S100C Bulletin

Page 1

Bulletin 71.1:S100K

Type S100K and S102K Pressure Regulators


Figure 1. Types S100K and S102K Pressure Regulators

Features • Improved Overpressure Protection—Increased diaphragm movement assures pressure relief under all circumstances. Meets ANSI B109.4 standards.

• Easy Installation and Maintenance—Four position actuator mounting and four position vent mounting allow installation in limited spaces and inspection or maintenance without removing body from the line. • Durable Exterior Finish—Powder coating is standard for superior corrosion protection.

• Equipment Flexibility—Different stem guides and relief valve springs can be field-interchanged to meet boost and relief performance requirements.

• Corrosion Resistant Fasteners—Adjusting screw and screws are double zinc-chromated for enhanced corrosion resistance.

• Control Accuracy—Turbo-booster tube extensions register body outlet pressure at the point of highest velocity, providing a dynamic boost that compensates for outlet pressure drop as demand increases, which optimizes the regulator performance to the application.

• Corrosion Resistant Materials—Internal parts made from corrosion resistant materials for long life.

• Outlet Pressure Stability—4:1 lever ratio reduces regulator sensitivity to inlet pressure fluctuations.

• Molded Diaphragm—Diaphragm and diaphragm plate molded together for high setpoint repeatability.


• Interchangeable Design—Actuator is interchangeable with standard S100 and S102 Series bodies


Bulletin 71.1:S100K Specifications Available Configurations Type S100K: Service regulator without internal relief Type S102K: Service regulator with internal relief; this regulator meets ANSI B109.4 Body Sizes (Inlet x Outlet) and End Connection Styles(1) 3/4 x 3/4 (20 x 20), 3/4 x 1 (20 x 25), 1 x 1 (25 x 25), 1 x 1-1/4 (25 x 32), 1 x 1-1/2 (25 x 40), 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 (32 x 32), or 1-1/2 x 1-1/2-inches (DN 40 x 40) NPT screwed Allowable Inlet Pressures(2) Emergency: 150 psig (10,3 bar) Maximum Operating Pressure to Obtain Good Performance: See table 1 Allowable Outlet Pressures(2) Emergency (Casing): 25 psig (1,7 bar) Maximum Operating Pressure to Avoid Internal Parts Damage: 3 psi (0,21 bar) differential above outlet pressure setting Outlet Pressure Ranges See table 2 Orifice Sizes See table 1 Typical Regulating Capacities See tables 4 and 5 and Capacity Information section Flow Coefficients Wide-Open Cg for Relief Sizing: See table 1 C1: 35 Internal Relief Performance (Type S102K Only) Approximate Internal Relief Start-ToDischarge Point (with Standard Relief Valve Spring): 7 to 11-inches w.c. (17 to 27 mbar) above outlet pressure setting Relief Performance: See table 3 Material Temperature Capabilities(2) -20° to 160°F (-29° to 71°C) Pressure Setting Adjustment Adjusting Screw Pressure Registration Internal

Lockup Performance During Normal Operation ORIFICE SIZE, INCHES (mm)


1/8 (3,2) 3/16 (4,8) 1/4 (6,4) 5/16 (7,9) 3/8 (9,5) 1/2 (12,7) 3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2) 9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9)

1 (2,5) 1 (2,5) 2 (5,0) 2 (5,0) 2.5 (6,2) 3 (7,5) 1 (2,5) 3 (7,5)

Spring Case Vent Connection Standard: 1-inch NPT with removable screen Optional: 3/4-inch NPT with removable screen Construction Materials Body: Cast iron Body Gasket: Neoprene (CR) Closing Cap: ASA thermoplastic (provides UVray protection) Adjusting Screw: Delrin Diaphragm Case, Spring Case, Diaphragm Plate, Orifice, and Valve Stem: Aluminum Pusher Post or Relief Valve Seat: Type S100K: Delrin Type S102K: Aluminum Diaphragm and Disk: Nitrile rubber (NBR) Stem Guide: Delrin Control Spring and Relief Valve Spring (if used): Stainless steel Vent Screen: Stainless steel Lever Pin: Stainless steel Spring Seat, Lever, and Other Metal Parts: Plated steel Body Vent Mounting Positions See figure 4 Approximate Weight 4.5 pounds (2,04 kg) Additional Options • Body inlet test connection for all body sizes • Body outlet test connection (with or without inlet test connection) for 3/4 x 1-inch body only • Relief valve springs for other than 7 to 11-inches w.c. (17,5 to 27,5 mbar) start-todischarge point above outlet pressure setting. • Wire seal

1. Relief pressure plus maximum allowable buildup over setting. 2. The pressure/temperature limits in this bulletin and any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.


Bulletin 71.1:S100K Overpressure Protection Like most regulators, Types S100K and S102K service regulators have outlet pressure ratings lower than their inlet pressure ratings. Type S102K regulators provide



internal relief that limits the total outlet pressure buildup over setpoint. This internal relief may be adequate for the application, if not, provide additional pressure relief or a pressure-limiting device downstream. See table 3. External downstream overpressure protection is required on Type S100K. The wide-

open Cg for relief sizing (see table 1) along with the capacity information should be used in choosing appropriate overpressure protection devices to ensure that none of the limits in the Specifications, table 1, or table 2 are exceeded.



Figure 2. Typical Vent Line Installation

Product Description Types S100K and S102K direct-operated, springloaded regulators (figures 1 through 3) provide economical pressure-reducing control in a variety of residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Both regulators can be used with natural, manufactured, or liquified petroleum gases and have the same inlet and outlet pressure capabilities. In addition, the Type S102K regulator has internal relief across the diaphragm to help minimize overpressure. Any outlet pressure above the start-to-discharge point of the nonadjustable relief valve spring moves the diaphragm off the relief valve seat, allowing excess pressure to bleed out through the screened spring case vent.

Overpressuring any portion of a regulator or associated equipment may cause leakage, parts damage, or personal injury due to bursting of pressure-containing parts or explosion of accumulated gas. Regulator operation within ratings does not prevent the possibility of damage from external sources or from debris in the pipeline. A regulator should be inspected for damage after any overpressure condition.

Type S102K Internal Relief Performance Backup means of opening the internal relief valve are provided by the closing cap extension (figure 3) in the Type S102K regulator. Should emergency conditions exist that would prevent normal operation (for instance, linkage becoming disconnected or disk broken off), the closing cap extension will act as a travel stop for the



1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2

(3,2) (4,8) (6,4) (7,9) (9,5) (12,7)


12.5 28.2 50.0 76.0 105 185

With White StandardBoost Stem Guide T80344T0012 3.5 to 28 Inches w.c. 1.0 to 2.5 Psig (9 to 70 mbar) (69 to 172 mbar) Spring Ranges, Spring Ranges, psig (bar) psig (bar) 125 (8,6) 125 (8,6) 60 (4,1) 60 (4,1) 20 (1,4) 40 (2,8) 15 (1,0) 20 (1,4) 10 (0,69) 15 (1,0) 5 (0,34) 10 (0,69)

With Black LowBoost Stem Guide T80368T0012, psig (bar) 125 60 60 40 15 10

(8,6) (4,1) (4,1)(1) (2,8)(1) (1,0) (0,69)

With White NoBoost Stem Guide T80370T0012, psig (bar) 125 100 60 40 15 10

(8,6) (6,9) (4,1)(1) (2,8)(1) (1,0) (0,69)

Restricted Orifice Sizes 3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2) 9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9)

12.5 240

60 (4,1) 5 (0,34)

60 (4,1) 10 (0,69)

60 (4,1) 10 (0,69)

100 (6,9) 10 (0,69)

1. Relief capacity may restrict maximum operating inlet pressure for some vent size, stem guide, and orifice combinations to meet ANSI B109.4.


Bulletin 71.1:S100K


Type S100K


Type S102K

Figure 3. Types S100K and S102K Regulator Operational Schematics

relief valve stem. Since the diaphragm continues to rise as pressure builds, it lifts off the relief valve and thereby opens this valve to provide limited relief operation.

the given capacity by 0.775 and divide by the square root of the appropriate specific gravity. If capacity is desired in normal cubic meters per hour (m³/h(n)), multiply scfh by 0.0268.

Regulating capacity and relief performance information are given in tables 4 through 7 and figure 3.

For Critical Pressure Drops

Capacity Information Tables 4 through 7 give Types S100K and S102K regulator flow capacities at selected inlet pressures and outlet pressure settings for regulators with standard-boost, low boost, and no boost stem guides. Flows are in scfh (60°F and 14.7 psia) and m³/h(n)) (0°C and 1,01325) of 0.6 specific gravity natural gas at 60°F. To determine equivalent capacities for air, propane, butane, or nitrogen, multiply the listed capacity by the following appropriate conversion factor: 0.775 for air, 0.628 for propane, 0.548 for butane, or 0.789 for nitrogen. For gases of other specific gravities, multiply


Use this equation for critical pressure drops (absolute outlet pressure equal to one-half or less than one-half the absolute inlet pressure). Q = P1(abs)Cg where, Q = gas flow rate, scfh Cg = gas sizing coefficient P 1 = absolute inlet pressure, psia

For Non-Critical Pressure Drops For pressure drops lower than critical (absolute outlet pressure greater than one-half of absolute inlet pressure),

Bulletin 71.1:S100K Table 2. Outlet Pressure Ranges OUTLET PRESSURE RANGE





3.5 to 5.5-inches wc (8,5 to 13,5 mbar) 5.5 to 8.5-inches wc (13,8 to 21,3 mbar)

1E983927212 1E984027062

Red Olive drab

0.054 (0,137) 0.067 (0,170)

3.50 (8,89) 3.50 (8,89)

8 to 15-inches wc (20 to 38 mbar) 14 to 28-inches wc (35 to 70 mbar) 1.5 to 2.5 psig (103 to 172 mbar)

1E985127212 1K645127052 T1020027222

Green Gray Blue

0.080 (0,203) 0.090 (0,229) 0.109 (0,277)

3.28 (8,33) 3.34 (8,48) 3.65 (9,27)

Table 3. Relief Performance(1) Maximum Allowable Inlet Pressure(2), Psig (bar) if Outlet Pressure is Held to 2 Psig (0,14 bar) ORIFICE SIZE, INCHES (mm) 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/8 x 3/16 9/16 x 5/8

(3,2) (4,8) (6,4) (7,9) (9,5) (12,7) (3,2 x 4,8) (14,3 x 15,9)

OPTIONAL 3/4-INCH NPT SPRING CASE VENT Standard Boost Stem Guide 95.8 56.5 17.2 10.1 7.1 4.4 92.6 3.7

(6,6) (3,9) (1,2) (0,70) (0,49) (0,30) (6,4) (0,26)

Low Boost Stem Guide

No Boost Stem Guide

120 68.5 21.5 11.9 7.7 4.3 110 3.7

166 98.0 32.4 17.6 11.0 5.3 151 4.3

(8,3) (4,7) (1,5) (0,82) (0,53) (0,30) (7,6) (0,26)


(11,4) (6,8) (2,2) (1,2) (0,76) (0,37) (10,4) (0,30)

101 61.6 21.1 12.7 8.3 5.1 92.7 4.4

(7,0) (4,3) (1,5) (0,88) (0,57) (0,35) (6,4) (0,30)

Low Boost Stem Guide

No Boost Stem Guide

130 76.3 25.3 13.0 8.4 4.7 122 3.9

180 108 36.7 20.8 12.3 5.9 177 4.6

(9,0) (5,3) (1,7) (0,90) (0,58) (0,32) (8,4) (0,27)

(12,4) (7,4) (2,5) (1,4) (0,85) (0,41) (12,2) (0,32)

1. With regulator set at 7-inches w.c. (17 mbar), valve stem linkage disconnected and venting directly to atmosphere. 2. If the regulator is operated at higher inlet pressures, consider installing a supplemental relief valve.

use the following formula:


 3417 520 CgP1SIN  GT  C1

∆P   DEG P1 

where, Q G T Cg P1 C1 ∆P

= gas flow rate, scfh = specific gravity of the gas = absolute temperature of gas at inlet, °Rankine = gas sizing coefficient = absolute inlet pressure, psia = flow coeficient = pressure drop across the regulator, psi

Type Y602 vent to avoid the accumulation of debris and condensate. If gas escaping through the Type S102K internal relief valve could constitute a hazard, the vent must be piped to a location where escaping gas will not be hazardous. In this case, obstructionfree tubing or piping of at least the same diameter as the vent size with a minimum number of bends should be used, and a screened vent should be installed on the end of the vent pipe. On all installations, the vent or the end of the vent pipe must be protected from anything that might clog it.

Then, if capacity is desired in normal cubic meters per hour at 0°C and 1,01325 bar, multiply scfh by 0.0268.

To obtain the maximum flow capacities or other performance characteristics, the length of pipe from the regulator outlet to the meter—or for the first 18-inches (457 mm), whichever is closer—should have no bends and should be the same size as the regulator outlet.


Ordering Information

These regulators may be installed in any position as shown in figure 4. However, the high end of the spring range may not be achieved if the spring case is pointed down. If the high end of the spring range is required for an application, position the spring case (spring barrel) pointing up and install an umbrella

Refer to the page 2 Specifications and to each referenced table; indicate the desired selection whenever there is a choice to be made. Always be sure to specify the regulator type number. Assembly position 3F (figure 4) will be supplied automatically unless some other position is specified.


Bulletin 71.1:S100K Table 4. 3/4-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat OUTLET PRESSURE INLET SETTING, SPRING PRESSURE, RANGE, DROOP, PSIG (bar) AND BOOST

5-inches w.c. (12 mbar) 3.5 to 5.5-inches w.c. (8,7 to 14 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

7-inches w.c. (17 mbar) 5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. (14 to 21 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

11-inches w.c. (27 mbar) 8 to 15-inches w.c. (20 to 37 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

14-inches w.c. (35 mbar) 8 to 15-inches w.c. (20 to 37 mbar) 2-inches w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

CAPACITIES IN SCFH (m続/h(n)) OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inches (mm) 1/8 (3,2)

3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2)

1/4 (6,4)

5/16 (7,9)

3/8 (9,5)

1/2 (12,7)

140 230 330 410 530

180 290 420 530 740

220 370 460 650 920

290 480 730 740 980

(7,77) (12,9) (19,6) (19,8) (26,3)

300 470 650 770 1300

(8,04) (12,6) (17,4) (20,6) (34,8)

190 320 410 560 850

(5,09) (8,58) (11,0) (15,0) (22,8)

230 390 490 630 970

(6,16) (10,5) (13,1) (16,9) (26,0)

220 250 300 400

(5,90) (6,70) (8,04) (10,7)

220 310 360 590

(5,90) (8,31) (9,65) (15,8)

300 440 630 880

(8,04) (11,8) (16,9) (23,6)

330 490 620 870

(8,84) (13,1) (16,6) (23,3)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

110 140 170 230

(2,95) (3,75) (4,56) (6,16)

80 120 170 200 260

(2,14) (3,22) (4,56) (5,36) (6,97)

100 160 210 260 340

(2,68) (4,29) (5,63) (6,97) (9,11)

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

350 440 530 680

(9,38) (11,8) (14,2) (18,2)

360 430 510 650

(9,65) (11,5) (13,7) (17,4)

570 710 850 1090

(15,3) (19,0) (22,8) (29,2)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

840 1160 1770 1310

(22,5) (31,1) (47,4) (35,1)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

90 120 150 200

(2,41) (3,22) (4,02) (5,36)

80 120 170 210 260

(2,14) (3,22) (4,56) (5,63) (6,97)

90 130 170 210 310

(2,41) (3,48) (4,56) (5,63) (8,31)

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

320 430 520 680

(8,58) (11,5) (13,9) (18,2)

360 440 510 650

(9,65) (11,8) (13,7) (17,4)

500 650 810 1070

(13,4) (17,4) (21,7) (28,7)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

840 1150 1760 1500

(22,5) (30,8) (47,2) (40,2)

1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

780 (20,9) 1190 (31,9)

(2,41) (3,48) (4,29) (5,90)

100 130 150 200

(2,68) (3,48) (4,02) (5,36)

320 420 510 660

(8,58) (11,3) (13,7) (17,7)

310 460 600 850

(8,31) (12,3) (16,1) (22,8)

220 300 400 650

(5,90) (8,04) (10,7) (17,4)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

820 1150 1750 2140

(22,0) (30,8) (46,9) (57,4)

810 (21,7) 1100 (29,5)

110 160 200 250

(2,95) (4,29) (5,36) (6,70)

130 180 220 290

(3,48) (4,82) (5,90) (7,77)

360 430 510 650

(9,65) (11,5) (13,7) (17,4)

450 610 760 1060

(12,1) (16,3) (20,4) (28,4)

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

310 410 510 690

(8,31) (11,0) (13,7) (18,5)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

830 1160 1760 2150

(22,2) (31,1) (47,2) (57,6)

790 (21,2) 1090 (29,2)

1340 (35,9) 1820 (48,8)

- Indicates where droop (given in the left-hand column) is exceeded regardless of capacity. - Indicates where maximum operating inlet pressure is exceeded for a given orifice.

- continued -


1240 (33,2) 1850 (49,6)

(5,90) (9,92) (12,3) (17,4) (24,7)

1750 (46,9)

120 180 260 340 480

(3,22) (4,82) (6,97) (9,11) (12,9)

810 (21,7) 1080 (28,9) 1300 (34,8)

150 240 340 430 570

(4,02) (6,43) (9,11) (11,5) (15,3)

1000 (26,8) 1260 (33,8)

170 270 390 510 740

(4,56) (7,24) (10,5) (13,7) (19,8)

1220 (32,7)

120 180 220 300

(3,22) (4,82) (5,90) (8,04)

500 (13,4) 780 (20,9) 1020 (27,3)

150 210 240 350

(4,02) (5,63) (6,43) (9,38)

170 240 290 450

(4,56) (6,43) (7,77) (12,1)

630 (16,9) 970 (26,0)

810 (21,7)

210 300 410 560

260 370 500 660

1160 (31,1) 1650 (44,2)

130 (3,48) 160 (4,29) 200 (5,36)

10 15 20 30

930 (24,9) 1550 (41,5) 1800 (48,2)

(4,82) (7,77) (11,3) (14,2) (19,8)

1330 (35,6) 1850 (49,6)

90 130 160 220

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

(3,70) (6,16) (8,84) (11,0) (14,2)

1340 (35,9) 1850 (49,6)

100 (2,68) 120 (3,22) 140 (3,75)

10 15 20 30

1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

800 (21,4) 1090 (29,2)

9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9)

3/16 (4,8)

170 250 310 440

(4,56) (6,70) (8,31) (11,8)

730 (19,6) 950 (25,5) 1210 (32,4)

(5,63) (8,04) (11,0) (15,0)

910 (24,4) 1300 (34,8)

(6,97) (9,92) (13,4) (17,7)

1140 (30,6)

Bulletin 71.1:S100K Table 4. 3/4-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat (Continued) OUTLET PRESSURE INLET SETTING, SPRING PRESSURE, RANGE, DROOP, PSIG (bar) AND BOOST

28-inches w.c. (70 mbar) 14 to 28-inches w.c. (35 to 70 mbar) ±1% ABS ±0.16 psig

28-inches w.c. (70 mbar) 14 to 28-inches w.c. (35 to 70 mbar) ±2% ABS ±0.31 psig

2 psig (0,14 bar)

CAPACITIES IN SCFH (m³/h(n)) OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inches (mm) 1/8 (3,2)

3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2)

3/16 (4,8)

1/4 (6,4)

5/16 (7,9)

240 330 430 700

310 400 580 840

2 3 5 10

(0,14) (0,21) (0,34) (0,69)

120 150 210 300

(3,22) (4,02) (5,63) (8,04)

140 180 240 350

(3,75) (4,82) (6,43) (9,38)

180 220 270 460

(4,82) (5,90) (7,24) (12,3)

15 20 30 40

(1,0) (1,4) (2,1) (2,8)

380 500 610 820

(10,2) (13,4) (16,3) (22,0)

430 500 650 790

(11,5) (13,4) (17,4) (21,2)

600 780 980 1310

(16,1) (20,9) (26,3) (35,1)

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6)

1150 (30,8) 1770 (47,4) 2150 (57,6)

1070 (28,7)

960 (25,7) 1110 (29,7)

1270 (34,0)

520 710 1000 1490

2 3 5 10

(0,14) (0,21) (0,34) (0,69)

140 190 250 360

(3,75) (5,09) (6,70) (9,65)

150 200 260 360

(4,02) (5,36) (6,97) (9,65)

230 300 400 600

(6,16) (8,04) (10,7) (16,1)

380 490 690 1120

15 20 30 40

(1,0) (1,4) (2,1) (2,8)

470 550 680 850

(12,6) (14,7) (18,2) (22,8)

430 500 650 790

(11,5) (13,4) (17,4) (21,2)

740 850 1090 1340

(19,8) (22,8) (29,2) (35,9)

1440 (38,6) 1800 (48,2)

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6) 3 5 10 15

(0,21) (0,34) (0,69) (1,0)

1160 (31,1) 1750 (46,9) 2150 (57,6)

1090 (29.2)

140 (3,75) 210 (5,63) 250 (6,70)

140 190 320 350

(3,75) (5,09) (8,58) (9,38)

140 210 290 430

(3,75) (5,63) (7,77) (11,5)

320 (8,58) 450 (12,1) 580 (15,5)

460 (12,3) 650 (17,4) 800 (21,4)

520 (13,9) 790 (21,2) 1000 (26,8)

±1% ABS ±0.17 psig

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6)

820 (22,0) 1400 (37,5) 1780 (47,7)

1090 (29,2)

1440 (38,6)

(0,21) (0,34) (0,69) (1,0)

200 (5,36) 310 (8,31) 400 (10,7)

150 250 360 430

(4,02) (6,70) (9,65) (11,5)

9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9)

360 540 650 1120

(9,65) (14,5) (17,4) (30,0)

430 (11,5) 600 (16,1) 880 (23,6)

510 (13,7) 640 (17,2) 1000 (26,8)

(10,2) (13,1) (18,5) (30,0)

(13,9) (19,0) (26,8) (39,9)

630 890 1140 1910

(16,9) (23,9) (30,6) (51,2)

900 (24,1) 1150 (30,8) 1550 (41,5)

930 (24,9) 1170 (31,4) 1640 (44,0)

200 360 740 850

(5,36) (9,65) (19,8) (22,8)

310 (8,31) 400 (10,7) 650 (17,4)

310 (8,31) 450 (12,1) 680 (18,2)

440 620 1017 1550

(11,8) (16,6) (27,3) (41,5)

583 (15,6) 820 (22,0) 1550 (41,5)

630 (16,9) 850 (22,8) 1510 (40,5)

2050 (54,9)

1820 (48.8)

20 (1,4) 30 (2,1) 40 (2,8)

3 5 10 15

(8,31) (10,7) (15,5) (22,5)

1/2 (12,7)

1834 (49,2)

1.5 to 2.5 psig (0,10 to 0,17 bar)

2 psig (0,14 bar)

(6,43) (8,84) (11,5) (18,8)

3/8 (9,5)

210 300 460 630

(5,63) (8,04) (12,3) (16,9)

1.5 to 2.5 psig. (0,10 to 0,17 bar)

20 (1,4) 30 (2,1) 40 (2,8)

490 (13,1) 660 (17,7) 830 (22,2)

510 (13,7) 650 (17,4) 810 (21,7)

780 (20,9) 1090 (29,2) 1340 (35,9)

±2% ABS ±0.33 psig

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6)

1120 (30,0) 1780 (47,7) 2150 (57,6)

1090 (29,2)

1830 (49,0)

170 270 390 530

(4,56) (7,24) (10,5) (14,2)

700 (18,8) 880 (23,6) 1240 (33,2)

270 430 710 930

(7,24) (11,5) (19,0) (24,9)

1150 (30,8) 1430 (38,3) 1950 (52,3)

230 310 480 750

(6,16) (8,31) (12,9) (20,1)

1090 (29,2)

380 620 990 1350

(10,2) (16,6) (26,5) (36,2)

1680 (45,0)

- Indicates where droop (given in the left-hand column) is exceeded regardless of capacity. - Indicates where maximum operating inlet pressure is exceeded for a given orifice.


Bulletin 71.1:S100K Table 5. 1-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat OUTLET PRESSURE INLET SETTING, SPRING PRESSURE, RANGE, DROOP, PSIG (bar) AND BOOST

5-inches w.c. (12 mbar) 3.5 to 5.5-inches w.c. (8,7 to 14 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

7-inches w.c. (17 mbar) 5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. (14 to 21 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

11-inches w.c. (27 mbar) 8 to 15-inches w.c. (20 to 37 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

14-inches w.c. (35 mbar) 8 to 15-inches w.c. (20 to 37 mbar) 2-inches w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

CAPACITIES IN SCFH (m続/h(n)) OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inches (mm) 1/8 (3,2)

3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2)

1/4 (6,4)

5/16 (7,9)

3/8 (9,5)

1/2 (12,7)

150 250 360 450 530

190 320 450 550 810

180 350 490 620 830

180 270 370 410 570

(4,82) (7,24) (9,92) (11,0) (15,3)

230 350 480 640 800

(6,16) (9,38) (12,9) (17,2) (21,4)

190 270 380 430 560

(5,09) (7,24) (10,2) (11,5) (15,0)

180 270 380 460 580

(4,82) (7,24) (10,2) (12,3) (15,5)

190 280 290 350

(5,09) (7,50) (7,77) (9,38)

170 190 250 300

(4,56) (5,09) (6,70) (8,04)

290 420 510 670

(7,77) (11,3) (13,7) (18,0)

290 440 530 720

(7,77) (11,8) (14,2) (19,3)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

110 140 175 220

(2,95) (3,75) (4,69) (5,90)

80 130 170 220 270

(2,14) (3,48) (4,56) (5,90) (7,24)

100 150 230 280 370

(2,68) (4,02) (6,16) (7,50) (9,92)

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

330 420 510 660

(8,84) (11,3) (13,7) (17,7)

370 430 520 650

(9,92) (11,5) (13,9) (17,4)

570 730 840 1100

(15,3) (19,6) (22,5) (29,5)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

850 1150 1570 1600

(22,8) (30,8) (42,1) (42,9)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

90 120 150 200

(2,41) (3,22) (4,02) (5,36)

70 120 150 180 240

(1,88) (3,22) (4,02) (4,82) (6,43)

90 130 180 210 290

(2,41) (3,48) (4,82) (5,63) (7,77)

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

300 410 510 670

(8,04) (11,0) (13,7) (18,0)

370 440 520 660

(9,92) (11,8) (13,9) (17,7)

470 600 760 990

(12,6) (16,1) (20,4) (26,5)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

850 1140 1550 1650

(22,8) (30,6) (41,5) (44,2)

1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

800 (21,4) 1100 (29,5)

830 (22,2) 1090 (29,2) 1370 (36,7)

110 180 270 350 490

(2,95) (4,82) (7,24) (9,38) (13,1)

780 (20,9) 960 (25,7) 1150 (30,8)

(2,41) (3,48) (4,02) (5,36)

100 130 160 190

(2,68) (3,48) (4,29) (5,09)

130 180 210 290

310 390 500 630

(8,31) (10,5) (13,4) (16,9)

300 400 510 760

(8,04) (10,7) (13,7) (20,4)

470 (12,6) 690 (18,5) 820 (22,0)

210 280 340 490

(5,63) (7,50) (9,11) (13,1)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

600 870 1470 1620

(16,1) (23,3) (39,4) (43,4)

800 (21,4) 1080 (28,9)

120 160 190 250

(3,22) (4,29) (5,09) (6,70)

120 180 220 290

(3,22) (4,82) (5,90) (7,77)

350 440 510 650

(9,38) (11,8) (13,7) (17,4)

450 570 720 920

(12,1) (15,3) (19,3) (24,7)

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

300 400 450 660

(8,04) (10,7) (12,1) (17,7)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

830 1110 1640 1800

(22,2) (29,7) (44,0) (48,2)

800 (21,4) 1080 (28,9)

1250 (33,5)

130 230 310 460 640

(3,48) (6,16) (8,31) (12,3) (17,2)

1070 (28,7) 1430 (38,3)

150 240 380 490 760

(4,02) (6,43) (10,2) (13,1) (20,4)

1240 (33,2)

(3,48) (4,82) (5,63) (7,77)

140 200 260 400

(3,75) (5,36) (6,97) (10,7)

790 (21,2) 1110 (29,7)

170 230 290 390

(4,56) (6,16) (7,77) (10,5)

810 (21,7)

930 (24,9) 1210 (32,4)

110 (2,95) 150 (4,02) 200 (5,36)

10 15 20 30

1230 (33,0) 1500 (40,2)

(4,82) (9,38) (13,1) (16,6) (22,2)

1150 (30,8) 1350 (36,2)

90 130 150 200

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

(5,09) (8,58) (12,1) (14,7) (21,7)

1240 (33,2) 1330 (35,6)

1150 (30,8) 1400 (37,5)

- Indicates where droop (given in the left-hand column) is exceeded regardless of capacity. - Indicates where maximum operating inlet pressure is exceeded for a given orifice.

- continued -


(4,02) (6,70) (9,65) (12,1) (14,2)

100 (2,68) 120 (3,22) 140 (3,75)

10 15 20 30

1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

790 (21,2) 1080 (28,9)

9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9)

3/16 (4,8)

170 250 320 440

(4,56) (6,70) (8,58) (11,8)

690 (18,5) 920 (24,7) 1310 (35,1)

200 320 420 590

(5,36) (8,58) (11,3) (15,8)

990 (26,5) 1300 (34,8)

250 380 480 660

(6,70) (10,2) (12,9) (17,7)

1100 (29,5)

Bulletin 71.1:S100K Table 5. 1-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat (Continued) OUTLET PRESSURE INLET SETTING, SPRING PRESSURE, RANGE, DROOP, PSIG (bar) AND BOOST

28-inches w.c. (70 mbar) 14 to 28-inches w.c. (35 to 70 mbar) ±1% ABS ±0.16 psig

28-inches w.c. (70 mbar) 14 to 28-inches w.c. (35 to 70 mbar) ±2% ABS ±0.31 psig

2 psig (0,14 bar)

CAPACITIES IN SCFH (m³/h(n)) OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inches (mm) 1/8 (3,2)

3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2)

3/16 (4,8)

1/4 (6,4)

5/16 (7,9)

230 320 460 740

300 390 610 780

2 3 5 10

(0,14) (0,21) (0,34) (0,69)

120 150 210 320

(3,22) (4,02) (5,63) (8,58)

140 190 240 360

(3,75) (5,09) (6,43) (9,65)

170 220 310 480

(4,56) (5,90) (8,31) (12,9)

15 20 30 40

(1,0) (1,4) (2,1) (2,8)

380 470 620 820

(10,2) (12,6) (16,6) (22,0)

430 510 670 800

(11,5) (13,7) (18,0) (21,4)

640 730 930 1110

(17,2) (19,6) (24,9) (29,7)

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6)

1140 (30,6) 1700 (45,6) 2060 (55,2)

1120 (30,0)

990 (26,5) 1240 (33,2)

1410 (37,8)

490 660 890 1270

2 3 5 10

(0,14) (0,21) (0,34) (0,69)

150 180 240 360

(4,02) (4,82) (6.43) (9,65)

160 190 260 360

(4,29) (5,09) (6,97) (9,65)

240 300 410 600

(6,43) (8,04) (11,0) (16,1)

370 500 700 1030

15 20 30 40

(1,0) (1,4) (2,1) (2,8)

440 540 690 840

(11,8) (14,5) (18,5) (22,5)

440 520 660 810

(11,8) (13,9) (17,7) (21,7)

730 860 1120 1370

(19,6) (23,0) (30,0) (36,7)

1340 (35,9) 1560 (41,8)

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6) 3 5 10 15

(0,21) (0,34) (0,69) (1,0)

1150 (30,8) 1780 (47,7) 2120 (56,8)

1090 (29,2)

120 (3,22) 190 (5,09) 250 (6,70)

130 190 310 400

(3,48) (5,09) (8,31) (10,7)

120 170 260 370

(3,22) (4,56) (6,97) (9,92)

300 (8,04) 430 (11,5) 560 (15,0)

480 (12,9) 600 (16,1) 780 (20,9)

370 (9,92) 580 (15,5) 790 (21,2)

±1% ABS ±0.17 psig

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6)

900 (24,1) 1300 (3,84) 1600 (42,9)

1070 (28,7)

970 (26,0)

(0,21) (0,34) (0,69) (1,0)

180 (4,82) 290 (7,77) 390 (10,5)

160 230 360 450

(4,29) (6,16) (9,65) (12,1)

9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9)

350 480 640 1150

(9,38) (12,9) (17,2) (30,8)

410 (11,0) 600 (16,1) 690 (18,5)

440 (11,8) 540 (14,5) 840 (22,5)

(9,92) (13,4) (18,8) (27,6)

(13,1) (17,7) (23,9) (34,0)

640 770 1040 1540

(17,2) (20,6) (27,9) (41,3)

730 (19,6) 960 (25,7) 1170 (31,4)

790 (21,2) 965 (25,9) 1210 (32,4)

230 290 620 740

(6,16) (7,77) (16,6) (19,8)

320 (8,58) 430 (11,5) 850 (22,8)

330 (8,84) 560 (15,0) 660 (17,7)

380 600 1070 1350

(10,2) (16,1) (28,7) (36,2)

560 (15,0) 680 (18,2) 1420 (38,1)

540 (14,5) 910 (24,4) 1310 (35,1)

1753 (47,0)

1860 (49,8)

20 (1,4) 30 (2,1) 40 (2,8)

3 5 10 15

(8,04) (10,5) (16,3) (20,9)

1/2 (12,7)

1480 (39,7)

1.5 to 2.5 psig (0,10 to 0,17 bar)

2 psig (0,14 bar)

(6,16) (8,58) (12,3) (19,8)

3/8 (9,5)

180 280 440 590

(4,82) (7,50) (11,8) (15,8)

1.5 to 2.5 psig. (0,10 to 0,17 bar)

20 (1,4) 30 (2,1) 40 (2,8)

410 (11,0) 650 (17,4) 810 (21,7)

520 (13,9) 670 (18,0) 810 (21,7)

710 (19,0) 920 (24,7) 1180 (31,6)

±2% ABS ±0.33 psig

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6)

1170 (31,4) 1660 (44,5) 1970 (52,8)

1100 (29,5)

1543 (41,4)

170 230 400 570

(4,56) (6,16) (10,7) (15,3)

680 (18,2) 1060 (28,4) 1310 (35,1)

290 420 670 980

(7,77) (11,3) (18,0) (26,3)

1170 (31,4) 1650 (44,2) 2060 (55,2)

220 330 530 860

(5,90) (8,84) (14,2) (23,0)

1180 (31,6)

390 580 910 1350

(10,5) (15,5) (24,4) (36,2)

1700 (45,6)

- Indicates where droop (given in the left-hand column) is exceeded regardless of capacity. - Indicates where maximum operating inlet pressure is exceeded for a given orifice.


Bulletin 71.1:S100K Table 6. 1-1/4 and 1-1/2-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat OUTLET PRESSURE INLET SETTING, SPRING PRESSURE, RANGE, DROOP, PSIG (bar) AND BOOST

5-inches w.c. (12 mbar) 3.5 to 5.5-inches w.c. (8,7 to 14 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

7-inches w.c. (17 mbar) 5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. (14 to 21 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

11-inches w.c. (27 mbar) 8 to 15-inches w.c. (20 to 37 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

14-inches w.c. (35 mbar) 8 to 15-inches w.c. (20 to 37 mbar) 2-inches w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

CAPACITIES IN SCFH (m続/h(n)) OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inches (mm) 1/8 (3,2)

3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2)

1/4 (6,4)

5/16 (7,9)

3/8 (9,5)

1/2 (12,7)

140 230 330 410 530

180 290 420 530 740

220 370 460 650 920

290 480 730 740 980

(7,77) (12,9) (19,6) (19,8) (26,3)

300 470 650 770 1300

(8,04) (12,6) (17,4) (20,6) (34,8)

190 320 410 560 850

(5,09) (8,58) (11,0) (15,0) (22,8)

230 390 490 630 970

(6,16) (10,5) (13,1) (16,9) (26,0)

220 250 300 400

(5,90) (6,70) (8,04) (10,7)

220 310 360 590

(5,90) (8,31) (9,65) (15,8)

300 440 630 880

(8,04) (11,8) (16,9) (23,6)

330 490 620 870

(8,84) (13,1) (16,6) (23,3)

110 140 170 230

(2,95) (3,75) (4,56) (6,16)

80 120 170 200 260

(2,14) (3,22) (4,56) (5,36) (6,97)

100 160 210 260 340

(2,68) (4,29) (5,63) (6,97) (9,11)

360 430 510 650

(9,65) (11,5) (13,7) (17,4)

570 710 850 1090

(15,3) (19,0) (22,8) (29,2)

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

350 440 530 680

(9,38) (11,8) (14,2) (18,2)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

840 1160 1770 1310

(22,5) (31,1) (47,4) (35,1)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

90 120 150 200

(2,41) (3,22) (4,02) (5,36)

80 120 170 210 260

(2,14) (3,22) (4,56) (5,63) (6,97)

90 130 170 210 310

(2,41) (3,48) (4,56) (5,63) (8,31)

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

320 430 520 680

(8,58) (11,5) (13,9) (18,2)

360 440 510 650

(9,65) (11,8) (13,7) (17,4)

500 650 810 1070

(13,4) (17,4) (21,7) (28,7)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

840 1150 1760 1500

(22,5) (30,8) (47,2) (40,2)

1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

780 (20,9) 1190 (31,9

(2,41) (3,48) (4,29) (5,90)

100 130 150 200

(2,68) (3,48) (4,02) (5,36)

320 420 510 660

(8,58) (11,3) (13,7) (17,7)

310 460 600 850

(8,31) (12,3) (16,1) (22,8)

220 300 400 650

(5,90) (8,04) (10,7) (17,4)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

820 1150 1750 2140

(22,0) (30,8) (46,9) (57,4)

810 (21,7) 1100 (29,5)

110 160 200 250

(2,95) (4,29) (5,36) (6,70)

130 180 220 290

(3,48) (4,82) (5,90) (7,77)

360 430 510 650

(9,65) 450 (11,5) 610 (13,7) 760 (17,4) 1060

(12,1) (16,3) (20,4) (28,4)

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

310 410 510 690

(8,31) (11,0) (13,7) (18,5)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

830 1160 1760 2150

(22,2) (31,1) (47,2) (57,6)

790 (21,2) 1340 (35,9) 1090 (29,2) 1820 (48,8)

- Indicates where droop (given in the left-hand column) is exceeded regardless of capacity. - Indicates where maximum operating inlet pressure is exceeded for a given orifice.

- continued -


1240 (33,2) 1850 (49,6)

(5,90) (9,92) (12,3) (17,4) (24,7)

1750 (46,9)

120 180 260 340 480

(3,22) (4,82) (6,97) (9,11) (12,9)

810 (21,7) 1080 (28,9) 1300 (34,8)

150 240 340 430 570

(4,02) (6,43) (9,11) (11,5) (15,3)

1000 (26,8) 1260 (33,8)

170 270 390 510 740

(4,56) (7,24) (10,5) (13,7) (19,8)

1220 (32,7)

120 180 220 300

(3,22) (4,82) (5,90) (8,04)

500 (13,4) 780 (20,9) 1020 (27,3)

150 210 240 350

(4,02) (5,63) (6,43) (9,38)

170 240 290 450

(4,56) (6,43) (7,77) (12,1)

630 (16,9) 970 (26,0)

810 (21,7)

210 300 410 560

260 370 500 660

1160 (31,1) 1650 (44,2)

130 (3,48) 160 (4,29) 200 (5,36)

10 15 20 30

930 (24,9) 1550 (41,5) 1800 (48,2)

(4,82) (7,77) (11,3) (14,2) (19,8)

1330 (35,6) 1850 (49,6)

90 130 160 220

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

(3,75) (6,16) (8,84) (11,0) (14,2)

1340 (35,9) 1850 (49,6)

100 (2,68) 120 (3,22) 140 (3,75)

10 15 20 30

1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

800 (21,4) 1090 (29,2)

9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9)

3/16 (4,8)

170 250 310 440

(4,56) (6,70) (8,31) (11,8)

730 (19,6) 950 (25,5) 1210 (32,4)

(5,63) (8,04) (11,0) (15,0)

910 (24,4) 1300 (34,8)

(6,97) (9,92) (13,4) (17,7)

1140 (30,6)

Bulletin 71.1:S100K Table 6. 1-1/4 and 1-1/2-Inch NPT Outlet Capacities With Standard Boost Throat (Continued) OUTLET PRESSURE INLET SETTING, SPRING PRESSURE, RANGE, DROOP, PSIG (bar) AND BOOST

28-inches w.c. (70 mbar) 14 to 28-inches w.c. (35 to 70 mbar) ±1% ABS ±0.16 psig

28-inches w.c. (70 mbar) 14 to 28-inches w.c. (35 to 70 mbar) ±2% ABS ±0.31 psig

2 psig (0,14 bar)

CAPACITIES IN SCFH (m³/h(n)) OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inches (mm) 1/8 (3,2)

3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2)

3/16 (4,8)

1/4 (6,4)

5/16 (7,9)

240 330 430 700

310 400 580 840

2 3 5 10

(0,14) (0,21) (0,34) (0,69)

120 150 210 300

(3,22) (4,02) (5,63) (8,04)

140 180 240 350

(3,75) (4,82) (6,43) (9,38)

180 220 270 460

(4,82) (5,90) (7,24) (12,3)

15 20 30 40

(1,0) (1,4) (2,1) (2,8)

380 500 610 820

(10,2) (13,4) (16,3) (22,0)

430 500 650 790

(11,5) 600 (13,4) 780 (17,4) 980 (21,2) 1310

(16,1) (20,9) (26,3) (35,1)

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6)

1150 (30,8) 1770 (47,4) 2150 (57,6)

960 (25,7) 1110 (29,7)

1270 (34,0)

520 710 1000 1490

2 3 5 10

(0,14) (0,21) (0,34) (0,69)

140 190 250 360

(3,75) (5,09) (6,70) (9,65)

150 200 260 360

(4,02) (5,36) (6,97) (9,65)

230 300 400 600

(6,16) (8,04) (10,7) (16,1)

380 490 690 1120

15 20 30 40

(1,0) (1,4) (2,1) (2,8)

470 550 680 850

(12,6) (14,7) (18,2) (22,8)

430 500 650 790

(11,5) 740 (13,4) 850 (17,4) 1090 (21,2) 1340

(19,8) (22,8) (29,2) (35,9)

1440 (38,6) 1800 (48,2)

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6) 3 5 10 15

(0,21) (0,34) (0,69) (1,0)

1160 (31,1) 1750 (46,9) 2150 (57,6) 140 (3,75) 210 (5,63) 250 (6,70)

140 190 320 350

(3,75) (5,09) (8,58) (9,38)

140 210 290 430

(3,75) (5,63) (7,77) (11,5)

320 (8,58) 450 (12,1) 580 (15,5)

460 (12,3) 520 (13,9) 650 (17,4) 790 (21,2) 800 (21,4) 1000 (26,8)

±1% ABS ±0.17 psig

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6)

820 (22,0) 1400 (37,5) 1780 (47,7)

1090 (29,2) 1440 (38,6)

(0,21) (0,34) (0,69) (1,0)

9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9)

360 540 650 1120

(9,65) (14,5) (17,4) (30,0)

430 (11,5) 600 (16,1) 880 (23,6)

510 (13,7) 640 (17,2) 1000 (26,8)

(10,2) (13,1) (18,5) (30,0)

(13,9) (19,0) (26,8) (39,9)

630 890 1140 1910

(16,9) (23,9) (30,6) (51,2)

900 (24,1) 1150 (30,8) 1550 (41,5)

930 (24,9) 1170 (31,4) 1640 (44,0)

200 360 740 850

(5,36) (9,65) (19,8) (22,8)

310 (8,31) 400 (10,7) 650 (17,4)

310 (8,31) 450 (12,1) 680 (18,2)

440 620 1017 1550

(11,8) (16,6) (27,3) (41,5)

583 (15,6) 820 (22,0) 1550 (41,5)

630 (16,9) 850 (22,8) 1510 (40,5)

2050 (54,9)

1090 (29,2) 1820 (48,8)

20 (1,4) 30 (2,1) 40 (2,8)

3 5 10 15

(8,31) (10,7) (15,5) (22,5)

1/2 (12,7)

1070 (28,7) 1834 (49,2)

1.5 to 2.5 psig (0,10 to 0,17 bar)

2 psig (0,14 bar)

(6,43) (8,84) (11,5) (18,8)

3/8 (9,5)

200 (5,36) 310 (8,31) 400 (10,7)

150 250 360 430

(4,02) (6,70) (9,65) (11,5)

210 300 460 630

(5,63) (8,04) (12,3) (16,9)

1.5 to 2.5 psig. (0,10 to 0,17 bar)

20 (1,4) 30 (2,1) 40 (2,8)

490 (13,1) 660 (17,7) 830 (22,2)

510 (13,7) 650 (17,4) 810 (21,7)

780 (20,9) 1090 (29,2) 1340 (35,9)

±2% ABS ±0.33 psig

60 (4,1) 100 (6,9) 125 (8,6)

1120 (30,0) 1780 (47,7) 2150 (57,6)

1090 (29,2)

1830 (49,0)

170 270 390 530

(4,56) (7,24) (10,5) (14,2)

700 (18,8) 880 (23,6) 1240 (33,2)

270 430 710 930

(7,24) (11,5) (19,0) (24,9)

1150 (30,8) 1430 (38,3) 1950 (52,3)

230 310 480 750

(6,16) (8,31) (12,9) (20,1)

1090 (29,2)

380 620 990 1350

(10,2) (16,6) (26,5) (36,2)

1680 (45,0)

- Indicates where droop (given in the left-hand column) is exceeded regardless of capacity. - Indicates where maximum operating inlet pressure is exceeded for a given orifice.



7-inches w.c. (17 mbar) 3/4 (20)

5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. (14 to 21 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

7-inches w.c. (17 mbar) 1 (25)

5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. (14 to 21 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

7-inches w.c. (17 mbar) 1-1/4 (32) and 5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. 1-1/2 (14 to 21 mbar) (40) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

CAPACITIES IN SCFH (m続/h(n)) OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inches (mm) 1/8 (3,2)

3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2)

3/16 (4,8)

1/4 (6,4)

5/16 (7,9)

3/8 (9,5)

1/2 (12,7) 190 290 380 440 460

(5,09) (7,77) (10,2) (11,8) (12,3)

180 300 440 470 570

(4,82) (8,04) (11,8) (12,6) (15,3)

190 290 440 580 800

(5,09) (7,77) (11,8) (15,5) (21,4)

210 330 420 580 750

(5,63) (8,84) (11,3) (15,5) (20,1)

180 300 430 510 700

(4,82) (8,04) (11,5) (13,7) (18,8)

180 350 440 540 620

(4,82) (9,38) (11,8) (14,5) (16,6)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

100 120 140 170

(2,68) (3,22) (3,75) (4,56)

80 120 170 200 250

(2,14) (3,22) (4,56) (5,36) (6,70)

80 140 170 210 270

(2,14) (3,75) (4,56) (5,63) (7,24)

110 180 240 300 400

(2,90) (4,82) (6,43) (8,04) (10,7)

140 200 280 340 480

(3,75) (5,36) (7,50) (9,11) (12,9)

140 230 340 390 500

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

270 340 400 500

(7,24) (9,11) (10,7) (13,4)

350 430 520 650

(9,38) (11,5) (13,9) (17,4)

390 510 550 640

(10,5) (13,7) (14,7) (17,2)

600 720 800 750

(16,1) 720 (19,3) 840 (21,4) 900 (20,1) 1110

(19,3) (22,5) (24,1) (29,7)

640 (17,2)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

680 780 910 920

(18,2) (20,9) (24,4) (24,7)

730 (19,6) 940 (25,2)

720 (19,3) 750 (20,1)

940 (25,2) 1200 (32,2) 950 (25,5)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

90 120 150 190

(2,41) (3,22) (4,02) (5,09)

70 120 160 190 210

(1,88) (3,22) (4,29) (5,09) (5,63)

90 130 170 220 290

120 180 240 290 410

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

280 360 450 600

(7,50) (9,65) (12,1) (16,1)

360 440 500 610

(9,65) 440 (11,8) 600 (13,4) 730 (16,3) 1020

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

750 1010 1200 1300

(2,41) (3,48) (4,56) (5,90) (7,77)

(11,8) 660 (16,1) 860 (19,6) 1000 (27,3) 1250

120 170 240 300 420

(3,22) (4,56) (6,43) (8,04) (11,3)

150 240 370 450 620

(17,7) 650 (23,0) 870 (26,8) 1050 (33,5) 1260

(17,4) (23,3) (28,1) (33,8)

960 (25,7)

(4,02) (6,43) (9,92) (12,1) (16,6)

(20,1) 800 (21,4) 1200 (32,2) 1400 (37,5) 1390 (37,3) (27,1) 1100 (29,5) 1750 (46,9) 1610 (43,1) (32,2) (34,8)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

100 120 150 190

(2,68) (3,22) (4,02) (5,09)

70 110 160 190 240

(1,88) (2,95) (4,29) (5,09) (6,43)

90 130 170 210 280

(2,41) (3,48) (4,56) (5,63) (7,50)

120 170 250 290 390

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

290 410 500 670

(7,77) (11,0) (13,4) (18,0)

360 430 510 640

(9,65) (11,5) (13,7) (17,2)

400 500 610 640

(10,7) (13,4) (16,3) (17,2)

630 (16,9) 710 (19,0) 880 (23,6

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

800 1060 1600 1770

(21,4) 800 (21,4) 970 (26,0) (28,4) 1080 (28,9) 1040 (27,9) (42,9) (47,4)

- Indicates where droop (given in the left-hand column) is exceeded regardless of capacity. - Indicates where maximum operating inlet pressure is exceeded for a given orifice.


(3,22) (4,82) (6,43) (7,77) (11,0)

(3,75) (6,16) (9,11) (10,5) (13,4)

9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9)

(3,22) (4,56) (6,70) (7,77) (10,5)

130 210 300 370 510

(3,48) (5,63) (8,04) (9,92) (13,7)

740 (19,8) 950 (25,5)

160 210 350 440 600

(4,29) (5,63) (9,38) (11,8) (16,1)

920 (24,7)


7-inches w.c. (17 mbar) 3/4 (20)

5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. (14 to 21 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

7-inches w.c. (17 mbar) 1 (25)

5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. (14 to 21 mbar) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

7-inches w.c. (17 mbar) 1-1/4 (32) and 5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. 1-1/2 (14 to 21 mbar) (40) 1-inch w.c. droop 2-inches w.c. boost

CAPACITIES IN SCFH (m続/h(n)) OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inches (mm) 1/8 (3,2)

3/16 x 1/8 (4,8 x 3,2)

3/16 (4,8)

1/4 (6,4)

5/16 (7,9)

3/8 (9,5)

1/2 (12,7) 210 310 370 430 510

(5,63) (8,31) (9,92) (11,5) (13,7)

210 340 420 400 350

(5,63) (9,11) (11,3) (10,7) (9,38)

200 320 420 490 590

(5,36) (8,58) (11,3) (13,1) (15,8)

210 350 450 500 630

(5,63) (9,38) (12,1) (13,4) (16,9)

210 310 450 550 660

(5,63) (8,31) (12,1) (14,7) (17,7)

260 340 510 550 710

(6,97) (9,11) (13,7) (14,7) (19,0)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

90 120 160 190

(2,41) (3,22) (4,29) (5,09)

110 160 200 250 340

(2,95) (4,29) (5,36) (6,70) (9,11)

140 170 200 260 350

(3,75) (4,56) (5,36) (6,97) (9,38)

130 180 250 300 340

(3,48) (4,82) (6,70) (8,04) (9,11)

150 220 270 320 400

(4,02) (5,90) (7,24) (8,58) (10,7)

170 240 340 370 420

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

270 340 400 480

(7,24) (9,11) (10,7) (12,9)

420 460 570 610

(11,3) (12,3) (15,3) (16,3)

390 430 530 570

(10,5) (11,5) (14,2) (15,3)

460 510 530 630

(12,3) (13,7) (14,2) (16,9)

510 540 590 610

(13,7) (14,5) (15,8) (16,3)

500 (13,4)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

570 740 590 620

(15,3) (19,8) (15,8) (16,6)

750 (20,1) 660 (17,7)

610 (16,3) 690 (18,5)

650 (17,4) 690 (18,5)

650 (17,4)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

100 120 150 180

(2,68) (3,22) (4,02) (4,82)

120 160 190 260 350

(3,22) (4,29) (5,09) (6,97) (9,38)

130 180 220 290 400

(3,48) (4,82) (5,90) (7,77) (10,7)

120 180 250 290 390

(3,22) (4,82) (6,70) (7,77) (10,5)

160 220 290 340 450

(4,29) (5,90) (7,77) (9,11) (12,1)

160 240 310 410 510

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

270 350 400 520

(7,24) (9,38) (10,7) (13,9)

440 510 650 710

(11,8) (13,7) (17,4) (19,0)

500 600 740 900

(13,4) (16,1) (19,8) (24,1)

560 660 740 980

(15,0) 680 (17,7) 830 (19,8) 1000 (26,3) 1250

(18,2) (22,2) (26,8) (33,5)

690 (18,5)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

670 910 1190 1200

(18,0) (24.4) (31,9) (32,2)

800 (21,4) 1040 (27,9) 980 (26,3) 1070 (28,7) 900 (24,1) 1280 (34,3) 1130 (30,3)

0.5 (0,034) 1 (0,069) 2 (0,14) 3 (0,21) 5 (0,34)

90 120 150 190

(2,41) (3,22) (4,02) (5,09)

110 160 180 240 330

(2,95) (4,29) (4,82) (6,43) (8,84)

140 170 210 270 400

(3,75) (4,56) (5,63) (7,24) (10,7)

110 170 230 300 350

(2,95) (4,56) (6,16) (8,04) (9,38)

140 200 310 340 460

(3,75) (5,36) (8,31) (9,11) (12,3)

180 240 340 420 520

10 15 20 30

(0,69) (1,0) (1,4) (2,1)

280 350 410 510

(7,50) (9,38) (11,0) (13,7)

410 500 630 710

(11,0) (13,4) (16,9) (19,0)

470 510 640 730

(12,6) (13,7) (17,2) (19,6)

500 640 710 880

(13,4) (17,2) (19,0) (23,6)

610 730 810 950

(16,3) (19,6) (21,7) (25,5)

740 (19,8)

40 60 100 125

(2,8) (4,1) (6,9) (8,6)

590 740 1020 900

(15,8) 810 (21,7) (19,8) 1040 (27,9) (27,3) (24,1)

(4,56) (6,43) (9,11) (9,92) (11,3)

(4,29) (6,43) (8,31) (11,0) (13,7)

(4,82) (6,43) (9,11) (11,3) (13,9)

9/16 x 5/8 (14,3 x 15,9)

730 (19,6) 950 (25,5) 1060 (28,4) 940 (25,2) 1150 (30,8)

- Indicates where droop (given in the left-hand column) is exceeded regardless of capacity. - Indicates where maximum operating inlet pressure is exceeded for a given orifice.


Bulletin 71.1:S100K







E B2504


Figure 4. Types S100K and S102K Regulator Body and Spring Case Vent Locations

7.26 (184)

1.47 (37)

6.18 (157)

4.03 (102)

10.85 (276)

INCHES (mm) B2505-1

Figure 5. Types S100K and S102K Regulator Dimensions


Bulletin 71.1:S100K Ordering Guide Type (Select One) o Type S100K (without internal relief)*** o Type S102K (with internal relief)***

Body Size and End Connection Style (Select One) o Cast Iron o 3/4-inch NPT Screwed*** o 3/4 x 1-inch NPT Screwed*** o 1-inch NPT Screwed*** o 1 x 1-1/4-inch NPT Screwed** o 1 x 1-1/2-inch NPT screwed** o 1-1/4-inch NPT Screwed** o 1-1/2-inch NPT Screwed** o Cast Iron with Inlet Gauge Connection o 3/4-inch NPT Screwed** o 3/4 x 1-inch NPT Screwed** o 1-inch NPT Screwed** o 1 x 1-1/4-inch NPT Screwed** o 1 x 1-1/2-inch NPT Screwed** o 1-1/4-inch NPT Screwed** o 1-1/2-inch NPT Screwed** o Cast Iron with Outlet Gauge Connection o 3/4-inch NPT Screwed** o 1-inch NPT Screwed** o Cast Iron with Inlet and Outlet Gauge Connection o 1-inch NPT Screwed**

Outlet Pressure Range (Select One) o o o o o

3.5 to 5.5-inches w.c. (9 to 14 mbar)*** 5.5 to 8.5-inches w.c. (13,5 to 21 mbar)*** 8 to 15-inch w.c. (20 to 37 mbar)*** 14 to 28-inches w.c. (35 to 70 mbar)*** 1.5 to 2.5 psig (103 to 172 mbar)***

Vent Size (Select One) o 3/4-inch NPT (20 mm)*** o 1-inch NPT (25 mm)***

Body Position (Select One) o o o o

Position Position Position Position

1*** 2*** 3 (standard)*** 4***

Vent Position (Select One) o o o o

Position Position Position Position

C*** D*** E*** F (standard)***

Orifice Size (Select One) o o o o o o o o

1/8-inch (3,2 mm)*** 3/16-inch (4,8 mm)*** 1/4-inch (6,4 mm)*** 5/16-inch (7,9 mm)** 3/8-inch (9,5 mm)*** 1/2-inch (12,7 mm)** 3/16 x 1/8-inch (4,8 x 3,2 mm)** 9/16 x 5/8-inch (14,3 x 15,9 mm)**

Fisher Regulators Quick Order Guide *** ** *

Standard - Readily Available for Shipment Non-Standard - Allow Additional Time for Shipment Special Order, Constructed from Non-Stocked Parts. Consult Your Fisher Sales Representative for Availability.

Specification Worksheet Application: Specific Use Line Size Fluid Type Specific Gravity Temperature Does the Application Require Overpressure Protection? o Yes o No Pressure: Maximum Inlet Pressure Minimum Inlet Pressure Differential Pressure Set Pressure Maximum Flow Accuracy Requirements: Less Than or Equal To: o 5% o 10% o 20% o 40% Construction Material Requirements (if known):

Availability of the product being ordered is determined by the component with the longest shipping time for the requested construction.


Bulletin 71.1:S100K

Fisher, Fisher-Rosemount, and Managing The Process Better are marks owned by Fisher Controls International, Inc. or Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. ŠFisher Controls International, Inc., 1999; All Rights Reserved

The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.

For information, contact Fisher Controls: Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 USA 28320 Gallardon, France Sao Paulo 05424 Brazil Singapore 128461 Printed in U.S.A.

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