The Impact of s e s u o H d l a n o D c M Ronald 345 Houses
Help more than 8,000 Families EVERY NIGHT Staying together at a Ronald McDonald House significantly affects a family’s psychological well being and their child’s recovery. Franck et al., Families, Systems & Health (2013)
Children and parents who stay at a Ronald McDonald House have a better perceived quality of life. Sanchez et al., Archivos Arentinos de Pediatria (2014)
Ronald McDonald Houses provide spaces for play. Playing with other children experiencing similar situations can help
children cope with trauma.
Nabors et al., Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing (2013)
Familial support and support from other families during a child’s hospitalization strengthens coping abilities. Staying at a Ronald McDonald House surrounds parents with an atmosphere of mutual support that encourages sharing between families who are going through the same experience. Nabors et al., Families, Systems & Health (2013)
Individuals report significantly higher levels of involvement in their child’s care and more positive hospital experiences when staying at a Ronald McDonald House. Daniel et al., Rural and Remote Health (2013)
The Impact of Ronald McDonald Houses Sleep is imperative to physical and mental well-being, particularly for parents who are already at risk for anxiety, depression, and other potential health problems. The home-like environment provided by a Ronald McDonald House allows for better sleep quality. Improved sleep can enhance parent’s ability to be fully present and involved, both physically and mentally, in their child’s recovery. Franck et al., Behavioral Sleep Medicine (2013)
89% of Top Children’s Hospitals
have at least one RMHC® care program. RMHC is the world’s leading NGO supporting the accomodation needs of families with children receiving treatment at a hospital. More than 40% of families served at Ronald McDonald Houses have children in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
27% of parents experienced posttraumatic stress symptoms several months after
their child’s discharge from a hospital stay, but Ronald McDonald Houses help their guests strengthen coping abilities by keeping families together. Wray et al., Journal of Child Healthcare (2011)
The Ronald McDonald Houses
in Springfield have a very important mission: to provide parents and the families of seriously ill or injured children with a home-away-fromhome as they endure one of the most difficult things a parent can imagine. Parents and families who must travel to seek treatment for their child face additional and incredible hardships— emotionally, physically and financially. For these families, there is Ronald McDonald House Charities® of the Ozarks. With two Springfield Houses (one near Cox South and one in Mercy Children’s Hospital), moms and dads are able to remain mere feet away from their children. Our two Ronald McDonald Houses have provided shelter and comfort to more than 10,000 families, only possible with the help of people like you. You have the opportunity to provide solace where it is desperately needed, as families help nurse their children back to health. When you “Heart the Houses,” you are instrumental in the well-being of seriously ill or injured children by helping their parents and families stay as close to the child’s bedside as possible.
Our two Ronald McDonald Houses have provided shelter and comfort to more
10,000 families
Your support ensures our families have a “home away from home.” A warm meal. A place to shower and regroup. A place to find support if they want it, or solitude if they need time to themselves. A place where the brothers and sisters of a seriously ill or injured child can express their confusion or fear. Most of all—these families need a comfortable bed just a short walk away from where their child is being cared for. These families need the little things that we take for granted each day. With your help, these families can find the strength to face the hardest of life’s challenges. They will persevere thanks to people like you, who “Heart the Houses.”
How to “Heart the Houses” When you Heart the Houses through our Adopt a Room program, you are giving the gift of hope. You are giving the families of seriously ill or injured children a place where they don’t have to be brave or strong—a place where they can experience the fear and sorrow over what their child is facing without censure. You are giving these families a More than reprieve from one of the worst experiences they will ever endure.
800 families
More than 800 families come to our Ronald McDonald Houses each year as are helped by our Ronald their child faces challenges no child should face. By Adopting a Room for 2016 in one (or both) of our Ronald McDonald Houses, you are sending a McDonald Houses message to the families that you are fighting their fight along with them. That you understand the heartache and fear they are facing, and are providing support by helping provide a place for families to gather strength, rest, and express their grief—a place where they don’t have to put on a brave face, so when they are with their child, they can continue to be the picture of strength.
each year
Heart the Houses by Adopting a Room and giving these families a refuge, a place of comfort and solace. Give the gift of compassion, and let these families know you are in their corner during their darkest hours.
Adopt a Room It’s more than a room. To thousands of families, it’s home. There are 47 rooms between the two Ronald McDonald Houses, and each of them has countless stories to tell, stories belonging to each family who has ever called those four walls “home.” These are stories of fear and sorrow, of relief and comfort. Most of all, these are stories of hope. When you Adopt a Room in one or both of the Ronald McDonald Houses, that is exactly what you are giving these families.
47 rooms
between the two Ronald McDonald Houses
From the kitchens where volunteers serve our families hot meals, to the dining rooms where families gather with others who are sharing their experience, the playrooms where siblings of seriously ill children can escape their reality for a little while, every Ronald McDonald House room provides the love and care our families need. We are expecting more than 800 families to benefit from our Ronald McDonald Houses in 2016. With your help, they will have a place to call home.
The Newberry Family
Lilly Anne
When Jenna Newberry first came to the Ronald McDonald House,® it was as a volunteer. Throughout her high school years, her family would serve meals at the Ronald McDonald House with their church. She never could have imagined that one day she would be on the other side of the serving dish—that she would be the one receiving generosity during a time of intense fear and need. Yet on a cold December night, when Jenna had only been pregnant for 27 weeks, Lucy Marie (who weighed 2 lbs 5 oz) and Lilly Anne (who weighed 1 lbs 15 oz) came into the world.
Lucy Marie
Jenna, a teacher in Humansville, and her husband Andrew, a pastor, knew their daughters’ stay in the NICU was going to be a lengthy one. And with family out of state, their options were limited. But Jenna knew the Ronald McDonald House was nearby, which provided much needed relief. Staying in the House allowed her and her husband to see their girls anytime they wanted, and to be nearby for anything that might arise. The NICU nurses and Ronald McDonald House volunteers became the family and support they relied on during a time of need. “We will forever support, and be blessed by, the Ronald McDonald House for being our ‘home away from home’ when our lives were turned upside down,” Jenna said. She and Andrew remained guests of the Ronald McDonald House for 66 days, saving them the 50-minute commute from their home in Bolivar. Lucy Marie and Lilly Anne, now six months old and over 11 lbs each, remained in the NICU for ten weeks. Their mom and dad work as a team, investing both in quality family time and ensuring that the girls each get one-on-one time with their parents. The twins are happy and healthy, sleep through the night and greet each morning with laughter. Jenna and Andrew are already thinking toward the next mom and dad who call the Ronald McDonald House home. They want to prepare family dinners for those staying at the Ronald McDonald House on nights when the girls’ grandparents can babysit.
When your child
is seriously ill or injured, the small things mean a lot. The big things mean the world. For the moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles—to the team of family members brought together in love and fear, your gift makes all the difference. You are bringing comfort to those who need it more than anyone. You are giving a seriously ill or injured child the relief in knowing Mom and Dad are just steps away. You are providing strength when strength is in short supply. By Adopting a Room, you are showing these families that you not only “Heart the Houses,” but you Heart their children as well, and are championing their recovery. The following trademarks used herein are owned by McDonald’s Corporation: RMHC, Ronald McDonald House name and logo; Ronald McDonald House Charities name and logo.
DONOR NAME: _________________________________________________________ I have marked the room I wish to sponsor on the other side of this form. If name(s) on recognition materials is to appear differently from above, please print:_______________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION (Choose One) Enclosed is my donation of $ _______________. Please charge my credit card $ _______________. (MasterCard • Visa • Discover only. Fill out info below or call 417-875-3505 for phone payment.) Card Number Exp. Date
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I would like to make 12 monthly payments of $ ______________.
I’ve enclosed my first payment. I will make my future payments by MAIL BANK DRAFT. Please call me at (____)____________ to make bank draft arrangements.
IF YOUR DONATION IS A GIFT OF TRIBUTE, please complete the information below. This gift is in
MEMORY of: ___________________________
Please notify: Address: I am unable to Adopt a Room. My donation is enclosed. To complete your contribution, please fill out both sides of this form. The following trademarks used herein are owned by McDonald’s Corporation: Ronald McDonald House name and logo; Ronald McDonald House Charities name and logo.
House Near Cox South Month
Adopt A Room The Adopt A Room Program is a great way for you, your company or organization to “Heart The Houses.” With your gift, you will become a Ronald McDonald House Annual Room Sponsor and your name will be displayed on a special plaque near or within the room. Simply complete this form and send it with your payment or pledge information in the envelope provided. If you’d like to contribute by credit card, call 417-875-3505. Online donations can be made at
Bedroom (14 available) Family Room Living Room Playroom Kitchen Dining Room (2 available) Family Living Center Office for Volunteers & Staff Assistant Mgrs’ Quarters Main Entryway Laundry Room (2 available)
Quarter Year $235 $700 $2,800 $835 $2,500 $10,000 $585 $1,750 $7,000 $500 $1,500 $6,000 $835 $2,500 $10,000 $500 $1,500 $6,000 $585 $1,750 $7,000 $420 $1,250 $5,000 $420 $1,250 $5,000 $335 $1,000 $4,000 $170 $500 $2,000
House at Mercy Children’s Hospital Month Bedroom (10 available) Living Room Playroom Gathering Room Dining Room Kitchen Computer Nook Office for Volunteers & Staff Assistant Mgrs’ Quarters Main Entryway Laundry Center Family Locker Room
Quarter Year $235 $700 $2,800 $835 $2,500 $10,000 $500 $1,500 $6,000 $295 $875 $3,500 $585 $1,750 $7,000 $835 $2,500 $10,000 $295 $875 $3,500 $420 $1,250 $5,000 $420 $1,250 $5,000 $335 $1,000 $4,000 $420 $1,250 $5,000 $100 $300 $1,200
TOTAL AMOUNT ADOPTED: $ To complete your contribution, please fill out both sides of this form.