2013 Tooth Truck Giving Campaign

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Join our hero, the bright and jolly

as he follows the treasure map to a healthy smile. But watch out, the nefarious

is trying to get there first! Being brittle and filled with cavities definitely puts him in a sour mood! The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile®, known to most as the Tooth Truck™, wants to make sure that kids across the Ozarks have the right map to a healthy smile. We stop at several points along the way to help Bicuspid battle DeKay, and we’ve pointed out plenty of places kids can carry on the fight!

We’re teaching children healthy habits and creating healthy smiles. The Tooth Truck team conducts oral exams, fills cavities and places sealants, one child at a time. And perhaps most importantly, we teach each and every child to properly brush and floss, ensuring improved oral health in the future. This year, the Tooth Truck celebrated these milestones for our program to date: • 14,800 children welcomed on the Tooth Truck, with nearly all receiving completed treatment plans • $8.6 million in dental treatments provided through 37,500 appointments We are only able to reach these significant milestones because of our community’s outstanding financial and volunteer support. With your help, the Tooth Truck will continue our mission of oral health, one child at a time. It’s an epic battle where the real treasure isn’t gold, but teeth! We’re here to help kids across the Ozarks keep smiling brightly. Join us in our quest today!

As the 2012-2013 school year came to an end, one family was on a mission to complete the needed dental treatment for their little boy, no matter the distance. The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile® originally saw six-year-old Gage at Willard East Elementary in March 2013. Gage had nine cavities during his initial appointment on the Tooth Truck, and needed four restorative appointments to complete his treatment. Due to his mother’s busy schedule, Gage’s appointments were scattered across four locations in the Willard and Springfield areas. Gage’s family transported him to Pipkin Middle School, Willard South Elementary, Portland Elementary, and Williams Elementary in order to complete his dental treatment! Gage’s dental needs included six composite fillings, three extractions of baby teeth, and one space maintainer for a total treatment value of $2,033.

His family was very supportive throughout the process. Gage’s older brothers helped by bringing him to an appointment, and were extremely encouraging throughout Gage’s time on the Tooth Truck. They were patient, cooperative, and well mannered. Gage was so happy to have his brothers with him, and they even helped him choose a prize following his dental visit! The Tooth Truck staff was so pleased with Gage’s good attitude and smiles throughout each and every visit. Although all of our Tooth Truck patients are wonderful, Gage was a special pleasure to have on the Tooth Truck, and a great patient to help us wrap up the school year!

ith your support, kids can discover the rewards of a bright, happy smile. Ronald McDonald House Charities® maximizes each contribution you make, tripling its value to provide dental treatment for children in need. Thank you for helping kids find the path to quality dental care, and for ensuring the Tooth Truck stays on course.


and Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Ozarks in providing access to dental treatment for the kids in our community who need it the most. Your investment will provide three times its value in dental treatment. I wish to underwrite one or more treatment plan(s) as follows:

____ Average treatment plan for 1 child @ $182

____ Average treatment plan for 3 children @ $546

____ Average treatment plan for 6 children @ $1,092 I would like to donate a different amount. I have enclosed $________________ .

PAYMENT METHOD: Enclosed is my check in the amount of $________________ (Please make check payable to RMHC.) Visa


Card Number:___________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________________________ Security Code:_________________ Name:__________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________ State:________ Zip:_____________ Telephone:_______________________________________________________________

P lease contact me about becoming a monthly donor.

You may also make your donation by calling 417.875.3505 or online at www.toothtruck.org The following trademarks used herein are owned by McDonald’s Corporation: Ronald McDonald Care Mobile name and logo, Ronald McDonald House Charities name and logo. The Tooth Truck name and logo are owned by The Tooth Truck, Inc.


Master Card

Ronald McDonald House Charities 949 E. Primrose St. Springfield, MO 65807

Credit Card

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