Travis & Nicole Hampton Family
Home: Seymour, MO (Webster County)
During our 7 years of marriage so far, we’ve endured some very difficult hardships as
parents. Our oldest, Cloah, was born via emergency C-section, and then we lost our baby, Micah, in 2016. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to try again, however, God had another plan and we became pregnant in 2017. We almost lost Cade in the first trimester due to a low-lying placenta, and I was put on restrictions until September, but on Thanksgiving Day I started leaking amniotic fluid. My husband and I immediately went to the hospital and were told that I would stay until either my baby was born or I made it to my due date. They gave me a magnesium drip to stop labor and steroids to speed up development for the baby. However, after three days of this, I went into labor again and it was time to deliver our baby. On Sunday morning at 12:14am, Cade was born at 4 lbs. 14 oz. and 18 inches long. They rushed him to the NICU and it wasn’t until eight hours later that we got to meet our baby boy for the first time. We spent six weeks in the NICU at Cox Hospital and thanks to the Ronald McDonald House, we had a place to stay. The staff was wonderful! They made us feel completely at home and would visit anytime we needed to talk. They gave us weekly gifts for Cade, including clothes, bottles, blankets and books. They even made sure everyone had multiple gifts to open on Christmas morning. It was a very blessed Christmas! I encourage everyone to give to the Ronald McDonald House. You don’t know what it means to a family until you are in that situation, and I know we are eternally grateful and will continue to do whatever we can for them.