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DIVISION 10 Chelsea Felton

December 2016

December Hey everyone! Its been a while since my last newsletter. But since things with school slowed down I’m able to finally write one. Hope you all had a Happy Holidays and are looking forward to the New Year! Some great thing are a head for the Rocky Mountain District and hope you are all ready to get back into the swing of things.

Key Leader Rap Up This year Division 10 sent a couple kids from Riverton High School and one student from Hot Springs High School. They all attended the Windy Peak event. I was unable to go due to the fact I had to take the ACT that same weekend. But from what I heard the weekend was a great time for all who attended. I’m very proud of the clubs went to Key Leader since the past couple years we have had no one go. I can see Division 10 is going in the right direction. I hope all of you who didn’t go will consider going next year. Its a great time for all key clubbers and future leaders.

December Issue

In This Issue 


Key Leader Rap Up

Club of the Month

Spring Rally

Bring your Stuffies

November board meeting

“Do small things with great love.” - Mother Theresa

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