2012 Fall Katalyst

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VOL. 28 NO. 3


FALL 2012

Biblical Obedience: Seasons of Transition

by Giselle Lawn, RMN Board Member I marvel at the details God planned into the transition from one season to the next. Here in North Georgia as we transition into fall, the diversity and beauty of the changing leaf colors from green to red, orange, and gold gives evidence of the transition. I find myself looking forward each day to brighter and richer colors. In our United Methodist Church, I find myself looking forward to the liturgical season transition from Pentecost to Advent and the beginning of the new church year. This is a season for me to examine where I have been, where I am, and where I am going.

In my own life, God has blessed me in experiencing the first part of my life as a man and now I am blessed to be six years into my transition experiencing life as a woman. There are significant changes in my life over these six years. I am no longer Southern Baptist, but a Reconciling United Methodist working for inclusion and social justice in the Church and the world. Ending the hurt experienced by my transgender and gender queer community that is caused by the lack of welcome and justice in our Church and society has become a priority for me since my transition. My sexual orientation, my attraction to women, remains unchanged post transition; however, it is now a samegender attraction. The discriminatory perception, position, and reaction the Church and society have to my attraction to women are profound and sad for me as I experience life as a woman. For me it is now important to advocate the

blessing of same-gender unions by our clergy and in our congregations. Throughout my transition, one constant source of strength and direction has been God and the welcome and love for all people modeled by Jesus that is my hope for our Church and world. Reconciling Ministries Network is in its own season of transition. Since General Conference, we have experienced a growing movement for Biblical obedience and faithfulness to the inclusive Gospel, inspiring hope in many United Methodists to “do the right thing” in the words of Bishop Talbert. We will soon bid farewell to Troy Plummer as our executive director, but look forward to the person God will provide to fill this leadership role in early 2013. This summer we completed surveys to assist RMN’s board of directors in examining its Strategic Plan to carry RMN through 2016. RMN has relocated to accessible office space in downtown Chicago. The five-year Called to Witness campaign has ended and birthed a new season of training events led by three new regional organizers who will empower Reconciling Process Coaches to nurture new communities. During this season of transition, I am drawn to a portion of the RMN Vision statement: RMN is committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by living out the Gospel’s teaching of justice and inclusion. As we live out our lives, may God be our foundation and inspiration as we seek justice and mercy in our Church and world.

Executive Director Search

by Rev. John Oda, Transition and Search Team Chair and RMN Board Member As many of you know, our beloved Troy Plummer will be stepping down as the Executive Director of Reconciling Ministries Network after nine years at the helm. Troy’s leadership successfully and effectively built up the reconciling movement in the UMC. He has been incredibly

hardworking, dedicated to innovation, and creative in his vision. RMN's Transition and Search Team is working hard to assure a healthy closure, smooth search process, and a healthy beginning for the new executive director. The job will be posted by the begining of November and be closed on January 14. continued on page 3 Fall 2012 • Katalyst | 1

Biblical Obedience: Draw the Circle Wide by Rachel Harvey, Deaconess

I grew up in the church. I remember when I “graduated” from the small, pink Precious Moments Bible to a sturdy teen study Bible. I observed early Sunday morning cram sessions with my Nana, Uncle Ernie, and mom preparing to lead children and adult Sunday School classes. As I grew, I also took note of the ways my own experience as a Biracial young woman in a predominantly White church mashed up with the stories I’d soaked up as a child. In college, as I connected with others who had an outsider status within their faith communities, people of different socioeconomic backgrounds, racial/ethnic identities, ages, sexual orientations, and gender identities, I realized each connection enabled the church to grow up in me. I moved from being one in a collection of outsiders to being the church I dreamed of through being in relationship with my neighbors. Last year my friend Brit Holmberg and I taught Disciple Bible Study at our church, Holy Covenant UMC, a Reconciling congregation in Chicago. This was the first time I’d intentionally

*LGBTQ Dictionary

read most of the Bible in community. For 36 weeks we journeyed through the Bible as a community of 12 young adults. Most members of our group hadn’t picked up a Bible since their Sunday School days and/or hadn’t grown up in the church. Every person’s identity was challenged by the text. Pacifists struggled with the violent acts in the stories, feminists and womanists rallied for inclusive language and many of us learned to reconcile what we thought/wanted the text to say with the historic/ cultural realities behind the words before us. From the complexity of our identities, a theme quickly emerged: welcoming the stranger. As a person of color and cisgender*, straight ally, this theme echoes in my identity as a Reconciling United Methodist and resounds in our movement’s actions. I am privileged to see glimpses of the kin-dom of God at work each day as the Associate Executive Director of RMN. Daily I get to welcome new communities living out the gospel’s call to welcome the stranger and be transformed by the act of welcoming. Through my eyes and experience, each conversation around Reconciling,

each relationship built during a reconciling process, and each vote taken to be a Reconciling community is an act of biblical obedience. These acts of welcoming are part of the long line of mercy and justice rooted in our sacred and historical stories. 518 Reconciling communities have taken steps to live out their welcome and 500 more communities are in the process of discerning how far their welcome will go; how public their love can be and how open they’ll be about their all inclusive vision for our church and world. There are thousands of United Methodist and Methodist churches around the world who are waiting to hear the gospel’s call to love all God’s children in a way they can understand. Will you help us reach our sisters and brothers who are currently strangers to our movement? If you have heard the gospel’s clear call of love to and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer* people and want to work with prospective Reconciling communities or join in the work of RMN in your Annual Conference please contact RMN at 773-736-5526 or rachel@rmnetwork.org

New Reconciling Congregations: Beverley Hills UMC - Alexandria, VA

cisgender (adj., pronounced sis-gender) used to describe people who, for the most part, identify as the gender they were assigned at birth queer (adj.) sometimes used as an antigay epithet, “queer” is increasingly used and re-appropriated as an umbrella term to break binary thinking and see both sexual orientation and gender identity as potentially fluid 2 | Katalyst • Fall 2012

Broadway UMC - Indianapolis, IN Dunean UMC - Greenville, SC Fairmount Avenue UMC - St. Paul, MN First UMC - Watsonville, CA Penns Park UMC - Penns Park, Pennsylvania Rayne Memorial UMC - New Orleans, LA The Western Jurisdiction of the UMC

New Reconciling Communities: Hospitality Group at Discovery UMC - Hoover, AL Nashville UMC: Social Concerns - Nashville, IN

Executive Director Search, cont’d continued from page 1

Finally, I would like to ask four things of you: •

Please keep RMN, Troy, and the movement in your prayers as we continue to move through this transition and search.

If you know of anyone who you believe to be qualified for this position, please let them know of the job announcement.

Please consider giving a financial gift to honor Troy's service. (see "Gift to Honor Troy", page 7)

Many of you may wish to express your appreciation for Troy. Please read the blue box to the right to learn how you might send your thoughts, memories, and well wishes to Troy.

Help say goodbye to Troy and Walter... Share your memories, stories, notes, pictures, and scanned handwritten notes for a special goodbye book project RMN's Board is preparing for Troy.

Transition and Search Team: John Oda (Chair), Tim Wolfred (Consultant), Bonnie Beckonchrist, Giselle Lawn, Jayson Dobney, David Meredith, Monica Swink, and Bishop Melvin Talbert. If you have any questions about the transition, please contact John Oda, revjohnoda@yahoo.com.

Email 3 words that describe Troy along with memories to: goodbyeTroy@rmnetwork.org

Send pictures in a high resolution .jpg format

Deadline is November 19!

Contact David Meredith, meredithdw@aol.com or Giselle Lawn, gisellelawn@comcast.net with questions

How Do I Say Goodbye?

by Rev. Troy Plummer Nine years went quickly. With excitement, I anticipate the February announcement of the new executive director chosen to lead Reconciling Ministries Network. Nine years ago, not many of you knew me. I was a pastor on staff at our Reconciling congregation in Houston, Texas. I had participated in RMN convocations and helped lead our local congregational reconciling process. It took a while for us in Houston. We thought we didn’t need Reconciling, but we now know much better the value of being connected to the broader movement. I came to RMN November 1, 2003 with a five year commitment that Walter and I agreed upon. Now, nine years later and legally married to my husband, I end my tenure with RMN at the end of this year and will seek new local ministry without the necessity of travel to accomplish the mission. I plan to be home for dinner daily.

There is so much to remember and celebrate about being in ministry with you: the increase of Reconciling communities and staff, coalition work, assertive strategic organizing, deepening values of an intersectional antiracist movement, generous donors, ecumenical partners, and launching international relationship building while recognizing our privilege. This indeed has been a time of growth in wisdom and stature. But what I cherish and will carry with me always are the many homes with open door invitations, the home-cooked meals, the stories of passion for justice around the table or at the local pub, the laughter that heals right in the middle of struggle, and most assuredly the deep trust of God’s love revealed to us in Jesus that you have shared and shown me all along the way. So wherever Walter and I land, when the new RMN ED calls for a visit, we'll respond with an open door invitation like the ones you extended to me. Fall 2012 • Katalyst | 3

4 | Katalyst • Fall 2012

Declaration of Biblical Obedience

We the people called United Methodists, repent that it has taken us so long to act. We realize that our church’s discriminatory policies against LGBTQ persons and our complicity tarnish the witness of the Church to the world. We value our covenant relationships and ask everyone to hold the divided community in prayer. We, both lay and clergy, in accordance with our membership vows to “resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves” and the higher law of the Bible which calls us to love our neighbor, commit to officiating holy marriage between two individuals and supporting these prophetic clergy in faithfully ministering to all. Alabama/West Florida Lisbeth Ash Laura Dachenbach Melissa Ernst Deaconess Nan Gordon Judy Jerde Dwight Kintner Natalie Meier Kasey Rice Anna Tew Alaska Missionary Sheri Whitethorn Arkansas Sara Knight Jo Ann Norman Balt-Washington Anne Brown Kathleen Cheyney Janet Edmonds Daniel Fisher Kara Ker Jerry Roberson Janet Smith California/Nevada Maureen Anderson Theresa Badley Albert Baker Lani Ballard John Bell Chris Braun Ed Burling Trudy Burling Mary Buxton Christina Capps Eric Carlson

Anna Green Ron Green Crista Harrington Mary Ellen Heising Robert Herrmann Alice Hoagland Jon Holm Jan Holman Patsy Hopkins Constance Hunter Steven Hurley Maxine Hybarger Ray Hybarger Steve Johnson Dan Johnson Linda Juhl Emma Korila Susan Kotila David Kotila Peg Lang Janice Lapp Donald Lee Rita Matthews Lilian McMath Jeanette McNeely Judy Meade-Silaj Pamela Milam Janice Miller Jean Mundell Rosalyn Munoz Jennifer Murdock William Myers Joan Nunn Akiko Okuno Lori A. Olson Ron Ouelette Ruth Oveland Ray Owen Celia Palm

Jesse Salem Patricia Salem Jane Schlager Rick Schlosser Kris Shakespeare Wynne Stagnaro Jennifer Stagnero Lois Stocking Elwin Stocking Marna Taylor Katherine Timmerman J. Lee Todd Lee Todd Susan Trone Tom Waldrop Linda Waldrop Winston Weber Phylis Weber Virginia West Hans Wiggers Charissa Willard Ann Williams Gareth Williams Sarah Williams Susan York Roy CalPac Diana Avery Rachel Banks Kay Barre Philip Bowles Sharon Bowles Barb Catlin Rosemary Davis Kathleen Lamoree Kae Lewis Janet McKeithen Janet Gollery

Jason Takagi Frank Trotter Molly Vetter Melinda Wollitz Frank Wulf Loraine Central Texas Larry Isbell Michael Rinebold Dakotas Angelica Laudermith Erin Lillie Desert Southwest Margi Ault-Duell Jane Baker Natalie Brown Susan De Simone Edwin Denham Elizabeth Fimbres Connie Gilmore Evelyn Hartley Gene Hill Mark Moellenhoff Doris Morris Scott Morris Matt Parker Chuck Smith Detroit Robert Hastings Kristi Henry George Jonte East Ohio Alice Cromwell John Henderson

East Pennsylvania E Gruenbaum Nancy Miller Kimberly Teaford Florida Tom Cullens Deaconess Nan Gordon Cedric Lewis Edward Miller Andy Oliver Barbara Greater New Jersey Michael Hertl Catherine Kanen Bert Morris Cyndi Stouffer Holston Randall Wright IL Great River Derek Benjamin Allison Chaplain Theresa Hunt Sara Isbell Tom Mitchell William G Myers Kay Romans Tere Tedrick E Paul Unger Judith M Unger Indiana Marlene Crowder James Evans Jr James M. Evans, Jr. Kim Liberman Alyson Mahn

Allan B. Jones Carol Leach Bobbee Lindstrom Allen Ricks Dwight W Vogel Linda J Vogel Kansas East Carol Abrahamson Dennis Dailey Margaret Gordon Jeanette Grenz Hazel Lauppe Sue Luttrell Diana McElroy Lisa Millham Kentucky Kimberly Condit Wesley Newman Mitchell Wilson Louisiana Anita Dinwiddie David Kennedy Memphis Kathy Barker Jason Sonnenfelt Minnesota Erika Donner Nancy Glades Judy Jerde David Jerde Judy Nelson Tyler Sit Linnea Sommer Judith WestLee

John Gooch Marcia Hawk Lance Lewis Patrick Moore Nebraska Charles Alkula Betty & Bob Dorr Robert Dorr Elizabeth Dorr Kathleen England Deanna Holland Diane Jensen Kelly Karges Betty Kenyon Amy Koch Jamie Norwich McLennan Andrea Paret Nancy Phillips Jamie Snyder Maureen Vetter Ann Mary Ellen New England Kara Ammon Vera Baker Susan Burrows Evan Dodge Jack Everett Marla Marcum Gary Robinson New York Kenneth Barr Jodie Clark Darlene DiDomineck Vicki Flippin Daryl Hunt

North Carolina david gibson Cynthia Russell Garry Singletary Julie A. Arms Susannah Bales Donald Cooper Deborah Cooper Amy Dinsmore Giselle Lawn Janet Lutz Connie Morris Mike Smith North Texas Ann Barton Cynthia Beard Wendy Campbell Charles Cox Peter Demusz Terry Heislen John R Huff Jr Rick McGehee Jeremiah Patterson Lance Ware Marsha Northern Illinois Anita Alcantara Allison Anderson David Beam Norval Brown Beth Galbreath Gregory Gross Trey Hall Rachel Harvey Patricia Haughney Erika Hundrieser Erika Hundrieser

Gwendolyn Northwest Texas (Lubbock Area) Deborah Bratcher Vince Gonzales Sandy Goodloe Craig Rutherford Oklahoma TC Cassidy Jeni Markham Clewell Mark Davies Steve Davis Kelcey Hardy Kevin Hochman Patricia Lenora Monica Swink Tim Wilkins Oregon/Idaho Dave Bean Babs Eggleston Carolyn Pennington Donna Swanson David E. Weekley Deborah Weekley Nadine Wiles Pacific Northwest Michae Brent Bingham Monica Corsaro Pam Gates Lisa (Lee) Hartman Robert Henre Katie Ladd cathlynn law Patrick Martin, Jr Kyle Morris

Cory Jaramillo James Jochum Bradley Laurvick Jim McKeever Maggie Roe Ben Roe Kathy Rosser Kathy Stroh S. David White Matthew Winkel South Carolina Wiley Cooper James Knowles-Tuell Anita Schuhmacher Kelvin Smith Devon Smith Joshua Southwest Texas Joy Butler Janice Curry Bob Eastlake Jean Eastlake Andrea Peck Philip Sageser Joseph Tanasi Jarell Susquehanna Richard Denison Seneca Foote Thomas R. Helm William Marlow Tennessee Andrew Fiser Joanne Reich J Peter van Eys

Upper New York Sara Baron Nicole Bell Douglas A. Clark Steve Clunn Olav Danilson Susan Davis Robert Eldred Amy B. Gregory Virginia Karen Beasley John Copenhaver Rebecca Davis Grace Newton Ashley Parker C. Rives Priddy Martha Taylor West Michigan Roger Ballard Sheila Bigelow James Eldridge Tyler Griggs Beth Griggs Elissa Laskey Faith Ludwick David Lundquist Rob Meredith Kathy Meredith Amee Paparella Fay Woolrich Karen West Ohio Michelle Baker Emily Borocz-Johnson Ben Davis Donald Deems

Cynthia Mahaney David Meredith Rachael Riggs Leyva Shelly Savory Michael Simpsom Cynthia Smith Todd Smith Deb Snow Sue Stutz James Summers Kristen Taylor Laura YoungLauraY West Pennsylvania Donna Burkhart J. Howard Cherry Tina Ciampa Jeff Conn Joyce Masquelier Wally Wells West Virginia Jane Ellen Nickell Stephen Peck Stephen Peck Western North Carolina Elizabeth Day Olivia Griffin Esther Megill Clark Smith Kathryn Thrasher Wisconsin Kelly Fowler Peg Gardner Doug Knudson Tina Lang Jane Prentice

Mimi Carlson Jonnye Cartmill Bill Cartmill Sue Cooney Michael Crow Carol Crow Paul DeBaufer Lynda Diaz Celeste Fama Dixie Fisher Vicki Gaugler

Nancy Park Jay Parr Bridget Parr Oliver Parr Terry Patterson-Hale Robert Petrokas Judy Petrokas Margaret Rose Michele RowlandBird Nancy Ruhle

McKeithen Irvin Lee McKlenshaw Patricia McRae Gregory Norton Sharon Rhodes-Wickett Mark Richardson Jeanne Roe Smith Franklin D Sablan Wanda Gae Stefansson Marjorie Suchocki

Shannon Hopkins Jeff Miller Tim Morrison Tom Taylor Nell Taylor Marge Townsend Amanda Trenton James Trimmer Melinda

Collette Mak Katy Iowa Jerry Avise-Rouse Charles Curl Jim (and spouse Barbara) Dale William Daylong Karl Giese Russ Husted

Rev. Roger Wolsey Mississippi Scott Crawford Sophie McNeil Laura Olier Renee Sappington Missouri Roger Cary Kathleen Ellis

Alan Mussen Charles Straut Scott Summerville Scott Tinker Jane Wakeman North Alabama Matt Lacey Jan Roberts

Ana Kelsey-Powell Ed Miner Troy Plummer Ermalou Roller Lisa Rothman Marti Scott Jenny Weber Shirley Weller Katie Wickman Brittanie Wilczak Wendy Ann Witt

Marta Schellberg Carol Waymack Rocky Mountain Teri Baird Jim Bangert Bryan Burrma Don Elliott Lauren Fortmiller Connie Grandfield Kenneth Harrison

Texas Bruce Felker Milton Jordan Loretta Rogers Loretta Rogers Violet Taylor Bill Taylor

Cari Floehr Karen Freudigman john garvin Jenelle Gross Reneigh Hamilton Mark Hiser Rock Hoffman Cheri Holdridge Betty Holdridge Michelle Huffman Patricia Lusher

Ryan Sdano Margaret Talcott Yellowstone Lyle Hamilton John S Lewis Amy Proctor

Add your name to The Declaration of Biblical Obedience and see who has signed at www.biblicalobedience.org

Biblical Obedience: A Conversation with Bishop Talbert

by Rev. Andy Oliver, RMN Communications Recently, I took part in a small group discussion with RMN Board member Bishop Talbert to discuss the Biblical Obedience movement. Here is what he had to say:

I never intended to lead a movement. As a Bishop, I needed to make some declaratory observations. I accept a call for us to claim our identity as it relates to the Bible, to speak truth to power, and decide that laws that govern LGBTQ persons and allies in the life of the Church are immoral and unjust and are no longer deserving of our loyalty and support. Those of us who believe that way need to declare our beliefs and start doing the right thing.

Fall 2012 • Katalyst | 5

Jesus was asked by a scribe, “Which is the greatest of all the commandments?” Jesus simply said, “There is only one God. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.” It is time for us as people of faith to live into those commandments. It is time to see ALL human beings as our neighbors. That is what I mean by Biblical Obedience. It is time to be welcoming to all people. Find ways in your congregation to say Sunday after Sunday after Sunday that ALL are welcome; a vocal expression that all are welcome in this place. It is time to be in conversation with individual pastors about your belief in Biblical Obedience. Tell them that you believe the position of the church is wrong, and you can no longer, with integrity, continue

to support the discrimination against LGBTQ persons. There are consequences to taking such a stand, but there comes a time when you have to decide to whom are you accountable. Are you accountable only to The UMC or are you also accountable to God? One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. As Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. argued in the language of St. Augustine, “an unjust law is no law at all.” When I sat at lunch counters during The Civil Rights Movement, I had to commit myself to non-violence as a way of life. I was prepared to offer my very life to draw attention to the injustices that were occurring. When we were jailed, the people in our communities came to our rescue. That is the very same response we need today. Your best strategy might not be to be a lone-ranger; your best strategy might be to go back to your congregation and talk to them about what is on your heart as their pastor. Get your people to buy into a strategy about how they as the church can move marriage equality forward with integrity and be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. I believe we are called to take that stand and invite others to join us. The Discipline is clear, you are to be in ministry to everybody. Clergy have a decision to make... Are you ready to put your future in The United Methodist Church on the line? If the answer is no, that is okay... Only you can make the decision what you are willing to lay your life down for. It is not a time to shame others into making this decision, but it is a time for a heart searching process where clergy have to come to that decision on their own. Clergy still might be at the point where they are willing to say that they believe marriage inequality is wrong even if they aren’t willing to officiate a wedding yet. Clergy have a decision to make. *** A day of Biblical Obedience is on the horizon. It is springing forth in every Conference from the deep South of Alabama to the great plains of Iowa, and from the bustling city of New York to the beaches of California... A Day of Biblical Obedience is coming. When that day comes, will you take part?

Reconciling Process Coach Trainings

by Rachel Harvey, Deaconess Do you want to help increase the number of Reconciling churches, communities, and campus ministries? Fall 2012 RMN began offering a new training to Reconciling United Methodists in the art of coaching congregations, Sunday school classes, United Methodist Women Units, and campus ministries through the Reconciling process. In our first pilot year, RMN is offering 10 trainings to identify Reconciling United Methodists who are ready to coach a prospective Reconciling community to take a next step in the Reconciling process. RMN has identified 500 prospective Reconciling congregations – we need your help to engage them in widening their welcome to our LGBTQ sisters and brothers. Each process coach training will include skills building around topics common in the Reconciling process including: complex identities, framing, steps of the Reconciling Process, graceful engagement, and conflict management. For a more detailed view of what a coach is asked to do, go to http://alturl.com/z96ia

Upcoming Reconciling Process Coach training dates: •

November 16-17, 2012 – Columbus, Ohio

January 18-19, 2013 – San Antonio, Texas

February 1-2, 2012 – Jackson, Mississippi

February 8-9 – Myers Park UMC in Charlotte, NC

March 1-2, 2013 – Hoover, Alabama

March 8-9 – Greenland Hills UMC in Dallas, Texas

Minneapolis, MN (date and location TBD)

New Jersey (date and location TBD) Questions? Please contact the Regional Organizer assigned to your jurisdiction. (see below)

Welcome to RMN’s New Staff Rev. Andy Oliver recently joined RMN as the Communications and Technology Coordinator. Andy and his partner Rev. Emily Oliver have two children: Liam, 3 and Evan, 1. Before joining RMN, he served as a United Methodist local pastor in the Florida Conference. Andy received his B.S. in Public Relations from The University of Florida and his M.Div. from Duke Divinity School. Connect with him on social media at www.andyoliver.me. andy@rmnetwork.org Regional Organizers: Southeast: Brittany Burrows has served local congregations as a youth minister and musician, and has worked alongside United Methodists in central Africa as an orphanage volunteer and schoolteacher. She is a graduate of the social work program at The University of North Texas and went to seminary at Perkins School of Theology, where she focused her studies on church and urban ministries. Brittany also currently serves as a campus minister in Texas. brittany@rmnetwork.org North Central and Western: Krista Paradiso is the student intern at RMN for 2012-2013. She has been passionate about the Reconciling movement since joining The United Methodist Church in 2006. She is in her third (and final!) year at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, and hopes to be ordained as an elder in the near future. She and her partner Michael are kept busy by their two year old daughter and all the fun of living in Chicago. krista@rmnetwork.org Northeast: Helen Ryde was born in the UK and moved to the United States in 1998 to teach at a residential treatment center for children and adolescents with psychiatric and behavioral issues. Helen also works part-time for a financial services company developing on-line learning courses. She graduated in post-graduate secondary education from Canterbury Christ Church University. She lives in Provincetown, Massachusetts with her partner Kate. helen@rmnetwork.org South Central: Laura Young is a partner, mother, outspoken advocate for social justice, and has been volunteering with RMN since 2007. She lives in the Northwest Texas Annual Conference, where her partner serves as the senior pastor of St. John’s UMC in Lubbock. Laura chairs the board for Perkins Lay School of Theology, and co-chairs Breaking the Silence: a voice for full inclusion in the TX Annual Conference. She was the Legislative Coordinator for Church & Society B at General Conference. She enjoys live music, Houston Astros baseball, and collects giraffes. laura@rmnetwork.org 6 | Katalyst • Fall 2012

Gift to Honor Troy

by David E. Braden Reconciling Ministries Network is stronger thanks to the leadership and dedication of Rev. Troy Plummer. In less than ten years under Troy's leadership, RMN has grown nearly 120% from 236 to 518 Reconciling communities. Our staff has grown to include an associate executive director, director of development, communications coordinator, and contract regional organizers who increase our professional engagement with the church and world. RMN now has a three-month operational contingency fund and loyal donors like you who sustain the growth and development of the movement. We are grateful for the passion and commitment Troy has given to RMN and wish him and Walter well as Troy transitions to a ministry where he can be home for dinner every night. Among Troy’s greatest passions during his tenure with RMN has been the growth in the number of Reconciling Communities and Reconciling United Methodists. RMN is at a critical juncture where our next phase of expansion is largely beyond traditional word of mouth referral and invitation. RMN needs to reach United Methodists and

their congregations who have never heard of RMN so that they might experience God’s inclusive love and grace for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. RMN’s board of directors has decided to honor Troy by seeking special support for outreach to 30,000 United Methodist congregations. We are launching a campaign to reach 30,000 United Methodist congregations to share stories about how Reconciling congregations save lives and how new communities can get involved in the movement. Will you honor Troy’s leadership with a new or additional gift above or beyond your current pledge and help RMN reach 30,000 United Methodist congregations? You can make your gift by: • Visiting our website at www.rmnetwork.org/donate • Mailing a check payable to Reconciling Ministries Network with “30,000 Churches” in the memo field • Giving us a call at 312-448-5303 (my direct number) We thank you for your consideration to recognize Troy for all that he has given to the movement these past nine years. Thank you for your loyal support of RMN!

Gifts in Honor and Memory of... In honor of...

All GLBT persons by Rev. Thomas & Jerilynn Daugherty In response to Rev. Charles Worley by Janet C., All UMC LGBT members by Nelda & Craig Brooks Rev. Wayne N. Thomas, and Lynne Gilbert Audrey Krumbach by Mary Dadisman Peter Robertson by Rev. Diana Marie Bohn Bishop Grant Hagiya by Oregon-Idaho RUMs Rev. Andy Stoker by Susan Cooksey Bishop John Schol by Baltimore Washington RUMs Rev. Donna Pritchard and FUMC Portland by Rev. Hastings Bishop Melvin Talbert by Dr. Robert & Gene Anna Hawthorne Rev. Dr. Jeanne Knepper & Rev. Marcia Hauer by Bishop Robert Hoshibata by Oregon-Idaho RUMs Deborah Maria and Carolyn D. Pennington Bob & Betty Dorr by Elizabeth J. & Larry Bady, Richard & Vivian Bruner by Rev. J. Daniel Lewis Donna L. & James E. Lightbody, Louise Mountford, T.C. Morrow by Emily Sama-Miller and Jay & Maureen Vetter Terra & Jay Amundson by Reconciling Uniting Ministries of IL In response to Chick-fil-A by Carol C. & Donald R. Spelman The Marriage of Walter Treash & Troy Plummer Epworth United Methodist Church by Constance L Adachi by David Braden and Margaret E. Carey Gina and Erick del Rosario Martin by Paula McCutcheon Troy Plummer by Iola M. & Loren L. Mullins Glen Hoffs and Tom McCauley by Darlene Allen Will Green for his dedication to full inclusion by Deborah Maria Hans Bard, Kelsie Simison, Keaton & Chelsie Wilson by Randy and Boni Bard In memory of... Hunter Mabry by John D. Copenhaver, Jr. James Vincent by: Carole Vincent, Donald D. & Judith K. James M Schwentker, Jr. by Rev. Robert & Richie Epps Chamberlin, Ellen Shaner, Ernest and Jane Bode, Julie Iwamoto, Jennifer Stephens by Susan Cooksey Margaret Whalen, Mark and Laura Wharff, Rev. Alice Ann Glenn, Mark Miller for sharing warmth & grace by Oregon-Idaho RUMs Rev. Dr. Karen P. Oliveto, Rosemary Steenhausen, Melinda Carter and Loretta Dahlstrom and Susan E. & John W. Baird by Sharon Rose-Rego and Tracy Francescone Sam Barefield Jr. by Elmer & Nancy Young

Fall 2012 • Katalyst | 7

Reconciling Ministries Network

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Reconciling Convocation: Save the Date! Labor Day weekend, 2013

Chevy Chase, Maryland/Washington, DC

Tell your friends Bring a group

RMN Transgender Extension Ministry

RMN went purple to call for an end to LGBTQ youth bullying 8 | Katalyst • Fall 2012

RMN Board of Directors

United Methodist People of Color

Bishop Sally Dyck welcomes the Board to Chicago, affriming all means all!

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