August newsletters

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DIVISION 10 Chelsea Felton

August 2016

August A new month is here and lots of you are getting back into gear with school. I hope all of you are doing well and are enjoying your school year. Also I hope some of you guys have been working on recruiting new members for your clubs.

August Board Meeting This month I attend another board meeting which is my last for a little while. This meeting was in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. We served at a pancake breakfast with the local Kiwanis club there. It was great to help serve someone else's community's. I also learned so much that will be helpful for my clubs and I’m excited to share will all of you guys. So continue to read the newsletter for lots of info.

In This Issue 


August Board Meeting

Key Leader


RMD Fundraising


Fall Rally

“In my moments of doubt, I’ve told myself firmly: If not me, who? If not now, when?” - Emma Watson

2016 Board August Issue


Key Leader The best Kiwanis leadership camp is coming up soon. Just remember the dates to register for the Key Leader near you. The dates for the Rocky Mountain Key Leader are 14-16 at Round up River Ranch in Avon CO and October 21-23 at Windy Peak in Bailey CO. Register a couple weeks in advance. Notify me or register on the Key Leader website .

Dues Sense it’s the start of the school year and its time for us to all pay our dues. No not say goodbye, but pay for the money that goes to our division and international. You must pay at least $12 dollars total. $7 towards Key Club International and $5 towards the district. Although your clubs are aloud to add addition dues that go towards your own club. For example my club pays $20 in dues. Leaving the remaining amount for whatever your club would like to use it for. We put them towards Tshirts for the entire club to have.

RMD Fundraising So there is a switch our fundraising this year for the RMD district. August through December is dedicated to Eliminate. Then November through April will go towards aids spirit. Also I need my schools collecting stuffed animals for the Kuddlez for Kidz Project. You will just need to let me know how many stuffies you have collected and I can record them to my higher ups. I’m so excited about our Fundraising this year and hope all of you take part in these fundraising ideas.

Get connected with the Family I urge all of my clubs to get connected with our Kiwanis family. Go and visit there club meeting. Do serve projects together. Invite them to your meetings. It is so important we all keep a good relationship with our other clubs. Also if the isn’t a Builders Club or K-Kids in your community ask your local Kiwanis for support to start one in a school near you. I hope all of you a working hard this year to stay connected with our large family.

Ideas for your Key Club Ice Breaker: Tanks: For this game you will need blind folds, a rather large area, foam balls, and at least 10-20 people. Everyone must have a partner. One of which must be blind folded. The blind folded persons jobs must get down and try to hit the others that are blind folded with a ball. The person that doesn’t have to be blindfolded job is to try to direct their partner toward the other players. Once you get hit twice, your out. Last person left wins the match Gaining Club Attendance : A new school year is here. That means you need to take advantage of the new freshman in your school. My school host a ignite day for our freshman to come in and get a feel for high school early. During their lunch that day we host a club rush. They can sign up and get a feel for Key club early. I know most of you guys have started classes. So see if you can get a club rush started in your school to help the freshman know about Key Club.


Fall Rally The date for Fall Rally is the 10th, but may be changed to the 24th of Sept instead. This is due to conflicts in our sports and other activity's. I will keep you all post and let you all soon. Hope to see you all there.

Need to Reach Me You can reach me at either of these Emails  

Feel free to contact me with anything you may need! :) Also you can add me on Facebook or Instagram

Chelsea Felton


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