— The Future of Fighting Superbugs Help us overcome antibiotic resistance
The World Health Organisation has called the antibiotic resistance crisis a major concern and serious threat to human health.
With your support, RMIT is set to make antibiotic resistance a thing of the past. Unfold to learn how magnets could change the way we fight infection.
— Antibiotic resistance will cause 10 million deaths per year by 2050, overtaking cancer as one of the biggest health issues we’ve ever faced.
Research Lead, Dr James Chapman
Antibiotic resistance
a global crisis Discovered only 90 years ago, antibiotics have revolutionised medicine and transformed human health. Despite their life-saving properties, over prescription and misuse means they’re becoming less effective. In recent years, the biggest threats are highly antibiotic resistantbacteria known as ‘superbugs’ and bacterial biofilm infections. Created when bacteria attach to a surface within the body and congregate, the biofilm essentially provides a protective ‘home’ for them to thrive in, rendering antibiotics powerless.
“My experience on this project has been extremely rewarding. I have always wanted to try and make a difference in society, and working on a project that has life-changing benefi ts for humankind is exciting to be a part of. The team is extremely focused on delivering such outcomes, and as long as we are a team at RMIT, I think we will have what it takes to do so.”
— A world-first solution RMIT researchers have discovered a new way to treat bacterial infections. Led by Dr James Chapman (Chemistry Academic), Dr Vi Khanh Truong (Postdoctoral Fellow) and Dr Aaron Elbourne (Postdoctoral Fellow), the multidisciplinary team have embarked on a global fi rst, investigating the use of magnetic liquid metal nanoparticles as antibacterial agents.
—Dr James Chapman
“It’s a physical killing process rather than a chemical ‘antibiotic’ treatment for bacterial biofi lm infections. The nanoparticles pierce and shred bacteria cells, killing the bugs and disrupting the protective house they reside in,” said Dr Chapman. “Bacteria are unable to adapt or become resistant to a physical method of treatment, which is a signifi cant advantage over medication,” said Dr Elbourne.
— Future treatments “ When James told me about the research they were doing, I was sold right away and it didn’t take me long to decide to move to Melbourne. It’s an incredible project and I’m really invested in its success, because we could really change lives with it. I also want to honour the opportunity Dr Chapman has given me and do the best work I can for the team.” —Sheeanna Gangadoo, PhD student
The research team are excited about the ways in which liquid metal nanoparticles could be used to treat infection. With the high rates of infection post hip and knee replacements, the liquid metal nanoparticles could be used as a spray coating on implants making them inherently antibacterial once magnetised. There is also potential for them to be developed into an injectable treatment used at the site of infection. The team already has plans to expand this research beyond antibacterial treatment: ■ the nanoparticles could be used to treat fungal infections — the next superbugs ■ they could also be used to break through cholesteral plaques and battle heart problems ■ liquid metal nanoparticles could be injected into cancer cells stopping tumours in their tracks.
“ This work is extremely exciting. From our fi rst project meeting, I was inspired by the possibilities of what this research could achieve and how it might innovate infection treatment. Antimicrobial resistance has been a professional interest of mine for years, since I started my Honours research, so this is a chance to take my work to the next level.” —Dr Vi Khanh Truong
— We need your support Thanks to the generous support of the CASS ‘Contributing to Australian Scholarship and Science’ Foundation, the fi rst year of this ground-breaking work is resulting in exciting discoveries. Their faith in this project has made world-fi rst research happen and we are exceptionally grateful for their support. “ Working on the project has been one of my career highlights, both professionally and personally, and I feel a great sense of pride in our discoveries at RMIT. As a research scientist, you hope that your work will not only be innovative, but also that it will have real-world impact. This project has the potential to save lives and it could be career defi ning.” —Dr Aaron Elbourne
Now we need your help to progress this research to the next stage.
“The support of RMIT donors will allow this work to transition from laboratory scale experiments to a viable, market-ready technology. We can also give the PhD students (next-generation scientists) we’re training incredible opportunities to develop as emerging experts in the fi eld of antibacterial research. Growing this team is integral to continuing this work,” said Dr Elbourne.
Please donate today and help RMIT researchers change the future of healthcare. rmit.edu.au/fightingsuperbugs
Your generosity will play an important role in our quest to change global health and save millions of lives. Please donate today and enable our talented researchers to continue this innovate work. rmit.edu.au/ďŹ ghtingsuperbugs
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