DIVISION 10 Chelsea Felton
December 2016
December Hey everyone! Its been a while since my last newsletter. But since things with school slowed down I’m able to finally write one. Hope you all had a Happy Holidays and are looking forward to the New Year! Some great thing are a head for the Rocky Mountain District and hope you are all ready to get back into the swing of things.
Key Leader Rap Up This year Division 10 sent a couple kids from Riverton High School and one student from Hot Springs High School. They all attended the Windy Peak event. I was unable to go due to the fact I had to take the ACT that same weekend. But from what I heard the weekend was a great time for all who attended. I’m very proud of the clubs went to Key Leader since the past couple years we have had no one go. I can see Division 10 is going in the right direction. I hope all of you who didn’t go will consider going next year. Its a great time for all key clubbers and future leaders.
December Issue
In This Issue
Key Leader Rap Up
Club of the Month
Spring Rally
Bring your Stuffies
November board meeting
“Do small things with great love.” - Mother Theresa