Type 92S
Fisher Controls
Instruction Manual
Type 92S Steam Regulator
March 1987
Form 5234
Introduction Scope of Manual This instruction manual provides installation, maintenance, and parts ordering information for the Type 92S steam pressure-reducing regulator complete with Type 6492H or 6492L pilot. Accessories used with this regulator, including any pressure-loading device for a Type 6492H or 6492L pilot with tapped spring case, are covered in other manuals.
Product Description The Type 92S pressure-reducing regulator for steam service includes either a Type 6492H or a Type 6492L pilot (figure 1). Both pilots have a friction-reducing bellows seal on the stem, and offer pressure-setting adjustment plus sensitivity to downstream pressure changes.
Specifications Specifications for the Type 92S regulator are found in table 1. Some specifications for an individual regulator as it comes from the factory are found on the regulator body and pilot nameplates (figure 2). eFisher Controls International, Inc. 1984, 1987; All Rights Reserved
These pilots are available in either a standard version with a drilled spring case vent, or an optional version with a tapped spring case vent and a sealed adjusting screw for pressure-loading or on-off service. A Fisher 67 or 1301 Series regulator or 670 Series panel-mounted regulator may be used to load the pilot of a version for pressure-loading service, while a solenoid valve may be used on the pilot of a version for on-off service.
Steel Body
1, 1-1/2, and 2
1, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 3, and 4
Flat-face Class 125B or raised-face Class 250B flanged
Raised-face Class 150, 300, or 600 flanged
Not available
Raised-face Class 300 or 600 flanged
Cast Iron Main Valve and Pilot: 250 psig (17 bar) or body rating limit, whichever is lower Steel Main Valve and Pilot: 300 psig (21 bar) or body rating limit, whichever is lower
Body Size, Inches
Minimum Differential Pressure
1, 1-1/2, and 2
15 psi (1.0 bar)
2-1/2, 3, 4, and 6 x 4(2)
20 psi (1.4 bar)
Maximum Differential Pressure 200 psi (14 bar) or body rating limit, whichever is lower 175 psi (12 bar) or body rating limit, whichever is lower
See table 2
See table 3
Combination of pilot control spring setting and spring case loading pressure must not exceed J 150 psig (10 bar) for Type 6492H pilot or J 25 psig (1.7 bar) for Type 6492L pilot
1. Pressure/temperature limits in this manual, and any applicable code or standard limitations, must not be exceeded.
BODY SIZE, INCHES 1 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 4 6 x 4(2)
PORT DIAMETER Inches mm 7/8 1-1/8 1-29/64 1-5/8 2-1/16 2-3/8 2-3/8
22.2 28.6 36.9 41.3 52.4 60.3 60.3
REGULATING CS 16 30 48 74 100 140 150
WIDE-OPEN CS FOR RELIEF SIZING 17.5 33 52 78 110 145 155
Cast Iron Construction: 406_F (208_C) Steel Construction: 500_F (260_C)
External through downstream control line
1, 1-1/2, or 2-Inch Body Size: 1/4-inch NPT female in main valve cylinder spacer 2-1/2, 3, 4, or 6 x 4(2)-Inch Body Size: 1/4-inch NPT female in pilot body
Standard: 1/8-inch (3.2 mm) drilled hole Optional: 1/4-inch NPT female tapping for pressure loading or on-off service
APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS BODY SIZE, INCHES 1 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 4 6 x 4(2)
END CONNECTION Screwed or flanged Screwed or flanged Screwed Flanged Flanged Flanged Flanged Class 300 Flanged Class 600
32 44 55 67 90 115 165 335
15 20 25 30 41 52 75 152
2. The two-number designation indicates end connection size by trim size.
Type 92S
19A3510-B Sheet B
19A3511-B Sheet B
16A7917-C Sheet 1
Figure 2. Nameplate Detail
Table 2. Outlet (Control) Pressure Ranges OUTLET (CONTROL) PRESSURE RANGE Psig Type 6492L Pilot 2 to 6 5 to 15 13 to 25
Bar Type 6492H Pilot 10 to 30 25 to 75 70 to 150
Type 6492L Pilot 0.14 to 0.41 0.34 to 1.0 0.90 to 1.7
Type 6492H Pilot 0.69 to 2.1 1.7 to 5.2 4.8 to 10
Table 3. Maximum Outlet Pressures
With Type 6492H pilot With Type 6492L pilot
MAXIMUM OPERATING OUTLET PRESSURE 150 psig (10 bar) 25 psig (1.7 bar)
MAXIMUM EMERGENCY OUTLET PRESSURE (IF EXCEEDED, PRESSURE VESSEL INTEGRITY MAY NOT BE RETAINED AND PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE COULD RESULT Cast Iron Main Valve Steel Main Valve and Pilot Body and Pilot Body 250 psig (17 bar) or main valve body 300 psig (21 bar) or main valve body rating limit, whichever is lower rating limit, whichever is lower 100 psig (6.9 bar)
Type 92S
Installation WARNING Personal injury, equipment damage, or leakage due to escaping steam or bursting of pressure-containing parts may result if this regulator is overpressured or is installed where service conditions could exceed the limits given in table 1 and on the appropriate nameplates, or where conditions exceed any ratings of the adjacent piping or piping connections. To avoid such injury or damage, provide pressure-relieving or pressure-limiting devices to prevent service conditions from exceeding those limits.
16A7958-B A2607-1
Additionally, physical damage to the regulator could result in personal injury and property damage due to escaping steam. To avoid such injury and damage, install the regulator in a safe location. 1. Only personnel qualified through training and experience should install, operate, and maintain a Type 92S regulator. Before installation, make sure that there is no damage to, or debris in, the regulator. Also make sure that all tubing and piping are clean and unobstructed. 2. A Type 92S regulator may be installed in any orientation, as long as flow through the regulator matches the direction of the arrow on the main valve body. However, the regulator should not be installed in a tall, vertical pipeline where condensate could collect and create a pressure head affecting regulator performance. 3. Apply steam-compatible pipe compound to the male pipeline threads for a screwed body, or use suitable line gaskets for a flanged body. Use acceptable piping procedures when installing the regulator. 4. If continuous operation of the system is required during inspection and maintenance, install a three-valve bypass around the regulator. If the flowing medium contains solids, install a properly sized strainer upstream of the regulator.
Note A clogged vent on the spring case of a standard Type 6492H or 6492L pilot may cause the regulator to function improperly. Install and maintain a regulator with a standard pilot so that the spring case vent stays clear. 4
16A7958-B 16A1547-A A3334
Figure 3. Typical Installations
5. As shown in figure 3, connect a control line as large as possible but no smaller than 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) diameter bushed down to the 1/4-inch NPT connection in the cylinder spacer (1, 1-1/2, or 2-inch body size) or the pilot body (2-1/2, 3, 4, or 6 x 4-inch body size). 6. Locate the control line connection at least 10 pipe diameters away from the regulator or swage and in a section of straight pipe. 7. Do not locate the control line connection in a gate, plug, or check valve, in an elbow, swage, or other area of the pipeline where turbulence or abnormal velocities may occur, or in a large-volume vessel that can cause noticeable control lag. 8. Slope the control line away from the pilot to let condensate drain into the pipeline. 9. Install a shutoff valve (not a needle valve) in the control line to isolate the pilot during maintenance. 10. Install a pressure gauge in the control line, or near the regulator, to aid in setting the outlet pressure.
Type 92S 11. With a pressure-loaded or on-off pilot, connect the pressure-loading or on-off piping or tubing to the 1/4-inch NPT connection in the tapped pilot spring case. 12. The pressure setting of the regulator is determined by: D The pilot control spring adjustment on a standard pilot, or D The pressure-loading device in conjunction with the control spring adjustment on a pressure-loaded pilot. In both cases, check these settings to make sure they are correct for the application.
Startup and Adjustment Note The maximum inlet pressure for a specific construction is stamped on the main valve nameplate. Use pressure gauges to monitor upstream and downstream pressures during startup.
4. Open the control line shutoff valve.
Note Before finally adjusting the pilot setting, allow enough time for the pilot and main valve to heat up and boil off any condensate buildup. 5. If a bypass is used, slowly close the bypass line block valve. 6. Perform the adjustment procedure until the downstream pressure reaches the desired setting.
Startup with Existing Regulator Installation After Normal Shutdown 1. Open the upstream and downstream block valves and let the regulator take over control at the existing pilot control spring setting. 2. If a bypass line is used, slowly control the bypass line block valve.
Adjustment On a regulator with any kind of Type 6492H or 6492L pilot, loosen the hex nut (key 16, figure 5). Turn the adjusting screw (key 15, figure 5) into the spring case to increase the downstream pressure. Turn the adjusting screw out of the spring case to decrease the downstream pressure. When the required downstream pressure is maintained for several minutes, tighten the hex nut to lock the adjusting screw in position. On a regulator with a pressure-loaded Type 6492H or 6492L pilot, also refer to the instruction manual of the pressure-loading device for downstream pressure adjustment procedures. Make sure that the combined pilot control spring setting pressure and spring case loading pressure do not exceed 150 psig (10 bar) for the Type 6492H pilot or 25 psig (1.7 bar) for the Type 6492L pilot. For example, a 5 psig (0.34 bar) spring setting and a 10 psig (0.69 bar) pressure loading result in a regulator pressure of 15 psig (1.0 bar).
Shutdown 1. If a bypass line is used, slowly open the bypass line block valve while monitoring the downstream pressure. 2. Close the control line shutoff valve. 3. Close the downstream block valve. 4. Close the upstream block valve. 5. If a pressure-loaded or on-off pilot is used, close the needle valve to the pilot. 6. Vent the regulator and control line to release any trapped pressure.
Startup with New Regulator Installation 1. Remove all pilot control spring compression by turning the adjusting screw out of the spring case according to the adjustment procedure. 2. Slowly open the upstream block valve. 3. Open the downstream block valve.
Principle of Operation Pilot supply pressure is piped from the main valve inlet (figure 4) to the pilot inlet connection. Downstream pressure registers on the main valve pistons through the downstream control line and then on the pilot diaphragm. 5
Type 92S
1, 1-1/2, OR 2-INCH BODY SIZE
2-1/2, 3, 4 or 6 x 4-INCH BODY SIZE
Figure 4. Operational Schematics
When increased downstream demand lowers the downstream pressure to a valve below the setting of the pilot control spring, this spring forces the pilot valve plug open to increase the loading pressure on the main valve pistons. At the same time, the increased demand lowers the downstream pressure on the main valve piston(s). This opens the main valve plug, increasing flow to the downstream system to satisfy the increased demand and to restore downstream pressure to the setting of the pilot control spring. Decreased downstream demand increases the downstream pressure registered on the pilot diaphragm. The increased pressure overcomes the force of the pilot control spring and allows the pilot valve plug spring to close the pilot valve plug. As the pilot valve plug closes, excess loading pressure bleeds to the downstream system through the pilot bleed restriction. At the same time, decreased downstream demand increases the downstream pressure registered on the main valve piston(s). This allows the main valve spring to close the main valve plug, reducing flow to the downstream system in response to the decreased demand. With a pressure-loaded or on-off pilot, the operation is the same as for a standard pilot except that the pilot control spring force on the pilot valve plug is aided by pneumatic pressure from the loading device or solenoid valve.
Maintenance Regulator parts are subject to normal wear and must be inspected periodically and replaced as necessary. The frequency of inspection and replacement depends upon the severity of service conditions and upon applicable codes and government regulations.
WARNING To avoid personal injury resulting from sudden release of pressure, isolate the regulator from all pressure and cautiously release trapped pressure from the regulator before attempting disassembly.
Type 6492H and 6492L Pilots These procedures are to be performed if inspecting, cleaning, or replacing any pilot parts, or if cycling, erratic control, or too high or too low an outlet (control) pressure is noted. Perform only those procedures in this section required to correct the problem. Key numbers refer to figure 5 unless otherwise noted.
Type 92S Note Before performing any maintenance, loosen the hex nut (key 16), if used, and turn the adjusting screw (key 15) or handwheel (key 31) counterclockwise until all compression is removed from the control spring (key 12). Remove the pilot from the pipe nipple and connectors (keys 82 and 83, figure 7). 1. Unscrew the plug guide (key 2). Remove the screen (key 77), plug (key 4), plug spring (key 3), and stem (key 7). Unscrew the seat ring (key 5). Examine the seat ring and plug seating surfaces for damage. 2. Clean and replace parts as necessary. Apply Led-Plate No. 250(1) sealant or equivalent to the seat ring threads. Thread the seat ring into place and tighten it to between 19 and 25 foot-pounds (26 and 34 NSm) of torque. 3. Handle the parts carefully, and place the plug spring (key 3) in the plug guide (key 2). Slide the plug (key 4) over the spring and into the plug guide. Place the screen (key 77) onto the plug guide. Place the stem (key 7) in the center hole of the plug guide. Apply Led-Plate No. 250 sealant or equivalent to the plug guide threads, and screw the guide plus attached parts into the body (key 1).
with their raised preformed centers facing toward the spring case. 11. Lubricate the upper spring seat and the exposed threads of the adjusting screw with Never-Seez(2) lubricant or equivalent. Install the lower spring seat (key 11, Type 6492H pilot only) or diaphragm assembly (key 24, Type 6492L pilot only), control spring (key 12), upper spring seat (key 13), and spring case (key 14). Insert and tighten the cap screws (key 17) to between 12 and 18 foot-pounds (16 and 24 NSm) of torque, using a crisscross bolting pattern. 12. When pilot maintenance is complete, refer to the Startup section to put the regulator back in operation and adjust the pressure setting.
Type 92S Main Valve Perform these procedures if replacing the piston(s), cylinder(s), stem(s), seals, valve plug, or seat ring. All key numbers are referenced in figure 6 except where otherwise indicated. Instructions are given for complete disassembly and assembly. Disassemble the main valve only as far as necessary to complete the required maintenance. Then, begin the assembly procedure at the appropriate step.
4. Remove the pipe plug and restriction (keys 74 and 76). Clean or replace the restriction as necessary. 5. Sparingly apply Led-Plate No. 250 sealant or equivalent to the threads of the restriction, and thread the restriction into place. 6. Apply Led-Plate No. 250 sealant or equivalent to the threads of the pipe plug. Thread the pipe plug into place and tighten it to between 5 and 15 foot-pounds (7 and 20 NSm) of torque. 7. Remove the cap screws (key 17), spring case (key 14), control spring (key 12), and upper spring seat (key 13) from the body. 8. Remove the lower spring seat (key 11, Type 6492H pilot only) or diaphragm assembly (key 24, Type 6492L pilot only), diaphragms (key 10), and diaphragm gasket (key 18) from the body. Inspect and clean the diaphragm gasket, and replace if necessary. 9. Unscrew the bellows retainer (key 8) and remove the bellows (key 9). Replace worn parts as necessary, and install the bellows and bellows retainer. Tighten the bellows retainer to between 19 and 25 foot-pounds (26 and 34 NSm). 10. Install the diaphragm gasket. Install both diaphragms
Note The regulator may remain in the pipeline during maintenance procedures unless the main valve body is replaced or removed for repairs. Whenever a gasket seal is disturbed by removing or shifting gasketed parts, a new gasket should be installed upon reassembly. This is necessary to ensure a good gasket seal.
Disassembly 1. Disconnect all tubing and remove the pilot from the main valve. 2. Remove the cap screws (key 3, not shown) from a cast iron body, or stud nuts (key 4) from a steel body, and lift off the body flange. 3. For the 1, 1-1/2, and 2-inch sizes, remove the top cylinder (key 17), and pull out the top piston with attached stem and other parts. Remove the hex nut (key 41), lockwasher (key 40), top ring retainer (key 26), and top piston ring (key 25) from the top piston (key 24).
1. Trademark of Armite Laboratories. 2. Trademark of Never-Seez Corp.
Type 92S 4. For the 1, 1-1/2, and 2-inch sizes, lift off the cylinder spacer (key 21), and remove the stem seal retainer (key 23) and stem seal (key 22) from the spacer.
piston ring (key 25), with its open end pointing out, piston ring retainer (key 26) and stem nut (key 15).
5. Remove the cylinder (key 17), piston (key 24) with attached parts, and spiral wound gasket (key 8).
For the 1, 1-1/2, and 2-inch sizes, lock the stem nut in place with a cotter pin (key 16), but do not fold the pin ends up on top of the stem since this can interfere with loading pressure registration through the top stem passage.
6. Remove the cotter pin (key 16, 1, 1-1/2, and 2-inch sizes only), stem nut (key 15), bottom stem (key 9) with hex head, valve plug (key 6), piston ring retainer (key 26), piston ring (key 25), bottom piston ring retainer (key 26, 1, 1-1/2 and 2-inch sizes only), piston (key 24), spring (key 12), piston spacer (key 11), cage (key 5) and seat ring (key 7).
5. Install the main piston cage assembly with attached parts into the body. Coat the edge of the main cylinder (key 17) with Led-Plate No. 250 sealant or equivalent and install a new cylinder gasket (key 18) onto this edge.
7. If a Whisper TrimR noise attenuator is used, remove the plug spacer (key 33, 2-inch size only), deflector (key 36, 2-inch size only), and screen (key 37). 8. Either remove the retaining ring (key 14), or remove the spring seat, washer, and O-ring (keys 32, 34, and 38), if it is necessary to remove the baffle (key 13).
Assembly 1. Inspect and replace parts as necessary, making sure that the hollow passage in the top stem (1, 1-1/2, and 2-inch sizes only) is free from debris. 2. Install a spiral wound gasket (key 8) into the body (key 1). 3. If installing a new valve plug and/or a new seat ring, or bottom stem, lap the seating surfaces together outside the body. Use a commercial lapping compound or a mixture of solidified vegetable oil and 600-grit or finer silicon carbide or aluminum oxide. Note If a Whisper Trim noise attenuator is used, install the screen (key 37), the deflector (key 36, 2-inch size only), and the plug spacer (key 33, 2-inch size only) where appropriate in the following step. 4. Secure the hex head at the bottom stem (key 9) in a vise. Install the valve plug (key 6), seat ring (key 7) and cage (key 5). For 1, 1-1/2, and 2-inch sizes, install the baffle (key 13) and the retaining ring (key 14). Then, install the piston spacer (key 11) down through the baffle until it makes contact with the valve plug. For 2-1/2, 3, and 4-inch sizes, install the plug spacer (key 33), baffle (key 13), O-ring, washer, spring seat and piston spacer (keys 38, 34, 32, and 11). Then, install the cylinder (key 17), spring (key 12) and secure with piston (key 24), 8
6. Install a new body gasket (key 19) onto the appropriate edge of the body. 7. For 1, 1-1/2, and 2-inch sizes, install the stem seal (key 22) onto the cylinder spacer (key 21) in the orientation shown in figure 6, and secure with the stem seal retainer (key 23). Coat the serrated edge of the spacer with LedPlate No. 250 sealant or equivalent, and install the spacer edge-side-down over the bottom cylinder. 8. For 1, 1-1/2, and 2-inch sizes, coat both serrated edges of the top cylinder (key 17) with Led-Plate No. 250 sealant or equivalent, install new cylinder gaskets (key 18) on these edges, and install the cylinder. 9. For 1, 1-1/2, and 2-inch sizes, install the top piston ring (key 25) with its open end pointing out, ring retainer (key 26), and stem (key 20) on the top piston. Secure these parts with the lockwasher and hex nut (keys 40 and 41). Install the top piston plus attached parts stem-first through the stem seal until the top stem contacts the bottom stem. 10. Install the body flange (key 2) on the body, and secure with the cap screws (key 3, not shown) for a cast iron body or with the stud nuts (key 4) for a steel body. 11. Install the pilot and connect all tubing as shown in figure 7. 12. When all maintenance is complete, refer to the Startup section to put the regulator back into operation and adjust the pressure setting.
Parts Ordering When corresponding with your Fisher sales office or sales representative about this equipment, always reference the equipment serial number as found on the regulator nameplates. When ordering replacement parts, reference the complete 11-character part number of each needed part as found in the following parts list.
Type 92S
32A4712-A A3505-1
Figure 5. Pilot Assemblies
Type 92S Parts List Type 6492L and 6492H Pilots (figure 5) Key
2 3 4* 5* 7* 8* 9* 10*
11 12
13 14
15 16 17
Part Number
Repair Kits (included are keys 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 18) Type 6492L pilot R6492L X0012 Type 6492H pilot R6492H X0012 Body Cast iron Type 6492L pilot 32A0404 X012 Type 6492H pilot 22A0403 X012 Steel Type 6492L pilot 32A0404 X052 Type 6492H pilot 22A0403 X052 Plug Guide, stainless steel 1E3918 35132 Plug Spring, 302 stainless steel 1E3924 37022 Plug, 302 stainless steel 1F9674 46172 Seat Ring, 416 stainless steel Stem, 416 stainless steel Bellows Retainer, brass Bellows, brass
Diaphragm Gasket, encapsulated fiber asbestos Type 6492L pilot 1E3970 04022 Type 6492H pilot 1E3961 04022 Drive Screw, SST (2 req’d) 1A3682 28982 Nameplate, aluminum Type 6492L pilot 19A3510 X012 Type 6492H pilot 19A3511 X012 Diaphragm Plate Assembly, aluminum/steel/stainless steel (Type 6492 pilot only) 1J9000 000A2
19 20 24
74 76 77 78 79 80 87
1H5644 46172 1F9678 35132 1F9712 14012 1F9713 18992
Diaphragm, 302 stainless steel (2 req’d) Type 6492L pilot 1E3969 36012 Type 6492H pilot 1E3958 36012 Lower Spring Seat, aluminum (Type 6492H pilot only) 1J9140 08012 Control Spring, steel, Cd pl (see table 2 for outlet pressure ranges) Yellow color code 1E3956 27022 Green color code 1D7455 27142 Red color code 1E3957 27192 Upper Spring Seat Steel, Cd pl 1D6671 25072 Spring Case Standard cast iron Type 6492L pilot 3J4963 19012 Type 6492H pilot 2J4962 19012 Tapped cast iron Type 6492L pilot 3L4421 19012 Type 6492H pilot 2L4419 19012 Standard steel Type 6492L pilot 3L4161 22012 Type 6492H pilot 2L4163 22012 Tapped steel Type 6492L pilot 3L4422 22012 Type 6492H pilot 2L4420 22012 Adjusting Screw (standard spring case only) steel, Cd pl 1D9954 48702 Hex Nut (standard spring case only), steel, Cd pl 1A3537 24122 Cap Screw, steel, pl (10 req’d for Type 6492L pilot and 8 req’d for Type 6492H pilot) 1A3816 24052
Part Number
Pipe Plug, steel Bleed Restriction, 304 stainless steel Screen, 304 stainless steel Reducing Bushing, carbon steel
Stud Bolt, B7 steel (for steel body) 1-inch body (4 req’d) 1V5426 X0012 1-1/2 or 2-inch body (8 req’d) 16A7902 X012 2-1/2 inch body (8 req’d) 1R2848 31012 3-inch body (8 req’d) 1R3506 31012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body (8 req’d) 1R3690 31012 Stud Nut, steel (for steel body) 1-inch body (4 req’d) 1C3306 24072 1-1/2 or 2-inch body (8 req’d) 1A3772 24072 2-1/2 inch body (8 req’d) 1C3306 24072 3-inch body (8 req’d) 1A3760 24072 4 or 6 x 4-inch body (8 req’d) 1A3520 24072 Cage, cast iron 1-inch body 29A1379 X012 1-1/2 inch body 26A7903 X012 2-inch body 26A7872 X012 2-1/2 inch body 27A1550 X012 3-inch body 27A1578 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 27A1602 X012 Valve Plug, 17-4PH stainless steel 1-inch body 16A7842 X012 1-1/2 inch body 16A7904 X012 2-inch body 16A7873 X012 2-1/2 inch body 27A1552 X012 3-inch body 27A1580 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 27A1604 X012 Seat Ring, 416 stainless steel 1-inch body 16A7844 X012 1-1/2 inch body 16A7906 X012 2-inch body 16A7875 X012 2-1/2 inch body 17A1553 X012 3-inch body 17A1581 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 17A1605 X012
0Z0201 28992 19A2612 X012 16A1512 X012 1B2928 X0022
Never-Seez Lubricant, 1 gal. (3.8 L) can (not furnished) 1M5239 06992 Led-Plate No. 250 Sealant, 5 pound (2 kg) can (not furnished) 1M5240 06992 Sealing Washer, carbon steel (tapped spring case only) 1V2056 99012
Type 92S Main Valve (figure 6)
1 2
Repair Kits (included are keys 8, 16, 18, 19, 25, and 38) 1-inch body R92S X000052 1-1/2 inch body R92S X000062 2-inch body R92S X000072 2-1/2 inch body R92E X0000B2 3-inch body R92E X000032 4 or 6 x 4-inch body R92E X000042 Body See following table Body Flange Cast iron 1-inch body 26A7837 X012 1-1/2 inch body 26A7900 X012 2-inch body 26A7869 X012 2-1/2 inch body 27A1548 X012 3-inch body 27A1576 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 27A1600 X012 WCB steel 1-inch body 26A7838 X012 1-1/2 inch body 26A7901 X012 2-inch body 26A7870 X012 2-1/2 inch body 27A1549 X012 3-inch body 27A1577 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 27A1601 X012 Cap Screw (not shown), pl steel (for cast iron body) 1-inch body (4 req’d) 16A7839 X012 1-1/2 or 2-inch body (8 req’d) 1U6256 31192 2-1/2 inch body (8 req’d) 1R2811 24052 3-inch body (8 req’d) 1A4512 24052 4 or 6 x 4-inch body (8 req’d) 1A4402 24052
*Recommended spare parts
Spiral Wound Gasket, 316L stainless steel & 1-inch body 1-1/2 inch body 2-inch body 2-1/2 inch body 3-inch body 4 or 6 x 4-inch body Bottom Stem, pl steel 1-inch body 1-1/2 inch body 2-inch body 2-1/2 inch body 3-inch body 4 or 6 x 4-inch body
Part Number
graphite 16A7845 X012 16A7907 X012 16A7876 X012 27A1554 X012 27A1582 X012 27A1606 X012 16A7846 X012 16A7908 X012 16A7877 X012 17A1556 X012 17A1584 X012 17A1608 X012
Type 92S
2-1/2, 3, 4, OR 6 x 4-INCH BODY SIZE Figure 6. Type 92S Main Valve Assemblies 11
Type 92S Key
Piston Spacer, steel 1-inch body 16A7848 X012 1-1/2 inch body 16A7910 X012 2-inch body For standard trim 16A7879 X012 For Whisper Trim noise attenuator 17A6562 X012 2-1/2 inch body 17A1558 X012 3-inch body 17A1585 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 17A1610 X012 Spring, spring wire 1-inch body 16A7849 X012 1-1/2 inch body 16A7911 X012 2-inch body 16A7880 X012 2-1/2 inch body 17A1559 X012 3-inch body 17A1586 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 17A1611 X012
16 17
Part Number
Baffle, stainless steel 1-inch body 19A1378 X012 1-1/2 inch body 16A7912 X012 2-inch body 16A7881 X012 2-1/2 inch body 17A1560 X012 3-inch body 17A1587 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 17A1612 X012 Retaining Ring, steel 1-inch body 16A7851 X012 1-1/2 inch body 16A7913 X012 2-inch body 16A7882 X012 Stem Nut, steel 1-inch body 16A7852 X012 1-1/2 or 2-inch body 16A7914 X012 2-1/2 or 3-inch body 1A4132 24122 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 1A4201 24122 Cotter Pin, stainless steel 1-inch body 16A7930 X012 1-1/2 or 2-inch body 17A5574 X012 Cylinder, 416 stainless steel 1-inch body (2 req’d) 16A7853 X012 1-1/2 inch body (2 req’d) 16A7915 X012 2-inch body (2 req’d) 16A7884 X012 2-1/2 inch body (1 req’d) 17A1561 X012 3-inch body (1 req’d) 17A1588 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body (1 req’d) 17A1613 X012 Cylinder Gasket, copper 1-inch body (3 req’d) 16A7854 X012 1-1/2 inch body (3 req’d) 16A7916 X012 2-inch body (3 req’d) 16A7885 X012 2-1/2 inch body (1 req’d) 14A5685 X022 3-inch body (1 req’d) 17A1589 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body (1 req’d) 17A1614 X012 Body Gasket, copper 1-inch body 14A6785 X022 1-1/2 inch body 14A3384 X022 2-inch body 14A5685 X022 2-1/2 inch body 17A1563 X012 3-inch body 13A0354 X022 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 14A5650 X022
Top Stem, stainless steel 1-inch body 16A7855 X012 1-1/2 or 2-inch body 16A7886 X012
Cylinder Spacer, steel 1-inch body 26A7856 X012 1-1/2 inch body 26A7918 X012 2-inch body 26A7887 X012 Stem Seal, TFE/glass 1-inch body 16A7962 X012 1-1/2 or 2 inch body 16A7963 X012 Stem Seal Retainer, stainless steel 1-inch body 16A7857 X012 1-1/2 or 2 inch body 16A7888 X012 Piston, 416 stainless steel 1-inch body (2 req’d) 19A6005 X012 1-1/2 inch body (2 req’d) 19A6006 X012 2-inch body (2 req’d) 19A6007 X012 2-1/2 inch body (1 req’d) 17A1564 X012 3-inch body (1 req’d) 17A1590 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body (1 req’d) 17A1615 X012
22 23
28 29
30 31 32
Part Number
Piston Ring, TFE 1-inch body (2 req’d) 19A6010 X012 1-1/2 inch body (2 req’d) 19A6011 X012 2-inch body (2 req’d) 19A6012 X012 2-1/2 inch body (1 req’d) 17A1565 X012 3-inch body (1 req’d) 17A1591 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body (1 req’d) 17A1616 X012 Ring Retainer, 302 stainless steel 1-inch body (2 req’d) 16A7860 X012 1-1/2 inch body (2 req’d) 16A7922 X012 2-inch body (2 req’d) 16A7891 X012 2-1/2 inch body (1 req’d) 17A1566 X012 3-inch body (1 req’d) 17A1592 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body (1 req’d) 17A1617 X012 Nameplate, stainless steel 16A7917 X012 Flow Arrow, stainless steel Standard trim 1-inch body 1V1059 38982 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 3, 4, or 6 x 4-inch body 1V1060 38982 Whisper Trim 1V4170 38982
Plug Spacer, stainless steel 2-inch size (Whisper Trim only) 17A6563 X012 2-1/2 inch body 17A1568 X012 3-inch body 17A1594 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 17A1619 X012
Washer, carbon steel 2-1/2 or 3 inch body 17A1569 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 17A1620 X012 Groove Pin, stainless steel 2-1/2 inch or larger body 16A7883 X012 Deflector, stainless steel (2-inch Whisper Trim only) 17A6561 X012 Screen, stainless steel (Whisper Trim only) 2-inch body 17A5751 X012 2-1/2 inch body 17A7760 X012 3-inch body 17A7761 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 17A7762 X012
35 36 37
Part Number
O-Ring, TFE 2-1/2 or 3-inch body 17A7396 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 17A7397 X012 Lockwasher, stainless steel 1-inch body 1C2256 X0012 1-1/2 or 2-inch body 1A5056 38992 Hex Nut 1-inch body, 316 stainless steel 1A3915 35252 1-1/2 or 2-inch body, zn pl steel 1A3465 24122
Pilot Mounting Parts (figure 7) 81 82 83 84
85 86
Loading Tubing, copper 050020 1701W Pipe Nipple, steel 1U2644 26232 Connector, brass 15A6002 X202 Elbow, brass (3 req’d for 1, 1-1/2, or 2-inch body size and 1 req’d for larger sizes) 15A6002 X162 Inlet Tubing, copper (1, 1-1/2, or 2-inch body only) 050020 1701W Elbow, carbon steel (2-1/2 thru 6 x 4-inch body only) 13A1714 X012
Drive Screw, stainless steel (4 req’d) 1A3682 28982 Led-Plate No. 250 Sealant, 5 pound (2 kg) can (not furnished with regulator) 1M5240 06992 Spring Seat, carbon steel 2-1/2 inch body 17A1567 X012 3-inch body 17A1593 X012 4 or 6 x 4-inch body 17A1618 X012
*Recommended spare parts
Type 92S Key 1 Body BODY MATERIAL Cast iron
WCB steel
26A7830 X012 26A7831 X012 26A7832 X012 26A7833 X012 26A7834 X012 26A7835 X012 26A7836 X012
26A7893 X012 26A7894 X012 26A7895 X012 26A7896 X012 26A7897 X012 26A7898 X012 26A7899 X012
26A7862 X012 26A7863 X012 26A7864 X012 26A7865 X012 26A7866 X012 26A7867 X012 26A7868 X012
2-1/2 --37A1543 X012 37A1544 X012 --37A1545 X012 37A1546 X012 37A1547 X012
30B3840-A 39A3519-C
2-1/2, 3, 4, OR 6 x 4-INCH BODY SIZE Figure 7. Pilot Mounting Parts
--37A1571 X012 37A1572 X012 --37A1573 X012 37A1574 X012 37A1575 X012
--37A1595 X012 37A1596 X012 --37A1597 X012 37A1598 X012 37A1599 X012
----------37A9679 X012 37A9680 X012
Type 92S
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or any other matter with respect to the products, nor as a recommendation to use any product or process in conflict with any patent. Fisher Controls reserves the right, without notice, to alter or improve the designs or specifications of the products described herein.
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