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For the benefit of our community
Earth day challenge, homelessness, mental health, bullying, board openings
The Earth Day Challenge is an online competition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and win prizes! Through April 30, participants earn points to win prizes such sustainable gifts or gift cards and every household that earns 5,000 points will be entered into the drawing for the Grand Prize of one year of free curbside composting or $200 in grocery store gift cards. This year, the goal is to remove 1,500 tons of CO2 collectively! Learn more about prizes and how the challenge works at fcgov.com/ earthdaychallenge, and consider an easy way to start earning points is to sign up for a free home efficiency assessment through Larimer County (see below.)
Larimer County Conservation Corps performs home efficiency assessments as a free service to Fort Collins Utilities and Loveland Water and Power customers. Corps members also educate residents about water and energy efficiency practices and services as well retro-fit water-conserving shower heads and faucet aerators, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, clotheslines, light bulbs, furnace air filters, and highefficiency toilets based on residents’ needs. Learn more and schedule your assessment online at www.larimer.org/ ewd/lccc/energy.
After a nearly two-year hiatus, the Greeley Recreation Center reopened their final facility amenity–the indoor climbing wall–which is the only public climbing wall in Greeley. Bouldering is offered Monday through Friday from 6am until 8pm and Saturday from 8am until 2pm while top rope with climbing staff is available Monday and Wednesday from 4pm until 8pm plus the first and third Saturdays of the month from 10am until 2pm. Visit greeleyrec.com for more information.
Resource Central is once again offering “waterwise gardening made easy with professionally designed, perennial kits including starters plants, plant-bynumber maps and seasonal plant care information.” These garden-in-a-box kits are available for ordering now with pickup in May/June across the Front Range including Fort Collins, Greeley and Loveland. Plus select water providers offer a limited number of $25 discounts! Learn more and order before they are sold out at www. resourcecentral.org/gardens/shop.
Look to CSU Extension for more gardening resources including free webinars on topics such as vegetable varieties, trees, irrigation, beneficial insects and much more. The events are scheduled through December and registration is required. Visit CSUHort. blogspot.com for details and to register.
Imagine Zero of Larimer County welcomes parents to this month’s interactive community conversation, “Connect with Intention around Mental Health,” to discuss what is going well around mental and emotional wellbeing and suicide prevention across the lifespan in Larimer, identify gaps, and come up with creative solutions. This free event happens Tuesday, April 12 from 8:30am until 3:30pm at The Ranch, South Exhibition Hall, 5280 Arena Circle in Loveland, and will include a large group training, breakout sessions, and time for networking and collaboration between
agencies and individuals. Learn more and register at https://connectwithintention. eventbrite.com.
In February, Greeley officials hosted community conversations on homelessness and housing alternatives and a video was released to the community of the in-person meeting. In March, city officials asked residents to watch the video and complete a survey to provide their feedback, which will then be combined into the next round of community conversations tentatively scheduled for April 13 and 14. To learn more about the city’s efforts to address homelessness and housing options and to stay informed about future the conversations this month, visit greeleygov.com/ homelessandhousingservices.
Apply by April 21 for Larimer County Boards and Commissions openings where you could serve an important role in making recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on a variety of important matters including Environmental and Science topics; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; Open Lands; Parks; Workforce Development, and many more. View the 19 Boards with 81 openings at www.larimer.org/ spotlights/2022 and apply online at www.larimer.org/boards. New members begin their term on July 1.

Looking for used books at great prices? Friends of the Loveland Library will host their spring sale this month at The Ranch Events Complex, McKee Building at 5280 Arena Circle in Loveland. The public is invited to visit on Saturday, April 23 from 10am until 4pm. Additional hours are available for members. Visit www.friendsofthelovelandlibrary.org for details.
In Fort Collins, another Friends of the Library Sale is set for Friday through Sunday, April 22–24 at the Harmony Library, 4616 S. Shields Street. Hours are Friday from 9am to 6pm, Saturday from 9am to 5pm and Sunday from noon to 4pm. Learn more at www.prfol.org.

According to the Larimer County Office on Aging, “Bullying is acting in ways that scare or harm another person…Bullying can take many forms, including: Physical harm, such as hitting, shoving, or tripping; emotional harm, such as making fun of the way a child acts, looks, or talks. Writing mean things about someone in emails or online journals (blogs) is also bullying.” If your child(ren) experience bullying behavior or exhibit signs of bullying others, Larimer County has resources to help. Visit https:// larimer.co.networkofcare.org/aging/ library/article.aspx?hwid=uf4870. Topics include: What is bullying; characteristics of children who bully/ who are bullied; how to discourage bullying; how adults can help; and the role of schools in bullying.