October Newsletter Division 2
LTG: Emily Kingsford
Key Leader Windy Peak, Colorado
Save the Date!
This year Key Leader at Windy Peak was an
November 1-30: Have an
experience of a lifetime! We
attitude of gratitude <3
learned about what it means to be a leader and how to be a
November 1: Early Bird for
great one. "I really liked the
fact that I was able to meet so
November 7-11: Key Club
many new and interesting
week with International!
“This experience taught me what it means to love and how powerful one community can be. I have never felt a place so full of love before, and it really inspired me to want to change the world.” –Anton Moritz
November 11-13: District Board Meeting! November 19: Divisional Council Meeting @ 2:00 pm November 20- December 31:
people with the same values
Union Colony. There were
as me. The group activities
Key Clubbers and other
were fun with a lot of good
youth from all over our
discussions. The leadership
District there, there were
November 24: Happy
lessons were very interesting
lots of people from our
and I left more knowledgeable
Division as well! “I learned
and as a better leader,” said
so much about service
Shay Slater, President at
leadership, among other
Mass Service! Spread the love!
December 1: Have Club dues in today!
things, and what being a
December: 25: Merry
leader really means. By the
end of the weekend I felt like I was leaving my family.
December 31: Happy New
It’s really an amazing
journey where you learn about the tools necessary to make new and lasting