September Newsletter Rocky Mountain District
Lieutenant Governor
September Events: Hello Division 2! The school
this organization has ever
year has just hit the ground
seen! In this Division we
running! Can you believe
hold the future leaders of
October is already here? It has
been a great month! Success is in our Division; can you tell? This past month I have had the opportunity to visit just about every club in our Division. I have come to the conclusion that we have some of the most driven members
The Windsor Key Club is a great example of how fast
Divisional Council Meeting October 22 at 2 p.m. at the High Plains Library
Pay Dues!
Halloween: Trick-orTreat for UNICEF
Thirst Project!
Sign up for Key Leader ASAP! (online at
Key Leader: October 14-16, Round Up River Ranch
Key Leader: October 21-23, Windy Peak
Key Club Week! November 7-11
November Board Meeting, Estes Park November 11-13
this Division is growing, they have grown from a small group of 7 Key Clubbers, to almost 40! What a great power service can have!
Fall Rally Budweiser Event Center The Fall Rally Hawaiian Luau
world together. I am so
was a success! Many people
excited for the opportunities
came from divisions 2, 11, and
that await this year. We are
16 to celebrate the with the
going to change the world.
spirit of Key Club! There was
Through this organization
plenty of food, officer position
we are going to make a
training and games played.
difference that generations
We were so thrilled to see how many anxious Key Clubbers there were hoping to find a way to change the