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The Dream Starts Here! JANUARY 2015 Poudre, Greeley-Evans 6, Thompson and Windsor school districts distribute the Youth Program & Activity Guide as service to students and their families. The districts do not endorse or assume any responsibility for the programs or services contained herein. Youth Activity & Program Guide 2014, is a special publication of Rocky Mountain Publishing.
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Fort Collins, Greeley Loveland and Windsor Schools
Program & Activity Program Directory YOUTH BY cATegORY 20
T Of eRTIseRs 76 lthcAre
School DiStrict tness School DiStrict page 8 Series, changeS The RMParent Youth Program and Activity is the region’s most complete guide to before and fLYeR secTIOn 50 Program after school activities. To promote your business or service to active northern Colorado families in Fort page 8 changeS Ail Directory Collins, Greeley, Loveland, Windsor and beyond, contact us today! Collins: Greg Hoffman, 970-689-6832 or greg.rmpublishing@gmail.com vices In FortSchool calenDarS For all other areas: Scott Titterington, 970-980-9183 or scott.rmpublishing@gmail.com cATegORY 20 School calenDarS page 58 BY Program AlPHABeTicAl 22 Directory 8 | RMPARENT | YOUTH PROGRAM & ACTIVITY GUIDE page 58
By category
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School districts full of choices
Find the fit at a neighborhood school or select among a variety of options K AT I E H A R R I S
n Colorado we have options when it comes to choosing a school for our children. If you’ve considered enrolling your child in a school outside of your neighborhood boundaries, now is the time to apply for 2015-2016 and, in some districts, to start considering options for the following year. Northern Colorado’s four districts offer a wide variety of schools, with a multitude of specialties, so that your child can learn in the environment that suits him best. Whether you’d like to find a STEM school with a focus in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; an International Baccalaureate school with a worldwide curriculum; or an alternative curriculum or online education that is right for your child, our local districts offer it all. Read on for a list of local schools and their specialties, along with deadlines to apply each year. Contact information can be found under each school listing, so be sure to call with questions or to schedule a tour before the open enrollment date passes!
Poudre School District
2407 Laporte Ave., Fort Collins 970-482-7420 www.psdschools.org Serving Fort Collins and surrounding areas Poudre School District: Parents interested
in sending their children to a school other than their neighborhood school should follow the instructions available at www.psdschools.org/academics/ educational-choices/school-choice and complete the application that can be found there. If total applicants for any school exceed available space for that school then an automated lottery system will be utilized. Families who have been accepted will be notified and given two school days to accept or decline. Families who are not accepted will be placed on a waiting list. Deadline to apply for the 2015-16 school year:
• Elementary: February 13
• Secondary: January 30 • Acceptance emails sent to families: • Elementary: Beginning Feb 17 • Secondary: Beginning Feb 2
HYBRID OPTION • Poudre School District Global Academy: K-12 (100-percent choice) • PSD Options Homeschool Enrichment Program at PGA, 703 E. Prospect Rd., 970-490-3086 ELEMENTARY SPECIAL FOCUS •B eattie Elementary: Gifted and Talented specific courses 3000 Meadowlark Ave. 970-488-4225 •H arris Bilingual Elementary: Bilingual Immersion School (100-percent choice) 501 E. Elizabeth St., 970-488-5200 • I rish Elementary: Dual-language Immersion Program 515 Irish Dr., 970-488-6900 •L aurel School of Arts and Technology 1000 E. Locust, 970-488-5925 •L opez Elementary School: Leader in Me 637 Wabash St., 970-488-8800 •O lander School for Project-Based Learning 3401 Auntie Stone St. 970-488-8410 •P utnam Elementary School of Science 1400 Maple St., 970-488-7700 •S hepardson Elementary School: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) 1501 Springwood Dr. 970-488-4525 •T avelli Elementary: Science, Technology Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) 1118 Miramont Dr., 970-488-6725 •T imnath Elementary School: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) 3909 Main St., Timnath 970-488-6825
CORE KNOWLEDGE CURRICULUM •B auder Elementary 2345 W. Prospect Rd. 970-488-4150 •B ethke Elementary 5100 School House Dr. 970-488-4300 •K inard Core Knowledge Middle School (100-percent choice) 3002 E. Trilby Rd., 970-488-5400 •O ’Dea Core Knowledge Elementary 312 Princeton Rd., 970-488-4450 •T raut Core Knowledge Elementary (100-percent choice) 2515 Timberwood Dr. 970-488-7500 •Z ach Core Knowledge Elementary 3715 Kechter Rd., 970-488-5100 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) •B ennett IB World School Elementary 1125 Bennett Rd., 970-488-4750 •C ache La Poudre Elementary 3511 W. Co. Rd. 54G 970-488-7600 •C ache La Poudre Middle School 3515 W. Co. Rd. 54G 970-488-7400 •D unn IB World School Elementary 501 S. Washington Ave. 970-488-4825 •L esher IB World Middle School (Offers bilingual immersion for incoming Harris students and qualifying bilingual Lesher students) School-wide with an honors track 1400 Stover St., 970-472-3800 •L incoln IB World Middle School 1600 W. Lancer Dr., 970-488-5700 •M cGraw IB World School Elementary 4800 Hinsdale Dr., 970-488-8335 •P oudre High School 201 Impala Dr., 970-488-6011 •R iffenburgh Elementary 1320 E. Stuart St., 970-488-7935 NON-TRADITIONAL, EXPEDITIONARY LEARNING •L ab School for Creative Learning: K-8 1905 Orchard Pl., 970-488-8260
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•P olaris Expeditionary Learning
School: 6-12 1905 Orchard Pl., 970-488-8260
COMPREHENSIVE MIDDLE SCHOOLS •B levins Middle School 2102 S. Taft Hill Rd. 970-488-4000 •B oltz Middle School 720 Boltz Dr., 970-472-3700 •C ache la Poudre Middle School 3511 W. County Rd., Laporte 970-488-7400 •K inard Core Knowledge Middle School 5400 Ziegler Rd., 970-488-5400 •L esher Middle School 1400 Stover St., 970-472-3800 •P reston Middle School 4901 Corbett Dr., 970-488-7300 •W ebber Middle School 4201 Seneca St., 970-488-7800 •W ellington Middle School 4001 Wilson Ave., Wellington, 970-488-6600 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS • F ort Collins High School 3400 Lambkin Way, 970-488-8021 •F ossil Ridge High School 5400 Ziegler Rd.,970-488-6260 •P oudre High School 201 Impala Dr., 970-488-6011 •R ocky Mountain High School 1300 W. Swallow Rd. 970-488-7023 AP AND POST-SECONDARY COLLEGE CREDIT CLASSES: •O ffered at all PSD senior high schools ALTERNATIVE SECONDARY PROGRAMS •C entennial High School 330 E. Laurel, 970-488-4940 •P oudre Community Academy 2540 Laporte Ave., 970-490-3295 •T een Parenting 3400 Lambkin Way, 970-488-8220 •P athway After Hours: Offered to Poudre High School students who have withdrawn from class. All work is self-paced. •A ll high schools: Credit recovery for students failing courses CHARTER SCHOOLS •F ort Collins Montessori School 12 | RMPARENT
1900 S. Taft Hill Rd. 970-631-8612 •L iberty Common 1725 Sharp Point Dr., 970-482-9800 •M ountain Sage Community School 2310 East Prospect Rd. Ste. A 970-568-5456 •R idgeview Classical 1800 S. Lemay Ave., 970-494-4620 •T .R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge: K-8, www.tpaak.org 4512 McMurry, 970-226-2800 FORT COLLINS PRIVATE SCHOOLS •B eebe Christian School: K-8 www.beebechristianschool.org 821 W. Lake ,970-482-4409 •C ornerstone Christian School: 4-12 www.cornerstone-fortcollins.org/ index.html 419 Starling St.,970-691-5210 •D iscovery Montessori School: Pre-K-6 www.discoverymontessori.net/ 225 E. Skyway Dr., 970-223-2445 •F ront Range Baptist Academy: Pre-K-12 www.frbacademy.org 625 E. Harmony, 970-223-2173
•H eritage Christian Academy:
Pre-K-12 www.HeritageChristian.info 2506 Zurich 970-494-1022 •R ivendell School: Pre-K-6 www.rivendell-school.org 1800 E. Prospect Rd. 970-493-9052 •S t. Joseph’s Catholic School: Pre-K-8 www.stjosephschoolfortcollins.org/ 127 N. Howes, 970-484-1171
Thompson Valley School District
800 S. Taft, Loveland Mailing address: 2890 N. Monroe, Loveland 80537, 970-613-5000 www.thompsonschools.org Serving Loveland, Berthoud and Fort Collins
The district chooses which schools will be available for choice/open enrollment based on available space, staff, and accommodations. The list of choice and open enrollment schools for 2015-16 can be found online at www.thompsonschools.org/Open Enrollment.
School programs defined
Many educational choices await students in northern Colorado, but deciphering them is sometimes a challenge. Definitions to common terms are below. Core Knowledge: Stresses cumulative learning year to year through a specific outline of curriculum for each grade level. The goal is to prevent repetition and holes in learning from one grade level to the next. Learn more at http:// coreknowledge.org/about-the-curriculum. International Baccalaureate (IB): IB World Schools teach curriculum that is recognized worldwide, and promote compassion and curiosity with the goal of creating a better world. See www.ibo.org/index.cfm for more information. Non-traditional/Experience Based: These schools offer smaller class sizes and handson learning. Students complete portfolios of work rather than completing assignments for grades. Magnet/Lab School: These schools offer traditional curriculum while allowing students interested in the school’s special focus to pursue it to a greater depth. Many magnet schools integrate their magnet focus into all subjects.
Advanced Placement/College Credit: These are intense courses designed to prepare students for higher education, boost college applications, and in some cases transfer as college credits. Alternative Program/School: Specialized assistance for students requiring non-traditional learning environments. Charter School: These schools are publicly funded but operate separately from public schools. They are designed to provide unique educational opportunities and held accountable through monitoring of academic results. See www.nea.org/home/16332. htm for more information. Private School: Private schools are funded primarily through tuition, rather than relying on public tax dollars, and therefore choose their own educational methods.
•L oveland High School:
Entrepreneurship Program
•M ountain View High School: 1:1
Device Program; Entrepreneurship Program; Loveland area Integrated School of the Arts (LISA); Project Lead the Way Pre-Engineering Program 3500 Mountain Lion Dr. 970-613-7800 •P onderosa Elementary School: Global Studies Focus 4550 Florence Dr. Loveland 970-679-9500 • Th ompson Valley High School: Agriculture Education Pathways Program; Engineering Your World Program; Entrepreneurship Program 1669 Eagle Dr., 970-613-7900 •T urner Middle School: Math Focus 950 Massachusetts Ave., Berthoud, 970-613-7400 The deadline to apply for school of choice is mid-December each year. Acceptance notification begins in mid-January. The open enrollment window for kindergarten will remain open until February. CORE KNOWLEDGE CURRICULUM •N ew Vision Charter Core Knowledge 2366 E. 1st St., 970-593-6828 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) •C oyote Ridge Elementary School (application process) 7115 Avondale Rd., Fort Collins, 970-613-5800 •L oveland High School 920 W. 29th St., 970-613-5200 •L ucile Erwin, IB (application process) 4700 Lucerne Ave., 970-613-7600 NON-TRADITIONAL PROGRAM •E xplore, Engage, Expand (E3) E3 gives K-12 students the option to receive credit for learning about a topic not taught in district curriculum. http://e3learning.co/ MAGNET AND LAB SCHOOLS •B erthoud High School: Agriculture Education Pathways Program; Project Lead the Way Pre-Engineering 14 | RMPARENT
Program; STEM focus program 850 Spartan Ave., Berthoud 970-613-7700 •B .F. Kitchen Elementary School: Health and Wellness Focus 915 Deborah Ave., 970-613-5500 •B ig Thompson Elementary: Nature and Science Focus 7702 W. Hwy. 34, 970-613-5600 •B ill Reed Middle School: Loveland Area Integrated School for the Arts (LISA) 370 W. 4th St., 970-613-7200 •C arrie Martin Elementary School: Leader in Me School 4129 Joni Ln., 970-613-5700 •C onrad Ball Middle School: 1:1 Device Program 2660 N. Monroe Ave. 970-613-7300 •G arfield Elementary School: Loveland Area Integrated School for the Arts (LISA) 720 Colorado Ave., 970-613-6000 • I vy Stockwell Elementary School: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 175 5th St. Berthoud 970-613-6100 •L aurene Edmondson Elementary School: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 307 W. 49th St. Loveland
ADVANCED PLACEMENT •B erthoud High School 850 Spartan Ave., Berthoud, 970613-7200 •L oveland High School 920 W. 29th St., 970-613-5200 •M ountain View High School 3500 Mountain Lion Dr. 970-613-7800 • Th ompson Online 970-613-5000 • Th ompson Valley High School 1669 Eagle Drive, 970-613-7900 CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT/ASCENT Concurrent enrollment in college courses gives students the opportunity to graduate from high school with college credits. The cost of tuition is paid by Thompson School District at community college rates. ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS •F erguson High School 1101 Hilltop Dr., 970-613-5300 • Th ompson Online 970-613-5000 CREDIT RECOVERY Credit recovery allows students in grades 9-12 who have failed a class required for graduation to make up those credits. •L oveland/Berthoud Enrichment Access Program (LEAP)
Ride where motorists can see you and Remember to ride WITH traffic
Call Traffic Operations for more information on the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program.
LEAP provides enrichment for homeschooled students grades K-12. 970-203-5489, www.tsdleap.org •S econdary Options for Achievement Resulting in Success (SOARS) 970-613-5300 SOARS provides an alternative for high school students who need support in completing graduation requirements. The high school curriculum is also available to homeschooled students through SOARS. CHARTER SCHOOLS •L oveland Classical School: K-12 3835 SW 14th St., 970-670-0527 •N ew Vision Charter Core Knowledge 2366 E. 1st St., 970-593-6828 LOVELAND PRIVATE SCHOOLS •C ampion Academy: 9-12 www.campion.net 300 SW 42nd St., 970-667-5592 Immanuel Lutheran School: Pre-K-8 http://school.immanuelloveland.org 4650 Sunview Dr., 970-667-7606 •L oveland Protestant Reformed Christian School: K-9 http://lovelandprcs.org 705 E. 57th St., 970-667-9289 •R esurrection Christian School: K-12, www.rcschool.org, 6508 E. Crossroads Blvd., 970-612-0674 •S t. John’s Catholic School: Pre-K-8 www.school.saintjohns.net 1730 W. 12th, 970-635-5830
choice each year is December 18th. Notification of acceptance begins early March. INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB): • I B Diploma Program at Greeley West High School 2401 35th Ave. Greeley 970-348-5400 • I B Middle Years Program at John Evans Middle School 2900 15th Ave., 970-348-3600 MAGNET SCHOOLS AND CAREER PATHWAYS •A cademy of Engineering at Northridge High School 100 71st Ave., 970-348-5200 •A griculture Career Pathways at Greeley West High School 2401 35th Ave.,970-348-5400 •B ella Romero Academy of Applied Science K-8 K-3 Campus: 614 East 20th St., 970-348-1400, 4-8 Campus: 1400 East 20th St. 970-348-2500 •C happelow Arts Literacy: K-8 Magnet School 2001 34th St., Evans 970-348-1200
Greeley-Evans School District 6 1025 9th Ave., Greeley 970-348-6000 www.greeleyschools.org Serving Greeley and Evans
Families interested in choice/open enrollment should stop by the school office or by the central administration office at 1025 9th Ave., Greeley for more information. Applications will be accepted providing the requested school is not already at or above capacity, and providing that any special needs can be met for the applying student. For more information visit http://heiman.greeleyschools.org/ domain/832. The deadline to apply for school of 16 | RMPARENT
•C riminal Justice Academy at Gree-
ley West High School 2401 35th Ave. 970-348-5400 •C ulinary Arts Career Pathway at Northridge High School 100 71st Ave. 970-348-5200 and Greeley West High School 2401 35th Ave. 970-348-5400 •E ntrepreneurial Career Pathway at Greeley West High School 2401 35th Ave. 970-348-5400 •H ealth Science Academy at Greeley Central High School 1515 14th Ave. 970-348-5000 • I nternational Baccalaureate at Greeley West High School 2401 35th Ave., 970-348-5400 • J unior Marine Corps Reserve Officer Training Corps at Northridge High School 100 71st Ave. 970-348-5200 •P erforming and Visual Arts Magnet at Greeley Central High School 1515 14th Ave. 970-348-5000
Pre-K-12, www.dayspringeagles.org 3734 W. 20th, 970-330-1151 •S t. Mary Catholic School: K-8 www.stmarycs.net 2351 22nd Ave., 970-353-8100 •T rinity Lutheran Day School: K-8 3000 35th Ave. 970-330-2485
Weld RE-4 School District 1020 Main St., Windsor, 970-686-8000 www.weldre4.k12.co.us Serving Greeley, Severance and Windsor
•S cience, Technology and Math
Magnet at Northridge High School 100 71st Ave. 970-348-5200 •T eacher Prep Career Pathway at Northridge High School 100 71st Ave. 970-348-5200 ADVANCED PLACEMENT •G reeley Central High School 1515 14th Ave. 970-348-5000 •G reeley West High School 2401 35th Ave. 970-348-5400 •N orthridge High School 100 71st Ave. 970-348-5200 •E ngage Online Academy 1424 13th Ave. 970-348-6003 CONCURRENT/DUAL COLLEGE CREDIT CLASSES (WITH UNC AND AIMS) •G reeley Central High School 1515 14th Ave., 970-348-5000 •G reeley West High School 2401 35th Ave. 970-348-5400 • J efferson High School 1315 4th Ave., 970-348-1600 •N orthridge High School 100 71st Ave. 970-348-5200 18 | RMPARENT
ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS: •G reeley-Evans Alternative Program (GAP) 1113 10th Ave., 970-348-4900 • J efferson High School 1315 4th Ave., 970-348-1600 ONLINE K-12 SCHOOL •E ngage Online Academy 1424 13th Ave., 970-348-1050 CHARTER SCHOOLS •F rontier Charter Academy: K-12 K-5: 2560 W. 29th St. 970-330-1780, 6-12: 6530 16th St. 970-339-9153 •S alida del Sol Academy 111 26th St., 970-397-3308 •U nion Colony Elementary School 1051 29th St. Evans 970-673-4997 •U nion Colony Preparatory School: 6-12, 2000 Clubhouse Dr. 970-673-4546 •U niversity Schools: K-12 6525 W. 18th St., 970-330-2221 •W est Ridge Academy: K-9 6200 W. 20th St., 970-330-3671 GREELEY PRIVATE SCHOOLS •A dventist Christian School: K-8 http://greeley22.adventistschool connect.org/ 612 23rd Ave., 970-353-2770 •D ayspring Christian School:
Families should visit any school office or the district office located at 1020 Main St., Windsor to pick up a choice/open enrollment form. For more information visit www.weldre4.k12.co.us/modules/ cms/pages.phtml?pageid=50912&sessionid=1ba00e3d422fd526384c09bc3d46e8f9. The deadline to apply for the 20152016 school year for in-district students was March 1, 2014. Deadline to apply for out-of-district students is October 1 each year. Applications will be reviewed in March and July, and families are advised to get their applications in early if possible. ELEMENTARY SPECIAL FOCUS •S kyview Elementary: Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) 1000 Stone Mountain Dr. Windsor, 970-686-8500 CORE KNOWLEDGE CURRICULUM •W indsor Charter Academy: K-8 680 Academy Ct., Windsor 970-674-5020 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) •R ange View Elementary (IB candidate) 700 Ponderosa Dr., Severance 970-674-6000 ADVANCED PLACEMENT AND COLLEGE CREDIT CLASSES •W indsor High School 1100 Main St., Windsor 970-686-8100 CHARTER SCHOOLS: •W indsor Charter Academy: K-8 680 Academy Ct., Windsor 970-674-5020
ins g e b 15 0 2 l l a F or f n o i t a tr s i g Re
th 0 2 ry a u r b Fe
Program and Activity Guide 2015 Academics (AC), Arts (AR), Athletics (AT), Before School (BS), After School (AS), Day Camps (DC), Residential Camps (RC), Clubs/Organizations (CO)
D I R EC T O RY ACADEMICS Bee Family Centennial Farm Museum Camp Invention Children’s Speech Therapy Center Discovery Montessori Discovery Science Center Garbage Garage Education Center Latin Classes & Latin Club Little Bear’s Child Care Math Tutoring Our Global Village Museum Poudre River Public Library Districts Science Toy Magic Speech-Language Clinic Spring Creek School The Reading Clinic The Reading Place TR Paul Academy Tutor Doctor UNC Las Chicas de Matematicas UNC Leadership Enrichment Program UNC Summer Enrichment Program VanCo School of Art Weld Library District ARTS Aunt Bea’s Pottery Painting Boys & Girls Clubs, Larimer County Canyon Concert Ballet Clothes Pony Contemporary Dance Academy CSU School of the Arts Dance Express Debut Theatre Company Explorati Teens Writer Boot Camp Expressive Arts Fire It Up Ceramics Flying Colors Art School Foodies! Culinary Academy Fort Collins Fort Collins Children’s Theatre Fort Collins Museum Fort Collins Museum of Art Front Range Classical Ballet Academy Greeley Museums Hands On Music Academy Harrington Arts Academy Inertia Dance JasCo Music Kindermusik by Priscilla la-de-da... Loveland Dance Academy Loveland Museum/Gallery Lyric Cinema Café Main Street Music MeTeggart Irish Dance Miramont Lifestyle Fitness Natural Piano Center Philomusica Piano & Guitar Institute Piano Center of the Rockies Rocky Mountain Music Center
Rocky Mountain Summer Music Camp Sera Schools Music Programs Studio West Dance Center Stylz Dance Studio UNC Jazz Camp Youth Orchestra of the Rockies ATHLETICS Air Force Sports Camps All Star Youth Sports American Dragon Martial Arts Arena Sports ATA Family Martial Arts Baton Twirling with the Golden Girls Big Thompson Tennis Academy Boys & Girls Clubs, Larimer County Camp Chief Ouray-YMCA of the Rockies Chippers Lanes City of Fort Collins Parks & Recreation Youth Team Sports City of Fort Collins Golf Courses Classic Lanes Collindale Golf Academy Colorado Cheer Academy Colorado Ice Indoor Football CSU Youth Sport Camps Dance Factory Eaton Country Club Edge Sports Center Edora Pool Ice Center Fort Collins Area Swim Team (FAST) Fort Collins Baseball Club, Inc. Fort Collins Club Fort Collins Girls Softball Club Fort Collins Hockey Club Fort Collins Soccer Club Fort Collins Youth Lacrosse Gargot Farms Riding Academy GK Gymnastics Greeley-Evans Youth League GRIT Athletics Havoc Girls Lacrosse Hearts & Horses Highland Meadows Golf Course Highland Park Lanes Horsetooth All-Star Cheerleading Inner Strength Rock Gym Inner Wave Pencak Silat Inspiration Riding Academy International Black Belt Academy Jumpin’ Karate West, Inc. Kids Night Out Loveland Lewis Tennis School Lobos Football Technique Camp Loveland Archery Exchange Loveland Dance Academy Matpac Wrestling Miramont Lifestyle Fitness Moore Martial Arts Mulberry Pool
New World Sports NoCo Ice Center Northern Colorado Shooting Stars All-Star Cheerleading Northern Colorado Baseball Camps Northern Colorado Orcas Northern Colorado Soccer Camps Northern Colorado Soccer Club Northern Colorado Youth Hockey Northside Aztlan Center Playmakers Practice Facility Premier Gymnastics Raintree Aerobic and Fitness Center Rocky Mountain Cheer & Dance Rocky Mountain Youth Sports Rollerland Roo Jumps Safe Routes to School Scott Downing’s Youth Football Camp Southridge Junior Golf Academy Sykes Family Martial Arts The Studio Thompson Soccer Assn. Trans Martial Arts Treetop Yoga Studio UNC Baseball Kids Camps UNC Football Camps UNC Men’s Basketball Camps UNC Tennis Camps UNC Volleyball Camps UNC Women’s Basketball Camps UNC Wrestling Camps UNC Volleyball Village Green Synchronized Swimming Team Vollitude Volleyball Club Vortex Swim Club Windsor Lacrosse Windsor Gymnastic Academy Windsor Parks & Recreation BEFORE /AFTER SCHOOL ABC Child Development Centers Bright School-Age Centers BASE Camp Blooming Girls Boys & Girls Clubs, Larimer County Bright Horizons Children’s Early Learning Centers Children’s Workshop Gardens on Spring Creek Girl Scouts of Colorado GK Gymnastics Healthy Kids Club-PVHS Hearts & Horses KinderCare Learning Centers Miramont Lifestyle Fitness Rivendell School Windmill Child Enrichment Center Young People’s Learning Centers
DAY CAMPS ABC Child Development Centers & Bright School-Age Centers Big Thompson Elementary Blue Mountain Riding Academy Centennial Village Museums Choice City Christian Camp City of Loveland Parks & Recreation Colorado Youth Outdoors CSU Environmental Learning Center CSU Youth Sport Camps Farm at Lee Martinez Park Gargot Farms Riding Academy Girl Scouts of Colorado Greeley Museums Hearts in Hand Child Dev. Center Heritage Christian Academy iD Tech Camps Impact, Inc./Teencamp KidzZone Day Camp Larimer Humane Society Lobos Football Technique Camp Miramont Lifestyle Fitness Mountain Kids Mustang Hollow Equestrian Center My Pursuit Church OD’s Sports Crossing Red Fiddle Dance Company Rivendell School Spring Creek School Striped Horse Day Camp Young People’s Learning Centers RESIDENTIAL CAMPS Camp Chief Ouray—YMCA of the Rockies Camp Sunrise Camp Timberline, Inc. Cheley Colorado Camps CSU Football Educo Frontiers of Science Institute Girl Scouts of Colorado iD Tech Camps Kent Mountain Adventure Center Larimer County Foster Care Program Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch CLUBS/ORGANIZATIONS Boy Scouts of America Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County Boys & Girls Club of Weld County Child Evangelism Fellowship CSU Environmental Learning Center Fort Collins Baseball Club, Inc. Fort Collins Soccer Club Fort Collins Youth Lacrosse Girl Scouts of Colorado Larimer Humane Society Latin Classes & Latin Club Team Fort Collins United Way 211
Program and Activity Guide 2015 Academics (AC), Arts (AR), Athletics (AT), Before School (BS), After School (AS), Day Camps (DC), Residential Camps (RC), Clubs/Organizations (CO)
A L P H A B E T I C A L 4-H Larimer County, 1525 Blue Spruce Dr., FC, 498-6000, www.larimer.org/ extension Weld County, 525 N. 15th Ave., GR 304-6535, www.weld4h.org Age group: 8-18 A community of young people who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. Fee. Category: CO ABC Child Development & Bright School-Age Centers 5000 11th St., GR Plus school-based locations in Greeley, Evans, Johnstown and Windsor 352-2222, www.abccdc.com Age group: 5-12 years old Provid-ing school-age activities in a school-age setting. Fee. Category: BS AS DC Adventure Child Development Center 5800 W 18th St., GR, 330-KIDS (5437) Age group: 6 weeks to 13 years Summer day camps, enrichment programs, childcare, and parties. Fee. Category: DC Air Force Sports Camps Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs (719) 333-2116 www.goairforcefalcons.com Age group: 8-18 years old Summer camps for boarders and commuters. Basketball, cheerleading, diving, fencing & golf. Fee. Category: AT All-Star Kids Games 2112 E. Harmony Rd., FC, 206-9600 www.mypursuitchurch.com Age group: 6-12 years All-Star Kids Games: week of sport or activity instruction and competition. Fee. Category: AT All Star Youth Sports 155 E. Boardwalk Dr., FC 855-500-ASYS (2797) www.allstaryouthsports.org Age group: 5-17 years old Non-contact flag football leagues for coeds. Games on Sundays and Mondays. Fee. Category: AT
ATA Family Martial Arts 2561 S. Shields, 3E, FC, 282-3737 910 E. Eisenhower, LV, 1000 S. Lincoln Ave., LV, 541-0958, www.atafma.com Age group: 4-adult Tae Kwon Do for ages 4-adult. Summer programs and camps. Fee. Category: AT
Boys & Girls Clubs of Weld County 2400 W. 4th St., GR, 2400 1st Ave., GR,100 Broad St., Milliken Galeton Elementary, Galeton 353-1278, www.bgcweld.org Age group: 6-18 years old Provides environment to help young people reach their full potential. Fee $5/year. Category: AS, CO
BASE Camp 1241 Riverside, FC, 266-1734 www.mybasecampkids.org Age group: 5-13 Before- and after-school program in many local elementary schools. Fee. Category: BS AS DC
Boy Scouts of America— Longs Peak Council 2215 23rd Ave., GR, 330-6305 5604 McWhinney Blvd, LV, 203-9530 www.longspeakbsa.org Age group: 1st grade-age 20 Serving scouting families in northern Colorado. Call today to join. Fee. Category: CO
Bee Family Centennial Farm Museum 4320 E. CR 58, FC, 482-9168 www.beefamilyfarm.org Age group: All History of northern Colorado agriculture, children’s activities, farm animals, more. Fee. Category: AC Big Thompson Elementary School of Science & Nature 7702 West Hwy 34, LV, 613-5600 www.bigthompsonelementary.org Age group: 1st-5th grade Summer programs Fee. Category: DC Blooming Girls 115 N. College Ave., Ste. 220, FC 207-4094, http://bloominggirlsco. com Age group: 5-12 years Instructor provides confidencebuilding classes for girls and workshops to build self-esteem. Free. Category; BS, AS Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County 1505 Brodie Ave., Estes Park 583-2361 1608 Lancer Dr., FC, 484-5198 2500 E. 1st St., LV, 663-5450 3815 W. Harrison, Wellington 568-7338 www.begreatlarimer.org Age group: 6-18 years old Provides environment to help young people reach their full potential. Fee $5/year. Category: AS CO
Bright Horizons 2815 Iowa Dr., FC, 484-4700 3513 Richmond Dr., FC, 229-0300 3507 Richmond Dr., FC, 206-9200 2420 W. 8th St., LV, 461-9802 www.brighthorizons.com Age group: 1st-5th grade Developmentally appropriate curriculums, certified teachers, state-ofthe-art facilities. Free. Category: AS BS Camp Chief Ouray—YMCA 1101 CR 53, PO Box 648, Granby 887-2648, www.campchiefouray.org Age group: 7-17 years old Camp Chief Ouray provides opportunities for growth in spirit, mind, and body. Fee. Category: RC Camp Invention Greeley 2101 47th Ave., GR, 800-968-4332 www.campinvention.org Age group: entering 1st-6th grade One week science and invention camp. Fee. Category: AC Camp Sunrise 100 Sunrise Ranch Rd., LV, 679-4200 www.sunriseranch.org Age group: 4-17 Outdoor adventure quests, sustainable agriculture—farm and garden, environmental education, earth stewardship. Fee. Category: RC
Camp Timberline, Inc. 1207 Longs Peak Rd., Estes Park 484-8462, www.camptimberline.com Age group: 7-18 years old Sports and mountain adventure camp at the foot of Longs Peak. Fee. Category: RC, AT Canyon Concert & Ballet Dance Center 1031 Connifer St., #3, FC, 472-4156, 4103 S. Mason, FC, 217-9262 www.ccballet.org Age group: Ages 3 years and up Creating and sharing the passion of dance through artistically enriching performance & education Fee. Category: AR Catalyst Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 1111 Diamond Valley Dr. #102, WS, 460-9112, www.catalystbjj.com Age group: 6 to adult An academy offering Jiu Jitsu, antibullying and self-defense techniques. Fee. Category: AT Centennial Village Museums 1475 A St., GR, 350-9220 www.greeleymuseums.com Age group: 6-12 years old Experience pioneer life with hands-on activities, games, crafts and more. Fee. Category: DC Cheley Colorado Camps 3960 Fish Creek Rd., Estes Park 970-586-4244, www.cheley.com Age group: 9-17 years old Hiking, horseback riding, camping, backpacking, rafting, mountain biking, sports, climbing, arts, crafts and more. Fee. Category: RC Chessmates FC, 581-2424, www.chessmatesfc.com Age group: K-9th grade Kids have fun, learn, and compete through chess. Fee. Category: CO Children’s Speech and Reading Center 1330 Oakridge Dr., Ste #10 419-0486, www.csrckids.org Age group: Up to age 12 Quality speech, language & literacy programs. Sliding scale. ASHA certified therapists. Nonprofit. Fee. Category: AC
Children’s Workshop Early Learning Center 2822 Silverplume Dr, FC, 226-5854 635 S. Grant Ave., FC, 221-1818 1900 Remington St., FC 224-4240 1425 Diana Dr., LV, 663-3146 4601 Sunview Dr., LV, 613-9424 www.childrens-workshop.com Age group: 5-12 Games, arts and crafts, field trips, fun; transportation provided. Fee. Category: BS, AS Chippers Lanes 830 N. College Ave., FC, 484-4777 217 W. Horsetooth Rd., FC, 226-6327 2454 8th St., GR, 353-4275 www.chipperslanes.com Age group: 6-14 years old Camps, junior bowling leagues, school fundraisers. Fee/Free. Category: AT, DC Choice City Christian Camp 3125 Conestoga Ct., FC, 310-6335, www.choicecitychristiancamp.com Age group: 5-12 years old Summer activities daycamp with daily field trips. Open 7am-6pm. Fee. Category: DC City of Fort Collins Golf Courses 221-6650, www.fcgov.com/golf Age group: 7-12 years old Annual introductory golf clinic for girls and boys. Fee. Category: AT
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City of Fort Collins Parks & Rec-reation Youth Team Sports 413 S. Bryan Ave., FC 221-6385 www.fcgov.com/sports Age group: 6 years old and up Tackle/flag/ultimate football, softball, volleyball, track, basketball. Fee. Category: AT City of Loveland Parks & Recreation 700 E. 4th St. LV, 962-2467 www.cityofloveland.org Age group: 6-12 years State-licensed camp, field trips, arts & crafts, swimming, science, drama, indoor and outdoor games. Fee. Category: DC City of Loveland Youth Sports Camps 700 E. 4th. St., LV, 962-2445 www.cityofloveland.org Age group: 5-18 Summer youth athletic sports camps. Fee. AT, DC
Clothes Pony and Dandelion Toys 111 N. College Ave., FC, 224-2866 www.clothespony.com Age group: Toddler to 10 years Sing-alongs and storytimes. Fee/Free. Category: AR Collindale Golf Academy 1441 E. Horsetooth Rd., FC, 223-4653 www.collindalegolfacademy.com Age group: 5-17 years PGA professional supervised junior golf camps, clinics and instruction. Fee. Category: AT Colorado Cheer Academy 105 W. Prospect Rd., FC, 305-0170 www.coloradocheeracademy.com Age group: Under 5-18 years Excellent cheer program, complete athlete performance program, fitness training and conditioning. Fee. Category: AT Colorado Ice Indoor Football 218 Smokey St., FC 472-0128, www.thecoloradoice.com Age group: Kindergarten and up Cheerleading hosted by Icicle cheerleaders; football hosted by Ice players & coaches. Fee. Category: AT Colorado Youth Outdoors 209 E. 4th St., LV, 663-0800, www.coloradoyo.org Age group: families Camping skills, archery and shooting sports. Fee. Category: AS Contemporary Dance Academy 2531 S. Shields St., #2A, FC, 232-9539 www.contemporarydanceacademy.com Age Group: 2-18 years Ballet, jazz, lyrical. Fee. Category: AR CSU Center for the Arts 1400 Remington St., FC, 491-2787 www.csuschoolofthearts.com Age group: children and youth Over 90 music, theatre, dance, visual arts performances and exhibitions each semester. Fee. Category: AR CSU Early Childhood Center 223 S. Shields St., FC, 491-7082 www.ecc.colorstate.edu Age group: 6 weeks to 6 years Quality care and educational experiences. Fee. Category: AC, DC
CSU Environmental Learning Center 3745 E. Prospect Rd., FC 491-1661, www.csuelc.org Age group: K-12th grades Educational programs, nature center, trails. Camps. Open to public. Fee. Category: DC CO CSU Volleyball Camps CSU campus, FC, 213-1830 www.csuvolleyballcamps.com Age group: 4th-8th grades Beginner to advanced youth players. Instruction from CSU coaches and elite staff. Fee. Category: AT, DC CSU Women’s Basketball Camps CSU Campus, FC, 491-6232 www.csurams.com/camps/csucamps-w-baskbl.html Age group: 4th-8th grades High-energy camp for girls looking to become better players. Fee. Category: AT, DC CSU Youth Sport Camps 201-A Moby B Complex, FC, 491-6318 www.hes.cahs.colostate.edu/YSC/ Age group: 1st-8th grades A day camp that promotes the benefits of physical activity for youth in the community. Fee. Category: AT DC Dance Express 633 S. College Ave., Ste. H, FC, 493-2113 www.fortnet.org/danceexp/ Age group: 5 and up Modern dance troupe for persons with and without disabilities. Fee. Category: AR CO Dance Factory 2956 W. 29th St. #19, GR 506-9040 www.dancefactorylb.com Age group: 3-18 years old Classes in tap, jazz, ballet, hip-hop and pom. Fee. Category: AT Debut Theatre Company 827 Riverside Ave., FC, 224-5774 www.debuttheatre.org Age group: 6-17 years old Northern Colorado’s only year-round, nonprofit, hands-on youth acting school/performing troupes. Fee. Category: AR Discovery Montessori 225 E. Skyway Dr., FC, 223-2445 www.discoverymontessori.net Age group: 2 years-6th grade
Calm classrooms, onsite horsemanship, French, music, computers, art. Fee. Category: AC AR AS BS DC Eaton Country Club 37661 WCR 39, Eaton, 454-2479 www.eatoncountryclub.com Age group: 5-18 years old Weekly play and lessons for ages 9-17. Beginner lessons ages 5-8. Fee. Category: AT Edge Sports Center 4450 Denrose Ct., FC, 472-0048 www.edgesportscenter.com Age group: all ages Providing a friendly environment for practice, instruction, and league play for turf-based sports. Fee. Category: AT Edora Pool Ice Center 1801 Riverside Ave., FC, 221-6683 www.fcgov.com/recreation/epic.php Age group: 6 months and up Ice Skating lessons, swimming. Fee. Category: AT Educo Adventure Camp 494-0785, www.educoadventures.org Age group: 10-17 years old Adventurers that challenge kids to become leaders and gain confidence. Fee & free. Category: AS RC Farm at Lee Martinez Park 600 N. Sherwood St., FC, 221-6665 www.fcgov.com/recreation Age group: age 6 and up Summer and spring-break camps. Fee. Category: DC Flying Colors Art School 1800 E. Prospect Rd., FC, 416-7486 www.flyingcolorsartschool.com Age group: 5-12 Summer art adventure camps. Multimedia, multicultural themes. Fabulous indoor and outdoor projects. Fee. Category: AR, DC FoCo Spartans Jr. Roller Derby 324 S. Link Lane, FC, 231-8007 http://spartanbabes.weebly.com/ Age group: 7-17 Fun, athletic, contact team sport for girls. Fee. Category: AT foodies! Culinary Academy 4206 S. College Ave., #108, FC 226-2665. www.foodiescca.com Age group: 3-adult Culinary classes, Spring/summer camps, workshops, TOP Chef birthday bash parties. Fee. Category: AR
CCA offers Preschool classes, intro to cheer and tumbling as well as tumbling classes for levels 1-5. Our limited travel and all star teams still have a few spots left...
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PRACTICE UNIFORM some restrictions apply, please call for details
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Fort Collins Area Swim Team (FAST) FC, 372-2744 www.fortcollinsareaswimteam.org Age group: K-12th grade Year-round competitive swimming! Call for free trial week. All abilities. Fee. Category: AT
Fort Collins Soccer Club 2721 S. College Ave., Ste. 10, FC 226-4253, www.soccerfortcollins.org Age group: 4-18 years old Recreational and competitive soccer for boys and girls. Age-appropriate camps. Fee. Category: AT, CO, DC
Fort Collins Baseball Club 211 S. Bryan Ave., FC, 484-3368 www.fortcollinsbaseballclub.org Age groups: 5-24 years old Recreational and competitive baseball club for boys and girls. Fee. Category: AT CO
Fort Collins Stars Girls Softball Club FC, 672-9797, www.fcstars.org Age group: 6-15 years old Girls recreational softball fun, player development. All abilities welcome. Competitive fall tryouts. Fee. Category: AT
Fort Collins Children’s Theatre FC, 498-4110 www.fortcollinschildrenstheatre.org Age group: 5-adult Theatre for ages 5 and up. Summer workshop for 10-14 years. Fall production cast 12 & up. Free. Category: AR, DC, AS
Fort Collins Vipers Lacrosse 231-4054, www.fclax.com Age group: 4th-8th grade Competitive and recreational leagues, camps and clinics. Fee. Category: AT CO
Fort Collins Club 1307 E. Prospect Rd., FC. 224-2582 www.fortcollinsclub.net Age group: 5-12 years After-school and summer youth day camps—swimming, climbing wall, XRKADE. Free. Categories: AT, AS, DC Fort Collins Judo Club 2415 E. Mulberry St., FC, Unit 11, 232-8016, www.fcjudo.com Age group: 6 and up A dojo with the objective to teach traditional and competitive judo. Fee. Category: AT, CO Fort Collins Museum of Discovery 408 Mason Ct., FC 221-6738, www.fcmod.org Age group: 1st-6th grade Exciting events, classes, programs. Fee & Free. Category: AR Fort Collins Museum of Art 201 S. College Ave., FC 482-2787, www.ftcma.org Age group: Elementary-Adult A museum-based art school for all ages and abilities. Fee. Category: AR Fort Collins Pencak Silat 4103 S. Mason St., FC, 817-4266 www.fortcollinssilat.com Age group: 5 and up Kungfu for kids and families. Training benefit for life. Fee. Category: AT
Front Range Classical Ballet Academy 2709 Ringneck Dr., FC 980-8425, www.frcba.com Age group: 4 years to adult Creative movement through preprofessional ballet. Russian-based syllabus. Fee. Category: AR Frontiers of Science Institute UNC, 501 20th St., GR 351-2976, http://mast.unco.edu/fsi Age group: Apply in 10th & 11th grade 6-week summer residential science immersion program at UNC for juniors and seniors. Fee. Category: RC Garbage Garage Education Center 5887 S. Taft Hill Rd., FC, 498-5770 www.larimer.org/solidwaste/GG/ GarGar.htm Age group: K-12th grade Displays and interactive exhibits relating to reducing, reusing, recycling, landfills and household hazardous waste. Free. Category: AC Gardens on Spring Creek 2145 S. Centre Ave., FC, 416-2486 www.fcgov.com/gardens Age group: 2 years and up Experience nature. Fun events, ongoing programs, and camps all with horticulture themes. Free. Category: BS AS
Loveland Recreation Department
Preschool Open House January 22nd 1-3pm
A high-quality, state-licensed program that focuses on critical thinking, Kindergarten readiness, discovery and social-emotional-physical development.
Registration for 2015-2016 school year begins February 5!
Recreation Center Amazing Athletes Ballet, Tap, & Zumba Gymnastics Preschool Science and Art
Creating an atmosphere of stimulation, opportunity, and discovery by providing a balance of play-based activities and small group, structured lessons. We provide social/emotional, cognitive, and physical development by implementing curriculum based on the CO Early Learning and Developmental Guidelines.
Art & Pottery Classes for All ages
T/Th Preschool Class for 3 year olds (9:30-11:30am ONLY)
Martial Arts
M/W/F Pre-K Classes for 4-5 year olds (9-11:30am OR 12:30-3pm)
LEGO Engineering Camps
“Lunch Bunch” class for registered Pre-K students: 1 hour before or after your child’s Pre-K class for lunch and an array of gross motor, physical activity!
Wide range of Youth Sports
970-962-2458 • 700 E 4th Street • Loveland www.cityof loveland.org
Visit us on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube
Gargot Farms Riding Academy 3833 W. CR 8, Berthoud, 443-5467 www.gargotfarms.com Age group: 6-14 Indoor arena, 50 acres; English, individual, group, camps; equineassisted psychotherapy, sports psychology. Fee. Category: AT Girl Scouts of Colorado 855-726-4726 www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org Age group: 6-17 years old Summer camp open to all girls. Fee. CO, AS
g 2015 in r p S s t’ u b e D able!
Now Avail le u d e h c S s s Cla
827 Riverside Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.debuttheatre.org • debut@frii.com • 970-224-5774
Greeley Youth Sports UNC, West Campus Fields, GR 350-9401 www.greeleygov.com/rec Age group: 8-14 years old Fee. Category: AT, DC GRIT Athletics Livermore, 219-6214 www.gritathletics.com Age group: 5-18 years Wrestling, running and rodeo training for kids ages 5-18 years. Fee. Category: AT
GK Gymnastics 2026 Lowe St., FC, 226-0306 www.gk-gymnastics.com Age group: 5-adult Price includes weekly bowling, skating, karate, gymnastics, movie, trampoline, conditioning and open swimming. Fee. Category: AT AS DC
Hands On Music Academy 2856 Sitting Bull Way, FC, 207-9111 www.facebook.com/pages/ Hands-On-Music-AcademyLLC/162392463778765 Age group: 4 and older Explore piano, guitar, voice, drums, bass composing, recording, team bands, Bach-Rock. Fee. Category: AR
Global Village Museum of Arts and Culture 200 W. Mountain Ave., FC, 221-4600 www.globalvillagemuseum.org Age group: youth and adults Art collections and activities to promote international understanding. Fee. Category: AC
Harrington Arts Academy 575 N. Denver Ave., LV, 568-8370 www.harringtonartsacademy.com Age group: all ages Creative expression for all: acting, singing, dancing, drawing, songwriting, mainstage productions. Fee. Category: AR
Golden Girls Baton Academy 534 W. 66th St., LV 631-4842, www.batonacademy.com Age group: 4-16 years old Twirling, dancing, drilling, parades, festivals, shows. Improve coordination, poise, self-esteem, discipline. Fee. Category: AT, AS
Haunted Game Cafe 3307 S. College Ave., FC, 402-2466 www.hauntedgamecafe.com Age group: 10+ years Family board game fun. Open games. Free. Category: AC
Greeley-Evans Youth League 6501 W. 20th St., GR, 339-8286 www.geyl.org Age group: Varies Recreational and competitive baseball and softball league for boys and girls. Fee. Category: AT, CO Greeley Museums Several locations throughout Greeley, 970-350-9220 Centennial Village Museum Store, 970-350-9224 Hazel E. Johnson Research Center, 970-336-4187 www.greeleymuseums.com Age group: 6-12 years old Hands-on activities for youth. Fee. Category: DC
Havoc Girls Lacrosse Northern Colorado, www.havoclacrosse.org Age group: 8-13 years old Northern Colorado girls lacrosse organization. Winter and spring seasons. Fee. Category: AT Healthy Kids Club, University of Colorado Health 1024 S. Lemay Ave., FC, 495-7511 www.pvhs.org/healthykidsclub Age group: Preschool-6th grade Provides health and safety education, after-school programs and special events. Free. Category: BS AS
AFA SPORTS CAMPS On the Campus of the U.S. Air Force Academy June 8-24 Boarder ages 12-18 Commuter ages 8-18
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GoAirForceFalcons.com/camps AFA Sports Camps Questions call:
(719) 333-2116 @AFASportsCamps
facebook.com/afasportscamps YOUTH PROGRAM & ACTIVITY GUIDE
Hearts & Horses 163 N. CR 29, LV, 663-4200 www.heartsandhorses.org Age group: 2 and up Therapeutic riding program for children with physical, cognitive, or emotional challenges. Fee. Category: AS Hearts in Hand Child Development Center 2464 Marquette St., FC, 223-1245 www.heartsinhandschool.com Age group: 5-12 years old Private kindergarten; summer camp. Fee. Category: AC BS AS DC Heritage Christian Academy 2506 Zurich Dr., FC, 494-1022 www.heritagechristian.info Age group: Pre-K-12th grade Heritage Summer Learning Studio offers learning opportunities in a Christian-centered environment. Fee. Category: DC
CSU Early Childhood Center (ECC) • Serving children ages 6 weeks to 6 years • NAEYC accredited • Reggio Emilia inspired philosophy • Professional, educated and experienced staff • Low adult-child ratios • Laboratory school for CSU students interested in careers in early childhood • Serving CSU Faculty/Staff, CSU Students and the Fort Collins community Join us for our next Prospective Parent Information Session on February 5, 2014 from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Call the ECC at 970-491-7082 to reserve your spot at the information session.
CSU Early Childhood Center 223 South Shields Street | Fort Collins ecc.colostate.edu | 970-491-7082
iD Programming Academy Held at University of Denver & more, 888-709-8324 www.idprogrammingacademy.com Age group: 13-18 Two-week, pre-college, intensive summer programs in programming, app development, robotics and more. Fee. Category: AC, RC iD Tech Camps Held at University of Denver, Colorado State University & more 888-709-8324, www.idtech.com Age group: 7-17 Create apps, video games, programs, movies, & more. Week-long, day, and overnight programs. Fee. Category: AC, DC, RC ideas happen here 402 N. College Ave., FC, 227-3356 www.ideashappenhere.com Art classes at FC Museum of Art. Fee. Category: DC
Highland Meadows Golf Course 6300 Highland Meadows Pkwy., WS, 204-4653, www.highlandmeadows.com Age group: 7-14 years old Weeklong Junior Golf camps for beginner and intermediate golfers. Fee. Category: DC
Impact Dance Academy 1031 Conifer St., FC, 231-0844 www.impactdancecompany.com Age group: 11-15 years old Full-time age-appropriate activities for 11- to 15-year-olds. Fee. Category: DC
Highland Park Lanes 1900 59th Ave., GR, 330-2695 www.highlandparklanes.com Age group: 4-18 years old Winter Junior Bowling League. Fee. Category: AT
Inner Strength Rock Gym 3713 S. Mason St., FC, 282-8118 www.innerstrengthrock.com Age group: 6-14 years old Climbing classes for 6-8 and 9-14 years. All abilities welcome. Fee. Category: AT, DC
High Plains Library District 2650 W. 29th St., GR, 506-8560 Centennial Park Branch Library 2227 23rd Ave., GR, 506-8600 Farr Regional Library 1939 61st Ave., GR, 506-8500 Lincoln Park Branch Library 919 7th St. Ste. 100, GR, 506-8460 www.mylibrary.us Age group: all ages A community of libraries offering programs and materials for all ages. Free. Category: AC iD Game Design & Development Academy Held at University of Denver & more, 888-709-8324 www.idgamedevacademy.com Age group: 13-18 Two-week, pre-college, intensive summer programs in game design, development, programming, & 3D modeling. Fee. Category: AC, RC
Inspiration Riding Academy FC, Pierce, 402-2536 www.inspirationridingacademy.com Age group: 5 to adult Teaching hunter jumper lessons. Pony club. Lesson horses available. Fee. Category: AT International Blackbelt Academy 1833 E. Harmony Rd., FC, #5 204-9977, 3091 W. 29th St., GR, 330-5425, www.internationalblack beltacademy.com Age group: age 4 and up Karate for kids and families. Fee. Category: AT JasCo Music sixstring_slinger@yahoo.com Age group: age 10 and up Guitar instruction emphasizing solid technique and music theory. Fee. Category: AR
Jumpin’ 6055 Sky Pond Dr., Ste. P100, LV 776-9756, www.jumpinfun.com Age group: 3-10 years A kids inflatable play place. Fee. Category: AT Karate West, Inc. 3725 S. Mason St., FC, 223-5566 www.karatewestinc.com Age group: age 4 and up Martial Arts programs for peewees (4-7 years), kids (8-12 years), teens, and adults. Fee. Category: AT Kent Mountain Adventure Center 170 Elm Road, EP, 586-5990 www.kmaconline.com Age group: 9-17 years old Rock climbing camps, wilderness courses, mountain biking, canyoneering, school groups, families. Fee. Category: RC Kids Night Out Loveland Chilson Recreation Center, 700 E. 4th St., LV, 308-0439, www.kidsniteout.org Age group: 8-14 years Disco, gym, contests, fun, supervised youth program Saturday nights. Fee. Category: DC KinderCare Learning Centers Centers in FC, LV, GR www.kindercare.com Age group: infant-12 years old Before- & after-school programs; enrichment programs. Fee. Category: AC BS AS Larimer County Foster Care Program 200 W. Oak St., FC, 498-7000 www.larimer.org/fostercare Age group: 0-18 Foster care is a supportive service to children/families who must live apart due to abuse/neglect. Free. Category: RC Larimer Humane Society 6317 Kyle Ave., FC, 226-3647 www.larimerhumane.org Age group: 8-12 years Spring Break: Kid Care Spring Camp. Fee. Category: DC Learning Rx 1100 Haxton Dr., Ste. 105, FC, 6722030, www.learningrx.com/fort-collins Age group: all ages Make learning quicker, easier and more fun by training your brain. Fee. AC
Lewis Tennis School 2201 S. Shields St., FC, 493-7000 www.Lewistennis.com Age group: K-12th grade Thirty-eight years directing tennis programs, professionally run instruction, tournaments, leagues. Fee. Category: AT
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Lincoln Center 417 W. Magnolia St., FC, 221-6735 www.lctix.com Age group: all ages Live family-friendly performances to introduce children to arts and culture. Fee. Category: AR Little Bears Child Care 1247 Riverside Ave., FC, 472-1984, 2251 Hampshire Rd., FC, 484-3932, www.littlebearschildcare.com Age group: 6 weeks to 8 years Core knowledge emphasis, Spanish and sign language included. Fee. Category: AC AS BS DC Lobos Football Technique Camp c/o Rocky Mountain High School 1300 W. Swallow, FC, 488-7023 Age group: 7-13 years old Noncontact football technique. Camp led by Rocky Mountain Football program. Fee. Category: AT DC Lone Pine Classical School www.lonepineclassical.com Age group: 3rd-12th grade Latin and Greek classes for homeschoolers. Fee/Free. Category: AC AS BS CO Loveland Archery Exchange 907 N. VanBuren Ave., LV, 667-2934 www.lovelandarcheryexchange.com Age group: 9 and older Learn patience and focus. Have fun. Individual instruction and Saturday morning shoots. Fee. Category: AT Loveland Dance Academy 440 N. Lincoln Ave., LV, 667-2091 www.dancedream3.com Instruction in ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, modern, combo, and lyrical. Fee. Category: AR Loveland Laser Tag Fun Center 401 Denver Ave., LV, 663-9999 www.laserfuncenter.com 7 years and above Laser tag, laser maze, climbing wall, parties, group events and more. Fee. Category: AT
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Loveland Museum/Gallery 503 N. Lincoln Ave., LV, 962-2410 www.cityofloveland.org Age group: 1st-9th grade After-school arts classes, summer and spring break workshops. Fee. Category: AR Loveland Sports Camp LV, 980-1994 www.lovelandsportscamp.com Age group: 6-12 years Weekly camps providing kids a funfilled summer of sports and activities. Fee. Category: AT, DC Loveland Swim Club LV, 203-1374 www.lovelandswimclub.com Age group: 3 years through college Learn-to-swim and competitive swimming programs for athletes ages 3 through college. Fee. Category: AT Loveland Youth Gardeners 306 N. Washington Ave., LV, 669-7182 www.lovelandyouthgardeners.org Age group: 5-21 Cultivates skills, stewardship and service in young people through sustainable gardening and healthy living practices. Fee/free. Category: BS, CO Lyric Cinema Café 300 E. Mountain Ave., FC 493-0893 www.lyriccinemacafe.com Age Group: 4-18 years Morning cartoons Mon.-Sat., kids matinees on PSD no-school days. Free. Category: AR Main Street Music Academy 609 Main St., WS, 674-0052 www.mainstreetmusicacademy.com Age group: Varies Molding musicians since 1988. Private lessons and summer camps. Fee. Category: AR Matpac Wrestling Windsor High, 1100 Main St., WS, 218-1056, www.matpacwrestling.com Age group: K-12th grade Fall preseason program for wrestlers with heart and desire to be great. Fee. Category: AT McTeggart Irish Dancers 1200 S. College Ave., FC, 663-0282 www.mcteggart.com Boys and girls perform year round. Fee. Category: AT
Miramont Lifestyle Fitness 901 Oakridge Drive, FC, 970-282-1000 1800 Heath Pkwy., FC, 970-221-5000 2211 S. College Ave., FC, 970-225-2233 3755 Precision Drive, Ste., 100, LV 970-744-5005 www.miramontlifestyle.com Age group: 5-18 years old Safe, fun and active after-school programs, day camp, no-school daycamp, swim lessons & more. Fee. Category: BA DC Moore Martial Arts 514 Main St, WS, 686-1247 www.mooremartialarts.com Age group: Varies Teaching true self-defense with a combination of Anshinkai-do Karate and Kosho Ryu Kempo. Fee. Category: AT Mothers’ Center of Fort Collins www.motherscenterfc.org Age group: all ages Nonprofit outreach organization with programs for mothers and children. Fee and free. Category: CO Mountain Kids 419 E. Stuart St., FC, 482-3118 www.mountain-kids.com Age group: 5-18 years old Gymnastics, dance, swimming, preschool, summer day camp, afterschool transportation and care. Fee. Category: AC AS AT BS DC Mountain Sage Community School 2310 E. Prospect Rd., Ste. A, FC, 568-5456, www.mountain sagecommunityschool.org Age group: K-8 grades A K-8 charter school inspired by Waldorf education and sustainable living. Free. Category: AC Mulberry Pool 424 W. Mulberry St., FC, 221-6657 www.fcgov.com/recreation Age group: 6 months and up Swim lessons. Fee. Category: AT My Heroes 701 S. Overland Tr., FC, 678-984-7774 www.myheroestherapy.com Age group: k-12 grade Hippotherapy services for special-needs riders. Fee. Category: AR
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NoCo Ice Center 7900 S. CR 5, WS 206-4423, www.ncyh.org Age group: age 4-adult Hockey and skating for youth and adult. Serving Loveland, Windsor, Greeley and Fort Collins. Fee. Category: AT Northern Colorado Orcas WS, 282-5150, www.orcassynchro.org Age group: 7-17 Synchronized swimming is for anyone who likes music, dance, and swimming. Fee. Category: AT
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NFL Flag Football & Cheerleading 155 E. Boardwalk Dr., #550, FC 855-500-2797, www.playnflflagco.com Age group: 5-17 years Registration includes official NFL jersey, mouth piece and flags. Fee. Category: AT Northern Colorado Elite 4103 S. Mason St., FC, 282-9890 www.epscheer.com Age group: K-12th grade All-star competitive cheer (3 levels), Recreational Cheer, tumbling. Fee. Category: AT
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New World Sports 119 E. Mountain St., FC 224-5857 www.newworldsportsllc.com Age group: 8 to 18 years Guided biking, hiking and rafting tours. Fee. Category: AT DC
Northern Colorado Soccer Club 3527 West 12th St., Ste. 105, GR, 351-6255 www.northerncoloradosoccer.org Age group: 5-14 (indoor) Age group: 9-18 (outdoor) Promotes passion for soccer that is fun and positive for all participants Fee. Category: AT Northern Colorado Youth Hockey 7900 S. CR 5, WS 206-4423, www.ncyh.org Age group: 5-18 years old USA hockey. Competitive and rec teams with clinics and summer programs. Fee. Category: AT Northside Aztlan Community Center 112 E. Willow St., FC 221-6256, www.fcgov.com/recreation Age group: Age 6 and up Activities, classes, programs, sports, camps. Fee. Category: Category: AT
Partners Mentoring Youth P.O. Box 484, EP, 577-9348 500 S. College Ave., Unit 1, FC 484-7123 710 11th Ave., GR, 378-6501 www.partnersmentoringyouth.org Age group: 7-17 Creates and supports a one-to-one mentoring relationship between adult role models and youth facing challenges in their personal, social and/or academic lives. Free. Category: CO Philomusica 2105 S. College Ave., FC,419-8801 www.philomusica.com Age group: 1-12 years Music classes; instrumental lessons; innovative approach to group, prepiano, guitar lessons. Fee. Category: AR DC Piano & Guitar Institute 2925 S. College Ave., #8, FC, 206-4930 1295 Main St. #3, WS, 686-9660 www.PianoInstituteLLC.com Age group: school-aged Students will be exposed to a variety of musical genres. Fee. Category: AR DC Piano Center of the Rockies 2721 S. College Ave., #5A, FC, 282-9171 www.pianocenteroftherockies.com Age group: All ages Specializing in piano classes for kids, teens, adults and retirees. Fee. Category: AR Poudre River Public Library District Council Tree Library, 2733 Council Tree Ave., Ste. 200, FC, 221-6740 Harmony Library, 4616 S. Shields St. FC, 221-6740 Old Town Library , 201 Peterson St., FC, 221-6740 Webster House Administration Center 301 E. Olive St., FC, 221-6740 www.poudrelibraries.org Age group: all ages Programs to encourage literacy, curiosity, and imagination for children, teens and adults. Free. Category: AC, AR Premier Gymnastics of the Rockies 1410 E. 11th St., LV, 663-3173 www.premiergymnastics.net Age group: Varies Recreational and competitive programs. Private lessons, open gym and special-needs. Summer camps. Fee. Category: AT
Spring Tennis g n i t i c x E Sign Up Now for Spring
Qdoba Events Center 218 Smokey St., FC 282-1112, www.ods-sports.com Age group: 8-13 years old Six-week high intensity inline hockey camps. Soccer-TBD, Lacrosse-TBD. Fee. Category: DC Raintree Athletic Club 2555 S. Shields St., FC, 490-1300 www.raintreeathleticclub.com Age group: 5-17 years old Swim lessons. Fee. Category: AT Ripple Effect Martial Arts 2948 Council Tree Ave., #137, FC, 282-3714 www.rippleeffectmartialarts.com Age group: 5-12 years High-energy summer and year-round martial arts program. Fee. Category: AT Rivendell School 1800 E. Prospect Rd., FC, 493-9052 www.rivendell-school.org Age group: Pre-K-6th grade Summer day camp sessions for age 6-12. Fun learning, hands-on activities, play. Fee. Category: BS AS DC Rocky Mountain Archery 4518 Innovation Dr., FC, 226-5900 www.rockymountainarcheryfc.com Age group: 6+ Indoor archery range offering equipment and lessons for all skill levels. Fee. Category: AT Rocky Mountain Cheer & Dance 148 SW 2nd St., LV, 669-0762 www.rmcdcrockets.com Age group: 18 mos-18 years old Recreational and competitive cheer, tumbling and dance. Fee. Category: AT Rocky Mountain Summer Music Camp at CSU Colorado State University, FC, 491-1584 www.bands.colostate.edu/camp/ Age group: 7th to 12th grade Camp for band, orchestra, vocal studies, jazz, percussion with worldclass instruction. Fee. Category: AR Rocky Mountain Youth Sports 3307 S. College Ave., #200-1, FC 631-9310, www.RMYouthSports.com Age group: k-12th grade Basketball teams and camps. Fee. Category: AT
Rocky Ridge Music Center 465 Longs Peak Rd., EP, 586-4031 www.rockyridge.org Age group: 10-22 years old Classical music camp for all ages. Fee. Category: AR RollerLand Skate Center 324 S. Link Lane, FC, 482-0497 www.rollerlandskatecenter.com Age group: K-12th grade School fundraisers, birthday parties, school-break skates, private parties, live music! Fee. Category: AS Roo Jumps Inflatable Party Rentals 3946 Carson Ave., Evans, 622-0055 Age group: All ages www.roojumps.com Inflatibles play areas for events. Fee. Category: AT Safe Routes to School 281 N. College Ave., FC, 416-2357 www.fcgov.com/saferoutes Age group: K-8th grade Kids and parents walking and biking to school for good grades and good health. Free. Category: AC, AT Science Toy Magic 11 Old Town Square, FC, 484-2377 Age group: 5+ years Boomerang lessons. First Sundays March through September. Boomerangs provided. Free. Category: AC Sera Schools Music Programs FC, 343-0819, www.seraschools.com Private, semi-private, and group instruction on piano, guitar, violin, and voice. Fee. Category: AT Southridge Junior Golf Academy 5750 S. Lemay Ave., FC 416-2828, www.golfsouthridge.com Age group: 5-16 years Beginner and intermediate golf classes. Fee. Category: AT Speech & Language Stimulation 317 N. Meldrum St., FC, 495-1150 www.speech-language-voice.com Age group: all ages Specializing in language programs, articulation, literacy, social-pragmatic language, vocal-cord issues, more. Fee. Category: AC
Spring Creek School 1900 Remington St., FC, 224-4240 www.springcreekschool.com Age group: 1-12 years old Kindergarten, before- and after-school, summer camps. Fee. Category: AS BS DC Studio West Dance Center 216 W Horsetooth Rd., Ste. B, FC 225-1611, 645 N. Denver Ave., LV, 970-663-3133, www.swdcfc.com Age group: 3-17 Summer dance day camps & workshops. Fee. Catagory: AR DC
Sunshine House Four area locations, 800-551-1561 www.sunshinehouse.com Age group: Infant through school-age After-school and summer camp, part/ full-time available. Fee. Category: DC, AS
Spring Classes
Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch 2939 N. CR 31D, LV 667-3915 www.sylvandale.com Age group: 6-18 years Old-fashioned family camp, ranch adventures, trail rides, hay rides, camp fires. Fee. Category: DC, RC
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Team Fort Collins 201 S. College Ave., FC, 224-9931 www.teamfortcollins.org Age group: K-12th grade Promotes healthy lifestyles for all ages to prevent drug and alcohol abuse. Free. Category: CO The Learning House 3533 Riva Ridge Dr., FC 266-0844 www.thelearninghouse.org Age group: 4-8 years old Four-day science camps filled with experiments, exploring and enthusiasm. Fee. Category. AC, DC The Reading Clinic 800 N. Garfield Ave., LV 667-3190 www.lovelandreadingclinic.com Age group: k-adult Individualized instruction in reading, writing, study skills and math. Fee. Category: AC
The Studio 217 E. 4th St., LV, 669-5155 3307 S. College Ave., FC, 223-8155 www.thestudioco.com Age group: 4-18 years All-in-one camps, dance intensives, rock-star camps, and summer classes. Fee. Category: AR, DC Tomora Training Center 11000 U.S. Hwy. 34, GR 330-6552 www.tomoratrainingcenter.com Equestrian training, lessons, clinics and events revolve mostly around dressage. Fee. Categories: AC T.R. Paul Academy of Arts & Knowledge 4512 McMurry Dr., FC, 226-2800 www.tpaak.org Age group: Preschool-8th grade Free public Mosaica charter school with a fine-arts focus. Fee. Categories: AC Tutor Doctor 416-7777, www.tutoringnoco.com Age group: school age One-on-one, in-home personalized tutoring. Fee. Category: AC UNC Baseball Kids Camps UNC, Jackson Field, GR, 351-1203 www.bearsbaseballcamps.com Camp includes defense, hitting, baserunning instruction. Live games & competition. Fee. Category: AT, DC UNC Football Camps UNC Butler-Hancock Fields, GR 351-1875, www.unccamps.com Age group: varies Several camps held throughout the summer. Please visit website for more information. Fee. Category: AT, DC UNC Jazz Camp UNC, 501 20th St., GR 351-2394 www.uncjazz.com Age group: middle school – college Jazz skills and theory camp. Students will work with nationally respected faculty. Fee. Category: AR, DC, RC
UNC Las Chicas de Matematicas UNC Mathematical Sciences, Ross 2240A, GR, 351-2425 www.unco.edu/nhs/mathsci/ mathcamp/ Age group: 14-18 years Free 1-week math camp for incoming high school girls. Free. Category: AC, RC UNC Leadership Enrichment Program UNC, 501 20th St., GR 351-2683 www.unco.edu/cebs/sep Age group: 11th-12th grades Motivating and challenging; gifted, talented and creative; high-ability learners. Fee. Category: AC, RC UNC Men’s Basketball Camps UNC Butler-Hancock Ctr., GR 351-1191, www.unccamps.com Age group: varies Offering several camps (skill & team) in June. Visit website for more information. Fee. Category: AT, DC, RC UNC Soccer Camps UNC, Jackson Soccer Stadium, GR, 351-256 www.unco.edu/summerconf Age group: 2nd-8th grade Soccer skills day camp for boys & girls. Fee. Category: AT, DC UNC Summer Enrichment Program UNC, 501 20th St., GR, 351-2683 www.unco.edu/Sep Age group: 5th-10th grades, 4-9 year olds Enrichment program for high-ability learners entering 5th-10th grades. Fee. Category: AC, RC UNC Tennis Camps UNC Tennis Courts, GR www.unccamps.com Age group: varies Offering several camp options. Visit website for more information. Fee. Category: AT, DC UNC Volleyball Camps UNC Butler-Hancock Ctr., GR 351-2998, www.uncvolleyballcamps. com Age group: 4th-12th grade Offers multiple camps in July, overnight/ day and team camps. Visit website. Fee. Category: AT, DC, RC
UNC Women’s Basketball Camps UNC Butler-Hancock Ctr., GR 351-1713 www.jaimewhitebasketballcamps.com Age group: 1st-12th grades Offering several camps in June. Visit website for more information. Fee. Category: AT, DC, RC UNC Wrestling Camps UNC, Butler Hancock Ctr., GR 351-1832 www.northerncoloradowrestling.com Age group: 7-18 years old Wrestling skills camps held in late July. Visit website for more information. Fee. Category: AT, DC, RC UNC Young Child Summer Enrichment Program UNC, 501 20th St., GR, 351-2683 www.unco.edu/Sep Age group: 4-9 years old Children’s enrichment program for high-ability learners. Fee. Category: AC, DC Up In Lights Productions LV, 292-8682, www.UILProductions.com Age group: 6-16 years Musical theatre training summer camps, singing, dancing, acting, final performance. Fee. AR, AS, DC VanCo School of Art 204 Maple St., Ste. 105., FC, 430-5113, www.vancoschool.blogspot.com Age group: 5 to 11 years old Offers classical training for artists with a passion to learn and create. Fee. Category: AR Village Green Pool 1831 Valley Forge Ave., FC, 493-2099 www.vgpool.com Age group: 0-18 years Swimming, diving, wading pool, swim teams, swim lessons, tennis. Friendly neighborhood community. Fee. Category: AT Village Green Synchronized Swimming Team 1831 Valley Forge Ave., FC, 493-2099 www.vgsynchro.com Age group: 6-18 years old Fun, teamwork, exercise for girls in a safe, supportive environment. Fee. Category: AT
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Vollitude Volleyball Club Northern Colorado, 690-3441 www.vollitudevbc.com Age group: ages 12-18 Offering opportunity for players to play at the club level in northern Colorado. Fee. Category: AT
Windsor Gymnastics Academy 687 Academy Court, WS, 686-6175 www.windsorgymnastics academy.com Age group: 5-13 years Summer day camp, fun activities. Fee. Category: DC
YMCA of the Rockies 2515 Tunnel Rd., EP, 888-613-9622 www.ymcarockies.org Age group: all ages For youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Fee. Category: DC, RC
Vortex Swim Club 481-6640, www.Teamvortex.org Age group: 5-18 Developmental and competitive program for beginning and advanced swimmers. Fun environment. Fee. Category: AT
Windsor Lacrosse 7025 Eastman Park Dr., WS 576-9694 www.windsorcolax.com Age group: 2nd-12th grade Basic lacrosse skills and skill development. Fee. Category: DC, AT
Young People’s Learning Centers 209 E. Plum St., FC, 482-1212 405 Mathews St., FC, 482-6264 1015 E. Elm St., Milliken, 587-7722 www.youngpeopleslc.com Age group: K-Junior High Fun and teen camps. Fee. Category: DC AS BS
Windmill Child Enrichment Center 1215 Automation Dr., WS, 674-0004, www.windmillcec.com Age group: 5-12 years Fun, safe summer camp for schoolage children. Fee. Category: BS, AS, DC
Youth Orchestra of the Rockies FC, 310-7998 www.cochamberorchestra.org/ youth-orchestra-of-the-rockies Age group: 7-18 years old Challenges young musicians to strive for excellence. Concerts held in November. Fee. Category: AR
Windsor Parks & Recreation 250 N. 11th St., WS, 674-3500 www.windsorgov.com Age group: 8-12 years Programs & activities for families. Fee. Category: AT
LIST OF ADVERTISERS P RO GR A M 36 Academy of Natural Therapy 47 Adventure Child Development Center 20 Adventure Dental, Vision & Orthodontics 33 Air Force Academy Sports Camps 39 ATA Family Martial Arts 46 Big Grins 13 Braces U Orthodontics 7 Camp Timberline 3 Canyon Concert Dance Center 2 Choice City Christian Camp 20 City of Fort Collins Christmas Tree Recycling 4 City of Fort Collins Gardens on Spring Creek 15 City of Fort Collins Traffic 23 Clothes Pony & Dandelion Toys 29 Collindale Golf Academy 29 Colorado Cheer Academy 34 Columbine Health Systems 30 Connections 34 CSU Early Childhood Center 5 CSU Summer Music-Theatre Program 3 David Way, DDS, MS, Orthodontist 5 Debut Theater Company
48 Dellenbach Subaru 40 Dental Connections 17 Educo Adventure Camp 5 Family Balance Yoga 21 First United Methodist Co-op Preschool 30 FoCo Spartan Babes Junior Roller Derby 28 Fort Collins Baseball Club 31 Fort Collins Museum of Discovery 27 Fort Collins Soccer Club 25 Fort Fun 43 Gargot Farms Riding Academy 9 Global Village Academy 11 Greeley-Evans Youth League 15 Greeley Recreation Center 26 High Plains Library District 28 iD Tech Camps, Academics & Online 30 Inner Strength Rock Gym 4 Inspiration Riding Academy 42 Karate West 38 Knowledge Bound 11 Larimer County Garbage Garage 11 Larimer Health Connect 32 Learning House
40 Lewis Tennis School 37 Lincoln Center 3 Loveland Classical School 2 Mark Crane, DDS 2 Mountain Kids 5 Mountain Sage Community School 3 North Beach Dental 43 Once Upon a Child 26 Pediatric Dentistry of the Rockies 6 Premier Gymnastics of the Rockies 6 Resurrection Christian School 8 RJ’s Amazing Entertainment 4 Saint Joseph Catholic School 31 Small Fries Preschool Program 15 Studio West Dance Center 25 Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning Center 42 The Studio 41 T.R. Paul Academy of Arts & Knowledge 27 UNC Extended Campus 8 Weld County Tobacco-Free 36 Weld Family Clinic of Chiropractic 19 Youth Clinic
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2015 SCHOOL CALENDARS Special Dates, School Holidays, School Not in Session
GREELEY-EVANS SCHOOL DISTRICT 6 Jan. 19 Feb. 6 Feb. 16 Mar. 27 Mar. 30-Apr. 3 May 20 May 22-23
K-12, no school, Martin Luther King Jr. Day K-12, no school for students K-12 no school, President’s Day K-12, no school for students Spring break Last day of school for students High school graduations
POUDRE SCHOOL DISTRICT Jan. 5 Jan. 19 Feb. 16 Mar. 13 Mar. 16-20 Apr. 10 Apr. 13 May 15 May 21-23 May 25 May 29
No school for students, teacher work day K-12 students off, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day K-12 students off, collaboration day K-5 students off, teacher work day Spring break K-12 students off, parent-teacher conference day K-8 students off, collaboration day K-8 students off, teacher work day High school graduations Memorial Day K-12, Last Day of Classes, Half Day
THOMPSON SCHOOL DISTRICT Jan. 5 Jan. 19 Jan. 20 Feb. 16 Feb. 25 Mar. 13 Mar. 19 Mar. 20 Apr. 6-10 Apr. 20 May 20 May 22 May 23 May 25 May 29
No school, teacher work day K-12 no school, Martin Luther King Jr. Day No school—professional day K-12 students off, Presidents Day No school, teacher work day No school, teacher work day No school, parent-teacher conferences No school, teacher exchange day Spring break No school, teacher exchange day 12, last day of school No school—professional day High School Graduation Memorial Day K-11, last day of school, half day
WINDSOR SCHOOL DISTRICT Jan. 6 Jan. 19 Feb. 2 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Mar. 27 Mar. 30-Apr.3 Apr. 27 May 21 May 22 May 24
No school, teacher work day K-12 No school, Martin Luther King Jr. Day K-5 No school—professional day K-12 No school, conference staff day K-12 No school, Presidents Day K-12 No school, professional day No school, Spring break K-5 No school, professional day K-12, last day of school No school—teacher work day High school graduation
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