DCON The Rocky Mountain Key Club District Convention is right around the corner! You can register at https://rmdkeyleader.regfox.com/rocky-mountaindistrict-key-club-dcon. If the expense is to hefty, consider the “thirds rule” and get your home club and sponsoring Kiwanis club to split the cost with you. If you go this route, make sure to choose “pay by check” when registering!
RMD has been collecting stuffed animals ALL YEAR LONG to donate to Kuddlez For Kidz. These new or gently used stuffed animals will go straight to children who are in hospitals. Whatever you do, don’t forget all the stuffies your club has worked hard all year to collect! You will bring them straight into the hotel with you and turn them in when you register. Rylie James, founder of Kuzzlez for Kids will be at convention, so let’s make sure to make her proud!
Kiwanis Club
Key Club