Howell County - Webb

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Home: Caulfield, MO (Howell County)

On March 6th, 2019,

I went to the Women’s Health Care Clinic for an ultrasound. After the ultrasound, the tech left to speak with the doctor, returned, and requested to check on my baby again. Once again, the technician left to speak with the doctor. I was nervous and 15 long minutes later, the technician asked if I could wait to speak with the doctor in the waiting room. The doctor greeted me and showed me to her room. Filled with worry, I remember her words that changed everything: “Now, I know this is going to be stressful, but you have IUGR, which stands for intra-uterine growth restriction. We need to send you to a hospital in Springfield, Missouri, to be monitored from there.” My heart stopped…I had so much to take in. My baby was behind in growth and not as healthy as an average twenty-sixweek-old. I went straight to the Ozarks Medical Center in West Plains and was monitored for what seemed like un-ending hours, until after midnight, an ambulance was available to take me to Mercy Hospital. I arrived around 3:20 a.m. and I saw another doctor which works with high-risk pregnancies. This time, the doctor confirmed my deepest fear and said they would give me another round of steroids in two weeks if I were still pregnant. Exactly one week later, on March 13th, the monitors were not picking up my baby’s movement, and when there was movement it was slight. Two hours later, I was being prepped for a C-section. JayLynn was born, weighing 1 lb 11 oz, and she was just 13 inches long. She was so small, but she was alive! After her birth, we knew we had a long road ahead. Living two hours away from where my baby was staying did not sound easy or possible for us. Thankfully, our nurses sent in a referral for the Ronald McDonald House at Mercy Kids, where we were able to get a room, and it was such a relief for us! The Ronald McDonald House felt like home to us, and we will forever appreciate it. We met many new friends and still keep in touch with them. The love, care, and support that we received from the Ronald McDonald House will forever be one we remember and cherish. We stayed with them for five months, and the stay couldn’t have been more perfect.


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