Creating a FOUNDATION for Children TO BUILD ON

In our community, thousands of children face a daunting reality: limited access to essential dental care. This not only impacts their physical health but also their speech, school attendance, and self-confidence. Recognizing this critical need, Ronald McDonald House Charities® of the Ozarks provides a lifeline of care through the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile® , affectionately known as the "Tooth Truck."
For more than two decades, the Tooth Truck has been a beacon of hope for countless children, delivering comprehensive dental care to those who need it most. At the heart of the Tooth Truck’s mission is a commitment to completing each child’s treatment plan, ensuring every patient leaves with a healthy smile.
Join us as we embark on a journey to transform smiles and transform lives, one child at a time.
Imagine a child’s face lighting up with joy as they proudly display their healthy, radiant smile. That’s the magic of the Tooth Truck, a beacon of hope for underserved children across the Ozarks.
At Boyd Elementary School, Sara, a dedicated school nurse, places the well-being of her students at the forefront of her work. Boyd’s student population is both vibrant and diverse, and despite Sara’s tireless efforts to address their health needs, resource limitations present certain challenges. This is where the Tooth Truck becomes a crucial lifeline for children in need of dental care.
Throughout her tenure at Boyd, Sara has witnessed firsthand the profound impact of the Tooth Truck on its patients, boosting their self-esteem and granting them the freedom to interact and laugh with their peers without reservation.
“They’re not just fixing teeth, The Tooth Truck is creating a foundation for patients to build upon, giving them the tools to own their future.”
-Sara Brady
One particular child’s transformation through the care provided by the Tooth Truck deeply affected Sara. This student, visibly marked by the aftermath of a physical altercation and enduring pain from chipped teeth, carried the burden of embarrassment and discomfort. Recognizing his urgent need for help, Sara contacted the Tooth Truck team, who, despite their busy schedule, prioritized his care.
Within a week, the student received comprehensive treatment, addressing not only his dental issues but also alleviating the physical pain that may have contributed to behavioral challenges. Upon his return to class, his radiant smile spoke volumes – the Tooth Truck had not only restored his teeth but also his confidence and overall well-being. His teacher noted remarkable changes, observing improved focus and behavior, a testament to the profound impact of compassionate care.
This year, the Tooth Truck visited Boyd Elementary in January, treating 22 students across 33 appointments and providing a total value of $15,949 in dental care. Nurse Sara emerges as an advocate for her students, displaying exceptional attentiveness to their needs. She goes above and beyond, reaching out to the Tooth Truck team to address dental issues any time there is a need. This year, she facilitated assistance for a family that didn’t speak English, utilizing Google Translate to navigate paperwork. Her dedication knows no bounds.
Picture this: a child arrives at school with a toothache, which can be a common occurrence. With limited resources available, Sara turns to the Tooth Truck for assistance. Thanks to generous supporters like you, the Tooth Truck provides essential dental care to these children, free of charge.
Inside the Tooth Truck, a world of compassionate care awaits. From preventive treatments to fillings and even cosmetic repairs, every child receives the personalized attention they deserve. The impact is profound –children emerge with newfound confidence and infectious smiles that light up the school hallways.
Meet Yrabella and Ynatalia, two extraordinary young sisters, students at Sunshine Elementary, whose lives have been profoundly touched by the compassion and care of the Tooth Truck team.
Yrabella, a spirited youngster with an infectious grin,
appointments filled with warmth and encouragement, Ynatalia’s journey has been marked by growth and resilience. With each visit, she not only gained a more radiant smile but also had thoughts of a career in medicine, inspired by the compassionate care of Dr. Sarah and her dedicated team.
Ynatalia received 2 fillings, 4 baby root canals, and 6 crowns, totaling $4,579 in value across 5 visits to the Tooth Truck. Yrabella received 4 protective sealants, 2 fillings, 3 baby root canals, 4 crowns, and 1 extraction, totaling $4,377 in value across 4 visits.
The Healthy Smiles Academy serves as an extension of the Tooth Truck, reaching even more children with essential dental education. Currently supporting 40 classrooms and engaging 665 participants, the Academy is growing rapidly, thanks to the dedication of their partners and supporters like you.
At its peak prior to the pandemic, the Healthy Smiles Academy had impacted nearly 13,000 children
Did you know tooth decay is the #1 childhood disease? Healthy Smiles Academy (HSA) aims to change that by teaching pre-K and kindergarten students the importance of regular brushing. Without programs like HSA and the Tooth Truck, many children would face unmet dental needs and unnecessary pain. The relaunch of HSA is already successful among 665 participants.
One special story: Trace, a student at Fulbright Early Childhood Center, struggled with brushing due to sensory issues. With support from HSA, Trace now comfortably brushes all his teeth, growing more confident and acquiring skills applicable in other areas of his life.
bring quality dental care to area children!
House Charities of the Ozarks in providing access to dental treatment for EVERY STUDENT that qualifies for free and reduced lunch, regardless of Medicaid coverage.
I wish to underwrite one or more treatment plan(s) as follows:
Plan for 1 child @ $250
Plan for 2 children @ $500
Plan for 4 children @ $1,000
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ease contact me about becoming a monthly donor.
ou may also make your donation by 17.875.3505 or online at
Your investment will provide more than FOUR TIMES its value in dental treatment!
Yrabella, Ynatalia, and countless other children echo the sentiment that the Tooth Truck is an indispensable resource worthy of support. Beyond offering dental services, the Tooth Truck provides hope and opportunities for a brighter future, evident in the transformational stories of its young patients.
Your support is also pivotal in ensuring the continued success of programs like the Healthy Smiles Academy. Together, we can combat tooth decay and empower children to lead healthier, happier, and more confident lives as they journey into adulthood. Make a donation today and contribute to something truly meaningful.
Join us in championing the Tooth Truck and making a difference, one smile at a time. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generosity and dedication to children’s health.
Provided in 2023:........................... 2,582
Dental Appointments
Provided Since 2002:................ 67,387
Total Value of Treatment:....... $23.6 million
With your support, kids can
discover the rewards of a bright happy smile. Ronald McDonald House Charities maximizes every contribution, quadrupling its value to provide dental treatment for children in need. Thank you for bringing quality dental care to these children, and for keeping the Tooth Truck on the road.
By donating online at, completing the enclosed form, or using the QR code below, you’re helping The Tooth Truck and Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Ozarks accelerate onto the hygiene highway to provide dental treatments to the kids in our community who truly need it the most.