Rmd d16 courier september 2015

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RMD D16 Courier September Edition: Designing A New Year Of Service

A Draft For A New Year Table of Contents: 1. LTG Update 2. Key Club 101 3. Effective Service 4. Key Leader: A Test Of Character 5.Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play 6. Youth Opportunities Fund

Freshman vs. Senior Year With my senior year starting off, I’ve been busy, but I’m still fully focused on making this a great year of service. This newsletter is a How-To Guide to a great year. We’ll start with the blueprint of the year, learn a bit, and end with a fantastic product: A great year of Key Club Service!

Questions? Concerns? Contact me at 970-691-4666 or at rockymountainltg16@gmail.com and I’ll be sure to reach out in a timely fashion.

Key Club 101 What is Key Club?

Key Club is a volunteer leadership organization for high school students that want to make a difference!

Why Join Key Club?

Who do we help?

At Key Club’s core is service. If you’re going to become the best Key Clubber you can be no matter your grade. Follow these simple tips for fantastic service. 1. Try out all different types of events. You’ll be surprised at what you find fun and exciting. 2. Put the phone away! Why text when you can do volunteer work with a friend? Invite your friends to do volunteer work with you. 3. Never be without a task. Key Club will teach you how to ask what can be done. Ask event organizers how you can help them not the other way around? 4. Have fun! Key Club may be at service, but fun is really what encourages many Key Clubbers to serve.

Gearing Up For Effective Service!

Key Leader: A Test Of Character You know what’s exciting!? Key Leader, our Key Club service leadership camp, is only a few weeks away. At Key Leader, you’ll gain a foundation for everything you do from learning how to work as a team to what type of leader you are. Luckily in Colorado, we have 2 Key Leader dates: Windy Peak in Bailey from Oct. 16th-18th and Round-Up River Ranch in Gypsum from Nov. 6th-8th. Key Leader costs 250$ to attend; however, 4 members from each school can access the 1/3rd plan which makes your portion about 80$. Interested? You can register at http://www.keyleader.org/Find-Key-Leader-Events.aspx. Registration must be completed by Oct. 2nd in order for us to s know how many people to expect. Hope to see you there!

Nickelodeon, one of our vision partners, throws their annual Worldwide Day of Play on September 19th. With skyrocketing obesity rates in children, Nickelodeon hopes to get all children out and playing during this day in order to encourage universal fitness. Key Clubbers throughout the country participated in the event arranging activities and field days for younger students throughout their communities. Next year, be sure to get involved with this cause since they share a similar vision of universal happiness in our youth just like how Key Club Does.

Finding the Power For Service

The Youth Opportunities Fund Have a great service project, but lacking in the funds department? Key Club International has a solution! The Youth Opportunity Funds grant gives up to 2500$ to fund projects that will have a lasting impact in their community. Need an example of a project? A small Key Club in New Jersey saw decreasing literacy rates in their Elementary Schools and responded by starting their very own literary appreciation program that paired kids with Key Clubbers and provided them with books to read! Have a project like this one? Apply at http://www.keyclub.org/service/fund /yof.aspx

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