Key leader

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October Newsletter Division 2

LTG: Emily Kingsford

Key Leader Windy Peak, Colorado

Save the Date! 

This year Key Leader at Windy Peak was an

November 1-30: Have an

experience of a lifetime! We

attitude of gratitude <3

learned about what it means to be a leader and how to be a

November 1: Early Bird for

great one. "I really liked the


fact that I was able to meet so

November 7-11: Key Club

many new and interesting

week with International!

“This experience taught me what it means to love and how powerful one community can be. I have never felt a place so full of love before, and it really inspired me to want to change the world.” –Anton Moritz

November 11-13: District Board Meeting! November 19: Divisional Council Meeting @ 2:00 pm November 20- December 31:

people with the same values

Union Colony. There were

as me. The group activities

Key Clubbers and other

were fun with a lot of good

youth from all over our

discussions. The leadership

District there, there were

November 24: Happy

lessons were very interesting

lots of people from our


and I left more knowledgeable

Division as well! “I learned

and as a better leader,” said

so much about service

Shay Slater, President at

leadership, among other

Mass Service! Spread the love!

December 1: Have Club dues in today!

things, and what being a

December: 25: Merry

leader really means. By the


end of the weekend I felt like I was leaving my family.

December 31: Happy New

It’s really an amazing


journey where you learn about the tools necessary to make new and lasting

relationships with people who

beliefs as I have.” Not only

memories I made with me for

are just like you,” said Ciana

did we learn about leadership,

the rest of my life,” Hannah

Burroughs, District Bulletin

but we also made friends with

Kiburz, Club President at

Editor and

tons of other

Greeley Central High School,

member at

students who

said about her experience. We

Eaton High

have the same

sure hope you will join us

School. So

passion and we

next year!


can do the


same, played

were formed

fun games,

and new

participated in


an obstacle

skills created. Ruben

course, and laughed our

Martinez, Treasurer at Union

heads off. “Key Leader was an

Colony, said, “I enjoyed being

awesome experience full of

able to make friends with

leadership opportunities and

people who have similar

new friends. I will carry the

Volunteer Experiences It is amazing to see how each

please let me know! They are

club does so much service! I

$18.00 each and all the money

am so proud of all of you!

goes toward helping these

This past month International

women and their babies. This

and the District have been

was also accomplished

working on many projects

through your hard

together and the way to

work when Trick or

accomplish them is through

Treating for UNICEF!

the participation of your club,

Below is a list of some

so thank you for all you do!

projects the District

The District Project’s

came up with that

committee that I am a part of

your club can do!

worked hard this month to

Send me photos and

sell the T-shirts for UNICEF

you and your club

and we raised lots of money

doing these projects to be

doing it! Because of you guys,

featured in the next

the tetanus will be eradicated


from the 3rd world countries suffering from it. If you or members of your club or school would like to purchase any more of these shirts,

Holiday Bazaar A holiday bazaar open to the public is a great fundraiser. Secure a location, sell

spaces—including concessions area, arrange for setup and take down helpers, decorations and a radio announcement. Local craftsmen count on the same date each year, which seems to ensure a successful turnout. This project has minimal costs to Key Club and is financially beneficial. Singing Christmas Cards Set up a booth at a fall parentteacher conference, sporting events, or after church services to sell "Singing Christmas Cards." People pay a fee to have carolers go to

someone’s home and sing Christmas carols. A card would be given to the recipient with the giver’s name. Turkey Grams/Ghoul Grams/Bunny Grams For a small fee, sell "grams" during various holidays. These grams can be a card with some candy or something similar. Singing telegrams also can be used for a fun project. Turkey Teacher Competition For teachers who are willing to participate, students bring in money or canned food and place it under the name of their favorite teacher. The teacher with the most money and ounces of food wins. That teacher either wears a turkey costume or carries a stuffed toy turkey all day. He or she also wins a turkey dinner. The canned food and money is donated to the Salvation Army. More ideas can be found on our District website at

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