VOL. 28 NO. 3
SUMMER, 2011
Loving Our Neighbor: Practice, Practice, Practice!
by Rev. David Meredith
In 1984, I attended my first General Conference in Baltimore as a seminary student. I carried a once-upona-time hopefulness born of romanticized sentiment about the church of Jesus Christ and our Wesleyan part of it. That year, our movement, led by Affirmation, carried a similar hopefulness. The child-like exuberance continues today. Some bring hope for acceptance. Some bring energy for changes. Some bring commitment to fight for justice regardless the cost. Some bring wide smiles and big eyes to make a difference. Perhaps you will go to Tampa, Florida for General Conference in 2012 eager that this is the time for your once-upon-a-time hopefulness. Unfortunately, there has been no “And they ALL lived happily ever after!” At each of the General Conferences I’ve attended, St. Louis, Louisville, Denver, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Ft. Worth, I have had moments when the warmedheart of my Wesleyan evangelical experience confronted the renewed exclusions of United Methodist institutional policies and practices. I haven’t been alone. Many of you shared them while crying on bleachers, screaming in balconies, chanting on sidewalks, and singing in jail cells. When the inner faith of God’s assuring grace meets the outer reality of denominational barriers, it is difficult to surmount.
That’s when the General Conference is like going to the dentist. It feels like a root canal. Why do I put myself through it? I’ve been convinced by the sign I see from my dentist’s chair, “Only brush the teeth you want to keep.” I want to keep this United Methodist Church and I want to help it become fully-inclusive of ALL people in ALL ways especially for those who haven’t come, have been turned away, or who have left the UMC, for those in our congregations at home, for the young growing up in our communities, and for those of many languages, cultures, colors, and faiths throughout our changing world. ALL still means ALL. I go to the dentist and General Conference for other reasons as well. It’s like teeth cleaning, a prophylactic treatment, which keeps the church (and me) accountable, cleaned up, and ready for another four years. In each quadrennial cycle we have had positive results from our preventive check-ups: 1) the formation of the Reconciling Congregation Program (now RMN); 2) successful legislative initiatives; 3) a decreasing size of the majority in opposition; 4) vibrant witness events; 5) same-gender weddings; and 6) powerful non-violent actions. General Conference preparations are also akin to daily flossing. I hate doing it but my gums are healthier at my next visit. The relational organizing of the past six years is our way of flossing. Listen to stories. Tell stories. Keep it up! Twice a day! We, and the UMC, are healthier because of it. The final outcome has often been disappointing, hurtful, and painful each time additional layers of prohibition and continued on pg 6
Love Your Neighbor
by Audrey Krumbach Growing up in small town Georgia, our standard reply to a dare was I-might-could-if…. This single word expresses bravado, fear, and a pride-saving request for help. When my timid best friend asked if I would audition for the drama club, I replied, I-might-could-if you will try out with me. When she said yes, we screamed in terror but both ended up with parts. When people ask if I expect the 2012 General Conference
to vote for full inclusion, I think, “they-might-could-if you tell them your story!” Love Your Neighbor is the fifth and final year of the Called to Witness campaign where we have been building relationships, perfecting our public narrative skills and organizing in strong teams. This year, the Love Your Neighbor campaign will mobilize United Methodists from across our connection to engage in holy conferencing with continued on pg 3 Summer 2011 • Katalyst | 1