Core Ink - Spring 2022

Page 18


Specialty hospital expands award-winning facility CORE’s best surgical practices yield results By Julie Maurer

to patients than ever, with 18 patient reThe specialty hospital has a high percovery suites completely remodeled in centage of same-day patients and these 2021. renovations not only increase capacity he CORE Institute Specialty Hos“We are very focused on outstanding and efficiencies but provide for an easier pital in Phoenix has received recpatient outcomes utilizing transition to mobility after surgery. For ognition for its excelbest practices,” Curphy said. some patients, Physical Therapists can lence in patient care This mindset has yielded now visit them right after surgery and as well as its many upgrades great results. The CORE Instiget them up and walking in the recovery and improvements throughroom. out the past year. The hospitute Specialty Hospital has These efforts will only build upon The one of the lowest infection tal has expanded its ability CORE Institute Specialty Hospital’s conrates in the state, with their to provide the latest techrate being much lower than nology and treatment for ortinued success and multiple awards. In the national average. These 2021 and 2022, the facility received the thopedic cases in the Valley. Rona Curphy, MBA, BSN, FACHE infection-prevention methPatient Safety Excellence Award from In a typical hospital preHealthgrades and was named to their op area, an orthopedic patient might be ods made The CORE Institute Specialty America’s 100 Best Joint Replacement in the bay next to someone coming in Hospital the go-to facility for orthopedic list. for heart surgery or a tonsillectomy. The and spine surgeries for not only patients Put simply, the CORE Institute Specialpost-op team is stretched thin as they in Arizona but from across the country provide care for patients recovering from and abroad. ty Hospital is now better than ever. The a wide variety of procedures. However, CISH allows patients to reWe’re not a surgery center; we’re truly a hospital,” said ceive specialized care from those whose expertise is focused solely on orthopeRona Curphy, CEO of The CORE Institute Specialty dics and spine. The facility launched in Hospital. “We don’t have an emergency room, so we 2017 with five operating rooms, all of don’t have new patients coming in throughout the day which handle only orthopedic and spine patients. This year’s exciting expansion that might need emergent surgery. This way, we can stay grew their OR capacity, creating more focused on those cases that are scheduled, minimizing the opportunities to seek the specialized chances of your surgery being delayed. treatment at CISH. “We’re not a surgery center; we’re truRona Curphy, CEO of The CORE Institute Specialty Hospital ly a hospital,” said Rona Curphy, CEO of The CORE Institute Specialty Hospital. The new expansion also allows for “We don’t have an emergency room, hospital’s expansion provides more pathe hospital to expand the latest surgiso we don’t have new patients coming tients within the community with a prein throughout the day that might need cal and orthopedic care technologies to mier orthopedic experience. Its continuemergent surgery. This way, we can stay every aspect of the hospital. Specialized ous efforts to push the advancements in focused on those cases that are schedand state-of-the art surgical robots as orthopedic & spinal surgery and patient well as infection-fighting technologies recovery have instilled pride among its uled, minimizing the chances of your are throughout the now expanded operstaff, and confidence in the patients who surgery being delayed.” go there. The hospital provides more comfort ating rooms and treatment areas.



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