Family Profile
Short Family Home: Highlandville, MO (Christian County)
Before our baby arrived in a whirlwind,
we knew little about the Ronald McDonald House. We had no idea where it was located, we didn’t know how to qualify, and we were clueless about their services. All of that changed when our 3 lb 9 oz baby girl gifted us with the opportunity to come to know and love the Ronald McDonald House near Cox South and those who serve so selflessly. Diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction just days before her spontaneous arrival, we were ill-equipped to bear the weight of a NICU stay. The open arms of RMHC allowed us to “live” just across the street from our precious little one for 18 days. Had the House not been available, we would have spent a great deal more time and money traveling back and forth to the hospital. We would have lost precious time with our baby - time that could not be gained back. The luxury of prepared meals was also a wonderful benefit we took part in often and the free laundry rooms saved us much time as well. The lovingly-donated gifts are cherished items that help us reflect on our stay. Finally, the staff and volunteers treated us with dignity, respect, and compassion in a stressful and difficult time. We are forever grateful to Ronald McDonald House Charities, and we can’t wait for the day when we can bring our little NICU graduate to serve other families in their time of need.