DIVISION 10 Chelsea Felton
September 2016
September How is everybody? I hope you all are doing great and that this month was full of beneficial things for your club. Hopefully new members have been joining your club and everyone is loving Key Club so far. So now I need you all to start planning and structuring more for your club. Hopefully all of you are doing well and continue reading for more info on all things going on in the district.
In This Issue
Key Leader
Fall Rally
Club Ideas
Key Leader Registration for Key Leader is now open. So please go on the Key Leader and register. It does cost to attend so get with your Kiwanis Club and school board to try and donate money to attend Key Leader. You all must be registered by October 10. So be sure to register before then. Key Leader Website http://www.key-leader.org/Home.aspx
Bring your stuffies Dues
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people
will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
September Issue
Fall Rally Thank you all to those who attended Fall Rally. Also I would like to thank Selena Hammer and Gay Hughes for donating food and drinks to the Rally as well. To those who were unable to attend Fall Rally I’ll just give a quick summary on what all we did at Fall Rally. I gave a presentation on all things Key Club. Then we played a couple Ice Breakers and enjoyed pizza and laughs for the remainder of the Rally. If you guys would like to me to come to your club and give the same presentation just let me know and I’ll come visit your club.
Club Ideas Next month is October and that means Halloween is just around the corner. Then we are officially in the holiday season. This is a great time for all of us to take advantage of the these great events of the year. Plan events and fundraisers around these holiday. One year for Halloween our club planned are Harry Potter Party. We played a movie and we decorated the room to look like Hogwarts. Also everyone brought food themed around the movie. It was a great turn out and the club made lots of money off the fundraiser. So any ideas the club has for the holiday feel free to do something fun for your club!
Bring your Stuffies The Rocky Mountain board would like you all to start collecting stuffies for Cuddles for Kidz. Once you start collecting I would like
you guys to let me know. So that way I can record and report how many stuffies your club has collected. So please start collecting now.
Dues Start collecting your dues now. If you don’t pay dues then you don’t gain official membership of your club. So you all need to pay dues. $7 will go to Key Club international and $5 to the RMD board. That’s only $12 dollars total You can add additional to the dues to go towards your clubs.
Ideas for your Key Club Ice Breaker: Eye death game: This game is easy and fun for everyone. No need for supplies or materials for this game. In a group of about 10 to 40 people put them all in a circle. Once you get into the circle everyone needs to look at the floor. Then someone needs to count to three. Everyone need to look up and look someone in the eye. If the person you are looking at is look back at you, then you guys are both out. The last two people in the game are the winners.
Need to Reach Me? You can reach me on both my emails.
You can contact me at anytime, I will get back to you within days. Also I’m on social media Chelsea Felton