February newsletter

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Key Club: The Scoop I S S U E


Division 15-wide event: Cocoa and Cookies!

Club Features: Wish Week 2016

Charity feature: Colorado Feeding Kids

Spring Rally (!) and DCON

Key Club Int’l News + ICON

Coming Up Next!

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Cocoa and Cookies Division-Wide! Hey Division 15! My name is Isabelle Aboaf and I am your lieutenant governor for the 2015-2016 school year.

our incredible Kiwanians. Please bring as many students as possible—this counts as a service opportunity and service hours!

It’s hard to believe I only have two months left before I leave 2. Don’t forget your club you as LTG! monthly report, If you haven’t submitted one for DeNonetheless, this is perhaps cember, do so ASAP. This the busiest time of the year, will be due February 25! and we have a lot of important dates ahead. 1. Our Division-Wide Event, “Cocoa and Cookies”, is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 27 from 2-4pm in the Cherry Creek High School West Cafeteria. Make sure you RSVP by Feb. 25 in an email, call, or text with your head count. This a great opportunity to socialize with other key-clubbers in our division as well as meet

3. Our Spring Rally will be held on March 14 at 5pm. 4. Finally, DCON is coming up and we want to represent our division as best as possible! See more info on page 3.

All About Division 15 Division 15 is part of the greater Rocky Mountain District, which encompasses Colorado, Wyoming, the panhandle of Nebraska, and part of New Mexico. There are a total of 18 Divisions, and each is represented by a Lieutenant Governor, elected at a Spring Rally. Division 15 incorporates the following schools: Arapahoe, Cherry Creek, Eaglecrest, Grandview, Mountain Vista, Regis Jesuit, Rock Canyon, Smoky Hill, and South High School. As your lieutenant governor, I will try to facilitate division-wide service and communication so that we can have a successful year!

Thank you so much for all your efforts so far. As a reminder, I LOVE to receive pictures/ updates on what your club is doing, so please send those my way. Happy February :) —Isabelle

MY CONTACT INFO: Isabelle Aboaf Division 15 Lieutenant Governor Email: rockymountainltg15@gmail.com Phone: (call/text) 303-898-5372 Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or ideas regarding our division and Key Club! I’d love to hear from you!



Cocoa and Cookies


ne of my goals as a lieutenant governor this year was to coordinate an event that would bring Division 15 together and build a greater sense of community, because we don’t just operate as single clubs. Rather, we are a team, and we need to bond! For that reason… Division 15 will be having its first-ever COCOA AND COOKIES, a fun opportunity to get to know other key clubbers, advisors, and Kiwanians in our division, as well as support a great cause (ELIMINATE!).

You’re invited! When/Where: Saturday, Feb. 27 from 2-4 Cherry Creek High School West Cafeteria What: Steaming cocoa, cookies, chatting, raffle, games, and a good cause! Who: ALL key club members + advisors! How: RSVP to Isabelle Aboaf, by email OR text: 303-898-5372. PLEASE make it a point to RSVP. I appreciate it!! Cost: $5/person

Grandview High School Key Club celebrate its “Wish Kid”, Mary, this February. They decorated walls to support Mary, a victim of Hodgekin’s Lymphoma. Mary needed $15,000 to

Quote of the Month:

go to Venice, Italy, to fulfill her wish under the Make a Wish

“Only a life lived in the

Foundation. The Key Club’s wall is shown on the left.

service to others is worth

Grandview also threw a Valentine’s Party for Peakview Senior


Center residents this past

—Albert Einstein.

weekend (below)

DCON! April 1-3, 2016 The club with the MOST attendees will get a special prize! Sheraton Denver West Hotel Theme: Service Around the World Get all your registration materials and information on the RMD Key KEY


Club Website:



www.rmdkeyclub.org and click on Events -> DCON.







Charity Feature Colorado Feeding Kids’ is a Colorado 501 c-3 non profit and a local, independent, allvolunteer charity. It buys rice,

soy, vegetables, macaroni, and vitamins to give away to those in need, particularly children. Its mission statement is simple: Significantly reduce the number of hungry children in Colorado and feed starving children throughout the world. The organization holds a packing event once a month to pack up nourishing food to bring to Colorado kids at underprivileged schools and other locations.

$54 provides one carton of meals, feeding 216 kids. $108 provides enough meals to feed a child for 60 weeks! Make an initiative to either send kids to go pack food or raise money to donate to CO Feeding Kids. We often take for granted our access to healthy, nourishing food. Visit CO Feeding Kids at www.cofeedingkids.org

Spring Rally + New Lieutenant Governor Info The Key Club Rocky Mountain District Board consists of 16 different lieutenant governors, four chairs, and four executive board members (all high school students!). Their terms begin and end at the Key Club District Convention each year—which is approaching quickly. That means this is your chance to get involved on a deeper level in the Key Club world! My position will be vacant after DCON, and my successor (which could be YOU!) will be elected on March 14 at Spring Rally. Lieutenant Governors are responsible for attending 4 board meetings, sending out 10 monthly newsletters, visiting and overseeing clubs, organizing division-wide events, and communicating with advisors and the executive board. This is an extremely rewarding job, and I am happy to answer any questions! You can also choose to run for District Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, or Bulleting Editor. These are highprofile positions that come with great responsibility and great reward. Caucusing and elections occur for these positions during DCON. Finally, you can apply for Projects Chair, Convention Chair, Club Building Chair, and Tech Chair after DCON. You will be notified of your acceptance in May before ICON. Contact me with any questions!

News from International! We have been incorporated into a new International SisterDistrict group (Alabama, KIWIN’s, and New York). Our new international trustee is Anastasia Slepukhova. As a Key Clubber, you have access to incredible scholarship opportunities. You must apply by April 15th! -Harry S. Himmer Scholarship ($500) -Linda Canaday Memorial Scholarship ($2,500) -Cunat International Scholarship ($2,500) ICON information will be sent out soon. It will be July 6-10 in Atlanta, Georgia with more than 1,600 Key Clubbers across the US, Canada, and the Caribbean. The Rocky Mountain District has a special tradition of doing a tour before/after the convention. This year they will be traveling to Savannah, Georgia. Stay tuned for more information on this incredible opportunity to be involved on a national scale!

Coming Up Next! The March Issue of Key Club: The Scoop will include:

 Cocoa and Cookies Recap  Spring Rally Information  District Board Position Opportunities!  Charity Feature: Women’s Bean Project  News from International  Monthly Checklist  And more! You don’t want to miss it!

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