April newsletter

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Rocky Mountain District Key Club Division 12 April NEWSLETTER: The Biggest Division in

The Rocky Mountain District

Let Me Introduce Myself It is my greatest pleasure to greet all of you from your respective schools. For those of you who aren’t already aware, my name is Chase Ramos and I am the Lieutenant Governor for Division 12 of the Rocky Mountain Key Club District.

What’s That? For those of you that don’t know, as Lieutenant Governor my job is to report on the all of the Key Clubs that fall into my division which includes: Pueblo South High School, Pueblo East High School, Pueblo Central High School, Pueblo Centennial High School, Pueblo West High School, Canon City High School Trinidad High School Salida High School School of Engineering and Biomedical Science So, in order to accomplish this, I will be contacting you all over the course of my 2016-2017 term to report back to the

District on our activities and relationship over this period of time.

What I Need From You As the sponsor or President of your respective Key Club, I will need your contact information along with the contact information of your current officers. This is so I can comprise a list of updated contacts for us to communicate with each other. In addition, towards the end of each month, I will need a brief summary of the activities your individual key clubs.

News: Warm Welcome Now I would like to introduce a new school that has recently been added to our division and offer a warm welcome and helping hand:

Congratulations to Hoehne High School Key Club who was recently chartered to a Kiwanis group in April and is now being proudly sponsored by Shelly Jones.

Other News: International Convention I will be attending the Key Club International Convention in Atlanta, GA from July 6-10, 2016 as part of the RMD Key Club District tour. During the convention, I will be representing the Key Clubs in our Division. We will be flying to Atlanta on July 3rd, bussing to Savannah, GA for a two-night stay there and then returning to Atlanta for the Convention. We return to Denver on July 10 I would like to ask if the Key Clubs would be willing to make a contribution to help with my expenses. Anything would be greatly appreciated. I would be more than willing to come to one of your meetings after my return to report about the convention and our tour. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Chase Ramos Contact Information: Chase Ramos Lt. Governor, Division 12 Rocky Mountain District of Key Club International 1801 Hollywood Drive, Pueblo CO 81005

(719)-569-6499 Rockymountainltg12@gmail.com

DEAR K E Y C L U B Since I will be the liaison between the clubs in Division 12, the Rocky Mountain District, and Key Club International Board. This year, my goals are: 1) To reconnect RMD’s Division 12 as far as contact and group activity between clubs by giving each Key Club constant updates with District and International Board,

2) To participate as a division in the Eliminate and Women’s Bean service initiatives so that we can surpass last year fundraising total,

With The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Neonatal tetanus kills one baby every nine minutes—nearly 60,000 newborn children every year. A significant number of women also die due to maternal tetanus. The effects of the disease are excruciating—tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch.

For More information please visit: http://keyclub.org/service/TheEliminateProject.aspx

The mission of Women's Bean Project is to change women's lives by providing stepping stones to self-sufficiency through social enterprise. Women's Bean Project employs chronically unemployed and impoverished women through transitional employment and helps them earn the job readiness, interpersonal and life skills to create a new future for themselves, their families, our community and our economy.

For more information please visit: https://www.womensbeanproject.com/

3) To build our relationship with District Board and International Board by explaining to all K family organizations I am in contact with about their Member and Activities.

Meet the Crew: Aliza Mitchell This is Aliza Mitchell. The new Rocky Mountain District Governor who was recently elected at this year’s District Convention (or “D-CON”) in Denver, Colorado. Her job is to oversee all of the activity in the Rocky Mountain District as a whole and be aware of what each of the LTG divisions are currently participating in. Whether it is a group Community Service project or Local school fundraiser she reports ALL news back to the International Key Club board.

Any Questions: Please if you have any questions feel free to contact me at: Email: rockymountainltg12@gmail.com Phone: (719)-569-6499

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