The Jac-Key- Lope August 2016 Governor Aliza Mitchell
Monthly Governors Correspondance
In This Issue: August Review & Reminders International Trustees Club Highlight: Aztec HS The Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, GA.- Home to the filming of the Hunger Games and The 2016 Key Club International Convention.
Club Recruitment Tips
Hello, Mighty Rocky Mountain District! I hope it has been a summer filled with adventure, friends and family, fun, and of course, service!
This whirlwind summer has brought about so many wonderful Key Club memories. In the past few months there has been some exciting news -International Convention, our new adult committee, our very own Immediate Past Div. 14 Lieutenant Governor, Audrey Dilgarde becoming an International Trustee, our trustee Jessica Bae- just to name a few. I am so excited for what is coming for the Rocky Mountain
Contact me!
District and am looking forward to the schoool year knowing even
Aliza Mitchell
more wonderful oppurtunities are to come. I’d love to hear form all of you lovely Key Clubbers. Thank you for everything you do; the world
is a better place with you in it!
(970) 618-6578
-Aliza Mitchell, District Governor 1
August Overview: • Kiwanis Distict Convention, August 7th-9th
• Board Meeting of the Rocky Mountain District of Key Club International, August 12th-13th
• Start of the Schol Year, and many 1st Club Meetings
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” -Rabindranath Tagore
Want to know more about our organization? Look to one of our Vision partners, Nickelodean, whose projects like Day of Play, encourage kids to get outside and play! Kiwanis family members are encouraged to get involved with Nickelodean’s projects.
Our Kiwanis Family One of the most impactful things about our organization, is that we share the K with our entire K-family. Our Kiwanis family connects us to people all over the world and is such a resource to the whole membership.
Kiwanis: Kiwanis, Our sponsoring club, is a club open to active and retired professionals in 89 nations, working to serve the children of the world.
RMD, meet our wonderful Trustee, Jessica Bae from the Pacific NorthWest district! Jessica will be assisting the District in bridging the relationship to Key Club International and voicing the best interest of our District to the
Circle-K: Circle K is the collegiate version of our organization, and another SLP (Sponsored Leadership Program) of the K-Family. There over 12,000 members worldwide. Key Club: Our branch of the Kiwanis family is the oldest and largest SLP. We provide 270,000 high school students in over 33 countries oppurtunities to serve their communities. Builders Club: Much like Key Club, Builders Club is the largest service organization for middle school and junior high students, with more than 45,000 members worldwide. K-Kids: K-kids teaches around 36,000 elementary students leaderships through service, and readies them for the many oppurtunities to come! Aktion Club: Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 12,000 members worldwide. There currently over 50 clubs. working to make their communities better!
international board. Welcome to the Rocky Mountain District Family, Jessica. We are so happy to have you! 3
Key Club of the Month: Aztec High School This month, I would like to recognize one of the Rocky Mountain District’s strongest clubs. Aztec High School Key Club, located in Aztec, NM, has attended a plethora of Events including 3 International Conventions, 4 District Conventions, and multiple Key Leader Weekends. Their 19 members have improved their home, school, and communities through a wide variety of service projects, such as a haunted house fundraiser and a kids movie night in the park. They have had a wonderful year of service, and recieved the Diamond Level Distinguished club award at ICON 2016!
Congratulations, Audrey! Our very own immiediate past division 14 lieutenant governor and member of Conifer High School Key Club has been elected as one of the 11 trustees on the International Board. She will be serving the Capital, Montana, and Michigan Districts in the upcoming year. She will be such a wonderful trustee, and the Rocky Mountain District is so proud!
Club Recruitment Tips for your first meeting! #1-Invite a friend. Although it may sound simple, bringing a friend to a meeting can have a profound impact. Our members and meetings will speak for themselves once we get people there! #2 They don’t call us pizza club for no reason- Providing lunch or cookies at your first meeting is a great way to lure people into what could be the single most impactful experience in their school career.
Aliza Mitchell District Governor
Krysta Couzi Lieutenant Governor div. 9
Olivia Becker District Secretary
Chelsea Felton Lieutenant Governor div. 10
Diana Antillon District Treasurer
Ashley Lai Lieutenant Governor div. 11
Ciana Buroughs Buletin Editor rockymountainbulletineditor@gmail. com
Chase Ramos Lieutenant Governor div. 12
Riley Junemann Lieutenant Governor div. 1 Emily Kingsford Lieutenant Governor div. 2 Charles Ludlow Lieutenant Governor div. 4 Jaspe Arias Lieutenant Governor div. 7 Itzel Antillon Lieutenant Governor div. 8
Megan Carey Lieutenant Governor div. 13 Samantha McGlothin Lieutenant Governor div. 14 Medhavi Goel Lieutenant Governor div. 15 Molly Cordsen Lieutenant Governor div. 16 Dawn White District Administrator 5