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Ask any Key Club in the Rocky Mountain District, and they will tell you that there tends to be a membership slump following winter break. Sometimes it happens right away, other times it’s hard to notice until February. Regardless, use these tips to keep yourself and your fellow Key Clubbers engaged: • Set up a snack schedule for meetings • Have everyone bring friends to the next meeting, the person with the most guests wins a small prize (think a $5 ice cream gift card) • Open every meeting with a team building activity • Have a Key Club Social (go see a movie, ice skating, etc.)
Contact Me! Riley Juenemann rockymountainltg1@gmail.com (720)438-8077 - (Call/Text)
Staying Engaged After the Holidays DCON Dues Thirst Project Kuddlez for Kidz
January 7- Key of Honor Nominations Due
February 1- Unpaid Clubs Become Suspended 1-28- Officer Elections 1-28 Submit Annual Club Achievement Report TBD – Spring Rally March 15- Officer Training Sent to Clubs 31- DCON Begins
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December 2016
Does one of your Key Club members deserve a shout out? Want to spotlight an awesome service project that you’ve done? Have a great idea for a fundraiser? Email rockymountainltg1@gmail.com with a photo and a description to be featured in the next newsletter!
You belong here!
WHAT: Rocky Mountain District Convention WHO: Any Key Clubber in the Rocky Mountain District that wants to attend WHEN: March 31st - April 2nd WHERE: Sheraton Denver West Hotel 360 Union Blvd, Lakewood, CO 80228 WHY: -Vote for District Board Executive Offices -Vote on Amendments to District Bylaws -Attend seminars to gain knowledge to further improve your club -Meet other people who love Key Club, just like you! HOW: Register when registration opens *There is a fee, so start fundraising now!
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December 2016
• The Breakdown • International: $7 per member • District: $5 per member • Club: This is up to your officers! • Important Dates • October 1 • Dues open • November 1 • Early Bird Deadline • Get a patch for your banner! • December 1 • Absolute due date to be considered an active club • Turning Dues In • Have your club secretary or Kiwanis advisor update your member list on https://members.portalbuzz.com/Member/User/L ogin?skin=kiwanis • Print an invoice • Mail check and roster to Kiwanis International PO Box 6069 Dept 123 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6069 • More Information • http://www.keyclub.org/dar.aspx
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December 2016
The Thirst Project is the world’s largest water organization run by youth! They educate students about the global water crisis and help them raise funds to combat it. They have committed to bringing clean water to Swaziland (yes-the entire country!) by 2022. The Rocky Mountain District has chosen the Thirst Project as our Major Emphasis Project from November to April. At DCON, clubs will be able to pledge donation amounts with the goal of raising that money by DCON the following year.
Spread Awareness: Dirty Little Secret • Step 1: Have each club member make “dirty” water by combining and shaking 12 ounces of warm water, 1 teaspoon of flour, and 5-10 pinches of tea leaves (cut open a tea bag) • Step 2: Every Thursday for a month, carry your dirty water bottle everywhere you go (school, gym, dinner table, etc.) • Step 3: When people ask you why you are carrying around a bottle full of dirty water, tell them that 748 million people do not have access to safe, clean drinking water
Fundraise: Thirsty Thirty • Step 1: Determine how many people will participate • Step 2: Get that number of envelopes and label them each with a monetary amount ranging from $1-$100 • (Hint: Make sure all of the amounts add up to the total amount of money that your club wants to raise) • Step 3: Have each participant pick an envelope • Step 4: The number in the envelope is how much money the individual is pledging to raise in 30 days • Step 5: Have a party to celebrate how much money your Key Club raised at the end of the 30 days
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December 2016
Hello from your District Projects Committee! We are excited to talk to you about the project we are working on for the remainder of the year, Kuddlez for Kidz. Kuddlez for Kidz is a charity made by a kid for kids! Stuffed animals and other comforting items will go to hospitalized children in need of a cuddle. Our district has set a goal of 2000 stuffed animals donated by DCON. To reach this goal, we have decided to have a friendly competition between all the high schools in the Rocky Mountain District. The club with the highest amount of stuffed animals collected will be presented with an award at DCON. Club presidents are responsible for letting their LTG know how many stuffed animals they collect each month. Guidelines: • Stuffed animals have to be new • Stuffed animals can be any size • You can choose to take stuffed animals to a specific children’s hospital as a club or you can keep the stuffed animals and bring them to DCON • Keep your LTG updated on how many stuffies you collect