1 minute read
Works by Evangeline Hoare
Pyan Sone Mel Yangon
Pyan Sone Mel Yangon, written in “Myan-Glish”, a combined word of Myanmar and English, which translates to “See you Yangon”. It is a form of writing widely and informally used in texting in Myanmar. The video takes you through a route in Yangon, the biggest city of Myanmar that I would mostly use to get home in the evenings during my visits.This year, I get to use Google Maps to have the same experience from my home in Melbourne.
Video link : https://vimeo.com/459403130

A collaboration with a friend and student in Deakin University. Motivated by the story of Jonah from the Bible, who spent three days three nights inside of a "Great Fish" during a mission. How are we going to listen and serve our purpose in these modern times?

Video link : https://vimeo.com/460820665