. TABLE OF CONTENTS . Inspirational Quote .................................... 2 District Messages ........................................ 3 Upcoming Events ....................................... 3 Past Governor's Farewell .......................... 4 Bulletin Editor's Note ................................ 4 DCON in Brief ............................................ 5 ICON Summarized ..................................... 7 Amendments to Bylaws ............................. 9 Summer Service ....................................... 10 The ELIMINATE Project ........................... 11 District Contacts ....................................... 12
RYAN MATHIAS 2014-2015 DISTRICT GOVERNOR Hello Rocky Mountain District! It is an honor to be able to serve you as the 2014-2015 Rocky Mountain District Governor. This year has already turned out to be a very promising one; District Convention was a huge success with the election of a fantastic executive board along with the installment of some very incredible new Lieutenant Governors.
. DISTRICT MESSAGES . . Currently I sit here in my home of Montrose, CO, hard at work managing the district. A new international Trustee will be assigned to us at the Leadership Convention (LEADCON) and that means another resource for all of you will be in place. Additionally the August Board Meeting is almost upon us and organizing that is no menial task. Many new projects are being put together by your board to make this Key Club year the best it can be. I do have one favor to request of the members of the Rocky Mountain District. Take the time to contact any member of the district board and give them your opinions on the district standing, or ask questions about the organization and how you can become more involved. Key Club is a passion that you must take part in finding as well. As a district board we are your representatives and thus we love to hear from you. If you have any questions or just desire to have a conversation with myself or any other members of the district board please feel free to email me or look up our information on the district website (rmdkeyclub.org). I wish you all the best of luck with the upcoming school year and appreciate all you do for this incredible organization. Your friend in service, Ryan Mathias rmdgovernormathias@gmail.com (719)-239-0476
August 1-3: 2nd district board meeting
November 14-16: 3rd district board meeting
August 8-10: Kiwanis DCON
February 20-22: 4th district board meeting
September - October: Fall Rally
April 10-12: DCON 2015
October 10-12: Key Leader Conference
Farewell . Zac Fangman, 2013-2014 District Governor
HUNTER ADCOCK District Bulletin Editor Hey, Key Clubbers! You can call me Hunter. I am your 2014-2015 Bulletin Editor and Public Relations Chair for the Rocky Mountain District. It is an honor to hold these positions as a recently joined member of KC and a skilled artist, author, and public speaker. Over the course of my term I plan to create visually appealing yet informative designs for t-shirts, buttons, pamphlets, and publications for events like DCON, ICON, and Key Leader. I want to open Key Club to creatively inclined kids looking to utilize their skills to serve others. I also want to increase public awareness and participation in service projects, elections, and events. If you have any questions regarding graphic design, public information, or if you just want to chat, contact me by email or text (see p. 12 for contact info).
The end of the school year is so bittersweet for the Rocky Mountain District of Key Club. Over the months that lead up to District Convention, the members of RMD's executive board develop long-lasting friendships we aren't soon to forget, for when we come together to serve our peers and communities, we bring ourselves closer together than ever. This year we bid goodbye to yet another outstanding governor, Mr. Zac Fangman from Glenwood Springs, CO. As the recipient of many a prestigious Key Club award and a die-hard Disney fanatic, Zac led the 2013 – 2014 District Board with a gentle yet iron fist, providing Key Clubbers of the Midwest with some of the strongest, most dedicated leaders our generation can offer. As we progress into the 2014 – 2015 term, with Governor Ryan Mathias and other dependable district leaders, we wish Zac the best of luck wherever his dreams may carry him. Thank you for everything that you've done!
So maybe it wasn't held at Sleeping Beauty's castle, but the 62nd Annual Rocky Mountain District Convention at the upscale Sheraton West hotel in Denver was just as exciting as ever. The theme of DCON 2014, affectionately labeled "Once Upon A DCON," was fairytale fantasy, and glitzy decorations helped make the weekend even more magical. After three days packed with workshops and dancing, even marriages – yes, marriages – Key Clubbers from Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Nebraska rediscovered their passion for service and went home eager to inundate their communities with care. District Convention was an opportunity for clubs to convene and view one another's progress as we try tirelessly to make the world a better place for children. Every school in attendance brought with them evidence of a planet changing for the better; trifold boards lined the walls of the hotel, displaying colorful images of our efforts to make a difference through the ELIMINATE project (see p. 9 for more info.) Not one mouth was left unsmiling as dollar after dollar – over 800 in total – was donated to the cause during the ELIMINATE dance.
Patrick Maurer is a dynamic public speaker and former English teacher with skills in improvisational comedy. We asked him to be Once Upon A DCON's keynote speaker, but what we received was far more than that. His inspirational speech, complete with just the right dash of humor, taught members of the Rocky Mountain District that no task, regardless of how daunting, is impossible. We learned that the easiest way to make a difference in the world is to lead by example; the change we preach about as Key Clubbers must begin with ourselves.
SO WHAT WILL DCON 2015 BRING? The 2015 district convention is expected to be absolutely superb! Stay tuned for exclusive hints about the experience in future RocKeys!
This year, passionate Key Clubbers from all over the world convened for four days in the happiest place on Earth—not at Disneyland (okay, yes, Disneyland was part of it), but International Convention in Anaheim, California, where the city, sun, and beachside fun keep the spirit of service alive.
The Rocky Mountain District and the rest of Key Club International extend a huge CONGRATULATIONS to our 2014 – 2015 president, Maria Palazzolo (right), and her vice-president, Kevin Zhang (left)!
ICON 2015 will be held in Indianapolis, IN, in conjunction with Circle K and Kiwanis International in honor of Kiwanis's 100th anniversary. We hope to see you there!
VIVIANA VERDE DIVISION 9 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ICON opened my eyes as a leader. I learned just how many people have the same ideals and goals as I do. Generally I describe Key Club as a "volunteering club," but now, after meeting so many districts and so many Key Clubbers who were so pumped to be there, I've realized that Key Club is a way of life that joins teenagers of the world and makes us into better human beings. I also learned to appreciate all of the hardships I don't have to struggle through like other Key Clubbers, especially those who traveled internationally to make it to the convention. It made me love the world more and gave me hope for the future. On a broader spectrum, I learned that anyone can be a leader, which I hope I can show my clubs. Not only this, but I learned many things of ELIMINATE I wasn't aware of, and now have access to resources that will assist my clubs with their fundraising.
JENALEE BEAZLEY from the Southwest District is the 2014 - 2015 International Trustee for the Rocky Mountain, Ohio, and California-NevadaHawaii districts. Congratulations, Jenalee! We look forward to working closely with you to make this year fantastic.
. AMENDMENTS to the INTERNATIONAL BYLAWS . Decided by the House of Delegates at ICON 2014 Article IX. Districts – Presented by Key Club International Board of Trustees Section 4. In order to form a new district, the proposed area must include no less than 25 active Key Clubs and no less than 375 at least 15 active Key Clubs and at least 450 active Key Club members. In the event a district fails to maintain this club and membership level for three years, the Key Club International board may decertify the district by two-thirds majority vote. In such case, the International director shall provide written notice to the governor and secretary of the sponsoring Kiwanis district and the governor and administrator of the Key Club district at least 120 days prior to any meeting at which the district's decertification shall be considered.
Article VIII. Club Members – Presented by Key Club International Section 6. Any person, not in high school or an educational equivalent, who has performed some distinguished public service may be elected an honorary member of a club for a period of one year. Honorary members shall pay no dues and shall not be entitled to any privilege of a Key Club member. Honorary members shall pay no dues but shall be entitled to all the privileges of a full club member except those of voting and holding office. Article XXII. Revenue – Presented by Key Club International Section 1. Each Key Club shall pay Key Club International, or its designated fiscal agent, annual dues of six dollars and fifty cents (US $6.50), being membership dues and subscription to the Key Club International publication, for every member, but not including honorary members. Fifty cents of the dues of each member shall be deposited into the Youth Opportunities Fund to create an endowment to fund grants to clubs and scholarships. Dues shall be payable during a period of at least 60 days according to a schedule set forth in Key Club International Board Policies and defined for each nation taking into account academic calendar and financial practices of the nation. There shall be no other fees or assessments of clubs.
Article XXII. Revenue – Presented by Key Club International Section 1. Each Key Club shall pay Key Club International, or its designated fiscal agent, annual dues of six dollars and fifty cents (US $6.50) seven dollars (US $7.00), being membership dues and subscription to the Key Club International publication, for every member, but not including honorary members. Fifty cents of the dues of each annual member shall be deposited into the Youth Opportunities Fund to create an endowment to fund grants to clubs and scholarships. Due shall be payable during a period of at least 60 days according to a schedule set forth in Key Club International Board Policies and defined for each nation taking into account academic calendar and financial practices of the nation. There shall be no other fees or assessments of clubs. Article VIII. Club Members – Presented by Key Club International Section 1. Membership in Key Club International is open to anyone for the extent of their secondary/high school education. The membership of individual Key Clubs shall consist of students from the four upper classes (or the five upper classes in the Canadian provinces, where high school is of a five year duration) of the high school in which they are enrolled (or in ungraded schools whose members shall be of age comparable to the four upper classes of high school), Key Club members must be interested in service and qualified scholastically by school district requirements for extracurricular activities and of good character. No potential member will be denied the chance of membership in Key Club due to previous service experience or lack thereof. Members may only hold elected office at any level of Key Club International for a maximum of four years. Article VIII. Club Members – Presented by the St. Andrew High School For Girls, Jamaica District Section 1. The membership of individual Key Clubs shall consist of students from the four upper classes (or the five upper classes in the Canadian provinces, where high school is of a five year duration) of the high school in which they are enrolled. (or in ungraded schools whose members shall be of age comparable to the four upper classes of high school) Membership should cover one's tenure in high school as stipulated by their education system. These members should be interested in service and qualified scholastically by school district requirements for extracurricular activities and of good character. No potential member will be denied the chance of membership in Key Club due to previous service experience or lack thereof.
The sun is bright, the sky is blue, and the temperatures are soaring. That must mean it's summer in the Rocky Mountain District! During the summer, we all love to do what we want, whether it's travel, play sports, or binge-watch Netflix. But we always seem to fade away as Key Clubbers over the summer. Most of us forget that Key Club is a year-long activity, so why should the service stop once the school bell rings? Many clubs around the world are active during the summer, and yours should be, too!
If your club cannot be active in the summer, take the initiative yourself and go volunteer at the local soup kitchen! While Key Clubbers value inclusiveness, don't think that you need your club to be a servant leader. Just make sure to have as much fun as you can, and don't forget about the organization you hold so close to your heart.
Keep the Key Club spirit alive by rebuilding a hiking trail, holding a car wash, or helping a local school set up for the new year.
Don't forget about your local Kiwanis Club. They always have a service project on their mind! Don't be afraid to reach out to them, especially during the summer months.
The opportunities to serve are endless. Make your fingerprint count. 10
In 2011, UNICEF and Kiwanis International partnered together to accomplish the impossible: eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) from the face of the Earth. Key Clubbers - some of the most influential members of our communities - play a crucial role in making this dream a reality through our inclusive and far-reaching service projects and high energy – but we're running out of time. The deadline for the project,
2015, is approaching faster than we realize. On October 31st, 2013, 31 countries were still being plagued by this terrible disease. After this year's ICON, only 25 countries remained. UNICEF, Kiwanis, and Key Club aim to raise 110 million dollars which will be spent on immunizations for every mother in countries affected by MNT. The bond between a mother and her child is sacred; therefore, your District Board highly encourages you to plan fundraising projects for ELIMINATE so we can meet the goal on time. The Rocky Mountain District wants to raise at least $25, 209 by DCON 2015. If every member raised as little as $9, we would easily exceed that personal goal. If you or your club have any questions about what you can do to contribute to the project, feel free to contact Karalee Kothe, your 2014-2015 ELIMINATE Chair. She can be reached at: eliminatechair.kkothe@gmail.com (970) 673 - 5206
District Administrator RMDKCAd@yahoo.com (720) 341-5064 BARBARA FULLER Asst. District Administrator barbaranfuller@aol.com (720) 341-5074 GAY HUGHES Asst. District Administrator hughesgay@gmail.com RYAN MATHIAS
Technology Chair rmdtechnologyparker@gmail.com TREVOR TUTHILL
Club Building Chair clubbuildingtuthill@gmail.com KARALEE KOTHE
ELIMINATE Chair eliminatechair.kkothe@gmail.com ANNETTE DINNEBECK
Division 2 LTG annetteltg@gmail.com
District Governor rmdgovernormathias@gmail.com (719) 239-0476
District Secretary rmdsecretarytarasuppes@gmail.com (970) 361-7357 PATRICK McGARRY
District Treasurer treasurer.mcgarry@gmail.com (970) 618-2042 HUNTER ADCOCK
District Bulletin Editor laurena.rmdbeditor@gmail.com (719) 352-6044
Division 3 LTG christianneltg3@gmail.com Division 4 LTG amyltg4@gmail.com GENESIS VILLA
Division 5 LTG ltgdivision5genesis@gmail.com BRAYAN RODRIGUEZ Division 6 LTG brayanltg6@gmail.com KENDAL CLARK
Division 7 LTG kendalclarkltg7@gmail.com
Convention Chair katie.dcon.rmd@gmail.com
Division 8 LTG zlarsenltg8@gmail.com
Division 9 LTG vivianaltg9@gmail.com AVERY HATFIELD
Division 10 LTG averyhatfieldltg@gmail.com JULIANA ZHAO
Division 11 LTG zhao.juliana@gmail.com BREANA WILLIAMS
Division 12a LTG breanawilliamsltg12a@gmail.com GABE FLORES
Division 12b LTG ltg12bflores@gmail.com ALIZA MITCHELL
Division 13 & 17 LTG alizamitchell.ltg@gmail.com JOSIE MIDDLETON
Rallies & Conferences Chair Division 14 LTG rmd14.lt.gov@gmail.com
Division 15 LTG madi.ltg.15@gmail.com MAYA THOMPSON
Division 16 LTG mayathompsonltg16@gmail.com