Managing Editor Hunter Thompson | Visual Managing Editor Andrew Carrera | News Editor Elisabeth Willner | News Editor Kevin Jensen | Editorial Editor & Copy Chief Nic Turiciano | Entertainment Editor Cris Tiller | Sports Editor

Kyle Grabowski | Assistant Sports Editor Kris Lawan | Design Editor Nick Lyon | Chief Photographer


Kim Blumhardt | Advertising Manager Michael Humphrey | Journalism Adviser

KEY PHONE NUMBERS Newsroom | 970-491-7513 Distribution | 970-491-1146 Classifieds | 970-491-1686 Display Advertising | 970-491-7467 or 970-491-6834

Editor’s Note: News Editor Andrew Carrera interned with the Democratic National Committee this summer. He has removed himself from all political coverage, including writing, editing and discussions, as well as the paper’s daily editorial, “Our View.”

The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Wednesday, September 12, 2012

“Every bit of input has a chance to make a difference and we want students to tell us what projects they want to see. Petitions like this can help frame that discussion.” Steve Hultin | Director of Facilities Management

Renovation proposals require three step process PETITION |

Continued from Page 1 Richerdsen came up with the idea to create a petition to renovate the building “even if he had to stand on the sidewalk with a clipboard,” Clapp said. According to Director of Facilities Management and advisor to CSU’s University Facility Fee Advisory Board (UFFAB) Steve Hultin, petitions like these can tell administrators which buildings students want renovated. “Every bit of input has a chance to make a difference and we want students to tell us what projects they want to see,” Hultin said. “Petitions like this can help frame that discussion.” Along with voicing support of this type of renovation, students, graduates and parents who sign the petition can leave comments. “MDs write and say this class is why they became MDs. This is what prepared them to succeed in medical school,” Clapp said. Senior microbiology major Ryan Knodle agreed that alumni are even active in the discussion for renovating the Anatomy Lab. “They (past anatomy students) care enough about the program and what the program has done for them that they want to foster the success of the students that will come after them even though they won’t partake in the fruits of their labor,” senior microbiology major Ryan Knodle said.

It’s this type of feedback that Hultin said UFFAB recognizes while deciding on future renovation projects. “The university always takes into account input regarding particular projects and this is one where social media has provided that input,” Hultin said. CSU has a three-step review board process in place to review proposals of future construction projects. “Right now the extension idea is in the planning concept phase but it is feasible and I understand the need of the program to have the second floor remodel,” Hultin said. The review process starts with UFFAB, whose purpose is to review construction project proposals that will be funded, in part, by student’s facility fee. UFFAB proposal meetings occur twice a year, during fall and spring terms. University departments are encouraged to present UFFAB with remodel requests. “The challenge for the university is to prioritize which projects will happen first,” Hultin said. “We receive input through letters, emails, public forums and, in this case, a petition and the input is valuable to the administration.” The anatomy department will be attending the UFFAB meeting on Oct. 4 to present a building plan that was created last spring. Senior Reporter Kate Simmons can be reached at


The smartphone and the college student By CORRIE SAHING The Rocky Mountain Collegian The wait is over. No more counting down, reading rumors and wondering if they’re true. The announcement of the iPhone 5 is (most likely) coming Wednesday. And that has some students wondering whether or not the upgrade is worth it. Connor Rock, a CSU sophomore, is weighing the decision to spend $200 and use a phone upgrade on the new Apple product. “If it is as substantial a change as people say it will be, I will get it,” Rock said. Keeping with Apple’s style, the details, design and added features for the phone have all been kept secret. But rumors of updated hard and software are dominating popular tech websites such as and, which also speculate that news on an updated iPad, possible mini iPad and new generation of iTouches may be announced as well. As far as rumors go for the new iPhone, some say it will feature a bigger screen, faster processor and a different design than the 4S, Rock said. While the updates and upgrades to the device may be the news, the brand’s appeal goes beyond the product’s functionality.

INNOVATION | Continued from Page 1


iPhone through the years

Staff at AT&T and Verizon (iPhone carrriers) were told not to schedule vacations the weekend of Sept. 21, leading some to believe that this is the day the iPhone will go on sale. The iPhone 5 will have “panoramic” photo feature, which will enable users to capture multiple photos and stitch them together. It will have Global (4G) LTE support. The iPhone 5 will have a tougher casing, making it less likely to shatter when dropped. Sources:,,

Apple’s marketing techniques — which include keeping details secretive until a product’s formal announcement — are different from almost any other company’s, according to marketing instructor Nancy Boykin. “They do that to get the buzz going, to create more excitement,” she said. “There will always be people who will line up to get the product.” But Eric Clute, a junior anthropology major, believes the pricing of Apple products is often too high for the average student. “Apple markets toward students effectively, but they charge significantly more than their competitors,


which puts their products out of reach for many students,” Clute said. Whether it be an Apple, Android or Windows brand, Rock believes a smartphone is becoming necessary for the average student at CSU, citing that it no longer takes professors one or more days to write back to a student’s email. They can respond on their smartphone. “It’s great for connecting

with teachers in more ways,” Rock said. Clute, though, hasn’t seen any proof of that yet. “I think the adoption of more technologies like the smartphone will affect how professors use and distribute coursework,” Clute said. “But I have yet to see that applied in any of my classes.” Collegian Writer Corrie Sahling can be reached at

Index reveals Colorado talent

states. “We see where our strengths and struggles are,” said Michael Yeadon, an economics graduate student who worked on the project. “It’s important for everyone in Colorado to understand where we’ve been and see that we’re a standout state in some areas.” Colorado is strong in the talent sector and pulls from an educated work force that develops a large amount of good ideas, according to Weiler. Early stage capital in the state also supports Colorado’s entrepreneurial strength. Many people choose to move to Colorado, especial-

ly the young and talented, which boosts the innovative work force already comprised of educated workers, Totten said. Colorado exceeds the national average for attainment of science, technology, engineering and mathematics degrees and is only behind Massachusetts in having the most workers with a bachelor’s Degree or higher, according to the Index. “[Education] is important and will continue to be important,” Yeadon said. “Jobs will require it more and more in the future. Students can be encouraged that they’re already in the process of post-secondary education.” Although the Index’s

primary goal was to measure Colorado’s innovation compared to other “benchmark” states like Massachusetts, California and New York, it also served to encourage Colorado entrepreneurs and their financial backers to continue to innovate and draw in businesses and capital from outside the state, according to Totten. The team presented the report Aug. 30 at a Colorado Innovation Network summit comprised of business leaders throughout the state. Colorado hasn’t reached the peak of innovation yet and has room to grow, especially in educating its own young work force, Totten said.

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“I’m excited to be a part of everything that’s happening,” Yeadon said. “It’s a big time for us. I think we’re going to grow a lot in the future.” Ultimately, Colorado’s business and economic climate will affect those preparing to enter the workforce, like junior business major Kenall Hershey. “I think innovation is what is going to keep America together,” Hershey said. “It gives opportunities to students like myself to know possibilities are out there. It gives my class more hope than what we went into college with.” Politics Beat Reporter Kate Winkle can be reached at

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OPINION iPhone jobs are gone Wednesday, September 12, 2012 | Page 4





55% *34 people voted in this poll.

YESTERDAY’S QUESTION: How many more games will the Denver Broncos win this season? 8% All 8% None 55% Most 9% Some

TODAY’S QUESTION: Are you going to get the iPhone 5? Log on to to give us your two cents.

This is an unscientific poll conducted at and reflects the opinions of the Internet users who have chosen to participate.

“If anything is to be done about the deficit, we the people have to be serious about it and vote accordingly.”

The deficit is the actual problem


The deficit that is run by the federal government is always a contentious topic. Pretty much everyone agrees that it is generally a bad idea to try and run a country while six-feet below the financial waters. It is important to note, though, that there actually is no concrete plan to deal with the present $1.1 Trillion budget deficit. The debate over what to do about the deficit has drawn the usual finger pointing and blame depositing scumbaggery that you would expect from a deeply divided Congress. Congressional Republicans accuse the President and Congressional Democrats of not working with them, in favor of a perceived witch hunt of the wealthy. “Instead of threatening to drive us off the fiscal cliff and tank our economy in their quest for higher taxes, I would urge President Obama and congressional Democrats to work with us,” said Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), in a prepared statement. Democrats were quick to respond. Top Democrat on the House Budget Committee, Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland) stated “Republicans in Congress refuse to enact the president’s plan, choosing instead to protect special interests and tax breaks for the wealthiest.” Basically, this is a political hot potato that both parties are trying to dump squarely at the others feet. Given the dismal track record of both Republicans and Democrats in the cooperation department during the past few years, the American people should not really expect to see any sort of meaningful compromise any time soon. This is bad, because there are a number of things that need to happen in order for the country to claw its way back out of the dismal pit of debt that we have fallen into. For instance, the war in Afghanistan and the combat operations in Iraq need to end permanently. War is expensive, especially so when the government is not trying to sell us war bonds or asking us to suffer a wartime tax. Both of these would have helped offset the costs of the wars

in Iraq and Afghanistan, and probably would have also kept our deficit under a trillion dollars. Also, taxes are going to have to go up. I will just go ahead and say it knowing full well that this is never going to happen. No politician in their right mind will say the words “tax” and “increase” in the same sentence, unless they were accusing someone else of doing it. The mere suggestion of a tax hike sends the average U.S. citizen into paroxysms of rage, which is always bad in an election year. That being said, raising taxes generates more revenue for the government, which in turn drives down the deficit and can also be helpful in driving down the public debt as well. You are not going to see either party doing this (obviously). They have constituents to please so that they can get re-elected, and therein lies the problem with any substantive effort to pay off the deficit. Deficit reduction is a bitter pill to swallow. There is nothing pleasant or easy about it. Which is precisely the reason why the American public is not serious about deficit reduction. It will be a cold day in hell when you see a Tea Partier arguing for a smaller defense budget. It will be an even colder day when you see a Progressive admitting that there are some welfare programs that need to see cuts in order to pay off the debt. And if the American public is not interested, then the politicians are not interested either. Ultimately, the public is responsible for getting the politicians elected. They do not get an office unless we tell them they can have an office. If anything is to be done about the deficit, we the people have to be serious about it and vote accordingly. The buck stops with us, so it is time to buck up and get serious about this issue. No more miniscule cuts like defunding NASA or PBS. No more complaining that taxes are too high when they are actually at the lowest they have been in 30 years. The deficit is a problem, and it needs to be fixed as soon as possible. So let’s get on this, because it will only get worse from here. Caleb Hendrich is a senior Political Science and Journalism double major. His columns appear Wednesdays in the Collegian. Letters and feedback can be sent to


Developing a more and more globalized economy spells out hardship for labor workers in first world economies. The reason? We simply can’t compete on the world stage. When Silicon Valley’s biggest names met with Barack Obama back in February of 2011, the New York Times reported that Obama asked Steve Jobs what it would take to make iPhones in the United States again. Steve Jobs curtly replied, “Those jobs aren’t coming back.” Apple executives claim that going overseas is their only option at this point. The speed, flexibility, diligence and work capabilities of foreign employees force their hands — not to mention the giant cost break. When Apple had to make a last minute screen redesign for

the iPhone, they relied on a Chinese factory to get the job done on time.

“The next time you go to purchase your next smartphone or tablet, think about what economy and which workers you are benefiting...” Right after receiving the information from Apple, a foreman roused 8,000 workers from the factory dormitories, who immediately began fitting the new screens onto iPhones in 12 hour shifts — with nothing but a biscuit and a cup of tea.

American factories can’t compete against foreign producers because we have laws preventing such overwork, underpay and worker exploitation that is essential to such high levels of production at so little cost. As a result of our laws and regulations, production will never be as inexpensive domestically as it is abroad. To fix this each individual must, through the power of the free market, encourage these companies to come back home by refusing to buy their products. The next time you go to purchase your next smartphone or tablet, think about which economy and which workers you are benefiting with your purchase. Your shopping decision could help keep some of those jobs here at home.

The Collegian Editorial Board is responsible for writing the staff editorial, “Our View,” and for the views expressed therein. Letters and feedback in response to the staff editorial can be sent to Allison Sylte | Editor in Chief Matt Miller | Content Managing Editor Hunter Thompson | Visual Managing Editor

Andrew Carrera | News Editor Elisabeth Willner | News Editor Kevin Jensen | Editorial Editor

Nic Turiciano | Entertainment Editor Cris Tiller | Sports Editor Kris Lawan | Design Editor

The United States, Israel and the proverbial nest


The United States needs to cut the umbilical cord already — we're raising an overfed, undisciplined and entitled brat child (that kind that nobody wants to be around). The Israeli government must be able to make its own decisions without looking over its shoulder for our approval at every major juncture. There has historically been a palpable tension in the Middle East between Israel and virtually all of its Arab and Persian neighbors to the point that threats of all out war sound more like "crying wolf" to us today. Four thousand years into the conflict and nothing has been — or likely ever will be — resolved. The situation is hairy, and our money is not going to end these millennia-old debates for Holy Lands and sovereignty. What our $3 billion a year will do is enrage countries like Iran, Syria and Palestine even more. It will continue to create a co-dependent and anemic little brother of a country that is increasingly incapable of either true self-defense or politically realistic decision making. Moreover, it will add to the jeop-

ardizing money woes that are ever looming over the heads of American taxpayers. So where's the upside? For Israel it must seem like a great deal. Who turns down free money? But I argue that — just like the pampered teenage girl with a sparkly new Range Rover and a trust fund — Israel's hopes of learning a genuine sense of responsibility are counterintuitively thwarted by our unyielding beneficence. A smothering bandage can cause a wound to fester and become infected. Perhaps our leaders feel like they’re "doing the right thing" by supporting Israel, but this is — at best — naive and short-sighted, and at worst destroying any hopes of stability in the Arab-Israel conflict. Imagine fighting with your sibling for a family heirloom that you both think is rightfully yours. Would you want an utterly unqualified and imposing stranger, who happens to side with your sibling, to step in and force you to give up the relic? Palestinian frustrations continue to mount due to our constant interference. While the intent of aid is noble (or something), it completely fails on all fronts to advance Israel's cause in a healthy or lasting way and is a great financial tumor on our already cancer-ridden economy. But let's play out the two likely scenarios for the sake of debate. Suppose that the United States continues to give borrowed money to Israel to the tune of a few billion dollars a year. Will the hostility of surrounding countries disappear? Doubtful. Will it increase? Very likely. Will there come an end to the deep-rooted territorial claims? Certain-

ly not. Will America be unnecessarily burdened and risk further fiscal or military crises? I believe so. This trend of money giving has been a staple of American foreign policy since the Truman administration. Yet Prime Minister Netanyahu seems to imply, by his frightened begging, that Israel stands in greater peril today than at any point since its independence in 1948. Can we consider this charitable babying a justifiable position today? What is the best trajectory we could hope to achieve by a continuation of such a feckless and ineffective aid policy? Now consider the end of Israeli monetary support. Would Israel crumble and be invaded? I think this is a possible outcome in either scenario and cannot be used to argue for or against the current tactic — the likelihood of an attack on Israel could plausibly be increased by either approach. Would other countries take Israel more seriously? Probably. Might Israel finally handle their problems on their own? One would hope. Would the United States be better off? Definitely. Ultimately, I see a very shallow, murky puddle of distorted conclusions for the Israeli aid hypothesis to float in — but a deep and shimmering sea of realities upon which the vessel of non-interventionism is hoisting its sails. Would you set off on the maiden voyage of the USS Everybody Wins or play with sticks in the mud of impractical, old-guard tradition?

Jason Kincaid is a junior philosophy major. His column appears Wednesdays in the Collegian. Letters and feedback can be sent to

Collegian Opinion Page Policy The columns on this page reflect the viewpoints of the individual author and not necessarily that of The Rocky Mountain Collegian or its editorial board. Please send any responses to

Letter submissions are open to all and are printed on a first-received basis. Submissions should be limited to 250 words and need to include the author’s name and contact information. Anonymous letters will not be printed. E-mail letters to

The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Wednesday, September 12, 2012


6 Wednesday, September 12, 2012 | The Rocky Mountain Collegian

Student Investment Fund gives real world experience BY AMANDA ZETAH The Rocky Mountain Collegian Getting the chance to handle thousands of dollars and invest them at will might be any college students’ dream. At CSU’s College of Business, a select group of students have that option. Through a program called the Summit Student Investment Fund, business students can take a three credit class and handle large sums of donor money. The fund, which is offered as a three credit class to underclassmen business majors with a finance concentration, allows students to handle thousands of dollars in a semester, invest the money in various business sectors and experience returns and losses based on their investments. The purpose is to give them a real world scenario and allow them to perform duties they will most likely be performing for the rest of their lives. “In essence, we manage money and look for good investments, in equity and stocks,” said Valmik Kaneria, vice president of the fund. The only catch is that the club is invite-only. Students must meet the initial requirements in order to apply, which include taking a prerequisite course and having at least a 3.0 GPA. The Fund meets as a class from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. every Monday and Wednesday. Each class, students do group presentations and research investment opportunities. “It is both a class and a club, where students get

class credit,” said Jason Clark, a junior Business Management concentration. Because the Summit Student Investment Fund is formatted as a class, the students receive a grade. According to Kaneria, “the class is 50 percent group presentation and 50 percent participation.” In total, there are 20 students this semester –– 14 men and six women in total. “They take the top percentage of finance students,” Clark said. Because they choose the cream of the crop, very few students fail the course. “The fund is fairly selective, since they deal with real money,” said Zach Geesing, a senior Corporate Finance and Investment Analysis concentrations. The fund can deal with an upwards of $500,000 in a semester, according to Geesing. Of course, the fund takes a hard hit during financial crisis. The fund was set up in the late 1990’s and the money for the fund stems from donations to the business school. This causes the mutual fund to fluctuate in size each semester. “This semester, we are dealing with $220,000,” Kaneria said. Such a large sum of money doesn’t come without any restrictions. Each student is in charge of a sector (nine in total), one of which is financial services. After researching their sector, the students create group presentations and present their opinions in class. From there, the group “collectively decides to

Pizza, Please

REQUIREMENTS Minimum GPA: 3.0 or relevant work experience Time: Mon. and Wed., 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Contact: Vickie Bajtelsmit at (970) 491-0610 or visit the website Website: http://biz.colostate. edu/SummitFund/

change [or invest] something,” Geesing said. The group of 20 students is also led by two advisors, one of which is Vickie Bajtelsmit. She oversees the students’ work in the classroom and provides assistance to the students whenever needed. She also provides them with good contacts for jobs and internships in the future. “The advisors are well connected and provide networking opportunities,” Kaneria said. According to Jason Clark, membership in the Summit Student Investment Fund is, “huge for an interview.” “[Students] know more than just textbook information and can prove it,” Clark said. Although the Summit Student Investment Fund is highly selective, it is marketed to all upperclassmen business students, in the hopes that they will qualify and apply. “The goal is to pick out the smartest students and give them real world experience,” Kaneria said. It will only help students obtain jobs and internships in the future. Student Life Beat Reporter Amanda Zetah can be reached at


Keegan Harris, left, feeds his girlfriend Amanda Engelbrecht a fork full of Pans Pizza Tuesday night. Pans is a great place to get affordable, by-the-slice pizza near campus.

“We get food from a lot of different sources, but Cans Around the Oval is a huge food drive that helps us tremendously.” Susan Kelly | Food Bank volunteer and development coordinator

CANS | Distribution begins Thursday Continued from Page 1 food from a lot of different sources, but Cans Around the Oval is a huge food drive that helps us tremendously.” Martens said she has spent the last few weeks getting organizations on campus registered to compete. CSU students, faculty and staff, as well as local schools, businesses and community groups can all participate. The team with the most points wins and each pound of food collected is worth one point, while every dollar is worth four points. Food collections can be hard to distribute, while food banks have high need items that can be purchased with

money in bulk, Martens said. She estimated that one dollar can buy four pounds of food. Last year, CSU’s College of Business collected almost 30 percent of total donations. Chris Feller, a junior management and finance major and student organizer, said there was “a lot of healthy competition” between the departments in the business college. Students were canvassing neighborhoods and posting up in front of grocery stores to collect donations. “I think CSU students and people in Fort Collins and Larimer County have so much going for them,” Feller said. “This gives them a chance to give back to those

UPCOMING DATES Thursday, Sept. 13: Distribution day in the Lory Student Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Materials and information will be passed out for groups collecting donations in the community. Wednesday, Oct. 10: “Canstruction Day” Structures made out of assembled cans will be created in the plaza. Prizes will be awarded. Wednesday, Oct 17: Collection day. All donations will be collected, points tallied and the cans placed in a circle around the Oval.

less fortunate in our area.” Senior Reporter Austin Briggs can be reached at

The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Wednesday, September 12, 2012

On-campus stadium could change PERC’s location

“Students learn better when diversity is present in the classroom.” Irene Vernon | chair of ethnic studies department

Ethnic Studies Department releases five year review

By CHRISTOPHER BOAN The Rocky Mountain Collegian With a proposed on-campus stadium under review, the CSU Plant Environmental Research Center has reason to keep track of the debate. The center –– which runs a produce stand on Thursdays from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Lake Street and a student garden –– currently resides in the crosshairs of the stadium, which worries the garden’s co-manager Robyn Goldstein. “We bring fresh organic, sustainably-grown produce to the students,” Goldstein said. “One of the best things about the garden is it is close to campus and is accessible. We already have enough trouble getting volunteers in now, so the stadium would definitely have a negative impact on us.” The produce stand has run since 1999, selling locally grown produce to students. The stand makes around $3,000 per year, which goes towards running the garden and providing opportunities for its customers to learn about our current food supply, according to employees. “The produce stand is stocked with locally grown organic produce, it funds the student garden,” co-manager Lea Pace said. “What we do is teach volunteer members how to grow organic food.” Late last month the Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences Craig Beyrouty, who oversees the CSU PERC facilities, said he believed the proposed stadium would not harm the garden or the PERC facilities’ future. The stand could be relocated to Centre Avenue, which he said would help them flourish. “This planning is proactive and implementation is contingent upon the stadium decision and plans,” Beyrouty said in an email. “Yet the college and the PERC Planning Committee are pursuing a well-developed vision for the facility’s future that mirrors our collective vision for critical food, land and water systems.” Pace said that moving the center would erase decades of research and data and lose the microbial, fungal and chemical makeup needed to grow quality food. “There has been decades of work that has been done on that plot of land,” Pace said. “The current location of PERC is important, not only because of the 20, 30, or 40 year old plants that live here, but also because it


By BAILEY CONSTAS The Rocky Mountain Collegian


A Save Our Stadium Hughes stands among the greenery within the Plant Environmental Research Center Tuesday evening (PERC). PERC is located where the proposed on-campus stadium would be built.

would eliminate years of research and data.” In a statement CSU Director of Public Relations Kyle Henley stated the school’s desire to keep the facility in its current location, though relocation is still a possibility. “We all agree the PERC facility has been the site of important teaching and learning through the years,” Henley said in an email to the Collegian. “If this facility does need to move, we can and will protect the integrity of research and teaching there. There is no threat to the continuation of a student club. “And it’s important to know that research plots can be moved successfully if necessary. There will be an open planning process that involves faculty and student to allow for the smooth transition - if that becomes necessary.” Goldstein said that the communal atmosphere that the group provides and the opportunity for social interaction as reasons that more students should join the endangered group as a key reason for its survival. “Being connected to your food is really important and anyone is welcome to come and learn about gar-

dening and to hang out with us,” Goldstein said. “The more support we can get from the community, then the more it will help us fight relocation.” Pace urged CSU students to join the group, explaining the importance of knowing where food is grown and what she saw as a need to keep the club on-campus to better reach the student population. “Students should be involved with the garden because food is something that is very important, and the way that we produce food now is very inefficient,” Pace said. “The potential for the club to go away is possible, which would be detrimental for CSU students.” Pace described the historical importance of agricultural programs like the one operated by the group to CSU. “I would urge students to consider it and consider its importance. After all we are an agricultural-based school and this is the last true agricultural-based program left,” Pace said. “I would encourage them to come out and experience the program and see how it impacts them.” Collegian writer Christopher Boan can be reached at

The Ethnic Studies and Women’s Studies Department recently released a Department self study that brought to light successes and shortcomings of the department. The department found that they were succeeding on becoming a department, diversity in the classroom and challenging students with controversial topics. The study also showed that the department is lacking in undergraduate enrollment, visibility and incorporating women’s and ethnic studies. Last year, out of the approximately 60 departments on campus, the Ethnic Studies and Women’s Studies Department was one of 14 departments that had to create the program review, which was released earlier this semester, according to Kim Bender, the director of assessment at CSU. “The faculty in the department learn about themselves during the self-evaluation and this knowledge helps them better develop department capacity to perform effectively in the future,” Bender said. Every department goes through this assessment on a six-year cycle on average, with 12 reports released every year. For the relatively new Ethnic Studies and Women’s Studies Department, transformed from a center into a department in 2009, Irene Vernon, chair of the Ethnic Studies Department and the assistant to the dean of the College of Liberal Arts, focused on improving the department in the self-study. “We have a call to other ethnic groups … we want to revamp our mission statement, values and curriculum,” Vernon said. The review is an online document averaging about 150 pages that contains information provided by guidelines and is mainly focused on quality improvement. “It relies on Institutional Research Data, a unit on

campus that handles all data for the university that includes classroom environment, variables such as student to faculty ratio and class sizes,” Bender said. The reports are developed by the faculty of the departments and a board of faculty from outside the college and on occasion outside the university. The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President sends a summary report to the Board of Governors at the end of each year’s program review process. The completed department self-studies are then available to the public, according to Bender. “Faculty will develop self-studies about what they did in the last six years and what they plan to do,” Bender said. “These goals are mainly centered around student learning, research that is all linked to the University Strategic Plan.” The self studies focus on outlining goals such as student learning and instructional activity, research/scholarship activity, outreach, diversity and workplace environment. “This is pretty common at most universities, this kind of process,” Bender said. The first thing that Vernon wanted to address was creating a vision and strategic plan for the future by planning a retreat with faculty and director of women’s studies but may include other representatives from the department to create a vision and strategic plan for their future. “It took a lot to create women’s studies … (we need to) spend time envisioning the role,” Vernon said. For 18 years, the ethnic and women’s studies department was a center. Now that they are a department under the College of Liberal Arts, visibility is a crucial goal addressed in the review. “The issue with the center was that we had low enrollment in the program, no one knew about us although classes were full,” Vernon said, adding that students would only find the program when they took a class.

Since the creation of the department, Vernon said enrollment has increased overall. However, the undergraduate enrollment is low. “I think it’s pretty visible if you take a class in the department,” said Connor Rock, a marketing major who took ETST 205, ethnicity and the media. Rock said he feels the department is doing a lot to recruit students. “My professor definitely suggested I take on an ethnic studies major, ” Rock said. Transfer student as well as freshman are a focal point of recruitment, Vernon said. “What we do I think is so brilliant and important and of course I think we rock,” Vernon said. She explained that there was high minority representation in ethnic studies classes. “Students learn better when diversity is present in the classroom,” Vernon said. “It promotes deep critical thinking.” Makeda Hope-Crichlow, sophomore liberal arts major with a minor in ethnic studies, said that while she enjoys her classes, she wants more diversity in professors. “I just think that the classes would be better if the teachers that taught the different histories would match up,” Hope-Crichlow said. “Like if the Chicana history teacher was Chicana.” Women’s studies is also a large segment of the department and Vernon sees CSU’s department as a model in the nation for ethnic and women’s studies working together –– a goal that is reflected in the report. Vernon believes the subject of the classes as well as the teaching strategies help achieve the student development goals in the report. “In our courses, we are forced to talk about race and people really have to be respectful commenting on these issues that is respectful –– an engagement that is so dourly missing in our world,” Vernon said. Diversity beat and entertainment reporter Bailey Constas can be reached at

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8 Wednesday, September 12, 2012 | The Rocky Mountain Collegian VOLLEYBALL

Coach wants sellout crowd for No. 2 ranked UCLA By QUENTIN SICKAFOOSE The Rocky Mountain Collegian


It’s not everyday you get the chance to play the defending national champions on your home court. On Saturday night, the CSU volleyball team will get the opportunity when UCLA visits Fort Collins. CSU coach Tom Hilbert and his players are calling out to the CSU community for as much support possible going into this weekend. “Playing at home is always ideal. We always seem to bring in good crowds that show great support for us. I really hope that everybody does their best to be here for it,” Hilbert said. “The football team is playing away at San Jose State this weekend, so there is no reason why we shouldn’t have a record crowd Saturday.” CSU has remained undefeated at Moby this year, posting up an impressive 7-0 home record. “We owe a lot to our fans that come out for the matches. The Nebraska game last year would never have been possible if it weren’t for everyone that showed up, we really need that Moby magic,” said senior middle blocker Brieon Paige. “We want as many people here Saturday; let’s sell it out.” UCLA moved up to No. 2 in the nation in the American Volleyball Coaches’

Who: No. 2 UCLA vs. CSU When: Saturday 7 p.m. Where: Moby Arena White out, first 750 students get free t-shirts

Association poll Monday. If CSU were to win Saturday’s match, it would be the highest ranked team ever beaten in Moby Arena. “The Bruins have a fantastic program, and we are honored to have them in our house,” Hilbert said. “It’s not very often that we get a team of this caliber to come around.” The last time the Rams and Bruins met was in 2000 for an invitational in Gainesville, Fla. CSU defeated top-ranked UCLA in five sets, marking the first time a CSU team had beaten the No. 1 team in the nation in any sport. “We have to go into this match focused on us, not them,” Paige said. “We don’t worry about them being the best in the country or anything like that. Our team has every chance to come out on top.” CSU volleyball has spent the entire week preparing specifically for the needs of the UCLA match, hoping to be ready for anything that comes their way. “Their outsides hit sharp. We have shifted lots of focus


Junior middle blocker Samatha Peters returns a ball during warmup at an afternoon practice. The Rams will play UCLA at home in Moby this Saturday.

towards blocking and understanding the athleticism of their program,” Paige said. “We hope to keep rolling the way we have to win it.”

CSU is coming off three consecutive wins from the Rams Volleyball Classic this past weekend and hope to use it to their advantage.

“We certainly plan to use our momentum for this one,” Hilbert said. “We are coming off of a full week of practice and starting to feel really

good about who we are.” Volleyball Beat Reporter Quentin Sickafoose can be reached at


Blend of youth and experience anchors the Ram’s defense By ANDREW SCHALLER The Rocky Mountain Collegian

Despite play that has been inconsistent in many aspects, one area of the CSU football team that has remained a constant during the young season is the play of the linebackers. Through the first two

games of the season, when the Rams have needed a big play or a big stop on defense one of the linebackers have stepped up to make a play. All of the Rams’ 6 sacks and 9.5 of the Rams’ 10 tackles for a loss so far this year have come at the hands of one of the linebackers. To the Rams, however,

the success of the defense hinges not only on what the linebackers do, but how effectively the entire unit performs together on the field. “I don’t necessarily think that we hold (the defense) together because the D-line and the DB’s are playing great too,” senior linebacker James Skelton said. “But I think we kind of strive to do that, yeah, but I think it’s on everybody at the same time.” Despite the loss of veterans Mychal Sisson (graduation) and Mike Orakpo (expulsion) at the beginning of the year, the Rams’ linebacking corps has found production and leadership from younger players that have again made the linebackers a strength of the Rams in 2012. Redshirt freshman Cory James and Sophomore Aaron Davis have each recorded 14 tackles through the first two games of the year. James in particular has stood out as a playmaker for the Rams, leading them with

3 sacks and 4 tackles for a loss through his first two games as a starter in 2012. The skill level James has played with in the first two games of the year has opened up more opportunities for other Rams linebackers. While James gets a lot of attention from opposing offensive lines, other linebackers can get their shot at

making a big play. “Cory, he’s doing a good job out there” junior linebacker Shaquil Barrett said. “And when (opponents) pay more attention on Cory, that means I might get a single on my side, or I get a double and Cory gets a single. So (if) we both get one-on-one, we expect to beat the single teams so somebody should

always be back there (in the opponents’ backfield).” The Rams did an excellent job getting into the backfield in their season-opener against CU-Boulder. CSU recorded 5 sacks and 4 quarterback hurries against CU’s Jordan Webb, but only recorded one sack against North Dakota State and junior quarterback Brock Jensen. Pressuring the opposition’s quarterback and taking advantage of the amount of talent they have with their linebackers will likely be a crucial development for the Rams throughout the remainder of the season. “That’s something we’ve gotta get back to,” Skelton said. “I think we played fairly well against CU with the pass rush and stuff, so I think that’s something we’ll get back to and get a little urgency in our guys to get to (the quarterback).” Football Beat Reporter Andrew Schaller can be reached at





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CSU sophmore linebacker Aaron Davis (37) attempts to bring down North Dakota State running back John Crockett (23) during the third quarter of Saturday’s 22-7 loss. The linebacking unit has been the strength of the Rams so far in 2012.

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The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Daily Horoscope

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TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (09/12/12). This is a perfect moment

to re-examine what’s most important to you. What and with whom do you want to play? Career looks favored to thrive with steady growth. Friends and family surround you with love and support.

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To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Tommy Grooms

Ralph and Chuck

Tim Rickard

Brewster Rockit

Louis Coppola

Dream Nation



ARIES (March 21-April 19) ––9–– Do something you’ve always wanted to do. Then make happy plans, and create time for romance. A female adds the right touch. Gather information because you don’t have all the facts yet. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ––9–– You can tell if it’s true love, but you may want keep your feelings to yourself, for now. Inspiration is all around. Friends are charming and charmed. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ––8–– It’s a beautiful moment to relish. What you have to say is important, so say it. You have a gift with words. Leave them wanting more. A social event provides surprises. CANCER (June 21-July 22) ––7–– It’s easy to find the resources. A little research goes a long way. Keep a secret. An old friend will repay a favor or a debt. The outcome is beneficial. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ––9–– Brilliance comes at you with lighting speed. Capture as much as you can, taking good notes so you’ll remember. Let what you’re learning sink in. Make time for love, too. Keep a secret. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -––6–– Being graceful and grateful comes in handy, especially now. You learn a different way of getting things done. Get outdoors. Let go off the things that don’t serve you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ––8–– Fall in love all over again. Dip your oars into social waters, and row with gusto. Take advantage of your psychic senses. Creative work pays well. Postpone an outing. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ––8–– Put your heart into it, as well as your other muscles. It will take inspiration and perspiration ... and it will be worth it. Sudoku or some other math game can keep your brain exercised. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ––8–– Work interferes with playtime. Do it for love, not money, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you’re worth. An upgrade may be necessary. The overall outcome is positive. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ––6–– Ask and you shall receive. Consider what you’re asking for. Think over a friend’s suggestion very carefully. Seek harmony in romance. The odds are in your favor. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ––8–– Partnering is essential for two more days. Negotiate a little bit more to refine the plan. Relaxation helps. Accept an invitation from a special person. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ––7–– Entering two days of steady work effort. Profit from meticulous service and charm. It’s a winning combination. You can find the resources to manifest a dream.


compiled by Kris Lawan

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

I always feel better about myself when I’m taking the stairs and fat people are going to the elevator.

You know you’re a senior when the highlight of your day is seeing Tom back in the plaza getting yelled at.

To the guy who stopped the soldier to shake his hand to say thank you for his service. Amen to you man!

To the guy who farted next to me in class: Making repeated fart sounds to avoid the embarrassment won’t make up for the smell.

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10 Wednesday, September 12, 2012 | The Rocky Mountain Collegian

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