Lieutenant GoverWor’s CorWer Projects: Women’s Bean Project One of the projects Key Club is par<icipating in is the Women’s Bean Project, which aims to help women take contAol of their lives by providing the oppor<DnitE to become self sufficient. This business has a much bigger purIose than merely packaging and selling drE food products to U.S. stores. It provides a safe working environment where women in disadvantageous sitDations can gain skills required for employNent. Such women include convicted felons, recovering addicts, victims of domestic violence, teenage mothers, and high school drop outs. These women become empowered and are able to create new lives in six to nine months. This project provides women with income, arAange suppor< serPices to overcome barAiers to employNent, and teach skills needed to gain and keep a job — breaking the cycle of chronic unemployNent and pover<E that these women face. For more inforNation go to hSIs:// www.womensbeanproject.com/. “I am a mother of two grown sons and a woman who has overcome long-term incarceration and wanted to find some stability and resources that would help me become self-sufficient. Because of the Bean Project, I have stability and accountability to myself and feel a sense of accomplishment coming to work every day.” ~Kelley, Program Graduate
Hi everEone! My name is Alex Hong, and I’m pleased to be serPing as the new Lieutenant GoverWor of DistAict 6! I am a rising senior at CherAE Creek High School in the Denver area. I have been a member of Key Club since ^eshmen year and have been a board member since sophomore year at my local Key Club. Outside of Key Club, my interests include playing the piano and flute, biking, and spending time with family and ^iends. As your Ltg. of DistAict 6, please don’t hesitate to contact me through email (ltg6@rNdkeyclub.org) or phone (720.517.4999). Yours in serPice, Alex
Upcoming Events: Key Leader Be on the look out for Key Leader, which will occur in the upcoming fall. This weekend Kiwanis InterWational’s leadership education progAam for stDdents focuses on team building and helps develop leadership in serPice. This event will focus on these five ideas: personal integAitE, personal gAowth, respect, building communitE, and the pursuit of excellence. Who: All stDdents ages 14-18 What: Kiwanis InterWational’s leadership education progAam Where: There are several different locations for each Key Leader — including Windy Peak (Bailey, Colorado) and Roundup River Ranch (GyIsum, Colorado). For more inforNation go to hSI://www.key-leader.org/Find-Key-Leader-Events.aspx/. When: StDdents arAive for registAation ^om 4pm to 6pm on Friday and leave aſter 11:30am on Sunday. For dates go to to hSI://www.key-leader.org/Find-Key-Leader-Events.aspx/. Why: Develop leadership skills and team building skills in a fDn manner! How: Register online at hSI://key-leader.org/Find-Key-Leader-Events.aspx/. Costs: The all -inclusive cost is US $250 / CDN $280 for each stDdent. Through a generous gAant ^om the Kiwanis InterWational Foundation, the first 1000 members of Key Club who register for an event will receive a US $25 discount! If you need help paying for this cost, look towards sponsors!