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Rocky Mountain District August Board Meeting Minutes This meeting ran from Friday, August 12 to Saturday, August 13 at the Hotel Glenwood Springs. In twenty four hours, each Lieutenant Governor has a date, location, and budget for his/her fall rally. Friday, August 12 Call to Order and Roll Call (12:30)  Approved June board meeting minutes  Updates on officers’ lives and board work Presentation: Telling your Key Club Story (12:50)  Presentation from governor’s training  Activity Guest (1:15)  Past governor Zack Larsen’s new perspective on being on the board Tech Update (1:30)  About the new email addresses (  The majority of the voting board voted to use the new email domain International Update (2:05)  Video from Jessica Bae Fall Rally Planning (2:10)  Presentation and handout from past LTG Diana Antillon  Planning time for LTGs Administrator Updates (3:35)    

Remind 101 for District Board Adult Committee will include mentors paired with each position Student liaison for Key Leader Start early on distinguished club award

Check into Hotel (4:00) Board Shirt Vote (4:50)  Governor Aliza will order nametags and generic sweatshirts  Bulletin Editor Ciana will send out a poll on shirt designs Dinner (5:15)

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Augmins by RMD Key Club - Issuu