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Dead Reckoning is the process of calculating the position of a moving object by extrapolating its prior locations and velocities.
What is the shared agency of human, non-human, and inanimate beings in relation to architecture?
What does architecture look like when we consider the ontological presence of all matters?
This studio is an exploration of a methodology that concerns both ecology and narrative.
Dead Reckoning starts with the surveying of ‘fossils’ - in a loose sense of the word - on a number of sites in West Melbourne. Students initially operate across multiple pocket-sites in West Melbourne by ‘hallucinating’ their findings of these ‘fossils’.
This studio is concerned with the relationship between the sites, and how this assemblage informs a geo-fictional approach. This is not a topophilic studio - it is both sited and siteless.
Our ecological trajectory can be dead-reckoned, projecting toward an ossification in our means of occupation.
Dead Reckoning will be run in concert with the studio “Bridal Shower”, with Laura Szyman acting as the mediator between the studios.
Hannah Zhu
Bryn Murrell
Laura Szyman
2023 Semester 2
Lower Pool
Mon & Thurs 6-9pm
A site visit will be conducted in Wk 1
Thursday 20 July 3-6pm West Melbourne in lieu of class.
DESIGN STUDIO: Dead Reckoning