Product Bulletin 51.2:HP D101635X012 July 2010
HP Valve
Fisherr HP Series Control Valves HP (Globe Valve) HPA (Angle Valve)
D Balanced High-Temperature Trim D Balanced Tight Shutoff Trim D Unbalanced Trim
Fisher HP Series control valves (figure 1) are single-port, high-pressure, globe- or angle-style valves with metal seats, cage guides, and push-down-to-close valve plug action.
These valves are designed for high-pressure applications in process control industries such as power generation, hydrocarbon production, chemical processing, and refining.
HP Series valves are designed with corrosion allowance; NACE compliant materials are available. Extra valve body wall thickness provides a safety margin of protection against erosion, as well as extra protection against corrosion due to chemical attack. Because these valves feature a thicker valve body wall, they are available in higher intermediate ratings with weld-end fittings. W6848-1
Unless otherwise noted, all NACE references are to NACE MR0175-2002 and MR0103.
Figure 1. Fisher HP Valve with 667 Actuator and FIELDVUEt DVC6000 Digital Valve Controller