LTG Training Manual

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Contents Key Club 101 The Basics Key Club Structure Service Partners Kiwanis Family LTG Duties Duties Monthly Checklist Communication Communication Etiquette Newsletters & the RocKey Communication Methods Presidential Council Meetings & Rallies PCMs Fall & Spring Rallies Club Chartering/Reactivation Other Resources Dues Etiquette

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The Basics Objects of Key Club International Key Club Pledge

I pledge, on my honor, To uphold the objects of Key Club International; To build my home, school, and community; To serve my nation and God; And to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.


Caring-- Our Way of Life

Key Club Colors Blue: Unwavering Character Gold: Service White: Purity

To develop initiative and leadership. To provide experience in living and working together. To serve the school and community. To cooperate with the school principal. To prepare for useful citizenship. To accept and promote the following ideals: To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to material values in life. To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. To promote the adoption and application of higher social, business, and professional standards. To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service, and to build better communities To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill.


Core Values

Leadership Caring Character Building Inclusiveness


Key Club Structure International President Vice President Trustees

Club Members: Club members form the building blocks of Key Club International; without club members, there is no Key Club. Members contribute by participating in club, district, and division projects, attending Key Club events, and of course, getting more involved! Club Officers:

District Governor Secretary Treasurer Bulletin Editor Committee Chairs Lieutenant Governors

Club President

Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian/Bulletin Editor

Club officers take Key Club involvement to the next level of leadership. Club officers help plan and coordinate projects with various organizations and keep the District board up to date on club happenings and such. They include club secretary, treasurer, vice-president, president, and any chairs of certain club aspects. Lieutenant Governors: Lieutenant governors are a vital part of the District board. Essentially the “leaders� of their division, they help their clubs stay on track during the year by keeping them in the know on District events and help with the election of new Lt. Governors in the spring. District Governor: The District governor oversees the entire operation of the Rocky Mountain District Key Club. The governor plans board meetings, sets agendas, and serves as the glue connecting all of the individual Key Clubs together. International Trustee: The international trustee serves as the connection between the District and Key Club International as a whole. Similar to Lt. Governors, the International Trustee oversees multiple districts nationwide and keeps them informed of the greater events occurring with Key Club as an international organization. International President and Vice President: These 2 individuals oversee all operations of Key Club and help plan for the organizations future.

Class Officers


Service Partners Key Club has partnered with the following organizations in order to help them help the children of the world. Children‟s Miracle Network (CMN) is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids while increasing awareness of its member hospitals. All CMN contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase up-to-date equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs and provide health care for children whose parents can‟t afford to pay. Every day 1 in 8 babies born in the U.S. arrives too soon. Premature birth can happen to any pregnant woman, and no one knows why. It is a serious, common and costly problem. Key Club members are helping by raising thousands of dollars annually for the March of Dimes Youth Program to help prevent prematurity. UNICEF, the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children, works with other United Nations bodies, governments and non-governmental organizations to assist in children‟s needs through community-based services in primary health care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation in more than 150 developing countries. Key Clubs participate in the annual Trick or Treat for UNICEF to help raise money.


Kiwanis Family Clubs K-Kids is a student-led community service club for elementary students that teaches members the value of helping others through participation in community service projects and club activities.

Nearly 40, 000 middle and junior high students in 1,300 clubs in 18 nations contribute service to school and community while developing leadership and people skills. Builders Club members implement practical service-learning principals as they focus on supporting organizations that focus on the needs of children.

Circle K International (CKI) is the premiere university service organization in the world sponsored by Kiwanis International. With clubs on more than 550 campuses globally, programming is based upon the tenets of service, leadership, and fellowship.

Kiwanians around the globe have one common goal: To serve the children of the world. Kiwanis advocates this vision every day by providing opportunities to serve for every member of a community through Service Leadership Programs. Through these opportunities, youth and young adults around the world become competent, capable and compassionate leaders.

Aktion Club members in more than 200 clubs in seven nations allow adults living with disabilities to develop initiative and leadership skills through hands-on service. These adults return to the community the benefits, help, and caring they have received.

Kiwanis Family Programs

Student recognition program that promotes character development, self-esteem, and perseverance.

Key Leader is a leadership experience for today's youth leaders. It focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership development experience.

Bring Up Grades (BUG) is a program designed to provide recognition to students who raise their grades into an acceptable range.



LTG Duties Each Lieutenant Governor agrees to do the following during his/her term of office: •Complete monthly reports and send them to the District Governor, District Secretary, and District Administrator by the tenth day of each month. •Attend at least one meeting of each club in the division. •Attend the following events during your term: the Key Club District Convention at the beginning of your term, all board meetings, the Key Club International Convention, the Key Club District Convention at the end of your term, and if applicable, the Kiwanis District Convention and/or the Kiwanis Midwinter Conference. •While a District Board Meeting is in session, the use of computers, cell phones, or other electronic devices during presentations or discussions is strictly prohibited unless special permission is granted by the District Governor or the District Administrator. •Attend all regular meetings, committee or otherwise, whether physical, through conference calls, or other forms of communication. •Answer all correspondence promptly and send copies to the District Governor, District Secretary, and District Administrator. •Encourage dues payment by your clubs. To help facilitate collection of the dues, keep contact with the District Treasurer. •Get all directory information, including the email addresses and phone numbers of every club officer and advisor in your division as well as addresses of clubs in your division, and send the information in to the District Secretary by August 1 st. •Assist with the rehabilitation of weak and improperly functioning Key Clubs. Work on these clubs by making visits and promoting worth-while projects. Report any weak and improperly functioning clubs to the District Governor, District Secretary, and District Administrator. •Work with the Kiwanis to build as many new clubs as possible in the division by cooperating with Kiwanians and school officials, and by visiting schools personally. •Send copies of all letters to the District Governor, District Secretary, and District Administrator. •Publish a minimum of six (6) divisional newsletters to keep clubs informed of District and International occurrences. Information should be passed on from the Lt. Governor to the clubs after each Board Meeting. •Hold at least six (6) Divisional or President’s Council Meetings (PCMs) during the year. All PCMs must be scheduled, including dates, times, and locations, for your division by the end of the August district board meeting. Send the dates to the District Governor, District Secretary, and District Administrator as well as the clubs in your division. • Dates for any rallies and/or conferences must be decided on well in advanced and distributed to clubs as soon as possible. •Schedule at least three (3) divisional events during the year. This can include inter-clubbing or rallies. •At the end of your term of office, meet with your successor for a smooth transition of the files and any ideas you may have. •Complete any assigned tasks and meet all deadlines. •Fully acquaint yourself with the district reimbursement policy to assure district financial stability. •Carry out the programs of the Governor and the Board of Trustees. •Send news of regular and special activities of clubs in the division to the District Bulletin Editor, and also take the minutes of the divisional meetings. •Coordinate the Key Club Week observance in the division. Attempt to secure proclamations and arrange meetings from and with public officials to honor Key Clubbing.


LTG Duties (cont.) •Seek publicity for the division and the outstanding projects done by clubs. •Remain academically involved. •Keep permanent divisional files. These files should have been passed on to you by your predecessor, and should include files with information pertaining to each of the following: •Key Club International •District Governor •District Secretary •District Treasurer •District Bulletin Editor •Divisional Public Relations •Inter-Club Activities •Each Club in Your Division •Other RMD Lt. Governors •Kiwanis RMD Lt. Governor •Board Meetings •Correspondence •Training Conferences •District Convention General •Key Club Magazine •RocKey

Finally, prepare for your duties by: •Becoming thoroughly familiar with your division; its history, tradition, boundaries, clubs, problems, Kiwanis Clubs and officers, and Key Club Chairmen. •Knowing the Kiwanis and Circle K RMD Lt. Governors for your division, and attempting to work closely with them. •Becoming aware of and familiar with the Bylaws of both the District and Key Club International. •Becoming completely familiar with the Key Club Guidebook. •Knowing basic parliamentary procedure. •Understanding the Kiwanis Organization, and being willing to work with its leaders and members. •Scheduling and arranging your time responsibly.

Taken from the RMD Lieutenant Governor Agreement to Serve.


LTG Monthly Checklist June Attend June Board Meeting Make a list of prospective Key Clubs in your division . Submit Monthly Report and newsletter. Send newsletter to clubs. July Attend International Convention, if possible. Attend a Kiwanis Club meeting. August Attend August Board Meeting Attend Kiwanis District Convention, if possible. In order to qualify for the Robert F. Lucas outstanding Lt. Governor award, you must attend Kiwanis District or Mid-winter convention. Contact club officers and make sure that they feel prepared for the year. Hold a beginning of the year PCM. Stress the importance of membership drives. Encourage clubs to focus on recruiting underclassmen. Work with your committees to put a flyer in the fall mailing. Flyers are due to Sonia by August 1. September Work with the Rallies and Conferences committee on your area’s Fall Rally. Visit weak clubs in your division; see how you can help. Remind club presidents and treasurers about dues collection. Emphasize the Early Bird Award. Send your newsletter. October Attend Key Leader, if possible. Be sure each Key Club has paid dues or is in the process of collecting dues. Make sure that all clubs have received a fall mailing from both District and International. Submit Monthly Report form. Send newsletter. Contact your Kiwanis Lt. Governor and talk about your division. Participate in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. November Celebrate Key Club Week! Follow up on club dues. Conduct a PCM. Keep visiting clubs. Encourage your clubs to schedule a holiday project with another member of the K-Family. Send your newsletter. Submit your monthly report. Attend November Board Meeting.


LTG Monthly Checklist (cont.) December Ensure that clubs are in good standing and are active. Promote the possibility of running for district officer to your clubs. Notify both the Governor and the Rallies and Conferences Chair of the date and location of your Spring Rally. Submit monthly report form. Attend a Kiwanis meeting, if possible. Send newsletter. Submit any flyers for the Convention Mailing to the Convention Chair. January Verify district convention assignments (script, workshop) and complete them. Check with club presidents to see how things are going after winter break. Conduct a PCM. Send your newsletter. Submit monthly report form. Conduct Spring Rally. Encourage convention registrations. Visit clubs to promote convention. February Be sure all Key Clubs in your division elect new club officers. Attend February Board Meeting Finalize convention plans. Send your final newsletter. Submit monthly report form. March Attend District convention. Promote International convention. Write thank you notes to those who have helped you during your term. Prepare Robert F. Lucas outstanding Lt. Governor binder and send to Dave Harris if you plan to nominate yourself for the award.



Communication Etiquette Email Make sure your email address is appropriate. You are a high ranked official in Key Club International, keep in mind that this is a business role, and many important people will be contacting you. Check your email every day! Respond to emails in a timely fashion. Make the subject line specific. Think of the many messages you have received with the generic subject line, “Hi” or “just for you”. Don‟t forward messages with three pages of mail-to information before they get the content. In the message forward, delete extraneous information. When replying to a question, copy only the question into your email, and then provide your response. Don‟t send a message that only reads “Yes” – it‟s too blunt and confuses the reader. Address and sign your emails. Although this is included in the To and From sections, remember that you‟re communicating with a person, not a computer. DON‟T TYPE IN ALL CAPS. TOO INTENSE, and you appear too lazy to type properly. This is still a written medium. Follow standard writing guidelines as a professional courtesy.

Spell check! Do not forget to proofread your emails, check for grammar errors and word choice. E-mails should be considered a formal means of communication. Keep your email messages to the point. Don‟t over punctuate. Key Club is famous for Acronyms. Few people understand what the MEP (Major Emphasis Program) or PCMs (President‟s Council Meetings) are. Try to write things out.

Phone Answer your telephone! Return phone calls in a timely fashion. Be aware of the time. The general rule of thumb is to not call anyone before 10:00 am or later than 9:00 pm. When leaving messages, state your name clearly, annunciate, touch on the reason for calling, don‟t speak too fast or use slang, and when leaving your phone number, state it twice, clearly and slowly! Make sure your answering machine has an appropriate greeting. This is something we often forget about, but has a huge impact. Keep in mind that Kiwanians, Club Presidents, Faculty Advisors, Administrators, you fellow board members, and various other important people will be calling you.


Newsletters & The RocKey ANYONE can write. Whether you have experience or not, your contribution still means a lot to everyone else! At some point while in office you will have to write articles for both the RocKey and your newsletters. This Guide has been created to help you write the best articles you possibly can that will capture the reader’s attention by being exciting while also including the information that needs to get out to the clubs. Any publications sent out to our clubs can help make or break their opinion of not only our Rocky Mountain District, but Key Club International as a whole. We need to make sure that any information we are giving them is relevant, and isn’t simply a filler or a publication we created just to create. Newsletters connect the clubs in a Division to one another. Make sure that clubs are receiving information that will help them strengthen their own clubs and divisions as a whole. The RocKey is a great source for the District as a whole. It allows clubs a glimpse as to what is going on in the District, and can help them feel more connected. As Governor Jared James has said, “One thing that I believe is required to accomplishing our great goals this year is for us to decrease the formality barrier between school clubs and the District Board. Key Club is a family, and it is hard to have strong connections if there is a strict separation between the two.” The RocKey can help decrease this formality barrier if members feel as though it really pertains to them, and the same is true with newsletters.

Titles Your title for an article can either spark interest for a reader, or cause them to turn away before even beginning to read. Although the article may be packed full of information, your title can still be entertaining so that the reader wants to learn more. Instead of “Recruiting Members” try “Recruiting the Newbie, the Uninvolved, and anyone not in Key Club” Article in The RocKey Issue 1 Volume 58, written by LTG Briar Wren

“Putting the Fun in Fundraisers” Instead of just “Good Fundraising Ideas” Article in Divisional Newsletters during the 2009-2010 Key Club Year

“Miracles Happen Every Day” versus “Children‟s Miracle Network” Article in The RocKey Issue 2 Volume 57


Writing Articles Topics A majority of the time, article topics are picked because they are either required by Key Club International to appear in the publication, or because they are a focus of the District. While those in charge of assigning articles may try to cover every topic within Key Club that they can think of, they may miss something. Make sure that you write about what you are passionate about. If you absolutely hate a service project, don‟t volunteer to write that article because you won‟t be accurately representing the organization. On the flip side, if there is a project that you absolutely love but no article has been requested for it, ask if you can write one! Chances are very good that, as long as it can relate to Key Club, your article will be given permission to appear in the RocKey or in newsletters.

Articles Required for District Publications:

Articles That Could Also be Assigned:

•Major Emphasis Programs (UNICEF, Children‟s Miracle Network, March of Dimes)

•Friend a Gorilla

Youth Opportunities Fund

Children of Peace International

International Representative‟s Message

Key Leader

Governor‟s Message

Fun Summer Service Projects

Club/Division Highlights

Recruiting Members

District Convention Promotion

Green Service Projects

District Convention Summation


International Convention Promotion

Fall Rally

International Convention Summation

Eliminate Project

Key Maker

K-Family And anything else that you are passionate about!


Writing Articles (cont.) Let‟s face it: We all know that if we got a newsletter that had only writing everywhere we wouldn‟t really want to read it, right? So why put our Key Clubbers through that? There will be some articles you will right where it is necessary to write actual paragraphs, but believe it or not there are times when you don‟t! Bullet points are INCREDIBLE to use for facts or lists; when most people see bullet points their attention is drawn to that spot, and the information included there tends to be what they will read.

What to Include With Bullet Points Statistics/Percentages: If these are included within a paragraph they are often overlooked, so put them where they will be noticed! Service Project Ideas: It is best to keep these short and sweet in an article and let the Key Clubbers take the initiative to interpret it how they see fit! Steps for Accomplishment: If you are explaining how to complete something, bullet points are a great way to go so the steps in the process are more clearly defined.

Whatever else you see fit! However, make sure that you aren‟t putting too much information into one bullet so readers don‟t shy away from reading the information.

Here are a couple more little thoughts to keep in mind while you are writing. Enjoy! Be yourself in your writing. Yes, it is good to sound professional, but it‟s also good to sound like a person who genuinely cares about what they are talking about. Pictures can be great to demonstrate what the article is saying, but don‟t use them if they are distracting from the meaning or irrelevant. Try as hard as you can to follow graphic standards. This is a key to our goal in making Key Club a household name. We need something that distinguishes our documents as Key Club related. For newsletters, get feedback from your Division after you put them out. Find out what they found useful or what they didn‟t like, and make sure that you are creating the most useful newsletter you can for them. Make sure to give recognition to club‟s that deserve it. If you recognize them for their hard work and success not only will you encourage them even more but you may motivate other clubs to follow in their footsteps.


Communication Methods 1. Newsletters

Helps put a lot of information in one convenient package to distribute to club officers and other K-Family members. They can either be emailed or printed and sent out as snail mail.

2. Online blog or website

Create a website with a free tool like,, or or create a divisional blog on the Rocky Mountain Districts website.

3. Social Networking

Many people use social networking sites, such as Facebook or Twitter, on a regular basis. Create a page for your Division and post short updates or schedule a group chat with your club officers. Make sure your club officers are okay with you communicating to them using social networks.

4. Email Updates

Plain and simple. Make sure to remind your clubs to check their email on a regularly!

5. Skype

Great way to communicate face to face or through an audio or video chat with clubs that are farther away and hard to get to.

6. Instant Messaging

Whether you use Gmail, Facebook or some other IM client, this is a great way to get instant feedback.

7. Audio or video podcast

Get creative and send out video messages or audio announcements, good way to get a lot of information out to a lot of people while still keeping their attention.

8. Pick up the phone

Phone calls are a very professional way to communicate which should be your go to if all else fails. This is also the way to go if talking to Kiwanians or anyone else who is not familiar with technology.

9. Visit Clubs

Nothing is more effective then visiting clubs or officers in person.

10.Text message updates

Make sure whoever you are communicating with is okay with you sending these out. Sending out a quick text is a good way to get out a last minuet reminder about an upcoming event like a PCM.



Presidential Council Meetings President‟s Council Meetings (PCMs) serve as the bridge between Lt. Governors and their club presidents. Ideally, it is best to hold a meeting every month to keep yourself involved and up to date on what goes on at the club level and to keep the presidents up to date on what happens at the district level, as well as just a time to catch up and discuss other issues. Talk with your club presidents and set up a date, time, and place, preferably 2-3 weeks in advance. Also, don‟t forget to send out a reminder or two, just to be safe.

Helpful Hints on how to hold an effective PCM:

•Hold the Meeting in a place where no will be distracted. Library meeting rooms work. •Make sure that you meet in a central location. •Provide snacks and drinks in a relaxing atmosphere. •Have a sign in sheet to keep track of attendance. •Start the meeting off with an icebreaker or introduction: this will make the officers more inclusive and it is a fun activity. •Make an agenda for all attendees to follow for every PCM. •Plan PCM dates far in advance, scheduling the date for the next PCM at the PCM directly before usually works well. •Make copies of papers to hand out, and anything else you might need to give them. •Invite not only the President, but other officers as well. You can even change PCMs name to Divisional Council Meetings (DCMs) to accommodate this. •Have a questionnaire or comments sheet for the end of the meeting for everyone to fill out so you can receive feedback on what you should be doing differently, or keeping the same. •Send an email reminder a week before the PCM, and even call a few days before. •If your clubs are too far apart to have an actual meeting, try having an online PCM; or, if you are able to do so, hold a PCM for 2 schools, and a different PCM for the others.

Topic suggestions:  

Place suggestions: •Coffee shops Libraries

    

Coordinating a divisionwide project Potential member spotlights District Convention International Convention Officer elections Fall and Spring Rallies Club building techniques

Skype/Conference calls


Fall and Spring Rallies Things to Keep in Mind: Book the rally site at the minimum a month in advance, which will give both you and your clubs time to plan If you are going to be serving food, NEVER underestimate, always order more in case more people than expected show up Use the „One month, one week, one day‟ plan by reminding each of your clubs one month, one week, and one day before the rally.

Remind your clubs through both post and email communications. It makes it harder for clubs to forget and gives a higher chance that the information will be read. Above all, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE ANYTHING!!! It makes for a choppy looking rally and some very disappointed attendees. 

As a Lt. Governor, rallies are the two most important events that you will ever plan, aside from DCON. The fall rally, which typically occurs no later than September or October, serves as a means of training incoming club officers and facilitating interactions between clubs in your division. This rally is normally put on by a handful of divisions in your region who you will be paired up with, so you will have to plan it with the other district officers in your division. Spring rallies, which occur anytime between January and the weeks before DCON, serve as a means to elect a new Lt. Governor for your division, as well as a means to publicize District Convention. These are normally held only with the schools in your division. Besides officer training and elections, however, there are other topics worth mentioning, such as: •The current District project •How to spice up meetings •Fundraising tips •Ice breakers •Whatever else seems interesting! Start planning weeks, if not months in advance to ensure that your rally will be the talk of the division.



How To Charter a Club Key Clubs are chartered in partnership with a Kiwanis club and a school or community-based organization serving high school students. A school-based club can form without a Kiwanis sponsor, if one is not available. There are 3 steps to chartering a club. 1. Find: Find advisors, members and a place to meet. 2. Lead: Get organized, file paperwork, train club leaders and build enthusiasm. 3. Serve: Reach out to the community and make a difference through meaningful service projects.

1. Find The first step is finding advisors, members and a place to meet. Site and sponsor Your home base (and meeting place) may be at a high school, a community center, or somewhere else. Usually, a Kiwanis club will sponsor your club—offering both financial support and hands-on guidance—although Key Club International doesn’t require Kiwanis club sponsorship to start a club. Who will help steer your club in the right direction? Most of the time, it takes two: an advisor from your site and an advisor from your local Kiwanis club. Recruit Members With the help of school administration and the new faculty advisor spread the word around the school and get people excited. Set a time and place for the first meeting .

All resources, paperwork, and petitions are available at


How To Charter a Club (cont.) 2. Lead Once you‟ve laid the groundwork for your club, it‟s time to get organized, file paperwork, train club leaders and build enthusiasm. Organize Put all the pieces together. Get together with new members to adopt club bylaws, officially elect officers and directors, plan your club‟s meeting schedule and start brainstorming service project ideas. Charter The chartering process makes your club a reality. Once the work is done, plan to celebrate with a special ceremony. You can find all paperwork you need to fill out at (Note: if reactivating a club use the separate reactivation petition instead of the standard one).

Train Make time to train officers, create a budget and set goals for your club.

3. Serve Once the club is official, you‟ll be ready to reach out to the community and make a difference through meaningful service projects.

All resources, paperwork, and petitions are available at



Dues The Facts:

Dues are $11.50 in the Rocky Mountain District $6.50-International Dues $5.00-District Dues + $ X- Club Dues $11.50 + X The Rocky Mountain District strongly suggests clubs charge club dues to help with costs including: sending members to District and International Convention, Key Leader, food, and any other club expenses.

The Deadlines:

October 1-dues become payable, early bird awards apply November 1- Early bird deadline December 1- Regular deadline December 15- Club is delinquent…… February 1- Club Suspended….. September 1(following year)-charter inactive…

The importance:

Dues provide many benefits to the International and District levels of Key Club.

International Benefits Officially Recognized Membership Membership card and pin Key Cllub Magazine Administrative and Mailing costs Informational Materials International Council expenses International Convention Major Emphasis Project Insurance Policy YOF matching grant Recognition and Awards

District Benefits •District Board Meetings •Board Member Budgets •Miscellaneous Board Expenses •District Matching Scholarships •RocKey •Administrative and Mailing costs •Informational Materials •District Convention •Distinguished Club Officer Awards(Plaques)

How to Pay:

At the start of the school year, the Key Club International Office mails every club a password. This password changes every year, and is used to access the club‟s dues account online at Each member is entered on the online account. The dues process is complete after payment is received. Dues can either be paid online using a credit card or Paypal, or checks can be mailed to the International Office.


Etiquette Guide Table Etiquette

•The proper time to place your napkin on your lap is after the host or guest of honor. •If you leave the table before the meal is over, place your napkin to the left of the plate, unfolded. •The bread plate is to the left of the dinner plate. •If the person next to you mistakenly uses your bread plate, ask the server discreetly for another. •When you are finished with your meal, you should place your fork and knife together in the center of your plate, fork tines facing down. •If you are not sure which fork or knife to use, start with the silverware furthest from your plate and work from the from the outside in. •The correct way to eat spaghetti is to twirl it into the base of a spoon with your fork. •If someone has requested that the salt and pepper shakers be passed, it is not acceptable to use the salt and pepper as it passes by you.

General Etiquette

•It is always better to over dress than to under dress. •Open doors for others, and if someone opens a door for you, accept it. •“Please” and “Thank you” are the still the magic words they‟ve always been. Everyone likes to be appreciated, and “Thank you” is the accepted way of showing appreciation. “Please” can turn a demand into a request and indicates an option – it can turn an unpopular request into a more palatable one. •Send thank you notes. Write a personal note mentioning your appreciation. •In making a proper introduction, you should introduce a woman to a man.

Business Etiquette

Make sure your first impression is a good one; the following tips can help you make the best first impression. Checklist •Your shoes are clean and/or polished •Your clothes are pressed and stain free •Your nails are clean and neat •Your hair is neat •You have removed all extra jewelry •You have the address and phone number of the meeting place •You know how to get there and how long it will take. Being on time is critical •You know the names of everyone you are meeting and how to pronounce them •You have a notebook and a pen that works •You are prepared for rain, sleet or snow, and your coat is in good condition Do the next five things with everyone you meet ad you are well on your way for success! •Look them in the eye •Give a firm handshake •Greet them- “how do you do?”, or “how do you do, Mrs. _____” •When saying your name, say it slowly and clearly •Smile!


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