District Secretary News Hello Rocky Mountain District! I am Brayan Rodriguez the District Secretary for RMD and welcome to my first District Newsletter! You will be receiving a newsletter from me throughout the year with updates, upcoming events, and service projects other divisions participated in. A little about myself:
I am a senior at Bear Creek High and I have gone to the Bear Creek school district since kindergarten I have been in Key Club since Sophomore Year I met one of my closest friends through Key club I obsess over Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Friends I love reading and my all-time favorite book is The Glass Castle I LOVE FOOD
In this issue:
Important updates Division of the month How to be a successful Secretary
Updates First Update:
Second Update
Monthly club reports will be due the last Thursday of every month. This year we will have an award at DCON for the high school that turns in the most monthly reports. Along with the number of reports turned in it will also be judged on the amount detail included. I have included the direct link to the dues just click and fill out the form!
The Rocky Mountain Key Club has a new and updated look to it, have you checked it out? If not, I recommend you take a look and explore the new website! You can find an ICON recap and bios of the District Board on the website. Just follow the link and see what you find! http://www.rmdkeyclub.org/
Update: Key Leader is right around the corner don’t forget to sign up for this amazing experience! If you have never attended Key Leader before it is basically a leader ship get away where you will build your leadership skills alongside other Key Clubbers through teambuilding exercises and leadership roles. There are two sessions you are able to sign up for as either just an attendee or a student facilitator (you must have attended Key Leader once if you want to sign up as a facilitator). The Date of the two sessions are : 1. Windy Peak Outdoor Lab (October 16-18th) 2. Roundup River Ranch (November 6-8th) Follow the link to start your registration( remember the one third plan does apply if your school is able to provide it): http://www.key-leader.org/FindKey-Leader-Events.aspx
Division of the Month This part of my newsletter will feature a different Division from the RMD that I will randomly choose every month. For this month of September Division 16 will be the very first to be featured! Congratulations!
Division 16
Division 16 is made up of six schools: Estes Park High School, Fort Collins High School, Fossil Ridge High School, Liberty Common High School, Loveland High School, and Rocky Mountain High School. Division 16 is ran by one of the most dedicated and driven person I have come to know through Key Club. Division 16 is lucky and fortunate enough to have someone who will stay up all night to make sure he finishes his newsletters on time or finish up last minute details for meetings. He has become a very close friend of mine and I am honored to be able to work next to someone who has a passion for Key Club like no one else. This hard working Key Clubber and friend is none other than Justin Moritz.
Keys to being a successful Secretary Hello! First, congratulations on being elected as your clubs secretary! I know you might be overwhelmed right now with trying to figure out exactly what your job is as secretary. Don’t stress too much about it because every school is different in the duties the positions hold. I recommend you talk to the past secretary and give you all the information you need to be successful; if for whatever reason you are not able to get ahold of the past secretary talk to the past president! I will break down what International says the secretary’s general duties are; don’t worry if your club does not necessarily do all of them- every school is different.
Secretary Duties 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Club bylaws Key Club Guidebook District constitution and bylaws Key Club Timeline Minutes of all club meetings-regular and board meetings Committee reports List of committee chairs and members Club’s past achievement reports Club’s past monthly reports (please get these in!) Copies of the club’s current and past annual dues submissions Club roster having the following information for each member: Member’s full name, home address, phone, and e-mail address Date of birth Date of joining Key Club Committee assignments and offices held in Key Club Chief interest in Key Club work and chief interest in sports and hobbies