The Rocky Mountain District of Key Club International presents: The 60th Annual District Convention, April 13th15th, 2012 Sheraton Denver West Hotel Name of Key Clubber: _________________________________Grade: _____ Division __________ Key Club of: __________________________________________ Office currently held: __________ Address: __________________________ City: _____________ State: _________ Zip: ____________ Phone: (___) ____________ Email: ______________________________________________________ Adult Sponsor (Required): ____________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: ______________________________________ Phone: (___) _____________ IMPORTANT, Please read the following: 1.
Use one form per attendee
Appropriate payment, should accompany this form. Additional arrangements can be made with the District Administrator.
__________________________________ __
__________________________________ __
__________________________________ __
I, as a member of the RMD Key Club, agree to abide to the Key Club Code of Conduct, if I do not abide by the rules I
Any registration received after March 30, 2012 understand that I can be excluded from this convention. Meals: will require a $15.00 late fee.
Saturday Kfamily Luncheon Meal options: Student Signature _____________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature ____________________________
Cancelation Policies:
(Check one.)
All cancellations must be made in writing on or before March 30, 2012 to ensure a complete refund. Any cancellation received after this date will be subject to the cost incurred by the RMD Key Club District of any guarantees/expenditures made by that date. NO refunds will be granted after April 12, 2012.
Check the following that apply.
Registration Fees:
Registration includes: 2 nights of lodging, convention shirt, entertainment, a dance, key note speaker, workshops, and 2 meals (K family Luncheon and Farewell Brunch)
Rooming Arrangements:
I am: ___ Male
___ Female
___ Key Clubber
___ Advisor
___ Parent
___ Builders Club
If no rooming specified, registrant will be placed in a quad; each price is per registrant. (Check one.)
___ Other, Please specify _______________________
___Quad: $192 ___Double: $237
___Saturday, Kfamily luncheon $33.00 per person
___Triple: $204 ___Single: $327
Adults may have single or double rooms ONLY. Desired Roommates:
If you are not attending for the full weekend, just for the luncheon or brunch, check one of the following and list how many seats you would like to reserve.
___ Sunday, Farewell Brunch $28.00 per person Total amount enclosed: $ ______________________