1808 Instruction Manual

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Type 1808 & 1808A

Fisher Controls

Instruction Manual

Type 1808 & 1808A Backpressure Regulators or Relief Valves October 1982

Form 5116

Introduction Scope of Manual This manual provides installation, maintenance, and parts information for Type 1808 and 1808A pilot-operated backpressure regulators or relief valves.* The manual also includes coverage of Type 6356 and 6358 pilots and, if used, a P590 Series filter. Instructions and parts lists for other equipment used with these units are found in separate manuals.

Description Type 1808 globe-body and 1808A angle-body pilotoperated backpressure regulators or relief valves (figure 1) are economical, compact devices used in either gas or liquid service to maintain pressure on oil and gas separators and in pressure relief applications in gas distribution systems.



The Type 6358 pilot is used in backpressure regulation and pressure relief applications throughout the oil production industry, and is used in either gas or liquid service. Pressure relief and liquid service applications in the oil and gas industry are typically handled by the Type 6358 pilot. With either pilot, the set pressure is varied to individual requirements by the adjusting screw on the pilot. Pilot exhaust can be piped into the downstream line or vented into the atmosphere on gas service, but must always be piped downstream on liquid service.

Specifications Specifications for a Type 1808 and 1808A backpressure regulator or relief valve are listed in table 1. Some of the specifications for a given unit as it comes from the factory appear on a nameplate (figure 2) attached to the upper diaphragm case. The pilot restriction diameter is indicated by a letter stamped on the bottom of the pilot body next to the tapped side outlet: an S for the red standarddiameter (No. 57 drill size) restriction, an L for the blue large-diameter (No. 47 drill size) restriction for liquid *These terms are defined in ANSI B95. 1-1972 ŠFisher Controls 1978, 1979, 1982; All Rights Reserved



Figure 1. Typical Constructions

service, or an H for the yellow small-diameter (No. 70 drill size), high-gain restriction. The pilot spring range appears on the pilot spring case.

Type 1808 & 1808A

Table 1. Specifications


2 in. NPT screwed


150 psig (10.3 bar) including buildup


5 to 125 psig (0.3 to 8.6 bar) red spring—part number 1K7485 27202


Maximum: 125 psig (8.6 bar) Minimum: 5 psig (0.3 bar)


ANSI Class VI (B16.04-1976)— Leakage is less than 3 bubbles (0.45 mL) per min. using air at service pressure drop or 50 psi (3.4 bar), whichever is lower


Bleeds only when repositioning main valve

*The pressure or temperature limits in this manual and any applicable code or standard limitations should not be exceeded


Flow up (see fi gure 3)


Qui ck-openi ng


0 to 160 psi g†


-20 to 150°F (-29 to 66°C )


1/4 i n. NPT female


Type 1808: 22 lb (10 kg) Type 1808A: 25 lb (11 kg)

†Consult your Fisher sales office or sales representative for gauges in other units

Installation WARNING Installing a Type 1808 or 1808A backpressure regulator or relief valve where its capabilities can be exceeded or where proper operation might be impaired may cause personal injury, property damage, or leakage due to bursting of pressure-containing parts or explosion of accumulated gas or liquid. To avoid such conditions, install the Type 1808 or 1808A back-pressure regulator or relief valve where: • Service conditions are within the unit capabilities specified in table 1, and • Unit is protected from exposure to physical damage and/or corrosive substances. 1. When installing the backpressure regulator or relief valve, make sure that the system installation complies with applicable local, state, and federal codes and regulations. 2. Use qualified personnel when installing, operating, and maintaining the backpressure regulator or relief valve. Before installing the unit, inspect the main valve body, pilot and pipelines for any damage or foreign material



Figure 2. Main Valve Nameplate

that may have collected. Apply pipe compound to the male pipeline threads only. Do not use pipe compound on any internal threads. 3. The backpressure regulator or relief valve may be installed in any position as long as pipeline flow complies with the flow arrow on the main valve body (Type 1808) or runs in through the bottom connection and out the side connection (Type 1808A). An upstream control line is not required because of the integral pilot supply tubing. When the unit is used as a relief valve in a vertical pipe coming up from the main pipeline, however, superior registration may be obtained from the unit by disconnecting the pilot supply tubing from the elbow (key 36, figure 6), removing the elbow, installing 1/4-inch NPT pipe plug (key 36, not shown) into the lower casing (key 2, figure 6), and connecting the pilot supply tubing into an upstream location.

Type 1808 & 1808A

WARNING Type 1808 and 1808A backpressure regulators or relief valves vent gas or liquid from the main valve outlet, pilot exhaust, and pilot vent. In hazardous or flammable gas or liquid service, personal injury or property damage may occur due to fire or explosion of vented gas or liquid that has accumulated. To prevent such injury and damage, provide piping or tubing to vent the gas to a well ventilated location. Also, when venting a hazardous gas or liquid, piping or tubing should be located far enough from any buildings or windows so as not to create a further hazard. Protect the main valve body, pilot exhaust, and pilot spring case vent against anything that could clog them. For safety during shutdown, vent valves will be required immediately upstream and downstream of the main valve on backpressure or bypass installations. 4. The pilot exhaust may be piped directly into the main valve outlet (if the exhaust is to be retained, as in liquid service) or vented into the atmosphere. In either case, the diameter of the exhaust line or stack should be as large as practical with a minimum number of bends or other restrictions. When installing this unit in relief service, be sure to consider the jet thrust effect that will occur when it relieves. 5. On backpressure or bypass applications, system operation may be necessary during maintenance. If so, install a three-valve isolating bypass, and vent valves immediately upstream and downstream of the unit.

Startup Key numbers are shown in figure 5 unless otherwise indicated. 1. With installation and adjustment completed, slowly open the upstream shutoff valve while using the gauge to monitor inlet pressure. On backpressure or bypass applications using an isolating bypass, open the downstream shutoff valve, and close the bypass valve. 2. If set pressure adjustment is necessary, adjust a Type 6356 or 6358 pilot by removing the closing cap (key 12), loosening the locknut (key 11), and turning the adjusting screw (key 10) clockwise to increase or counterclockwise to decrease the set pressure. After completing adjustment, tighten the locknut to maintain the adjustment position, and install the closing cap.

Shutdown Relief Installations Slowly close the upstream shutoff valves. Release all pressure from the main valve and pilot either by opening the upstream vent valve or by slightly loosening one of the compression fittings on the pilot supply tube until the trapped pressure starts bleeding out. When all pressure has been released, tighten the fitting.

Backpressure or Bypass Installations Slowly close the upstream shutoff valve while opening the bypass valve if an isolating bypass is used. Then close the downstream shutoff valve, and open both vent valves to release all pressure from the main valve and pilot.

WARNING To avoid personal injury or equipment damage, never adjust the pilot control spring to produce a set pressure higher than the upper limit of the set pressure range for that particular spring. 6. Set pressure is defined as that pressure at which the pilot starts to discharge. Each unit is factory-set for the set pressure specified on the order. If no set pressure is specified, the unit is factory-set at approximately the midrange of the spring. The set pressure is adjusted by changing the pilot control spring compression as described in the Startup section below.

Principle of Operation Refer to figure 3, which shows a Type 1808 main valve with a Type 6358 pilot. The operation of the Type 6356 and 6358 pilots is similar, except that the Type 6356 pilot has a restriction allow inlet pressure into the main valve above the diaphragm. Inlet pressure registers on the underside of the diaphragm of the main valve and also enters the pilot through the control line tubing where it registers on the underside of


Type 1808 & 1808A

the pilot diaphragm. As long as the inlet pressure is lower than the set pressure, the pilot control spring pushes the pilot valve plug down and closes the exhaust. Inlet pressure can pass between the diaphragm assembly and the upper portion of the valve plug in the Type 6358 pilot and into the hollow stem to load the main valve above the diaphragm, keeping it closed. With the Type 6356 pilot, inlet pressure enters the main valve through the pilot restriction. (See key 20 in figure 5.) When the inlet pressure is at set pressure, the diaphragm assembly in the Type 6358 pilot moves toward the control spring enough to close off the inlet pressure path into the hollow stem; the exhaust port remains closed by the lower portion of the valve plug. Now pressure is unable to enter or leave the space above the main valve diaphragm. As the inlet pressure rises above set pressure, the pilot diaphragm continues to move upward, opening the exhaust port, and allowing pressure on the top of the main valve diaphragm to bleed to atmosphere. Now the inlet pressure on the bottom of the main valve diaphragm overcomes the actuator spring force and the main valve opens, reducing the inlet pressure. When the inlet pressure returns to set pressure, the pilot spring closes the exhaust, and inlet pressure loads the main valve diaphragm casing above and below the diaphragm, allowing the actuator spring to close the main valve. Keep in mind that while the main valve is throttling, the Type 6358 pilot keeps the exhaust port closed. The Type 6358 pilot bleeds only when it repositions the main valve plug.

Maintenance Parts are subject to normal wear and must be inspected and replaced as necessary. Frequency of inspection and maintenance depend upon severity of service conditions. The main valve body need not be removed from the line prior to maintenance. However, if the body is removed, it can be held in place during maintenance by screwing a short length of 2-inch NPT pipe into the body. The pipe can then be clamped in a vise.







MAIN VALVE INLET 32A0847-A 32A0846-A 36A2951-B A2542-1

Figure 3. Schematic of Type 1808 Pilot-Operated Backpressure Regulator or Relief Valve

• Isolate the relief valve or backpressure regulator from line pressure, • Release trapped pressure from the body and any isolated piping, and • Vent any trapped loading pressure.

P590 Series Filter This procedure is to be performed if it is necessary to clean or replace filter parts in a Type P593-1 or P594-1 filter assembly. Remove the following as shown in figure 4: filter body (key 1), machine screw (key 4), spring washer (key 6), gasket (key 7), two flat washers (key 5), and filter element (key 2).

WARNING Avoid personal injury or property damage from sudden release of pressure or explosion of accumulated gas. Before starting disassembly:


Upon reassembly, one of the flat washers must go between the filter element and filter head (key 3), and the other must go between the filter element and gasket. Use pipe thread sealant on the filter head pipe threads as indicated in figure 4.

Type 1808 & 1808A


Type 6356 and 6358 Pilots This procedure is performed if inspecting, cleaning, or replacing any pilot parts. Key numbers are shown in figure 5. Note All pilot maintenance may be performed with the pilot body (key 1) attached to the pipe nipple unless the body is removed or the entire pilot replaced as a unit. If just the control spring (key 7) or spring seat (key 8) need to be replaced, perform only steps 1, 2, and 6 below. 1. Remove the closing cap (key 12) from the pilot, loosen the locknut (key 11), and turn the adjusting screw (key 10) counterclockwise until compression is removed from the spring. 2. Remove the machine screws (key 17), spring case (key 2), control spring (key 7), and spring seat (key 8) from the body. 3. Remove the connector cap and gasket from the top of the diaphragm assembly (key 5), and then remove the valve plug spring (key 14). Unclip the E-ring (key 15), if used, and remove the rest of the diaphragm assembly. Remove the stem guide (key 9) to gain access to the valve plug (key 4) and the O-rings (key 37), if used. 4. Make sure the restriction or restriction plug (key 20), registration hole, and valve plug seating surfaces are free from debris. Inspect and replace parts as necessary, making sure that the restriction or restriction plug and valve plug are installed, and then secure the valve plug with the stem guide. With a Type 6358 pilot, coat the restriction plug threads with John Crane Plastic Lead Seal* sealant or equivalent before installation. 5. Install the diaphragm/plate/connector portion of the diaphragm assembly, clip the E-ring (if used) to the grooved end of the valve plug, and install the valve plug spring, connector cap gasket, and connector cap into the top of the diaphragm assembly connector. 6. Install the control spring, spring seat, spring case, and machine screws. After assembly, make sure of the proper control spring setting according to the Startup section, and remark the nameplate if necessary.

Main Valve This procedure is performed if inspecting, cleaning, or replacing any main valve parts. Key numbers are shown in figure 6.

*Trademark of John Crane Co.

If the trim is to be inspected and no further maintenance is required, it is unnecessary to remove the pilot from the upper casing (key 1) or separate the upper casing from the lower casing (key 2).

Disassembly 1. Remove the two hex nuts (key 18) from the cap screws (key 17) that hold the lower casing (key 2) to the body (key 8). 2. Lift the lower casing away from the body. 3. With the lower casing positioned so that the valve plug (key 6) is accessible, remove the hex nut (key 14). 4. Remove the O-ring retainer (key 7), the valve plug (key 6), the O-rings (keys 9, 10, and 11), and the backup rings (key 19). 5. Inspect the O-rings and backup rings, and replace as necessary. Check all parts for wear. 6. If no further maintenance is required, proceed to steps 5 through 8 of the Assembly section. If maintenance inside the casings is required, proceed with the following steps. 7. Disconnect the pilot tubing, and unscrew the pilot from the upper casing (key 1). 8. Remove the cap screws (key 15) and the hex nuts (key 16) holding the upper casing (key 1) and the lower casing (key 2) together. 9. Lift off the upper casing, and remove the spring (key 12). 10. Remove the upper hex nut (key 14) holding the upper diaphragm plate (key 4), lower diaphragm plate (key 5), and diaphragm (key 3) together. Slide the upper and lower diaphragm plates and the diaphragm off the cap screw (key 13).

Assembly 1. Assemble the upper diaphragm plate (key 4), the diaphragm (key 3), and the lower diaphragm plate (key 5) on the cap screw (key 13). 2. Tighten the upper hex nut (key 14) against the lower diaphragm plate (key 5) with approximately 5 to 7 footpounds (7 to 10 newton-meters) of torque. 3. Position the diaphragm so that its holes align with those in the lower casing (key 2). 4. Fit the upper casing (key 1) in place, and install the cap screws (key 15) and hex nuts (key 16). Tighten the hex nuts in a criss-cross pattern with approximately 15 foot-pounds (20 newton-meters) of torque.


Type 1808 & 1808A

5. Install the O-rings (keys 9, 10, and 11) and backup rings (key 19) into place on the valve plug (key 6). Slide the valve plug and O-ring retainer (key 7) over the cap screw (key 13).


6. Tighten the hex nut (key 14) against the O-ring retainer with approximately 5 to 7 foot-pounds (7 to 10 newtonmeters) of torque. Note Before performing step 7, it is recommended that the gaskets (key 21) be replaced with new gaskets. 7. Fit the lower casing onto the valve body, aligning the cap screws (key 17) with the holes in the body. Tighten the hex nuts (key 18) using approximately 20 foot-pounds (27 newton-meters) of torque. 8. Replace the pilot and pilot tubing if they were removed. 9. When all maintenance is complete, perform the Startup procedure if the unit will immediately be returned to service.

Parts List Key


Key Part Number

P590 Series filter (figure 4) 1

2* 3



6 7*

Filter Body Type P594-1, brass Type P593-1, aluminum Filter Element, cellulose Filter Head Type P594-1, brass Type P593-1, aluminum Machine Screw Type P594-1, brass Type P593-1, aluminum Washer (2 req’d) Type P594-1, brass Type P593-1, aluminum Spring Washer, pl carbon steel Gasket, asbestos


1E3124 09012 1E3126 06992


1E3125 14012 1E3125 09012


1J5002 18992 1J5002 09012 5* 1J5000 18992 1J5000 10062 1H8851 28982 1F8268 04002

figure 4. P590 Series Filter Assembly

Parts Ordering When corresponding with your Fisher sales office or sales representative concerning this unit, include the serial number stamped on the main valve nameplate and all other pertinent information stamped on the pilot body and main valve nameplate. Specify the 11-character part numbers when ordering new parts from the following parts list.

Part Number

Pilot and Mounting Parts (figure 5) 1

1E3124 14012


AJ5004-A A2943


8 9

Body Aluminum (std) 35A6229 X012 Stainless Steel 25A6225 X022 Spring Case Aluminum (std; also used with stainless steel body & body plug for sour gas service) 25A6220 X012 Stainless Steel 25A6223 X022 Body Plug Aluminum (std) 1B7975 09032 Stainless Steel 1B7975 35072 Valve Plug & Stem Ass’y Type 6356 pilot, stainless steel/nitrile 15A6206 X012 Type 6358 pilot, polyethylene 16A2924 X012 Diaphragm Assembly, steel/neoprene/ asbestos Type 6356 pilot 18A3574 X022 Type 6358 pilot 18A3574 X072 Control Spring, pl steel 5 to 125 psig (0.3 to 8.6 bar) (red) 1K7485 27202 Spring Seat, Zn pl steel 1B7985 25062 Stem Guide, heat-treated 416 stainless steel Type 6356 pilot 15A6222 X012 Type 6358 pilot 16A2923 X012




Adjusting Screw, pl steel Locknut, pl steel Closing Cap Aluminum (std) Stainless steel Body Plug Gasket, asbestos

11 12



15 16 17

19* 20

1H3050 28982 1A9463 24122 1H2369 X0012 1H2369 X0032 1C4957 04022

Valve Plug Spring Type 6356 pilot Stainless steel for standard service 18A3573 X012 Inconel1 X750 for sour gas service 17A2328 X012 Type 6358 pilot, stainless steel 1E7013 37022 E-Ring, carbon steel (Type 6356 pilot only) 1E2143 28992 Type Y602-12 Vent Assembly, zinc/ stainless steel EMY602X1-A12 Machine Screw (6 req’d), carbon steel 1H4217 28992 Closing Cab Gasket, asbestos 15A6218 X012 Restriction, pl steel (not for use w/ Type 6358 pilot) Standard gain2 (indicated by S stamped on pilot body & red color code) 17A2029 X012 High gain3 (indicated by H stamped on pilot body and yellow color code) 17A7279 X012 Low gain4 (indicated by L stamped on pilot body and blue color code) 17A7277 X012

*Recommended spare part. 1. Trademark of International Nickel Co. 2. Required for gas service with narrow proportional bands. 3. Required for gas service with broader proportional bands. 4. Required for liquid service.


Part Number

Type 1808 & 1808A





Figure 5. Relief Pilot Assemblies Key 20


22 24 25


Description Part Number Restriction Plug (for Type 6358 pilot only), pl steel 1V7435 28982 P590 Series Filter (parts listed under separate heading) Type P594-1, brass & cellulose EMP590X1-A2 Type P593-1, aluminum & cellulose EMP590X1-A1 Pipe Nipple, galvanized 1F3948 26232 steel5 Service Tee, zn pl galvanized malleable iron5 1P3123 21992 Connector (for use only w/integral body registration w/o filter)5 Pl steel 15A6002 X462 Brass 1D6922 14012 Elbow (for use only w/integral body registration w/filter)5 Pl steel 15A6002 X472 Brass 15A6002 X162

Key 37 41


29 34

Type Y602-11 Vent Assembly, Zinc/Monel1,5 EMY602X1-A11 Tubing (for use only w/integral body registration)5 W/o filter Steel 14A6575 X022 Copper 14A6922 X012 W/filter Steel 17A7041 X022 Copper 17A7041 X012 Gauge 5 0 to 160 psig6 16A6638 X012 Pipe Nipple (used only w/optional P590 Series filter) galvanized steel5 1C4882 26232

Key 9*7 10* 7 11* 7 12

Description Part Number O-Ring, nitrile 1C6280 06992 O-Ring, nitrile 15A8508 X012 O-Ring, nitrile 1F3581 60992 Spring Standard service, zn pl steel 15A8775 X012 Sour gas service, lnconel, (blue) 14A8189 X012

13 14

Cap Screw, pl steel Hex Nut, pl steel (2 req’d) Cap screw, pl steel (12 req’d) Hex Nut, pl steel (12 req’d)

Main Valve (figure 6) Repair Kit Kit includes keys 9, 10 11, and 19 14A6784 X012


Individual Parts 1 2 3 4

Upper Casing, zn pl steel 25A7831 Lower Casing, zn pl steel 25A7828 Diaphragm, neoprene 10A0288 Upper Diaphragm Plate, zn pl steel 15A7834

16 X012 X012 X012

17 18

X012 19* 7

5 27

Description Part Number O-Ring, nitrile (Type 6358 pilot only) 16A2920 X012 John Crane Plastic Lead Seal Sealant, 1 lb (0.45 kg) can (not furnished) 1M3307 06992

6 7 8

Lower Diaphragm Plate, pl steel 14A9681 Valve Plug, stainless steel 15A7826 O-Ring, Retainer, steel 15A7827 Body Type 1808 Cast iron 25A7830 Steel 25A7926 Type 1808A Cast iron 37A7694



X012 X012 21* X012 X012





15A7839 X012 1V1362 28982 1E7603 24052 1A3465 24122

Cap Screw, pl steel (2 req’d) 15A7835 X012 Hex Nut, pl steel (2 req’d) 1E9445 24122 Backup Ring, TFE (2 req’d) 1U5294 06992 Valve Plug Guide Standard service, heat treated 416 stainless steel 15A7832 X012 Sour gas service, 17-4PH stainless steel 15A7832 X022 Gasket, asbestos (2 req’d) 15A7836 X012 Nameplate, stainless steel (not shown) 25A7829 X012 Elbow Pl steel 15A6002 X472 Brass 15A6002 X292 Pipe Plug, (use w/external upstream registration), pl steel (not shown) 1D7548 28982

*Recommended spare part. 1. Trademark of International Nickel Co. 5. Shown without key number in figure 6. 6. consult your Fisher sales office or sales representative for gauges in other units. 7. Included in repair kit.


Type 1808 & 1808A



TYPE1808A Figure 6. Main Valve Assembies


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