Interview: Product Designer- Subinay Malhotra We are pleased to bring you our first interview with one of our talented students of Product Design- Subinay Malhotra. Here, Subinay tells us about his Education, experiences and achievements at Raffles Millennium International, Delhi Who is Subinay Malhotra and how do you fit into the Creative world? A mechanical engineer who always wishes to associate aesthetics with the mechanical products and presenting them in various forms of design. It is an amazing world of design where we live and we should create a unique lifestyle for other people. We need to observe and be creative in our thinking processes; converting demands into needs. What were the first influences which sparked your creative ideas? One of my ex-Raffles Creative Practitioner at RMI Delhi- Mr. Bruno Oro, a great Industrial Designer, who taught me the essence and simplicity of design, using a lucid approach.
How was your studying experience at RMI Delhi and what are the biggest lessons you have learnt here? The experience at RMI Delhi has been the biggest part of my life. At Raffles, we are taught in a creative and entertaining manner. This constantly cultivates one to improve himself. Moreover, we have the opportunities to work and learn from our Raffles International Creative Practitioners, who can share their experiences and that brings perfection in us.
Published in GQ Romania Magazine –Nov 2013 Plexus- Protection gear with aesthetic and utility
What route did you follow through Education to get to where you are today? It was a casual route, a simple life , and an Idea that followed my instinct. I do what I like and then make it the best. Limit has no definition- working with what I like makes me think and that took me here today but still, it is just the beginning. FLASSO-pour it store it
What advice would you offer to Design students to prepare them for the creative industries today? There is no advice. There is just hard work. Students are similar to buildings in constructions- There is still a lot of work to be done, before someone can come and live in the buildings. We should continue to learn and gather the most out of the professional knowledge that the Creative Practitioners in Raffles, have taught us. Lash-light attachment for spray cans
Published in Yanko Design Sep-13
Published in Yanko Design Sep-2013
After Raffles, getting your first job is a huge step for a creative student. What advice would you offer to help achieve that first job?
Which designers and creative people influence and inspire your work today? Mr. Bruno Oro, ex Raffles Creative Practitioner, an International Design award winner about 4 times and carrying a lot of prestigious design awards and publication, has been my mentor and the most influential designer I have been inspired by. Omar, a Mexican industrial designer – ex Raffles Creative Practitioner, also one of my mentors who groomed me further and made me understand the practicality in design. Cyble- spatial installation for parking bicycle
Published in Yanko Design Collateral -Oct 2013
After Raffles, getting the first job is not a huge step, as there is a lot of demand of young designers with professional knowledge provider by Raffles. We should work hard and follow the trend and get the best out of what is provided. We should just finish everything that we start.
What do you see for your creative future in 2014 and beyond? I love bringing out unique ideas and present to the public. It should be unique and out of the ordinary as there are a lot of product designers in the world. We need to work differently in order to emerge as the best out of the rest. I am still working and learning the latest techniques in the field of designing, reducing time and increasing productivity in a very creative manner.
Subina y : Crea tive designer, who thrives in cha llenging situa tions a nd enjoys working on deta iled projects, clea r thinker with exceptiona l a na lytica lly, technica l a nd interpersona l skills. Pra gma tism keeps me ba la nced a nd helps me being optimistic
Cassette Lamp-Casaviva Dec 2012