RMD Candidate Rules and Information 2012

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Rocky Mountain District

Candidate Rules and Information Packet 2012

Executive Positions & Responsibilities District Governor:

District Secretary:

Musts of a District Governor: •Attend: District Convention (Beginning of term (election) and end of term) Governor/Administrator Training Conference May 3-6 2012 Governor’s forum at International Convention All district board meetings •Promote new clubs and club membership growth and retention •Possess strong leadership skills, a strong work ethic and great communication skills

Musts of a District Secretary: •Attend: District Convention (before and after term) All district board meetings •Chair the Policies and Bylaws Committee •Strive to make all communication timely, well written, free of mistakes, and follow the Key Club graphic standards.

Job Description:

The district governor is the executive leader of the district and student who offers both guidance and knowledge to all the members of the district, district officers and committee chairs. A great district governor is someone who possess and exhibits great leadership, communication, creativity and people skills. Other skills and attributes that would make someone great for the position of governor is one that not only shows leadership and respect in their clubs and other activities but also in their everyday lives while maintain other aspects of life. Being governor a very rewarding experience that can make you life lone friends and experiences even though the job itself can become very stressful at times.

Job Description:

The district secretary is a very important role in the proper functioning district board. The person fulfilling this position should be organized, reliable, and enjoy regular communication with board members. This person should also understand the importance of deadlines, and be the go-to person for records, reports, and should understand how Key Club functions at both the district and club levels. A successful district secretary should fulfill all of the expectations shown above and within the District Secretary handbook, hold the office for at least 10 months and perform at least 50 hours of community service to home, school, and community during that term.

Executive Positions & Responsibilities District Treasurer:

District Bulletin Editor:

Musts of the District Treasurer: •Attend: District Convention (before and after term) All district board meetings •Present a treasurer’s report at all official board meetings •Demonstrate a strong relationship with the board •Send notification of delinquent dues status to Key Club presidents, school principals, presidents of sponsoring Kiwanis clubs and faculty advisors at appropriate times.

Musts of the District Bulletin Editor: •Attend: District Convention (before and after term) All district board meetings •Prepare and distribute at least three publications to clubs •Assign officers to write and contribute articles for district publications •Chair the Public Relations Committee •Possess great communication and writing skills

Job Description:

The district treasurer is the person within the executive board that is tasked with accurately tracking and reporting the district finances. The person fulfilling this position should be responsible, reliable, detail-oriented, and deadline-driven. There should be no doubts about this person’s integrity as the district treasurer is the go-to person for account status and reports, and should keep an accurate and up-to-date record that can easily be shared during board meetings. A successful district treasurer is one who hold the office for at least 10 months and completes at least 50 hours of community service at home, school, or within the community while also completing the aforementioned duties and the duties listed by the District Treasurer handbook.

Job Description:

The district bulletin editor is the key communicator and public relations person for the district. Being charged with sharing news, correspondence and promotions from the district board to the divisions and clubs and promoting district events in your community this position is a place for someone who enjoys regular communication with fellow board members and club representatives, has excellent writing skills, enjoys journalism, has had prior experience with a newspaper of similar publication and is willing to learn and follow Key Club graphic standards. A successful bulletin editor is one who has held office for at least 10 months, performed at least 50 hours of community service, both at home, school, and in the community while also completing the above expectations and those listed on the District Bulletin Editor handbook.

Candidate Checklist Here are all of the things that you must do in order to run for office at the Rocky Mountain District Convention, April 13-15th 2012 in Lakewood, CO. All items must be completed by March 3rd 2012 in order to have your name in the candidate book and other District Convention materials.

Read through this Candidate Rules and Information Packet in it’s entirety in order to assure that you have all the information that you need to go through the elections process. Fill out the Executive Candidate Registration Form online at rmdkeyclub.org/candidateform . This is a crucial step to make sure you are on the ballot! You will receive a conformation email within a few days after we have reviewed your information. Submit a one page flier for the candidate book. Include on it information about you and what you hope to accomplish in office. This page can look however you want but must be only one page, 8.5”X11”. Also keep in mind that is will be printed in black and white. Information such as Past Non-Key Club Positions, Past Key Club Positions and Accomplishments

& Awards do not necessarily need to be included because they will be listed on a separate page in the candidate book. Submit your flier to Governor Austin Good at kcrmdgov@gmail.com Attend the Candidate Informational Meeting during DCON, April 13th at 6pm at the Sheraton Denver West Hotel in Lakewood. Any time change and the final room location will be emailed to the email address you provide on the registration form. That’s it! After all of that you will be fully registered for candidacy and will be ready to campaign at convention!

Election Procedure So once you get to District Convention how exactly is this going to work? This is a brief outline of the election procedure that will be followed at DCON. This will also be explained in detail during the candidates meeting on April 13th before the Opening Session. •During the opening session, on April 13th, the elections chair will announce the floor open for nominations for district office or international endorsement. Explain the rules and regulations. All candidates must then be nominated and seconded to become officially recognized candidates of the convention. •After the opening session, we will have the first round of caucusing that night. This will be a round of “funny caucusing”, meaning the questions will be asked to get a feel for how outgoing and personable the candidates are. •After the InterClub Luncheon on April 14th, we will ask for all of the Key Club members to stay behind for a session of serious caucusing.

•On April 15th we will have the House of Delegates. At the house of Delegates each candidate will give a speech no longer then two minuets followed by questioning. Voting will then commence. If more then two candidates run for any given office and after voting no one candidate has a majority, the candidates with the least votes will be dropped and the top two candidates will give another speech, no more then two minuets, to the house. Another round of voting will then commence. •After the House of Delegates will be the Governors Farewell Brunch. This is when the results of the elections will be announced and the convention will be called to an end.

Caucusing Procedures Rocky Mountain District Convention Caucusing Guidelines and Procedures •General Caucusing Rules •Any candidate is able to deny a question if they find it intrusive or uncomfortable to answer •Common sense is to be used at all times •All members will respect the feeling of other members •Candidates will not be asked questions regarding religion, sex, race, or other inappropriate or controversial topics •There will be no physical contact between candidates and caucus members •Degradation and insults will not be tolerated •There will be no damaging of property •No hotel fixtures will be moved in the breakout rooms or the ballroom •Candidates may not hand out anything to the convention, including but not limited to fliers, stickers, handouts or other gifts. •This year fliers will not be handed out by individual candidates. All candidate fliers will be included in a candidate booklet that will be distributed to the entire convention. •Funny Caucusing •Candidates have 5 minutes in each room, no longer than 2 minutes for speeches 2 minutes between rooms

•Serious Caucusing All questions asked with be serious and formal  Two microphones are on the ballroom floor, questions will alternate between the 2 microphones. The Elections Chair will ask the first question of the candidate, before opening the floor to further questions Candidates will be limited to a 2 minute speech, leaving 3 minutes for questions •House of Delegates Candidates will have time for a 2 minute speech o3 minutes for questioning Candidates will be in the room one at a time Voting will take place immediately after all candidates for that position have spoken Candidates for International Office are seeking endorsement only, meaning they are looking for the ability to campaign at International Convention.

Campaign Rules Key Club International Board Policies, Section J, Articles 5 & 6: Please note that while these rules specifically address Campaigning at the International Convention, Rocky Mountain District Bylaws state that we follow the same guidelines and rules at our District functions. All of the below guidelines apply, just adapted to the scale of our district. i.e. Anything noting campaigning in a home district is scaled to campaigning within a home school etc.

5. Campaigning at Key Club International Convention a. No campaign funds shall be expended by candidates for the purchase of campaign materials for distribution at international convention. Campaign materials include: posters, flyers, buttons, stickers, ribbons, campaign literature and all other campaign materials on behalf of any candidate. Campaign funds are defined as any funds, materials, gifts, donations or in-kind services. b. In place of candidate generated campaign materials, all candidates for international office shall fill out and submit to the International Office, by

the prescribed date, an 8½ x 11 inch photoready piece of literature. Said forms shall be compiled into an ―information on candidates‖ booklet, reproduced and distributed to attendees at the international convention. This booklet shall serve to educate the delegates and attendees on the candidates for international office. The booklet shall be posted online at www.keyclub.org prior to the convention. c. Candidates having access to confidential information which will be unveiled at the international convention shall not use this information to their advantage in the campaign. d. No campaign materials may be displayed in any hospitality suite. e. No meal function may be held to promote the candidacy of any member with delegates from districts other than the candidate’s home district. f. No pre-convention campaigning will be permitted outside of the candidate’s home district.

Campaign Rules (Cont.) g. Any candidate guilty of forgery, fabrication, lying or anything less than total honesty concerning his/her campaign and the amount of money spent will risk disqualification by the Key Club International board. h. Every candidate for International office must have submitted a completed statement of candidacy, international officer’s service agreement, a biographical sketch and an outline of his/her platform, to the international director prior to any campaigning at the international convention. A prospective candidate wishing to have his/her name and personal information included in the ―information on candidates‖ which will be inserted in the registration packet of voting delegates at the convention must submit the above forms to the international director by May 15th (received by date not postmark). The one page flier received from each candidate will be posted on the Key Club Web site as they are received. No modification of the flier may be made once it has been received and posted. i. At no time shall the international board endorse or in any way publicly support a candidate for district or International office. 6. Participation in Convention Contests No candidate may participate in the Key Club International talent or oratory contest during the international convention in the year he/she is a

candidate, except in years when the House of Delegates is held prior to the presentation of finalists. home district, with the exception of the candidate’s flier which may be posted on the Key Club International Web site only. A potential candidate may correspond with International officers and district governors for the purpose of making a simple announcement of candidacy; however, said candidate is not permitted to explain platforms or seek support in these letters. Candidates who correspond with International officer and/or district governors regarding his/her candidacy must send copies of the correspondence to the International Office. No other individuals may communicate with the International or district officers wither on behalf of the candidate or on their own to publicize the candidacy of any individual prior to the Key Club International convention.


Have questions? Need help? Don’t hesitate to ask! Contact Governor Austin Good at kcrmdgov@gmail.com. Good Luck!

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