BeneďŹ tting
Mifflin Family
Home: Forsyth, MO (Taney County)
On December 23, 2017 our daughter, JoyAnna, came into the world weighing 6lbs 13oz
and was 20.5 inches long. Twelve hours after birth, JoyAnna turned purple, stopped breathing, and began having seizures. She was immediately transferred from Branson to Mercy Kids in Springfield where she remained in the NICU for 17 days.
It was such an incredible blessing for my husband and I to stay at the Ronald McDonald House, just one floor away from our daughter. A huge weight was lifted off our shoulders; we had a wonderful place to rest, a hot meal each night, a place to wash our laundry, and everyone was so warm and welcoming. We are forever grateful for the Ronald McDonald House!