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Works by Rohan Kalisch

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Museum of Me

Museum of Me

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This painting was actually a commission and was easily the biggest canvas I’ve ever painted. I remember having picked up the custom blank, obnoxiously taking it home on the tram, putting it in my room and just staring at it. It was strangely intimidating because I had no clue where to start, but it just happened.

Other side

This mural will always mean the most to me out of most of the pieces that I have or will ever paint. It came about when a couple of my friends moved to a share-house, and they got the landlord’s permission for me to paint a mural on their kitchen wall. The mural just reminds me of that whole day, listening to music, having a couple of wines and talking smack with them as I painted.

Good Karma

This was the painting that, for me, most defines the new style and techniques that I’d been experimenting with this year. I’m not sick of looking at it yet, so I’ve got it hanging on the main hook in my room. From a technical standpoint, it’s the happiest I’ve been with a composition.


Sharon Li

Sharon is a Chinese Australian angel who draws from her lived experiences navigating this sino diaspora to create characters and worlds that emulate this in a cutely grotesque manner. She works across disciplines, with traditional fashion practices as the main scaffolding in her work, but merges with digital art and motion design.

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